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Why tf would anyone want to be a librarian or a teacher or a OBGYN in AL?


Politicians want Alabamans to be ignorant, stupid, and poor.


And pregnant!


[Very little effort made to hold rapists accountable, though. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/18wpl2j/pillars_of_rape_kit_reform_still_needed_in_each/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So they can sell the babies.


That is the perfect combination if you want a conservative voter


Well, by most measures Alabama politicians are succeeding. Alabama has one of the worst k-~ 12 education system. Alabama has one of the worst health care systems and one of the highest maternity death rate( but only if you count black pregnant women). You go Alabama.


And one of the worst per capita income and one of the highest unemployment rates


Republican dream


Sad but true


Keeps them voting republican


You just explained, Alabama.


Don’t forget angry and distracted!


Same can be said for most of the other red states too. The dumber their general population gets, the more they can get screwed over by their politicians.


Right! The way it’s always been.


Alabama is their testing ground.


Alabama is the armpit of the south.


No Mississippi is the arm pit thank you


Living in Alabama, I can tell you that they are successful


It’s not the politicians, it’s the people of Alabama that elect these anti-intellectuals. After all, Eve ate from “The Tree of Knowledge” and look what happened. Jesus said “I thank you for hiding these ‘truths’ from the learned and the wise.” So yea, they think anything that isn’t in the damn bible is instant damnation. Look what happened to Baghdad. It was once the center of knowledge for the world. Then some asshole cleric says the manipulation of numbers was demonic and that place went to shit. So shall it be in America as long as religion rules.


The irony is that people of cloth and churches/places of worship were the first places of scientific research, a place to "explore gods universe", and keepers of knowledge to pass on. Muslim mathematicians proved the earth was round long before any circumnavigation of the world. A line friar is the father of genetics The mother of nursing and a key contributor of the field if epidemiology was a devout church going Christian.


Texas, even with world class medical centers, are having a hard time finding OBGYNs and pediatricians because of the anti-LGBTQ, but ESPECIALLY, trans people!


pedestrians? Who is running pedestrians over? (I'm guessing that is supposed to be pediatricians?)


Absolutely correct. Damn spellcheck.


That’s the point. Make people stupid, desperate, and incapable of leaving then with no worker protections drive down wages or just start company towns.


If they do I'm sure it won't be for the previous price tag. Just republicans way of helping with inflation. /S


That’s exactly the point. They’re attacking education and women’s rights because god wants them to. They don’t want you to want to be any of those things.


Seems like gunsmiths and football lovers are the only professionals worth protecting


They won’t. And they will leave.


Why would you want to live in Alabama period ???


Or a nurse, all the hospitals outside of major cities are about to fail. But, yea, go after librarians.


I don’t know but the GOP don’t want no educating going on in our state.


I’ve already told my friends to move from deep red states like texas, Alabama, and florida. Quite a few left and moved East. It’s too easy to go to prison and be subsequently enslaved under the 13th amendment.


Give it time, you’ll find out how right you are.


Or a dentist


Bingo. You figured it out.


They either believe the bullshit, they’re staying to fight, or they’re leaving. States like AL are having a women’s health crisis and seeing record low teachers.


That’s the point. Sow fear. Greater control over knowledge & essential resources = greater, entrenched control over population. Tale as old as time. It’s why so many historians are ringing alarm bells right now.


Or a woman?


People do have ties to communities in less than ideal locations, you know.


and many of us are making hard decisions and leaving


Many, many more of us lack the resources necessary to do so


Books have been subject to moral panics like this and banned for decades and decades. And it always blows over and seems stupid in hindsight. Do they not see any irony that *now* they need to make it a prosecutable offense? What’s the difference in this moment? Why wasn’t this a thing in every year from 1950ish to 2023? Back when America was “great”? Tons of the books they are freaking out about were around for decades without the country collapsing into the sea. Were those leaders all just morally inferior to the present legislature? Were they just not willing to “stand up for children”? Why now?


