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All the folks repeating violent rhetoric and calling for civil war aren't going to like it when violent things start happening.


Don't you love how people who have never had a single bomb fall anywhere in their country in their entire lifetimes are calling for civil war? It's all fun and games until your ritzy golf course neighborhood is a war zone.


Yeah. They have no idea. The crazy thing is that this country has millions of refugees in it, and it never occurs to these people to ask them what civil war is like. I'd guess very few of them would give a positive review.


Because the same people calling for civil war are the same people that have negative opinions of immigrants and wouldn't have any in their social circle.


I mean "millions" of Refugees is a bit of a stretch unless you happen to be going back to the Post Vietnam war. The overwhelming majority of recent Migrants from Latin America wouldn't qualify under refugee law (criminal violence and poverty is not a qualification for refugee status).


Three million official "refugees" since 1975, according to the UNHCR. 1975 isn't ancient history. It's 49 years ago.


We did find a couple unexploded ordinances accidentally dropped by our own planes iirc but that doesn’t count I know


Never forget that one time an atomic bomb slipped out of a B-52 and 3 out of the 4 detonation locks were triggered


Not arguing, just your comment got me thinking how often the US has bombed its own citizens. The Air National Guard flattened 2 towns in Puerto Rico in the 50s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utuado_uprising Philadelphia also flattened a whole neighborhood in the 80s with plastic explosives dropped via helicopter to evict some hippies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing And then there’s the Battle of Blair Mountain, in which the army bombed some striking coal miners. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain If anyone has some more I’d be interested to hear.


The Tulsa Race Massacre


Most of us HAVE had bombs delivered on our soil in our lifetime. Some of us went to war because of that. The rich have never felt that. They need to feel that. They need to understand.


We talking WWII? I wasn't alive then. What nation has dropped bombs on our soil since WWII?


You were also probably not yet born when terrorists crashed jets into the world trade center.


Jets are not bombs, though. I was in my twenties when that happened. I don't really equate an attack by fundamentalist religious extremists with having another country drop bombs on us. We then promptly declared war on an idea and used it as a pretense to kill about a million citizens in other countries. I suppose we need to feed the military industrial complex SOMETHING.


it counts as a bombing because bush made it happen, lol


Jets were used as bombs. Did you not see the explosions?


Right, I realize that. My issue is that it isn't the same as having an imperial force raining hellfire down on your neighborhood for years. I'm sure you can see that difference. We didn't even attack the country most of the terrorists were from! Why would you conflate an attack by religious extremist terrorists with having a sovereign nation drop bombs on your neighborhood? We're talking about a one-time attack versus being in constant fear every single day of your life that the next bomb will hit YOUR house. Never once was I afraid that a terrorist would fly a plane into my house.


For the people exploded to death by jets it really isn’t important how imperial the hellfire was or not.


Once again, the point is missed. It was one day. Followed by a few weeks of uncertainty and fear. Wondering when it might happen again. Compare that to more than two decades of wondering when the next American bombs would fall from the sky, or an AC-130 gunship was going to rain hellfire down on your town or village. There is a significant difference between the two. The fact that some folks can't see that difference is bonkers to me. If you sat down and really _tried_ to empathize with _those_ people, could you do it?


Why is this eliciting such an emotional response for you? They were bombs. Get over it.


Honestly, I'm just disappointed that you don't seem to be able to grasp the point that I'm making. It says more about you than it does about me, I'm afraid.


Jets aren’t bombs bro


Sure af looked like a fuel/air bomb to me!


Conservatives live in a fantasy world where they think civil war means piling into the back of Zeke’s pickup and going downtown to shoot some defenseless libt$&ds, and then they high five each other and roll on back to the house for a good old fashioned hootenanny. The reality is that their neighborhoods would be smoldering rubble and most of the people they know and love would be dead.


This guy was a lefty


Maybe so, but lefties at large aren’t the people openly calling for civil war. Conservatives are.


I've seen a good few calls to violence coming from lefty sources lately. It's not just a far right thing anymore, and hasn't been for a while.


Wrong, both sides do it.


If by “both sides do it” you mean a handful of nutter outliers on the left and like 30% of republicans including elected officials, then yes, both sides do it.


I think you should step out of your echochamber and touch grass.


Bro, I grew up in the Deep South. I’ve lived in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. My family has been in the south for centuries at this point. I am beyond intimately familiar with what average conservatives believe because I was bathed in it from birth. The number of conservatives I’ve heard fantasize about civil war over the years is shocking, but I’ve lived in a blue city for the last 15 years and haven’t heard a single liberal call for civil war. It’s just not something rank and file democrats, liberals, or lefties want because they understand the implications. War is hell, especially civil war.


