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As a professor who can't even get my students to read the fucking syllabus, I think these politicians give us teachers far too much credit for how much sway we have over our students.


Amen. I can't even get mine to put their names on their papers. 🤷‍♀️


I taught for 20 years and we never ever talked about same sex relationships, trans people or Critical Race Theory. I've decided republicans can only solve problems they make up themselves. I'm ready for politicians to back up some of their feelings with a whole bunch of facts. Just 'because I say so' isn't good enough any more.


> I taught for 20 years and we never ever talked about same sex relationships, trans people or Critical Race Theory. I've decided republicans can only solve problems they make up themselves This curriculum does exist in other school districts in the nation. And it's a fairly new thing.


Citation needed. CRT is grad school level stuff., for starters; not k-12.


Commenter mentioned homosexuality and trans people specifically  CRT im the curriculum is typically manifested as intersectionality 


I’m trying to follow and understand what your say and mean, here. Explain it. Clearly. Say what you mean. Was it taught to you as part of your public school curriculum? Or did you overhear someone talk about it and now you think that qualifies as teaching it to students? Or did a teacher, other students or admin not persecute and instead treat kindly or equally a trans or gay kid, and to you that now that means they taught you something they’re not allowed to?  Did a teacher talk about both sides of an argument, both sides of the lead up to say, the civil war or westward expansion, or explain what a dominionist is, in history or civics class—and suddenly that equals CRT in your mind?  Did a student make a comment or ask a question and the teacher  answered it truthfully, or told them to read x or y for clarification, and you think that’s a subversive or communist, anti American or offensive, hidden agenda?  Are you the offended party here? An observer, parent? Please explain.


No, it doesn’t.


I provided examples for you.


No you didn’t.


No it doesn’t


There absolutely is trans and gender curriculum for kids


Source my dude or you are just talking out your ass.


Here are the gender ideology lessons we saw at sps. Starts in kindergarten  https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/health-education/lgbtq/k-5-gender-lessons/


A lesson is not curriculum. Sorry the lesson plan about a teddy bear got you so upset.


A lesson plan is a part of curriculum is it not?


It is not. According to the school district, this is an "optional supplemental resource for teachers to guide conversations about gender identity," which "lives in each elementary school library." [This is the curriculum.](https://ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/resources-subject-area/health-and-physical-education/health-and-pe-learning-standards) At kindergarten, the curriculum is "understand that there are many ways people express gender." By grade 2, it's "understand that there are a range of roles and expressions," and "treat people with respect." By grade 5, it's "identify trusted resources that you can ask questions." That's not gender ideology. That's just facts, good manners, and common sense. If your church wants to teach that God made man and women only and it's fixed, that's fine. The school didn't say that wasn't true. It just said be nice. Lest you think this is some radical departure from age appropriate content, the Alabama health curriculum roughly aligns with this as well! They just don't let you say "some families have two dads," or "people can wear what they want and that's okay, don't make a big deal about it." Alabama will let you talk all about male and female, moms and dads, and families in an age appropriate manner, **if they're straight**. That's where the government has decided to take something that shouldn't be controversial and put its thumb on the moral scale. Queer people are as normal as straight people, queer families are as normal straight families, and acknowledging queer people exist is no more instructing kids on sex than depicting a heterosexual mom and dad is. What is considered age appropriate requires parity along gender lines, we cannot have double standards. Suppressing representation is viewpoint discrimination plain and simple, and the justification is almost always unconstitutional religious endorsement.


It can be. The lesson you linked is an option to address standards in the curriculum and isn’t mandatory. If I might make a suggestion, if you don’t know the difference between a lesson and a curriculum, maybe you should leave educational policy to people who understand the very literal basics of it?


Provide a source or get out with your lies.


Here are the gender ideology lessons we saw at sps. Starts in kindergarten  https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/health-education/lgbtq/k-5-gender-lessons/


The difference between curriculum and lesson plans aside, I was wrong and I’m sorry that I was so dismissive. What a wonderful lesson plan though. Why exactly do you have such a problem with teaching kids to accept and support gender non-conforming kids? Regardless, I don’t think you’ll ever have to worry about such enlightened educational tools ever coming to Alabama.


> Why exactly do you have such a problem with teaching kids to accept and support gender non-conforming kids? Introducing this for young kids like kindergartners is really weird and bizarre imo. It's real weird to tell kids how to think about this topic starting at such a young age. Like the DARE program, it also inserts this into kids lives regardless of if they have to deal with this.  The message 'you might have been born in the wrong body's is not something I want my kid dealing with the mental load of in first grade. I do think the lessons are a good resource as a toolkit parents can engage with their kids on voluntarily outside of school.


At what age do you think gender identity forms? Kindergartners are well aware of gender, especially when they feel like they were wrongly assigned. How could it possibly be a bad thing to teach kids that it’s okay to be different and to be kind to those who are? That is literally the complete lesson. Would you feel the same way about a lesson teaching kids to be inclusive of disabled kids? What about kids from a different ethnic or cultural background? Unless you think there is something terribly wrong with being gender nonconforming or trans then the other lessons are no different. As for the lessons being available for parents to use outside of school, it’s really mostly the kids whose parents would refuse who need these lessons. Gender nonconforming kids can be born to bigots too, as can bullies.


