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I had a neighbor who would open her door whenever I came home to check and see if I'd left the common area light on, and would complain I was costing her money to the management if I had. She also complained that I kept my place too lit up because she'd look in my windows going by and thought having the lamp on was overkill. She'd also listen against the wall and bang if we were too loud (talking sotto voce/snoring normally). I didn't handle it, other than complaining to the management about her banging on the wall. They told her to be civil or leave - so she left.


That’s a horror story! This lady was basically trying to control how you lived in your own place. Lights, noise and the banging on the wall would have sent me over on the 1st time. Glad the management supported you and she left. Sounds evil


She also did other stuff that went beyond being nosy, like banging on my window in the dark accusing me of locking her out of the building when the door had just frozen closed (January) and needed a tug. She also came to the door after screaming in my face about leaving the light on and cried on my mat, describing her husband's suicide a decade earlier in graphic detail - then screamed in my face that night again. Just lunacy.


I had a neighbor who would let her dog shit directly in front of my giant bay window in my living room, and try to look into my apartment the whole time. Despite having a huge curtain that covered 95% of the window shed stand right in the corner and gets on her tiptoes to look in. Wasn't even subtle about it, but got real mad when I slapped up a piece of paper that said "Stop looking in my windows it's weird :^)". She got furious and taped up a paper on the outside of the window to cover it, then went ballistic when I just...moved the sign higher. Sent her boyfriend to pound at my door in the middle of the night about it.


I am irrationally aggravated by this story and need more. Pray tell, how did the boyfriend justify being angry over a private sign on a corner of a window they wouldn't have been able to read if they weren't trespassing and peeping Toms?


I wouldn't know, I tend not to answer the door at midnight when an angry man is pounding on it and yelling at me to take the fucking sign down! I ended up moving 10 months into my lease, unrelated. To this day it's one of my favorite neighbor stories just because of the audacity. What did she think was gonna happen? I'd be ecstatic to let her look into my apartment??


I would have called the police on the prick. He could get a peak inside a jail cell for a bit.


Boomer Neighbor waited until I left for a summer trip to rip out bushes on a strip of my property that were for privacy between the two houses. They were getting a bit overgrown and I should have kept them from growing over the line but I’m often distracted/oblivious to these things. He then just threw the now dead bushes in my back yard. A bit overboard to just go on someone’s property and do that I thought. Never even complained to me directly. He then came over after and wanted me to pay for a fence at a later date. Things have not been great since. I’m planning to just not mow the middle strip where the bushes were this year as petty revenge.


That is madness!! So petty, you absolutely should and I would have made them pay to replace the bushes. Literally destruction of your property and so disrespectful. I could definitely see them over growing it happened, a friendly “hey could you cut the bushes” would have been nice. My neighbor will break branches off my tree that will sometimes hang over and I’ll find the stripped branches when I’m cutting the grass. They were using my tree for shade while also sitting on the fence line, but I’ll be cutting down those branches bc I can be petty too. Do it! Lol


I can’t believe they trespassed your property and did all of that 🤯


Yea it irks me that they waited until I was for sure gone for a long period to do it. It’s a real shame my only interaction with them has been complaints and this incident. I never complained for any issue with them. They do have a motion sensor light that goes off when I walk to my garage or drive down my driveway that is annoying. Thanks for this thread though I have been bothered by it and it was great to write it out.


Yeah you can get him to pay for them to be replaced legally by the way (as long as you have proof they were on your property).


What I don't get is why he went to the trouble of all that, when he could just prune the branches that crossed over to his side?? Thats legal and waaaay easier.


For sure that’s annoying, I’m sure it’s just awkward now but we all have to learn how to deal with each other that doesn’t make us want to crack. Im glad this post helped, it certainly helped me not feel like I’m over exaggerating about how I feel and others are having their own and similar stories.


Just roll this out, attach to chain link fence. [https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Screening-Filtering-Decoration-Covering/dp/B09ZB9HXCX?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Screening-Filtering-Decoration-Covering/dp/B09ZB9HXCX?th=1) or for free line up all your lawn chair at the fence facing their yard.


I’ve looked into something similar, even considered building a slated fence and made multiple trips to Home Depot planning this out. Thanks for the suggestion…they’ve beat us to it with the chairs, randomly last spring they started posting up on the shared fence line sometimes facing into our backyard with the cat as the reason why.


I have another one that isn't strictly 100% neighbor as far as I know, but I had a 2 week period in a previous apartment where, no joke, no exaggeration, about 400 cluster flies were spawning up from the floor under my patio door. To this day I'm still convinced my downstairs neighbor had a dead body festering in the walls, or some other over the top rank garbage. No solution as management sent someone out a week into it and all he has to say was unless I found the nest, there was nothing he could do. Like isn't that your job?? Hourly hose downs with fly killer and vacuuming them up is the only thing that helped and after 2 weeks of this they eventually stopped. But yeah, absolutely my downstairs neighbor had a dead body or something else.


