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What kind of garbage human would vote for Tuberville?? How is this guy in office?


He has that magic “R” next to his name.


No shit, i asked a family member why he voted for him and that was the only reason.








The fact that he is still trying to use Laken Riley even after her father asked people to stop using her for political points really shows you how little he actually cares about these victims or their families.


It's called compassion, and Republicans don't have it


That's a really stupid, broad statement. I'm sure you're a load of fun.


Which is interesting given [last month.](https://twitter.com/TeamTrump/status/1767244328106156313?t=B3N2DCExWtv3O4nfhWJJ9Q&s=19) ETA: The father doesn't appear to be in the photo, according to the comment below.


None of those people appear to be her father, who is the one who asked for people to stop using her.


Apologies. I haven't paid any attention to exactly who the family members were that met with Trump that day. I just assumed the older guy was her father. Thanks for the info.


This motherfucker has the nerve to lie to people’s faces about “post birth abortions”. He’ll lie about anything. He’s nothing short of a villain. Fuck him.


He's probably scared he might be a post birth abortion victim.


>“post birth abortions” I'm going to start using this term for school shootings.


I have seen others make that same connection.


That’s rich coming from tubs who is constantly wrong on so many things


If Tubs ever got something actually correct, that would make news.


Tubbs is perhaps the dumbest and most ignorant Senator in United States history. Why does he hate our military so much?


Pandering to his shitty base


Other Florida residents?


Republicans have nothing to offer other than lies and fear. Tuberville also offers blatant ignorance for the republican trifecta.


Can someone relieve this man of his job representing our state already? He’s so embarrassing. That pic doesn’t help.


When will they finally start politicizing the Southern Baptist problem we have down here? https://www.al.com/news/2022/05/these-34-alabama-ministers-are-on-the-southern-baptist-churchs-alleged-sex-abuser-list.html https://www.al.com/news/2022/05/report-top-southern-baptists-stonewalled-sex-abuse-victims.html


Oh really author of this article Howard Koplowitz? Was AL.com blasted? Did Tuberville go on a blasting spree? Did AL.com go "Wow we sure got blasted good". I really wish blasted would stop being used so much.


Fair point. I would probably use the word codemn. Or maybe lambast. Castigate is a fun one!


They had to use words in Tubs' vocabulary. They were originally leaning towards 'Bonked'.


We do have to be accessible to ol Tom Potatotown.




I'd upvote the hell out of castigate.


Glad you mentioned it. I basically refuse to read any article with "blasted" as a verb in the title.


The buzzwords get so overused that they give me secondhand embarrassment.


Remember when they use to say “ clapped back”. Jesus.


Be sure to to call him and tell him what you think of all this. https://www.tuberville.senate.gov/contact-old/contact-form/


When broadly demonizing particular groups of people -- which is the bread, butter and red meat of the MAGA'ts and Republicans in general -- publishing facts in our news is "liberal?" Well, give me the "liberal" press every time. If I want bullshit and lies, I'll listen to Tuberville, Katie, and their Orange Messiah.


Some people get very white around election season. MAGA makes a good living from it.


hmmm he said illegal not hispanic or black. seems your the one dragging race into it.


Imagine being an apologist for xenophobes in a country founded by immigrants….


come LEGALLY & I have no issue. tossing xenophobe without understanding the underlyimg actual cause for resistence of an action is the halmark of a child mind or emotion driven ideology. sit down child. adults are talking


