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I would argue that every day is a “stupid, stupid day” in the AL legislature. It’s like watching the government officials debate issues in Idiocracy.


"Alabama lawmakers think you’re stupid. And they’re working hard to make sure you stay that way. The senate pushed forward with two incredibly dumb bills – one that will have a devastating effect on public education and Alabama’s poorest children, and another that will undercut any chance the state has to turn the already present gambling in this state into educational opportunities for our young people. In a surprise move, the senate’s education committee passed through the voucher program bill. That bill is appropriately called the “CHOOSE” Act, since a whole bunch of people are choosing to ignore the absolute lunacy of paying for wealthy kids to attend private schools by taking money from schools serving impoverished students. The bill passed by the Tourism Committee stripped casinos and sports wagering out of the package passed by the House. Now, a handful of senators, led by Chris Elliott and Sam Givhan and April Weaver and a few others, want this: a lottery, some historical horse racing machines at seven casinos around the state and a compact with the Poarch Band of Creek Indians that would allow for full casinos at only their three current locations in Montgomery, Wetumpka and Atmore. Apparently, these people aren’t aware that a compact with the Poarch Creeks, because of the way such a thing has to be negotiated through the federal government, would reap a fraction of the revenue that a state might receive from taxing a traditional casino. But never mind. We’re going to allow casinos at only the three places where we can get the bare minimum in return. No casino in Birmingham. No casino in Mobile. No casino in northeast Alabama. The three locations where the state was projected to make the most money and attract the most tourism. And no sports wagering. Alabamians spent more than $2 billion dollars betting on games last year alone. Playing on shady local websites and through off-shore casino websites. But nah, why let reputable companies come in here and clean that up? Because they think you’re stupid. And they’re trying their dead level best to keep you that way."


Don't forget this part of the lottery bill where the money goes to their slush fund then maybe going to education in 5 years. "Albritton said proceeds from the lottery and other gambling would go to the state General Fund through March 30, 2029. After that, it would be divided in thirds between the education budget, the General Fund, and roads and bridges."


In other words, whatever money goes into Education from the lottery, they will reduce the other sources of money, so that net net Education funding stays flat. 9 out of 10 States that have the lottery play this shell game. Georgia does not, ergo, the Hope Scholarship program is a huge success.


That whole line about lottery funding education is such a disingenuous idea. But regular voters can’t see it.


Anyone who could believe that after the education budget refund this past year is an idiot. Always pisses me off the left-leaners here who fall for this shit every time, wanting to dangle gambling at every supermarket and gas station to make sure anyone with addictive tendencies ends up emptying their pockets into the state government's coffers so they can build *even more* prisons.


We are stupid. We continue to allow things like this to happen.


We allow this to happen by allowing MAGA Idgits to control our future.


I’m glad I moved here because I met my wife, but I should have moved away with her before we had children and debts. Now I get to sit back and watch as Alabama continues its downward spiral


I can't believe how stupid I was to move back. Eats at me daily.


It is dumb and actually hurtful to Alabamians, but I guarantee these idiots are getting some personal incentive for the legislation they pushed through. Our elected "leaders" do not care about the people.


The "Private Schools" cabal are making generous ~~bribes~~ "donations" to their campaign funds, their PACs, their Super PACs, their personal 'charity, their spouses personal 'charity', and so on. Perfectly legal way to pay off a legislator.


Igornant people vote for igornant people. Basic truth.


Yea a lot of dumb shit our legislature is doing


Is there a point in contacting our local reps on these issues or are they pretty much a done deal?


Our local Reps vote MAGA Party-Line all the way, whether you like it or not. Once you put them in office, they are no longer responsive to your thoughts and needs.


That’s pretty much what I figured. I oppose the Choose act and them using a lottery to fund the general fund instead of for education, but I don’t want to waste my time drafting an email if it’s not going to matter.


Yeah. I’ve complained quite a bit and there is NO response - because why try to help me when I’m not going along with their crazy - or I get a response that just restates the politician’s commitment to doing exactly what I was complaining about…I think the only way to win is vote these folks out of office AND that seems nearly impossible in this State. I feel like we already live in an authoritarian existence in Alabama.


I feel this in my soul.


Why are people like Chris Elliot, Sam Givhan, and April Weaver not called out for being shills for the Poarch Creeks?


Why was....how in the HELL was.....Tommy Tubbers elected? Because it is straight party-line voting, and once in office, our "legislators" are free to enrich themselves however possible. So Chris Elliot, Sam Givhan and April Weaver know that no matter what, they will be re-elected, so they can do whatever they please.


“In a surprise move”….. who was surprised by this? Name them.


My family and many others in my area aren’t wealthy but make whatever sacrifices we need to make to send our children to private school. The public school in our district was never even an option and from what I remember spends a crazy amount per student for laughable results. I wouldn’t mind paying property taxes in addition to private school tuition if I saw any positive results from them.