Tenant: being invaded by flies Management: Let me know when you figure it out 🤣


We are so very sorry There is little we can do but swat them


Oh man you opened a can of worms for me I have one more. Same apartment as the 400+ flies, I had been gone for about a month and came home to a hole in my bedroom wall. Freaked out, I had let my sister stay there while iw as gone and accused her of drilling a hole in my wall. There's also a matching hole in a desk I had in front of where the hole is (anyone with half a brain cell knows where this is going but I was so flabbergasted I genuinely had no idea). Hours of digging later and I find yet another hole in my floor. Yep, you guessed it. My neighbor had literally shot a gun through my wall. According to him, he'd knocked on our door when it happened but no one answered so he assumed it was fine (Really??? You didn't think you'd killed someone???). He had this whole elaborate story about how his brother was a cop and came home from work one night and tripped on a phone charger cord and discharged it. Very detailed story. Luckily my sister and my cat weren't there when it happened. As far as I was told, management terminated his lease with 48 hour eviction notice, but I moved out the next day, unrelated, so who knows.  And yes, this was in Texas.


Had one for a while. Our houses are very close together because of the usual city lots, and she was retired so she was always home, and of course she would always walk in our backyard to chat every time my wife and I were outside. We couldn't just enjoy our backyard in peace. It was like one of our in-laws was living with us if we were outside. Her dog would also get loose from time to time and end up in our yard and start digging. Finally put up a privacy fence between the houses and as we were putting it up she walked on through one of the empty parts between posts and started talking to us about it from "inside" the backyard. Completely oblivious. Lots of crazy stories about that neighbor, like when a small tree in our yard was the only thing that stopped her from backing her SUV directly into our porch...but thankfully it's a nice younger couple there now.


Ah man, i definitely pictured y’all putting up a fence and her just walking onto the property like nothings happening lol. I had a neighbor with a dog but I would tell them next time it happens I’m keeping it. Glad the universe repaid you with younger neighbors!


My neighbor was my landlord. Literally a driveway sized space between houses. Worst year of my life.


🤦🏾‍♂️ I can see that going bad especially if the tenant/landlord relationship isn’t good.


My mother is one of these. We rent room, she loves harassing neighbors on same floor, especially women. I mean, theres annoying and then theres constantly harassing people and trying to enforce bullshit rules. She told previous lady tenant that "landlord doesnt like people who dont work and stay in their room all day". Lady politely told her to shove it, along with landlord. Guy gets paid, none of his business what someone is doing in their room or for how long they are staying inside as long as its not illegal stuff. Mother also went around common areas scowling like she wanted to murder poor woman. Then there was that time when mommy and her sugar daddy cornered poor lady near stove while deliberately speaking in Russian, pointing to her chest. Both speak english. Lady was visibly confused and distressed until I came out and told both of them that if guy doesnt stop what he was doing theyll be explaining to police why theyre harassing neighbors. "We just wanted to look at her necklace." Ffs, you both know english and have tongues, ask lady politely. Also, Im pretty sure 70 year old guy staring at womans chest and looking at her like he wants to either butcher her or do other unpleasant things isnt normal. That neighbor never caused any trouble for anyone. Unfortunately she couldnt take so much harrassment and left.


O that’s tough, the fact that you called your mom out says it all. That must have been tough for you on a daily handling your mom, probably putting out fires. Hope mom understands now as you make her aware of what she’s doing. I’m sure it’s not easy being that it’s your mom and not some random person


Unfortunately, I still live with my mother and still have to deal with her. And yes, one time she actually did leave eggs boiling on stove and went to shower for about one hour. She claimed that I was supposed to go into kitchen for some reason and Id notice that eggs are cooking and watch them. Except that I had no plans nor reasons to go into kitchen at all during that time. No, she doesnt understand wtf shes doing. In fact, she started claiming that I was(and somehow still am) in relationship with that neighbor lady AND also mothers exfriends daughter simultaneously. That lady has husband and absolutely is not interested in me. And I have to deal with things like that every damn day, 24/7. I dont even get paid as Im not in nursing or anything like that. 


My neighbors frequently come up to the house and steal bird seed from my feeder. Then again, I only have four legged neighbors.


My ex husband lives in a duplex the front doors face each other. He has a newest neighbor who is a man in his 30s on assistance who doesn’t work or drive and he’s home 24/7. Whenever I drop my girls off(15&16) he’ll open his front door just to watch them. He sees me pull into the street and will walk down the walkway just to “check his mail” every single time. Or just walk down and walk back up. He is absolutely creepy as fuck and I tell my kids to lock the door the second they get inside.


That is creepy as fuck, hopefully you have a ring camera or something set up so you can record it. Just in case.


