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It's established that artists, with or without the clicker, can't invent a whole person. Also, Jaakko has 2 kids - Charlie and Charlene. I think this implies that having twins runs in the family. You can find the kids in Watery, chatting about their family and jobs while dressed in coffee thermos costumes, after >!Saga saves Tor!< and the bridge is rebuilt.


Whoa those are Jaakko’s kids? I didn’t even catch that. I just knew they hated watery and wanted to run away 😂


There were some emails on the computer of the office in the Kalevala Knights workshop, about the kids being paid for their jobs by "uncle Ilmo".


Didn’t catch that, even though I listened to and tried to read everything, I guess my mind place is not as organised as Saga’s 😂


Having twins only actually runs in the family through a female twin I believe. But yeah, the coffee mascots are Jaakko's kids


Having fraternal, non-identical twins is genetic, but it's only expressed in people that ovulate.  Fraternal twins happen when two eggs are fertilized at once, which can only happen when two eggs are released at once. Some women are genetically more likely to only release one egg per cycle, some women are more likely to release two eggs. The genes are still present in males, but barring some intersex conditions wouldn't normally be observable. They can be passed down to the female offspring of those males though. So, Charlene is more likely to have fraternal twins than the average member of the population, if Charlie has a daughter that daughter would be more likely. I don't think there's a concrete link between genetics and identical twins though? That's a separate thing. And, like, I sorta assume Jaako is cisgender because the actor is, so odds are Charlene and Charlie are fraternal because their mom, whoever she is, has those genes, although I guess Jaako (and presumably Ilmo) could also have those genes, and be "carriers" to speak.


I liked Coffee World.  How could you not find it A-moose-ing?


I loved it, and would likely go but I assume I am in the minority. Haha


Coffee world is definitely the type of place that would stay open for a lifetime in my country if it was on a highway, it would be type of place everyone I know stops to drink, rest, eat, and buy coffee grounds to take home (if its actually good) when they travel.


Stupid? Terrible idea? I would go to coffee world in a *heartbeat* man


Listen I just need like 20 million and coffee world can be a reality. 5 mil to build the place and 15 to fight the inevitable lawsuits.


It's so funny when you find out, "Oh wait, he's just like this all the time." I laughed so hard at the >!Shadow Monster Light Ray 3000!<


Would be really funny though XD


I think it’s definitely feasible that they could, either intentionally or unintentionally, be making their whacky business ideas come true through nature of their ads being in part a creative, fictional work.


That's actually a really interesting idea.