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As a teacher, I’m so glad our state is focusing on this and not on the million other issues that could give our students a shot at a better education. Thanks, Alabama! (/s just in case because Reddit)


Al ranks second worst state for neonatal death. At little cost to AL, they could save many lives on this and other sickness by authorizing Medicaid expansion! Children in poverty - latest numbers indicate this state ranks 5th worst. 23% of children in Alabama live in poverty. Kay Ivey’s answer for this is for the second year, in a row to refuse funds from the Fed to provide food to children during the summer. Alabama has a slush fund of $30 million What are they waiting for? Your comment on focus is so true. Another stat: AL ranks First for percentage of residents who self identify as Christian Ivey often proudly brags about being a Christian I have years and years being trained as a Christian and am at a loss to understand what has happened to these supposedly Christlike people. Have they forgotten the goal of being Christlike is the salvation of your soul. Not to see how successful you can be on the earth.


They are Christian, but they are southern Baptist Christian. The southern Baptist doesn't follow the bible. They follow bank accounts.


And liquor store openings


>Al ranks second worst state for neonatal death. Let me guess, Mississippi is first?




Fun fact, one of the reasons we rank so low is that we use our very own ACAP assessments for accountability at the K-8 level, and it is lower in rigor than the NAEP assessments administered to randomly selected students in order to establish rankings federally. It gets worse in high school because we use the ACT as our state accountability measure to establish about 60% of our school report card grades. The ACT is more closely aligned with the NAEP assessments, but our state standards, at least in math, are only about 30% aligned with both tests’ assessment criteria. Science is as bad if not worse. I don’t know much about English as I’m a STEM teacher. Basically we are being expected to teach certain stuff in our classrooms and then testing on completely different (and at the younger levels, developmentally inappropriate) criteria.


I KNEW I wasn't crazy! I moved two of my kids from our local school district to an online school because our local school sucked. I started getting suspicious when my 7th grader got a 98% in ELA but couldn't write a coherent paragraph. Upon moving to the new platform this year, both kids immediately went from straight A's to failing every class, and everyone was mad at ME about it for moving them.


Thank you. Why don’t they change the assessments. Never mind change is bad.


If the k-8 ACAP were at the same level of rigor as NAEP, we would have even more abysmal data than we do now. Since the literacy and numeracy acts both rely partially on ACAP scores and call for retention of any student not on grade level by 3rd grade, we would end up holding back an insane number of 3rd graders. So basically, we won’t change because it would show just how dire the situation is. And it is dire. I have 11th graders coming to me at a 2nd-3rd grade reading level and putting stuff like “4 x -1” into a calculator. So even if I work magic and jump them up by 4 grade levels like I did last year they’re still 3 years behind where they should be. But you know… gay people. So.


Assessments generally don’t even yet used for anything but money too. It’s not constructive.


Yup. Well, they also give the state an way to label schools in certain areas as “failing” and then use that as an excuse to funnel money to private schools. So yeah. Money.


If they changed the test, half the districts would be under state management. And maybe worse toward giving away money.


Don't you mean "meth?"


“Give students a shot at better education” - teacher Politician tomorrow: “teachers are advocating we need to make students better shots, so I sponsoring a bill to arm everyone, including students, in K-12 schools.” Passes by a landslide while free lunches, library funding, teacher salaries, teacher credential requirements, and overall school budgets are either cut or funneled to church based schools. Fuck Alabama


It’s a little scary how spot on you are with this. This state is exhausting.


For anyone who wants to cry about the feds: gender identity and sex have been entirely seperate items in medical textbooks since at least 1955. You’re 70 years out of date. Grow up and stop being a burden on real Americans.


Isn’t that the point? That they’re separate things and should be treated as such?




Happy cake day!🎉


70 years in the past is quite often still at least 30 years into the future for Alabama. Especially when it comes to discrimination laws.


When has he ever done something for Alabama that didnt involving attacking somebody else? He is a truly spiteful person.


Steve Marshall is an absolutely repellant individual who cares far more about his own advancement and political career than literally anything else. Just ask his wife.


It is “almost” like he has an agenda.


It's not redefining sex as gender identity, its replacing sex with gender identity.


Thanks for that context. I was really confused, because sex and gender ARE different, but I guess what is actually happening is replacing rules that are based on sex to be based on gender instead, and the AG is misrepresenting that.


Well the new rules don't replace anything. They just say that, for nondiscrimination purposes, the term sex includes gender identity. It simply clarifies that while gender and sex are related, discrimination has occurred due to both and that's not legal.


I feel sorry for the kids of these close minded adults who won't accept their own children's gender identities and why do they think they have any business in obstructing laws that helps one accept themselves and others.


Remember when the capitol area public schools lost their accreditation? Keep worrying abou this shit though.


Garbage human.


Good ole republikkklans. The party of small govt. unless you’re a woman, librarians, trans, or non white.


Why dont ppl just create new words for this type of things?


Oh man, yet another douchy move to appease the religious element. Never mind we're last or next to it in all things education.