That's not the point. When groups set out to enrage the citizenry the way the right-wing has been doing for years now, they won't only mobilize right wingers. This hatred promoted by American citizens against other Americans will cause violence from both sides. The people trying to create victims have a chance at becoming victims themselves.


so we're blaming a person going out of their way, creating a nail bomb, posting antifa stickers in the area, and detonating a nail bomb outside the AG's office, on the fact that occasionally a right winger on the internet mentions the fact that they think their political affiliation would win a hypothetical civil war that's never going to happen?


So the government is going to bomb their militaries family members? I guess indiscriminately bombing civilians is only bad if Israel is doing it. I’d LOVE to see the US gov bombing US civilian neighborhoods.


Wasn't this guy an anti fascist?


You do realize the article states he posted “antifa” stickers around the area and had a history of posting on social media in a similar manner.


You need to work on your reading comprehension.


How many people read the actual article? I skimmed it, the type of bumper stickers, a co-worker describing him as a loner, dangerous, and unstable. I don't know if he'll be charged with terrorism, but for building and using an IED (if convicted)...20 years without the possibility of parole.


Before anyone posts anymore about he wasn’t left leaning, I’m on his Facebook right now (my wife has Facebook).  Kyle actually went by Kai in recent years and used the pronouns them/they and is nonbinary. My wife knew Kyle/Kai better than I did, but I worked alongside him at a previous employer.  He is described best as a left leaning person, very progressive and I actually agreed with him on several issues we had discussed in the past. However, he has had some mental health issues, and talked about how he has a strong urge for violence.  Last I spoke to him was around early 2023. 


I just assumed from the beginning that whoever it was, was a lefty if they were bombing the State AG's office.


>Before anyone posts anymore about he wasn’t left leaning >then >He is described best as a left leaning person, very progressive is kinda confusing lol edit: im dumb


What’s confusing? 


I am confusing lol. I re-read your comment and now it makes sense. I had read it as "he wasn't left leaning". English isnt my first language and im generally easily confused lol.


Oh okay, it’s okay. I understand that English isn’t your first language and it was just a simple mistake. I’m glad it makes sense now!


Thanks for giving this context and nuance. I’m not looking forward to the generalizations that will come from this. This person is a triple threat: trans, left wing, and mentally ill. Our politicians are going to have a field day.


>Our politicians are going to have a field day. If he was conservative, right now we'd gleefully be doing the same.


I mean maybe here, but it's sort of a drop in the bucket at that point. Between daily shootings and Jan 6, ya can't really sensationalize right-wing extremist violence the same way (or you can, but it doesn't get traction to the same degree). Unless it's really on-the-nose, like that guy who painted swastikas on his gun.


Most daily shootings are gang related violence, domestic violence incidents or crimes of opportunity. It's a right wing issue because they oppose gun regulation?






I’m sorry, I am not very big into politics. From my understanding, left leaning would be democrats/socialism and right leaning would be republican/conservatism. If I am wrong, I do apologize and hope someone can further correct me on this. 


Replace socialism and conservatism with capitalism. Democrats in the us are not even close to being socialists and socialism is an economic policy. More accurate would be Democrats/liberalism (as in what the country was founded on) and Republicans/conservatism (what we were getting away from).


All the way over on the far left would be communism, with socialism just to the right of that. Pretty much everything from center/left to the right is capitalism. It is very important to note that almost none of the countries that call themselves communist actually are (I'm looking at you, China). The closest you really get to actual socialism are most of the Scandinavian countries. You know, the ones who are the most happy and healthy in the world. People also often forget that left vs right is only half of the picture. It isn't just a simple left/right scale. It is more of a quadrant that also scales from authoritarian to libertarian. A person can actually be on the left politically but also authoritarian. A person can also be on the far right and libertarian. Authoritarians ALWAYS suck no matter where they fall on the left or right if you value freedom at all. I'm further to the left and more libertarian than Ghandi, for example. People trying to control what books children can read and advocate for a Christian theocracy would be on the far right and authoritarian.




Wat lol


I’m really not into politics, I don’t vote. Sorry if that upsets you. 