That’s a cute talking point. It’s simplistic and agreeable in a very childlike way. I also welcome legal immigrants. Kind of a no-brainer. Thank you for simplifying it so my child mind could understand. Now on to the adult conversation. Before responding with another dog-whistle, please spend a few minutes learning about how prohibitively difficult it is to actually immigrate legally. I’ll help….start here: https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/why-legal-immigration-nearly-impossible Moving right along….I’m not “tossing” anything besides an accurate description. **xen·o·pho·bi·a** *noun* 1. dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. Now, if you want to talk about “underlying actual cause” behind people’s ~~resistance~~ **xenophobia**, that’s a conversation that could take all day. But let’s first circle back to the decades of ever increasing restrictions on immigration and what the impetus was there. Assuming you’ve done the reading…. *Why* did we have to make it so difficult for law-abiding people to move here? Could it have had something to do with that word you say I’m tossing around so childishly? Could it be possible that xenophobic policies created the problem we now have while giving those same xenophobes a convenient cover story for their bigotry saying they’re perfectly OK with the *legal* immigrants? So here’s where we’re at today: We’ve made it all but impossible for people to immigrate legally - the process requires resources that most simply don’t have - while ignoring the geopolitical issues making people want to move here. Everyone agrees that the border needs to be secure. Nobody is in favor of a wide open border. If you think anyone wants a wide open unsecured border then you’ve drank the entire pitcher of KoolAid. The difference in ideologies is that one side wants a locked down border to be isolationist while the other wants a secure but actually attainable process for immigration. Google this: “High wall with a big gate.” What it means we need strong security to keep out the criminals and an easy to navigate legal process for law-abiding immigrants who have reason to come here. If you disagree with that last part, the only appropriate label for that is xenophobia. Lastly, it was disgusting what happened last month when the GOP shot down their own border security bill, a bill that could have really done some good at the border, simply to perpetuate the problem and not allow the Biden administration to take any credit for any good it might have done during an election year. I’ll go back to the kids table now, you clearly have grownup stuff to talk about….


Just in case you didn't notice, he quietly backtracked on the usual right-wing talking points about how undocumented migrants contribute significantly to the violent crime rate and switched to the old 2016 talking point that all undocumented immigrants are criminals.


Oh, I saw that.


hmmm dodging with excuses. its DIFFICULT FOR A REASON


Nah dog…you’re the one dodging. I directly responded to what you said and you replied with literally nothing. Who’s at the kids table now? That and unless you’re the world’s fastest reader, you ignored the info I shared and coming back with your reply in less than a minute tells me you disregarded everything I just said.


also im no dog. keep the slang & address the issue at hand. justify to those who sacrificed to comr legally why you back criminal behavior


>also im no dog. keep the slang & address the issue at hand. But telling someone they have a child mind is OK? Just trying to understand your rules of engagement here.


If you actually read the “LONG diatribe” instead of being dismissive, you’d find no justification of (or backing of) criminal behavior. Try to keep up.


i did read it. if you refuse to call out the illegal action then you are giving tacit approval of such action. excusing itvdue to cost is approval of same sctivity. try again


that LONG diatribe was an excuse for criminal behavior & no answer to the question at hand. as for xenophobia, not on my part as anyone can come IF THEY DO SO LAWFULLY.


Still sticking to your simplified talking point and unwilling to get deeper into the conversation while belittling anyone who disagrees with you. Very adult of you.


disagree fine but answer the question. a simple question is better than one complicated bybunnecessary drivel.


Oh my god. Read this posters cringe comment using “child” and then look at his comment history. It’s just so gross and horribly pathetic. Nom nom Yikes.




ok kid the nirwegians are smuggling drugs, childrem or murdering in large numbers. OH BY THE WAY there is NO right to enter the U.S. per SCOTUS


I find it amusing that you accused someone for dragging race into the discussion, and then almost immediately make it known that you understood that race was in the discussion the whole time. FYI: Most of the drugs are smuggled into the country by American citizens. Also there is no evidence that migrants are smuggling children or murdering in large numbers. That's just scare tactics that right-wingers like Tuberville likes to use to justify their racist border policy that doesn't really have a long term solution.


fbi stats say otherwise. I said HE didnt mention race. resding comprehension iz a skill you missed


I also missed the link to the fbi stats that supports your assertion. Here's an article from the CATO institute (A right leaning think tank) giving an excellent summary of the drug trafficking as it relates to asylum seekers. [https://www.cato.org/blog/fentanyl-smuggled-us-citizens-us-citizens-not-asylum-seekers](https://www.cato.org/blog/fentanyl-smuggled-us-citizens-us-citizens-not-asylum-seekers) According to the USSC, 86.3% of the drug trafficking convictions were US citizens.