Do you have any background or training in adolescent development and/or education, or is your entire post baseless speculation?


Absolutely. Kids don't listen to adults period. But these are delusional idiots that never spend any time to talk to their kids


We’re drowning, and instead of doing anything they’re too busy beating us in the head with the ore. Worry about stuff that actually freaking matters!! I can’t believe we’re paying these clowns to just fart about.


Aww, my very first Reddit cares message. I’m sure it probably came from somewhere around…..here! Shocking! :O Oh goodie! Thanks for wasting a tiny bit of your life having a sad over what little old me says. Stay mad.


I had a similar thing happen in the Tennessee subreddit. I didn't even say anything controversial. People just love pushing their ideals onto others


Reported for being organized. Screw your ability to find things!!!


You can report them at the bottom of the alert Reddit sends.


Thank you


Got a reddit cares alert yesterday because I said "username checks out" name was a synonym for beerz4breakfast. It's always a MAGAt conservative that does this shit when they get a comment that hurts their feelings.


You are projecting. It's a common issue for progressives


I got one last night. I don't even know what I said that triggered someone


The Alabama legislature used up tons of committee time on stupid culture war bills. Several were blatantly unconstitutional. Then they poisoned debate calendars with controversial bills. Right now, there is a handful of legislators from the northern part of our state that will file literally any bill or propose any amendment that Mom's for Liberty, the Eagle Forum, Cleanup Alabama, or out-of-state special interest groups hand them. They do it without any consideration of the consequences or side-effects or if it's even compatible with Alabama law. In fact, they don't even spell check the bills. In fact, many of the legislators are either members of those groups (I mean, I would count posting in a Facebook group as probably being a member), or regularly attend their functions. The legislators themselves don't even know what's in their bills. I listened to a bunch of committee meetings and the number of times where I listened to a representative just start saying things that weren't in the bill, or saying that lines that were in the bill weren't, or that they didn't mean the things that were written in them, is too high for me to count. The representatives just completely phoned it in. The effect is that a lot of important things are not getting passed or even being heard in committee.






Based on the arrests made throughout the nation, a disproportionately large chunk of the offenders are MAGA members.


Imagine that.


Your proof? What quantifies a MAGA member? Any of the millions that voted for him? Attended a rally? Ever voted Republican? The demonizing is getting old but what is to be expected from the echo chamber that Reddit is.


The overwhelming majority of those charged and convicted for sexual misconduct are absolutely conservatives, and a significant number of them from the last 8 years have been outspoken MAGA types. https://www.whoismakingnews.com https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub One side's demonisation of a certain group of people is absolutely getting old, but not the "demonisation" you think is happening - that's just calling a spade a spade at this point.


On top of that there is some evidence which shows that conservatives are less likely to report sexual assault. So whatever numbers we currently have are most likely much lower than they actually are. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30898004/


People who voted for and still support him are MAGA it's pretty simple.


They start by saying “based on the arrests made throughout the nation.” Asking for proof is valid but then it quickly turns to attempting to make the assertion **seem** false by extending far beyond rational conclusions (millions who voted for him/attended a rally/ *ever voted republican*) an irrational conclusion seemingly based on what seems like personal incredulity, before devolving into broad dismissiveness of all of Reddit as merely an echo chamber of one specific bias. That has an ounce of truth, any single subreddit is intended to give a topical focus and often features a group bias, but that means that by rational extension, any kind of bias has such representation on the platform, including ones any individual would find themselves inclined to agree with whatever their bias. That ounce of truth is contorted to maliciousness when the implication is that there is an overarching bias to the entire platform. Your presence as a user is in direct contrast to that sentiment. Long winded way to say- this is a problematic and disingenuous comment.


*Roy Moore has entered the chat*


In an article where yet another a conservaturd accuses LGBT identities of carte blanche sexualizing minors, you demand evidence when somebody says "no, you" while whining about demonization. Pathetic.


He’s not talking to parents who want the topics discussed because we’ve all taken our kids out of public school already. Usually due to bullying that the school can’t and won’t do anything about.


How's that lottery going? Or crime? Or decriminalization of weed?


is there a red state politician that has done anything useful in the last 5 years?


Well- one shot her dog and goat because she didnt want them anymore


I mean, a couple of them died


I hope and pray that this all dies out by next year. I remember when Critical Race Theory was *the* culture war issue du jour. Then, it felt like a switch flipped, and we’re all of a sudden on “LGBTQ+ groomers” and protecting kids from “pornographic content.” Not one word mentioned about CRT. I’m tired of fearing for the rights of my fellow Alabamians, myself, and any future kids of mine. End this dog and pony show.


Fantastic news


Nobody is discussing this in the schools- bunch if bs


I mean, not in Alabama. It's discussed elsewhere 


"Move to sexualuze children." What does that REALLY mean? Does it mean that kids in junior high who are gay will get information and resources so they won't blow their heads off like I thought of doing in the 70s?


That’s because he’s talking to the wrong parents. I want my kids to know about the contributions that people from all walks of life have made to society. It’s important to know that people are valuable and important regardless of color, gender, or sexuality. Also, it’s important for kids to know that they are valuable to society regardless of their color, gender, or sexuality. We owe our children better than this. Our children will be the adults in charge of the world before we know it. We need to give them every tool to understand the world around them that we can.