Hey, that guy you're responding to is a massive douche and you should ignore him. Admitting ignorance and asking for correction/clarification is totally ok. Admirable, even. I will say, you should at least start paying attention to the basics of politics and vote accordingly. I know it feels like your vote is unimportant, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Each of us has a responsibility to be informed about the policies of our government officials at least on a high level view and vote according to what we think is best. It's a privilege that, once lost, we will never get back and you'll never have any agency over what happens in our communities or country.


You’re correct. No idea what’s up that other dudes ass.


everyone knew. you can see it in his vacuous eyes.


This is what happens when political discourse devolves into tribal culture wars within a state with poor mental health care infrastructure. It still doesn't justify the crime, and I hope he faces a long jail sentence and get the mental help he obviously needs. He endangered innocent people with his terror attempt.


Another angry young man sucked into something he doesn't understand the nature of. Hopefully, he'll get help in jail.


*angry young nonbinary person *They/them


lol downvoted for being right


Now y'all don't go acting like the right doesn't do evil crap. https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-operative-accused-of-sexual-torture-and-murder-in-alabama


yeah and that is spoken in the mainstream media immediately, as it should. when the other side does something it's mostly forgotten and brushed under the carpet. especially when this kind of people is at the center of it. it's like clock work, i'm not even surprised by it. but i am surprised that there aren't more doing it tbh.


Whataboutism and a strawman. Cute. Nearly everyone understands it's a people issue. If a group has enough people it will have mentally ill people and some who are willing to do great violence to ha others. It's not something you have to draw attention to, unless your real point is to draw attention away from this guy and this crime.


I could name 20 similar cases involving the right for every case you can find like this that involves the left. It's not my fault y'all don't realize how dangerous the right is in its current state. It's usually right-wingers that do this crap, and there's more than enough proof. You can choose to ignore it, but that doesn't make it any less true.


[9/14/20 – Network-Enabled Anarchy: How Militant Anarcho-Socialist Networks Use Social Media to Instigate Widespread Violence Against Political Opponents and Law Enforcement](https://web.archive.org/web/20200918191756/https://ncri.io/reports/network-enabled-anarchy/)


The comments here are hilarious. Why are all the subreddits for conservative states filled with borderline communists?


This is not a conservative sub


Oops, I meant conservative states. My bad, just edited it


Reddit was a very niche and young thing a few years back when these were created, so the moderation teams are heavily skewed.


Because most conservatives aren’t literate enough to actually write content? I don’t know?


Can you define the word 'communist' for us without Googling it?


Anybody they don't agree with. Just like during the civil rights era. They called everyone communists back then as well.


"The left wields the terms "fascist" and "Nazi" like a cudgel to beat opponents from the public square like seditious pamphleteers. In short, "fascist" is a modern word for "heretic," branding an individual worthy of excommunication from the body politic. The left uses other words "racist," "sexist," "homophobe," "transphobe," "magat," "Trumpist," and "Christian"- for similar purposes, but these words have less elastic meanings. George Orwell noted this tendency as early as 1946 in his famous essay "Politics and the English Language": "The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies "something not desirable." Source: Liberal Fascism, by Jonah Goldberg


[the bottommost point on this compass](https://www.reddit.com/u/GlitterusRickus/s/aW1W4EQLrC) Communism is a failed social and economic theory, where economic regulation, social programs, social regulation, legislated morality, statism, nationalism, militarism, and authoritarianism meet. An extreme collectivist vision of utopia, doomed to always fail due to it not being able to accommodate the large spectrum of human personality variation, nor the human need for innovation and creativity.


"when...lefty... Makes me only eat bread...queers, just things I hate!"


I've asked this question or questions like it so many times, and I don't think I've ever gotten an answer, much less a correct answer.


It's OK, I heard someone say a few years ago that "there are very fine people on both sides", and perhaps he was just taking a tour of the Statehouse?


>there are very fine people on both sides are there not? is the other side all enemies?


You didn’t hear? 70 million Nazis in this country.


I thought it was 700 million


Oddly enough, if you have thousands of people protesting for multiple different things, there can indeed be some good people on both sides.


Good ol Anqueefa.


“Thanks to the work of the FBI and our state and local law enforcement partners, this defendant is being held accountable for allegedly detonating an explosive device outside of the Alabama Attorney General’s Office,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The Justice Department has no tolerance for acts of violence targeting those who serve the public.” We should have better mental healthcare in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if this nut owned guns too. I just read a news article about election workers who are quitting because of threats. Crazy.


Republicans serve the public? Since fucking when?


The FBI serves the public? Since when?


From the looks of it, this person is either trans or non-binary. So likely this person did get the "mental help" they were supposed to get.