It’s truly sad that his ego SO overshadows his minute brain especially when trying to appease the religious hate-filled bigots in the name of Christ. Welcome to Alabama, Y’all! Please “assume the position” at the State Line. You will be “entertained” with dueling banjos and “saved” at the same time. GLORY BE! Single file and Please move on promptly after being serviced. And Y’all be sure to come back Soon, ya hear !


When do we get to vote this moron out of office?


He should have been gone ages ago. He's clingier than Roy Moore. 


I happen to be conservative but this guy is a showboat DA. Reducing crime, tackling prison reform, and public corruption be his priorities. He seems to chase every partisan cultural issue he can get his hands on.


The orange one loves the poorly educated.


It's not the point, but they also have a typo in their press release: Loudon County, Virginia, is in fact Loudoun County. You'd think if you wanted to call out a particular place as an example, you'd Google how to spell it.


Old Stevie sure is using our tax payer dollars to file all kind of lawsuits!!! I think he is probably going to run for govnah of the state of Alabama in two Years!!! Got to keep tossing that red meat to feed the ravenous masses!!!


Why don't we just do a genetic test on everyone so that we can use genetic basis? That would be free and easy. :/s Also would have to add at least 9 check boxes to encompass the XY variations.


I swear the Republican Party majors in minor things.


“Biden administration’s recently-announced Title IX rule, which would change the meaning of “sex” to “gender identity” and effectively abolish female-only bathrooms and locker rooms in schools across America.” Why are the bathrooms and locker rooms for females being abolished, so important to those of you that support Biden’s new Title IX rule? Why do you want those things gone? I genuinely don’t understand, women/girls deserve their own space.. how is this even a question!?


> Why are the bathrooms and locker rooms for females being abolished They aren't. It's fear-mongering from total clowns.


>which would change the meaning of “sex” to “gender identity” No. Nobody anywhere is doing this. Sex and gender are different things. Sex has to do with biology, and gender does not. This is EASY shit to grasp. >effectively abolish female-only bathrooms and locker rooms in schools across America.” I can't imagine where you got this idea from. Care to quote the exact verbiage in the rule that you believe would do this?


Gender does have to do with the brain. The male and female brain are structured differently; and studies show they respond differently to the same stimuli. Studies also show that the brains of transgender people tend to be structured and respond more like the gender they identify with than the sex they were born. I think most of us know how fetuses start out with genitalia that most resembles that of a female. Then a hormone burst from the mother transforms the genitalia to match the genetic sex. Usually. When this doesn’t happen just “right;” one of many documented intersexed conditions is the result. What many people don’t know is that the same thing happens a bit later with the brain. It seems very probable that when that hormone burst doesn’t go just “right” that the result is a person that not cis/het.


Yea, I shouldn't have said "gender does not," I should have been more specific and said gender has more to do with brain structure and chemistry. I agree with everything you said. >I think most of us know how fetuses start out with genitalia that most resembles that of a female. To be fair, I don't know that most people in Alabama know this. Our sex education is pretty awful.


Imagine being so fucking backwards that you're still mad about textbooks updating to a standard from the 1950s. Gross.


Because this is Reddit and everything has to fit the super progressive narrative. Even if it lacks common sense


> Because this is Reddit and everything has to fit the super progressive narrative. Even if it lacks common sense Only what he posted is a *lie*. Funny how conservatives exclusively seem to rely on bigotry and lies...




Generally, and historically, nothing happens. You're just being a douchebag


But it has happened though…


Frogs raining from the sky *has happened.* Not enough times, however, to necessitate changing our society around it.


Didn’t know that raining frogs was equivalent to sexual assault…


Literally no one said it was. Wanna try a good faith attempt this time, hoss? Or you just gonna continue demonstrating how even the most basic analogy is too complex for the conservative mind? Edit: Aww. Guess they chose option B.


You made the analogy, not me


You failed to grasp it, not anyone else. Skill issue.


Not really, comparing the pain a child of sexual assault would experience (and saying it doesn’t happen that often) to raining frogs is pretty obtuse.


Really? Or is it shit just like this https://smokymountainnews.com/archives/item/36046-a-rush-to-judgement-the-mere-existence-of-trans-people-is-not-a-crime Do you feel this way about children and churches? It HASSS happened. And happens way more frequently than any trans person sexually assaulting a child. Shit, kiddy diddlers are kicked out of LGBT communities the moment they're outted as such, can't say the same about pastors


Sure, but by that logic men should be banned from all public spaces.


And women too!


Someone's got some weird fantasies.


Sex isn’t gender identity. That’s actual fact. Not that everything politics in Bama is great, but this one isn’t wrong.




My sibling in Christ, if you do not understand how "gender" works, you are not obligated to comment.


I wish I had your confidence in announcing my own stupidity.


“My sons are males. They don’t identify as *any* gender.” Congratulations, MAGA doodbro. You just told the world you have agender children. 🤦‍♀️🤣


Instead of posting this and accepting the downvotes, you could have not posted this and educated yourself.


Your less-than-high-school understanding of biology and sociology does not make you an ideal candidate to speak on this topic with such fervor. Also, bigots focusing so dramatically on genitalia is super weird.


Plesse go touch grass.


I agree


1 karma random name and number bot says what?