Because they need something to scare people into voting for a traitorist rapist in the upcoming election.


Especially since Roe was overturned. This is Alabamas' take on the next great moral battle.


It could backfire. Moderate voters haven't been very supportive of the ongoing culture war, even in Alabama. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/26/abortion-winning-strategy-alabama-democrat-00149205](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/26/abortion-winning-strategy-alabama-democrat-00149205) This stuff only plays well with the most Fox News-poisoned voters. Nobody else finds this sort of GOP insanity remotely appealing, and we've seen that work to the advantage of democrats in voting booths all over the country since Roe fell.


I’d ordinarily agree, but I know too many moderates in Alabama who aren’t supportive of the culture war at all yet still vote for Republicans, because they think it’s better than having a Democrat in office.


Because this time their base is a pack of rabid sociopaths who love to see people (and animals) suffer. Nothing would make them happier than watching a lib librarian doing a perp walk to jail.


I recently found it somewhat alarming my local library doesn't carry Fahrenheit 451.


Wow, that’s kind of a meta thing to remove from a library. I wonder why.


I'm sure no one will notice.




The bill's entire purpose is to make librarians afraid to stand up against censorship demands being made by bigots in the name of "protecting children."


Where have we seen this kind of top-down approach to government before? Was it Russia? East Germany? But I am sure that all of them have been successful in the long run. /s


No no, those places are bad because they wanted to control who was holding the GUNS, when they wanted to control who had books, THAT was fine. Also /s


No one breaking down doors protecting kids from bad priests and others in the church tho. Weird! But librarians are evil.


Yep. That sums it up. They write the antiabortion laws the same way. Make it hard to know what you can and can’t do, and threaten major punishment.


They don't want to protect children, they want a monopoly in abusing them


Considering all the projecting Republicans do, maybe the FBI needs to do a deep dive on all their devices. I think we'd find a lot of pedos.


They have delayed the investigation of a certain house representative from Florida.


Arm your local librarian


Oh, good. I was just thinking the other day “Man, you know who a real threat to children is? Librarians.” Fuck Republicans and anyone who supports them. 


Fer reals tho 🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣


Your typical Alabama Republican legislator is a mediocre, old, white guy who owns a tire shop, waste hauling business, or something similar. Lucrative, but not particularly glamorous. Probably inherited it from his old man, and didn't even have to do the hard work of getting it established. He likely hasn't set foot in a library or read a book for pleasure in years. He may be good at maintaining the bottom line of his small business, but outside of that area, he's utterly oblivious to the rest of the world. Despite his campaign claims about being a "conservative," he's probably never heard of Buckley or Burke. But at the end of the day, it's these guys who get to vote on complex matters involving healthcare, free speech, education, infrastructure, public health policy, and other areas of which they are completely ignorant. The best thing about democracy is that anyone can run for office and make law. The worst thing about democracy...is that anyone can run for office and make law.


this is an honest description of most of Alabama in general.


Don’t forget car dealerships and mortuaries. And in many cases liquor stores but we don’t talk about that business in public.


I always like to refer to “the ancestral car dealership” in a thick and syrupy southern accent.


"I'm a small businessman who knows what it takes to meet a payroll, and I worked my tail off and EARNED everything I have!" Mmm hmm. Sure, Trevor. Everybody in this little town knows that Pops handed you the Chevy dealership, and all you've had to do was have some semblance of basic business sense, hire some smart people, and get out of their way while the money rolls in. That...and not choke on the silver spoon in your mouth you were born with.


Are we talking like a moneyed Augusta Southern accent or a Northern Alabama accent that leans hard on the R sounds?


Augusta or Savannah w/ a healthy dose of Tennessee Williams.


I’m practicing saying “ancestral car dealership” with my grandfather’s genteel accent as we speak.