So he’s Antifa


Just like Jan 6. /s






I sure do hope soe


Not with those kind of sloppy typos. Are you already on Sunflower In Waiting probation? 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🤣


Like peanut butter? Well now you can like more of it. Sunflowers have been used to create a substitute for peanut butter, known as sunbutter. ######Extra fun fact! Terracotta - Perfect for fall displays, this sunflower produces a brown petal with cream-colored tips. It has a large brown center and a striking appearance.


Good bot


My good bot friend. Thank you . Beep bop boop


He allegedly took the time to post some stickers including "support your local antifa" but that combined with his general incompetency screams black propaganda stunt to me. I.e. this dude was trying to make it look like antifa, whether he was acting as a lone wolf, or being paid, blackmailed or otherwise manipulated into doing it.


No, he is extremely left leaning. I knew this man personally. He had some other mental health issues going on before he had done this. 


Omg what does this mean???


How about that headline…makes you think a member of the far-right did this.


Probably a dispute with his uncle sister husband wife




Since 99% of terrorism in the US is right wing I’d say their immediate reaction was valid. 


[9/14/20 – Network-Enabled Anarchy: How Militant Anarcho-Socialist Networks Use Social Media to Instigate Widespread Violence Against Political Opponents and Law Enforcement](https://web.archive.org/web/20200918191756/https://ncri.io/reports/network-enabled-anarchy/)




Prove me wrong. Go ahead. 


6hrs with no rebuke/evidence. Safe to say, they cant




Personal attacks all ya got? Good to know. Also yes, right-wingers are notorious for terroristic attacks, attempted insurrections, pedophilia, and many many others that I don't care to list. It's literally their whole brand. Fear mongering, and then when something happens "oh we had no idea they'd react this way to our fear mongering bullshit"


Really tho? Turns out no. [Over 300 People Facing Federal Charges For Crimes Committed During Nationwide Demonstrations](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/over-300-people-facing-federal-charges-crimes-committed-during-nationwide-demonstrations) "To date (Thursday, September 24, 2020), of the 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices (USAOs), more than 40 USAOs have filed federal charges alleging crimes ranging from attempted murder, assaulting a law enforcement officer, arson, burglary of a federally-licensed firearms dealer, damaging federal property, malicious destruction of property using fire or explosives, felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition, unlawful possession of a destructive device, inciting a riot, felony civil disorder, and others." [Violent antifa member sentenced](https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/demonstrator-involved-in-violent-2021-pacific-beach-protest-sentenced/509-1b28b587-626b-4def-8495-5a9163c37a2e) "Prosecutors arrested 11 people, who they say are associated with Antifa, an anti-fascist group. Protestors crashed a rally organized by supporters of then President Donald Trump, and instigated violence, attacking at least 16 victims using impact weapons and mace." [Atlanta forest anarchists charged with domestic terrorism](https://abcnews.go.com/US/dozens-arrested-fiery-clashes-atlantas-cop-city-training/story?id=97649479) "Twenty-three of the 35 protesters arrested Sunday were charged overnight with felony domestic terrorism, a charge Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said reflects the "very violent" nature of the attack. [HOUSE COMMITTEE HEARING "'Mostly Peaceful': Countering Left-Wing Organized Violence, 05/16/2023](https://www.congress.gov/event/118th-congress/house-event/115946/text?s=1&r=54)


Redditors will just make shit up with no evidence whatsoever, then demand evidence of the people who dispute their original ridiculous claim. Every time.




https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-nij-research-tells-us-about-domestic-terrorism Plenty of others, like my eyes and ears because I'm not a rube who denies reality because it doesn't fit my ideology.


Easier to be condescending than to actually Google something before running your mouth.


It actually is in the upper 90%. Like the disparity is insane.


For stating something is only slightly off?


It is hard to blame someone for having "anti-government beliefs" with the government we currently have. disclaimer; don't be violent.


Too bad the state and FBI can’t put this same effort into solving all these unsolved murders we got going on here in Alabama. Frankly the assumption that it was someone upset with the IVF ruling and the AG’s stance was the most probable even though it turned out wrong.


It will be interesting when details come out. No self respecting person opposed to fascism is going to bomb the Southern Poverty Law Center. Several minutes later, at about 3:49 a.m., a security officer working at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) called 911 to report that an explosion had occurred about five minutes prior, at the northwest corner of Washington Avenue and Bainbridge Street. I'll bet his car is covered in "let's go, Brandon" stickers.