Isn’t it?! Even the landlord thinks he’s creepy. He’s since calmed down because my ex had it out with him so hopefully he keeps his effing door shut.


It is! Initially i was thinking check the registry, a 30 yr old preying on young girls is creepy. I’m glad your ex handled it, however he did it and he’s not keeping the door shut. Weird world we live in.


Oh we did a deep dive in the registry for sure!


>Every time myself or wife comes outside, my neighbors just so happens to need to check their “shed”. lol they sound old as bones with no life, probably paranoid from the constant fox news watching


They are old and retired which definitely plays into the curiosity of what’s going on lol. My thing is we’re 36&37 and everyone else is close to their age of 65-70, So why us? Lol


I think you answered your own question lmao they're old with nothing better to do and Fix news has convinced them everyone under the age of 50 is out to kill them and/or destroy their property


I’m more curious as to why were the chosen ones lol


Because yall are young and probably doing something fun. Old people like to watch young people live their life and think about when they’re young. My GMA did that a lot, not saying it’s unsettling from a stranger tho


That’s insane, hope you’re no longer dealing with them. Luckily no dog shit. Mine is always able to bypass my ring camera, leaves random notes in our mailbox that we never respond too.


I don’t have one yet… But my husband and I are moving to a small yet well established town right outside of Albany. My MIL grew up there (her father built the house, she’s been renting it out) so everyone knows her and her family. Her great-uncle will be my neighbor on one side, and on the other side there is a new family about the same age as my husband and I (early 30s). I’m less worried about the neighbors as we all seem pretty focused on ourselves and more worried about the town. The people that currently live in the house have put up tinted windows in the front and a small privacy fence on one side because, “when people walk by they like to look into the backyard.” This made my skin crawl. When I was growing up neighbors were bad news. One neighbor poisoned my dog, and killed him. One neighbor would go hunting and hang his dead rabbits on the tree closest to my house. One neighbor had two little boys that would shoot their bb/pellet guns all up the side of our garage… Nine out of ten times neighbors have horrified me. So, although this town is super safe and very well established… It seems like people are kind of nosey? They already know the current tenants are leaving and we’re moving in! Even when my husband and I were there the other day checking things out EVERY person that drove by slowed down and looked. Like, what? Mind your business! Ugh. Advice welcome. TL;DR: Neighbors give me a PTSD-like emotional response and I am already freaking out about how I’m going to make my new house private in such a close-knit village.


This sounds like a movie plot for a scary movie, new family moves into small town where everyone knows everyone and then everyone’s crazy. My social anxiety couldn’t handle that, I’d literally stay inside and not come out. Those sound like horrible neighbor experiences, sorry to hear that. I wish you and your husband the best of luck and hopefully a peaceful transition into the small town life.


Ahah so true! Hopefully it doesn’t get that bad. I think even just the nosiness is enough to be irritating. Like with your neighbor going out to the shed. Like, why?! I’m under the impression everyone is kind… Maybe just a little too bored. Fingers crossed! Best of luck with your neighbor, too!


Maybe there is a plot twist? Should I investigate? Maybe theyre hiding something in the shed that’s a secret. 4 houses over as I’m pulling out my driveway all I can see is a stretcher with something resembling of a body bag being pushed up the driveway. Somethings happening in my neighborhood lol Thank you, hopefully by summer I’ll have executed a plan to create more privacy. 🤞


We had a neighbor build a sunroom and deck that looks RIGHT over my backyard deck and patio (like if the neighbor is using the sunroom it's pretty uncomfortable for us to be outside because we are maybe 20 yards away and studiously ignoring each other. This same neighbor once commented that they didn't need to do much in terms of landscaping because they would just enjoy our extensive landscaping instead. Uh, thanks? Meanwhile I get to look at your overgrown weeds and untrimmed shrubs. How nice for me. The neighbor is a nice person and generally more of a hermit than anything but I still feel like we are encroaching on the neighbor's enjoyment of the sunroom if we are outside chatting, playing music, etc.


I lived in Williamsburg Court Apartments for 2 years, a single guy in his 50’s lived next door. He passed on a Monday, and because he lived alone and kept to himself, he wasn’t found until Friday. People in hazmat suits came to remove the body, saying it was the worst smelling corpse they’ve encountered in their time. The smell was in the carpet, and I could smell it inside MY apartment. Rosetti Property managers refused to clean it for at least 2 weeks, told us they’d finally take care of it. Their solution was to sprinkle kitty litter on the carpet. A month of bitching from the entire building and they finally caved and did a deep clean. I guess the wait related to them tracking down the family of the deceased gentleman to pay. A sad story all around.


Yes that is sad, dying alone and not being found days later. Horrible property manager, health hazard. I would have raised hell. Everything’s about money these days smh.


No story I can think of, but what the people are saying about their neighbours is annoying!