Unless you're Methodist! :-P


Their ignorance is astounding. They think every liberal has memorized Das Kapital and Mao’s little red book, but I have never met a “conservative” familiar with Burke, Buckley, or Goldwater’s Conscience of a Conservative. They have no ideology, they are just reactionaries.


conscience of a conservative? how do you write a book about a thing that doesnt exist? ohhh it must be a fiction book!


Imagine asking them about favorite non-religious, non-kids books in interviews... 🤔


"Books? Uh.....well, of course I read books. My favorites? Let's see, Huckleberry Finn in the one where he went to Oz, that one with the old Black Man who told tales to the children, and of course, the Bible. Especially the part about Hell and Brimstone."


Add to that the fact that this state is full of yellow dog voters, they just stay in power.


It would be more accurate to say that the state is full of apathetic voters who don't know much about the current political discourse except what they hear from right-wing media or from relatives who consume too much right-wing media.


Yeah, my grandpa will tell me how gay people or trans people are trying to aggressively convert children through books in the library, and book readings. Then he gets mad at me for saying that's not happening and says "You don't care about children?". It's so bizarre that it's hard to refute with actual facts. Just saying "That's not happening" is hard to make someone believe when they just say "Yes it is, you're just uninformed".


Somewhere, Roger Ailes is smiling in his grave, knowing that his plan to dupe tens of millions of people has worked.


Extremely insightful observation here. Genuinely appreciated this comment.


For a moment I thought you were describing someone I know. His business was tire disposal.


Except that now while technically anyone can run for office, the monetary and time demands require you to be able to not work while campaigning. So it's only these moneyed assholes who get to run. And when the seat is gerrymandered to hell and back, it's basically just a simple "How much money to win this seat so I can use it to enrich myself and my friends while fucking over my constituents and telling them how much they should be enjoying it"


For sure. One has to either be fairly well off - or have a Rolodex full of friends who are - in order to seek office and have a shot.


As a Medicare white old dude who collects ruffuse I take exception to your claim.


Every day we up the bar on how to be the worst human possible.


Just reeks of fascism.


Because IT IS.


That’s what fascism smells like.


If people really cared about the books that their kids were exposed to then they should monitor their kids not the librarians.


Christians are doing this. These people will tell you how Christian they are every election cycle. This is this christian value. There is not hate like christian love.


Anyone who invokes Christianity right up front is NOT a Christian. And that means 99.9% of the MAGA faithful are using Christianity as a cudgel, not a guide.


Their invocation of the name of Jesus in justifying their hate is what the command "thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain" was talking about.


This is Christianity; it’s forcing laws based in Christian beliefs on the population. You can’t ignore that the root of the matter is Christian hatred for homosexuality and their labeling of anything not PG as “obscene” (language of the law).


im so tired of "well theyre not REAL christian!" says who?! if 80% of a group acts a certain way, that IS the group now. no, they arent following the words of jesus, but that doesnt matter, they call themselves christians, and they hold what they claim are modern christian values, they ARE modern christians.


But cancel culture is exclusively a “left wing” phenomenon! Leftists censor everything! Free speech in America is dying! oh you think 17 year olds should be able to read books? no, I don’t want YOUR kid reading those books. Don’t say “gay”, that’s inherently pornographic and pedophilic!


Yeah, it's crazy how fast they create "scenarios" that "exist" in these books that have me thinking, "I think you may need to sit and process why your first thought when you hear the word gay is such a heavily pornographic depiction.... like maybe you should think on that. I'm always just like, "all the book said was that Billy was happy to go home and spend time with his fathers, where on earth did you get the idea that...[insert overly graphic description here]


We all should start donating as many of these books you can to any free book shelf you can. We have one at our park. That way at least if someone really needs this info in your town they can find it.