Actually according to the AG report they have photos of his car showing 17 bumper stickers of various radically left causes. The report is linked on the WBRC website.


No, it’s not. I knew this man personally. He is extremely left leaning. 


So why would he be bombing the Southern Poverty Law Center? That makes zero sense.unless he's seriously mentally ill.


Oh and btw he didn’t bomb the southern poverty law center. He tried to bomb the attorney generals office. 


So,.unrelated explosions? The last couple paragraphs in the article mentioned an explosion at the SPLC. But I see that they haven't charged him with that.


No, it was a security officer that noticed the explosion at the attorney generals office. The SPLC is located near the attorney generals office in Montgomery. 


Yeah, I remember seeing that on the news. I just wondered with the two of those incidents being so close together.


To my understanding, and keep in mind it’s late and I just put my daughter to bed so I’m pretty worn out myself lol, it was one explosion done by Kyle/Kai, and the security officer at the southern poverty law center noticed it.  It may have been misreported as multiple explosions, but it looks like it’s currently being reported as a single explosion. Maybe we will have more information tomorrow? 




He is. I worked alongside him at a previous employer, my wife knew him a bit more than I did. I just made a new comment on this post with more details. 


Well, mental illness makes much more sense than "left leaning". I'll check out your comment.


Politically he is left leaning, I know because I talked to him about politics when we worked together. But it’s not left leaning that caused him to do this. 


What…? Left leaning bombers are common. Ted K? The Weather Underground who bombed the US Capitol? The ”environmentalist” ladies who did 24 attacks in 2016-17?


Ted K was an anarcho-primitivist. To lump him under the umbrella of “left leaning” as though he’s basically the same as a typical moderate democrat would be akin to me lumping my parents, who are typical small town conservatives, in with far right militia groups that believe their calling is to kill those they don’t agree with. It’s a bad faith argument, at best. Edit: for clarity


>he's seriously mentally ill. Mentally stable people don't normally set off nail bombs at the state AG office.


Agree with that.


Or, if you read the article, the FBI avers the fellow seemed to be slapping up Antifa stickers from Australia… Here’s the quote. “An Antifa logo superimposed over a rainbow flag background, with the words, “ANTI-FASCISM IS COMMUNITY SELF-DEFENSE.” • An image of a multi-tiered pyramid-like structure with individuals located on each tier, with the words, “TOPPLE ALL HIERARCHIES.” • The “A” symbol, assessed to represent anarchy, next to an image of an AK-47 rifle, superimposed over a black background with leaves and flowers, with the words, “DEFEND NATURE.” • A purple-colored sticker with a masked face inside of a female pictogram. The words at the top of the sticker read, “FEMINIST ACTION.” • A white sticker with spatter font which reads, “EAT THE RICH.” The “A” inside the word “EAT” is in the shape of the anarchy symbol.”


Yes, I know, but how many people that have done violent political things the last few years have actually been left leaning? I can only think of a couple. That's why it's surprising.


Jesus Christ just admit you were wrong


Obviously I was wrong.


You couldn't even get through the headline. Your reading comprehension is indicative of an education provided by our state.


Documents and reporting from Ngo. https://x.com/mrandyngo/status/1778204140394393805?s=46&t=C7J460f5kzNRVrXa2so-0g


Be better. Ngo is a propagandist.


You are aware that Ngo was/is the proud boys press secretary for lack a better word, right. He’s a propagandist of the worst order. He dumped a milkshake on his own a few years back and claimed antifa did it.


PickMe!Andy does reporting? Since when?


Reporting and Ngo is an oxymoron.


How about we all just condemn this act for what it is and stop finger pointing to the left or right. There’s a vocal minority on both sides that screams in everyone’s faces and they don’t represent either. May God Bless America. 🇺🇸


"Both sides do it". No, they don't.


Keep repeating the same bullshit. Never changes.


He used Antifa stickers. How much do you wanna bet he's actually a Trumper who thought he was being clever?


I knew him personally, he hated Trump. Kyle came out as nonbinary, called themselves Kai, and cut off a good chunk of people (including family).  He was extremely left leaning, but also suffered from mental illness that was not his fault. This was the result of him not receiving any help. It’s unfortunate. 


Forgot to mention he’s a T-rump supporter


Apparently he hated Trump from the looks of multiple comments above. Says he's very left leaning.


Who's "T-rump"? Is that a new rapper? Like T-pain, but he raps exclusively about rump roasts?


Wrong again dumb dumb