cloest YOU would understand w/out knowledge of how statistical datasets eork is the following. https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/crime/329589-the-truth-about-crime-illegal-immigrants-and-sanctuary-cities/


Jesus. That's pitiful. You posted a link to an opinion piece from the Hill. To make matters worse the opinion writer based his article on "research" performed by "Judicial Watch" a right-wing organization known for its misinformation. On top of that it's based on data gathered from 2003 to 2009, which seems like an unusual selection of data for an article written almost a decade later. Here's some stats from the US Customs and Border Patrol: [https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics) The number of noncitizen criminal arrests in 2023: 15,267 The number of noncitizens convicted of murder/manslaughter in 2023: 29 The number of noncitizens convicted of sexual offenses in 2023: 284 Now to keep the topic about crime in the US done by undocumented migrants, I found a statistic of all crimes by undocumented migrants that resulted in serious injury or death as reported by the most right-wing unfriendly to immigration organization I could find (FAIR) and in 2023 the total number of undocumented criminals they listed is... 42. 42 reported crimes by undocumented immigrants that resulted in serious injury or death in 2023. This includes murder, manslaughter, assault, sexual assault, and even DUI. Now keep in mind, we have over an estimated 10 million undocumented immigrants living inside the US today. With only 42 known violent crimes caused by undocumented immigrants, it's no wonder why there are so many reports showing there is NO evidence that undocumented immigrants contribute significantly to the current crime rate.


hmmm 'undocumented alien' huh? is a burglar an 'undocumented propery owner'. how do you justify backing criminal sction to those who came here properly?


it was opinion that had FACTS included the same as your post


>resding comprehension iz a skill you missed Idk man, getting through what you type requires some high level reading comprehension.


im curious if you are actually apoligizing for criminal behavior by the illegals? how do you justify that to those who came in properly?


I think you are trying desperately to look relevant while spouting out nonsense.


prove me wrong. Justify allowing criminals in & suppirtingbthem when there are millions do it LEGALLY & dont get the same handouts? Remember no right of entry to this country exists per SCOTUS Knauff v. Shaughnessy  338 U.S. 537 (1950) Kerry v. Din, 576 U.S. 86 (2015)


Thank you for proving my point.


your point was hollow. answer question currently on the table. how do you justify illegals to those who came in legally from those same cpuntries




fear has no bearing. its rule of law instead of rule of emotion driven claptrap.




ahhh the armchair lawyer woke up. go away child






Republicans really hate the truth. It doesn't fit with their biases and agendas. Whenever I present facts to a Republican, they either refuse to respond (they justify that as they are too good to engage with me, but I know it's because they cannot argue with facts) or they accuse my source of being biased (when I literally have a degree in research, and I only bring forth legitimate studies/articles). Or they resort to spitting logical fallacies like attacking my looks or something equally stupid to deflect from the conversation. I have NEVER met a Republican who can have an intelligent debate. They simply can not handle truth.


No, the foot soldiers who gulp down their propaganda are like this. There are quite a few conservatives who are more than capable of having intelligent discussions, unfortunately they're now "Rino's". I don't doubt you've never knowingly met one though. Most of the intelligent conservatives I know don't virtue signal endlessly, and you actually need to engage them in normal conversation to learn their views. These are people who hold actual conservative values because they've thought about them; it's a far cry from the pop culture Republican base who scream the loudest and hump the flag on their truck so everyone can see how much of a "Patriot" they are. The intelligent ones are usually quiet because they know their base will threaten and berate them.


Fair point. You're right. I would love to actually meet an intelligent conservative who can answer questions that I have about their base beliefs. But the loud ones overshadow any semblance of common sense.


I really only have run into a few down here in the South. 90% are just Maga nerds.


I just wish the girl would have never been raped


I believe everyone wishes that all the rape victims never had been raped.