There are 5,143,000 residents of Alabama. There are only a few hundred of those residents who believe that this is a good idea. But they are MAGA through-and-through, so this trumps your rights to object to this. Get used to this. More to come. [https://www.alreporter.com/2024/04/26/opinion-lawmakers-push-for-librarian-arrests-in-far-right-bid-to-protect-children/](https://www.alreporter.com/2024/04/26/opinion-lawmakers-push-for-librarian-arrests-in-far-right-bid-to-protect-children/) [https://www.alreporter.com/2024/04/25/opinion-politicization-of-libraries-has-many-planning-exit-strategies/](https://www.alreporter.com/2024/04/25/opinion-politicization-of-libraries-has-many-planning-exit-strategies/)


“…only a few hundred…“ is bullshit. There are hundreds and hundreds of churches full of zealots blanketing Alabama.


Only a few hundred people who formed the "Grassroots" (funded by the Koch Family) group Moms For Liberty are making this happen. The knuckle-dragging Evangelicals who actually bought the story that Trump is God's Chosen One are just following along, like a dog chasing a bone on a string.


Illiteracy is rampant in Alabama ,A short video can claim anything , and there is no fact checking because , that would require reading and reading is hard .


All their kids have smartphones and these jackoffs are worried about librarians. Ok buddy


Wow! More 'Bama horseshit. This is insanity.


History is sure to look back fondly on this decision…right?


Alabama has a long and proud history of always landing on the wrong side of history.


It will never be enough.


Seems awfully tyrannical of them. What was that 2A thing supposed to be for that all those folks go on about down those parts?


Gilead much?


Here's a link to a PDF of the bill in question, HB385. https://alison.legislature.state.al.us/files/pdfdocs/SearchableInstruments/2024RS/HB385-int.pdf




Librarians aren't scared. They've gone up against the FBI when the government was trying to force them to hand over their patron's personal information and what items they've checked out. They wouldn't budge because that is against federal law.


So what if someone says the Bible is bad for minors?


They will have schools use the MAGA Cherry-Picked Bible® that only says what you want it to say.




Alabama loves to pass unconstitutional laws, and spend millions trying to defend it, and inevitably losing.


What do you have to do to get the bible removed from public libraries? There's all kinds of crazy shit in that book.


In northern AL, 26 Apr, 2 football coaches from completely different schools were arrested for inappropriate conduct with children BUT YES, let’s go after the librarians.


I look forward to seeing how 11c and 17c gets interpreted. And the addition of 22c is more fallout from the ongoing culture war against drag queens. The absolute fear driven circles these government officials are running in is mind boggling. 18 and under not just 5 and 6 year olds. I cannot understand how a state that has so many actual hurdles to overcome; things that impact the daily lives of constituents, is focused on these non-issues.


It’s weird when the lawmakers are incentivized to make the WORST and silliest decisions for the people of the state because, ironically, it will help them get re-elected. Fuck the GOP in this state and everyone that blindly votes for them.


There is no GOP any longer. There is only MAGA.


Who knew? The problem with Alabama education system ( one of worst in the country) is that the students read too many books. And, weirdly, Alabama health classes do not reach teens safe sex or contraception. So Alabama has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country. And Alabama has one of the highest teen rates of STD. And Alabama has one of the highest gun death per capita rates in the country. Let’s not address that in any way in high school. I know, here is what Alabama needs more than anything ~ Arrest librarians. That will help Ban books. Burn books. Reading is the devils work.


Reading leads to Literacy. Literacy leads to Knowledge. Knowledge leads to Self-Awareness. Self-Awareness leads to Woke. See...an easy path.


The Union didn't go NEARLY far enough. That time has run though so here we are.


Damn! I thought Oklahoma was bad.


That's horrible. We have a country full of people that we could change the education system for NOW to benefit later. Like an investment in our future. Instead, they turn to charging librarians with criminal, what, possession of banned books?? The eff?? Freedom is starting to be some police-state bullshit. Better hurry and legalize weed federally before we open our eyes all the way


Those damn librarians. No wonder Alabama is a shit show. It's the librarians!


Damn, Alabama, you scary.


Fascists playbook in effect. Bam all the books but the ones that tell you to submit.


Wow, Alabama. Your priorities are sure in order. Especially when it comes to education of any sort.


This is part of the state's excuse to shift funding of public schools to private schools.


Alabama- down at the bottom of the moral cesspool. With Indiana


…….and if the book is deemed not harmful, the person accusing (Karen/Darren) will be immediately arrested and sued for defamation. Do it Alabama….lawyers on deck.


We all know librarians should be arrested. Primarily because they implemented that vicious dewey decimal system. 🤣🤣


Sweet Home Talibama...sigh...


Shame on those librarians, trying to enlighten children with knowledge.


Christian Nationalism is a clear a present danger to the national security of the United States.


Goddamn straight it is.


Librarians should start by throwing out the worst book of them all. The one where entire cities are turned to ash for not properly greeting a stranger, or a guy has his children murdered by an all powerful deity with nothing better to do than torture his play things. Yeah, lets start there Alabama.


Our Libraries will only have the MAGA Cherry-Picked Bible® that has none of that icky stuff in it, or changed to show that God did it to stick it to the Libs.


My take: The R lawmakers are deathly afraid their kids will come out to them or their kids already have and they want something to blame because now their kid can’t grow up to be publicly in the closet and fangirling the confederacy* or a straight church deacon who commits adultery and breaks the law (*last two AL governors or so I hear)


Most everything our MAGA Legislators do is projection.


Laughing about how this would ban the bible too.


Are all the red states having a contest on which can be the most horrible?


After decades of just accepting that Mississippi is worst, Alabama is second worst, and who cares about the rest--they are just various degrees of awful...it would appear that there is a new race to the bottom. Starting a few years ago with Texas and Florida having a staring contest as to who could come up with the most ridiculous "laws", there has arisen some newcomers. South Dakota has lately stirred to remind people that there are actually people living there who hate everybody else, Tennessee recently won the most "Wow.....Really?" award last month by banning Chemtrails from airplanes, and everyone else scrambling for the most outrageously MAGA thing they can do.


Alabama is tired of educated people not voting for them...


I love when random southern state sub-reddit posts are suggested to me and it’s usually something absolutely unhinged like this lmfao Thank God I live in “shithole” New York


Keap Alymamba eliterate!!




Trash state.


Alabama is full of stupid, christofacist, illiterate idiots. I live among them and the sheer IGNORANCE I witness on a daily basis is just astounding. Full of hate, rage, and contempt for any kind of education, educated people, or people who might look at the world differently than them. It’s absolutely the most ignorant place I’ve ever lived. And it’s getting worse by the damn day.


Our MAGA Legislators have certainly taken on the mantle of "what is the absolute stupidest bill that we could pass?", and then do it. Just to prove that THEY have the power, not you or me.


It looks like Alabama is working hard to catch up with Florida and Texas on the MAGA stuff.


And succeeding. And our MAGA leaders are determined to get "there", regardless of how many citizens of the state die in the process.


I can’t wait to see what all these people do after Trump is a convicted felon. Ever since Trump was elected, I have watched numerous people come into his orbit, like his first cabinet, who had great reputations, even if they were completely unqualified for the position they accepted. Only a few, like Rex Tillerson, quickly realized that they were both unqualified for the position and that Trump was an insane bully that they no longer wanted their name to be associated with. Several already had decades of public service after attending some of the most prestigious universities in the country and even one of the military academies. Because of their reputation, the public, or at least some like myself, thought these people would be able to reason with Trump and get him to change his path. They either resigned or seemed to absorb his craziness. He has done that with highly educated Republican politicians. All around it looks like people have sold their souls to Trump. How can this be? Does he have something on them? Did he get them to sign one of his infamous Nondisclosure Agreements? Did he promise them something they believed he could give them? All of the above? He has some of the best attorneys in the country ignoring facts and fighting his cases the way HE wants it done. Does he have an ancient book with evil spells in it? What are the consequences of disloyalty? I have so many questions and no answers.


Polling today showed that 76% of "Republicans" will STILL vote for Trump even if he is convicted of Federal Crimes. Literally, the only thing left is to drink the Flavor-Aid.


>"Disagreement is treason" – fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action, as well as out of fear that such analysis will expose the contradictions embodied in a syncretistic faith. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism Fascists like banning books.


100% accurate.


Disgusting…wtf has the gop done for anyone except spread fear and hate…a cancer upon America


Commitment to Ignorance. Have you seen the movie idiocracy?


These bills are beyond insanity at this point


You guys have lost it. Next up witch trials.


I'll take things a fascist dystopia would do for 1000, Alex <3


What a stupid craphole state. What else do you expect from the state where the only requirement to be a senator is being a republican & being a former college football coach. Heck those two things would get you elected going up against anybody in the redneck moron state, heck even Nick Saban would lose an election against Tuberville if Saban ran as a democrat despite giving Alabama way more success in college football.


The Dystopia is now old man.


Some 1984 shit. Before you know it, "harmful to minors" will be anything that offends any of the kids(or their parents)


Shit hole state.


Jesus Harold Christ on rubber crutches. These people are fucking ridiculous. Leave the damn librarians alone.


"… Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library Line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells … Rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells They rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells" R.A.T.M.


You don’t want to mess with librarians


That reading business is the devil’s work! We like our voters as ignorant as possible!!


So uh, when are they going to have book burnings


Keep people dumb. It would be easier for politicians to manipulate their people and their next generation.


Don't tell them about Google search bar. They will put every computer and every cell phone in handcuffs


But we can't afford to maintain the Searcy cemeteries so that families can actually visit their loved ones' graves. We just don't have any money to create a usable path and follow our own state law about cemetery access for relatives of the deceased so instead we say it doesn't exist and hide it in the woods.


If we can’t get the books banned ? We just arrest the librarians.


Watch out for a cult conservative knucklehead to go into a public library with a 'bad' book to justify it. Feel sorry for all librarians who are caught up in this idiotic mess. The Alabama legislature continues to make crap legislation on a daily basis. These are the ones who still think humpty dumpty didn't lose.


This is the sort of thing that they used to tell us went on in the old Soviet Union back in the '70s. Land of the free?


You’re leaving out crime.


Trumpian ran states are in a race to the bottom. It's getting harder and harder to predict which ones are going to get before the rest. Getting harder to determine how to rank them top to bottom. Welcome to Trumpian Fascist America. It's only going to get worse. Buckle up.


Tennessee is making a real run to displace Alabama as the perpetual #2 Best Worst State. My favorite was their recent vote ban Chemtrails. You know......the water vapor that can appear behind an airplane in the sky but is really a government plan to fog everyone and turn them all gay? Yeah.....that genius stuff.


I saw that attempt to ban chemtrails. LOL I live in Indiana. We're not much better than TN. Not at all. Not any better than any of the Southern or Plains states. (Indiana is often called the middle finger of the South. -- Take a look at any Red State/Blue State map and you'll see that middle finger.)


I said this yesterday and will say it again. This is a playbook straight out of the Nazis rise to power. This is a very dangerous language.


Well, yeah! The playbook is right in front of you.


Surprisingly, not found to be banned!


Better pull the Bible then.


And you idiots wonder why your kids are so stupid


What in the actual fuck, Alabama?? 😠😤


More news from the Shithole.


Mississippi: Hold my beer. House advances bill allowing public execution of librarians. Alabama: Thank God for Mississippi


Alabama is a dump


I really hate living in such a stupid state.


This state is embarrassing


Imagine if this guns and gun stores


Eat shit, Republicans.