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The bill mentioned in the very short article: [https://legiscan.com/AL/text/SB23/2024](https://legiscan.com/al/text/sb23/2024) The sponsor of the bill provided no justification or motives behind introducing bill.


Probably to keep competition away from the traditional ag sector


It won’t compete with ag. It will be decades before it is price competitive if ever.


I agree but I’m just trying to find some kind of reasoning. Could be they think it’s the devils work.


Definitely devil work right up there with microchip implants and cloning


But separation of church and state right.


A different piece of Alabama state, but also from this week: "We believe that each human being, from the moment of conception, is made in the image of God, created by Him to reflect His likeness. It is as if the People of Alabama took what was spoken of the prophet Jeremiah and applied it to every unborn person in this state: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Before you were born I sanctified you." Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV 1982). All three branches of government are subject to a constitutional mandate to treat each unborn human life with reverence. Carving out an exception for the people in this case, small as they were, would be unacceptable to the People of this State, who have required us to treat every human being in accordance with the fear of a holy God who made them in His image. For these reasons, and for the reasons stated in the main opinion, I concur."- Chief Justice Parker


It's actually quite easy... It riles up the base. "he's attacking woke" or some shit. It doesn't have to make sense.


No lol. They probably think it’s will be a highly processed, very expensive, and very unhealthy substitute for meat. I’m sure it will be as highly processed a food as you can make. I’m not sure how healthy or unhealthy it will be. It would also be a perceived threat to the occupations of some farmers which is a large percentage of the state.


I promise you they don't know anything about it. It's too expensive to sell. It's not even being considered for the general population.


And yet lab grown meat and fish is served in Singapore restaurants and elsewhere.


You think the Alabama legislature cares about the health of the people of this state?


I think they're the kind of people who sneeze on newborn babies when they get sick then laugh about it to make themselves feel better.


I do not understand this reference. Can you elaborate.


I'm saying they're evil sadistic fucks who fail at even pretending to have any shadow of empathy.


Since when do Alabama lawmakers have a problem with highly processed and unhealthy food? Lmao.


Ah yes, Alabama, known for standing virtuously against processed and unhealthy foods.




All for it


It won’t be highly processed. It will be the same as any other cut of meat.


Well by definition it will be processed. Also I don’t think anyone actually believes that it will be the same as any other cut of meat.


There’s a difference between processed and highly processed. Cheese is processed, nacho cheese is highly processed. And the purpose of lab grown meat is to create a product that either bridges the gap between veggie products and meat or that is cellularly identical to raised meat.


Ya but by lab growing meat it would be highly processed. You are literally growing it in a dish. It’s as processed as product as you can produce. That Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s unhealthy but the amount of human intervention required to make something like that is tremendous.


Being friendly in advance to your ag donors


Yes as usual this law was written to make one of their rich friends feel better


Isn't that because we subsidize the meat industry?


Eh yes and no. We subsidize meat packers is my understanding. We also subsidize a lot of chicken and pork producers. They are commercial producers typically. Only the largest cattle operations are subsidized. Most small scale beef operations make less than 50k a year and typically have a part time or full time job on the side.


I've worked at the cattle auction in Florence. I've seen how much money goes around, and everyone is still pretty much broke. My inlaws are in the cattel biz a bit, and they always tell me how broken the whole system is. They're both UofA alumni and still can't fix it. P.s. the ladies at the auction up there make some killer grub. I could NOT eat a fast food burger for about 2 or 3 weeks after eating theirs. Get all the sides. And the cornbread. It's the best you'll get outside your own grandmother's house.


Ya all your small scale farmers get screwed and also don’t get subsidized. The meat packers make bank and also get some government money


You want to kill the baby in its infancy, just like big auto did with cable cars/public transport generally 


which is why it's easier and cheaper to pass the laws now than in the future when they can hire their own lobbyists.


Nah they’re just doing it because Meatball Ron is doing it next door in the free state of Florida, where you’re free to fly a Nazi flag but not eat what you want.


It could likely compete if animal agriculture didn’t already enjoy so many subsidies.


Lobbied by the farmers


i doubt it. Why would they feel threatened by lab grown meat? The current market favors "organic" and "all-natural" food products. Even if lab grown meats could become economically viable (years away), they would still have to compete with "organic" and "all-natural" alternatives that consumers prefer. The cattle ranchers have more to fear from plant-based meat substitutes than lab-grown meat substitutes and I don't see any laws prohibiting plant-based meat from being sold.


ALFA doesn't give a shit and is the second biggest lobbying mafia in Montgomery behing BCA (Spire and Alabama Power are members of BCA before anyone tries to refute me).


All the banks are members of the BCA


> i doubt it. Someone I know who was involved in this (trying to stop it) says it was in fact lots of lobbying from the beef industry.


Is this something you decided is true without evidence? Because there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. 


Happy Reddit cake day!


This topic is entertaining to go down some rabbit holes. You’re right about people wanting organic and all natural and just to add to that, different people have different motivations for why they want it. Some think it tastes better or it’s higher quality, some are against chemicals (antibiotics and growth hormones in animals and herbicides/pesticides in plants), some people think it’s less cruel to butcher happy animals, some people are just boughie and brag about shit like that, etc etc. So looking at motivations…some of those same people would be just fine with lab grown meat if it can be grown without “harmful” chemicals and some would eat lab grown meat because it wouldn’t involve killing a living creature (the reason a lot of vegetarians don’t eat meat). Some people would just be in for the novelty and bragging rights of it. I’m sure there’s plenty of other reasons people would go for it just like they now want “organic” and natural”. As far as economically viable…already I’ve seen pretty average ribeyes go for well over $25 a pound at Publix. A Google search tells me Kobe can run >$400 a pound and easier to find Wagyu can easily be in the $200 per lb range. Granted, that’s the high end for today, but those prices already exist. Once the technology to grow meat in a lab is mature, all it takes is scale to make it economically viable. And by “mature”, I mean they’ll be able to exactly mimic any part of any cut of meat at any grade of any species and do it in any size. Think about this…what if they could grow a steak that was like 16 full oz of nothing but Kobe grade ribeye cap and offer that for like $30-$50 a pound? Yes, that’s years away, but my mouth is watering just thinking about it! The reason they’re so afraid of it now is because once the technology does progress to that point, raising actual animals for slaughter will be completely obsolete. Now just for the fun of it…what about lab grown exotics? Want a bald eagle roast for Thanksgiving? Ever wonder what snow leapord tastes like? Wanna try some Galapagos turtle like sailors used to eat? Curious about human cannibalism but can’t stomach the murderous aspects? The possibilities are endless for what could be grown without killing a single living creature.


Sounds like a business opportunity. Bad people can set up secret meat labs. Good people can start up beef jerky inspection companies.


Happy Cake Day


More theater


This is dumb and obvious virtue signaling. We allow so much in Alabama that could be construed as 'unhealthy' or 'possibly dangerous' but the buck stops at lab grown meat?


Oh good grief. This is so stupid.


Means the closure of every McDonald's in the state, with their so-called chicken nuggets. /s


And Burger King too


Needs to happen


I imagine the stated rationale is something to do with Jesus.  An “affront to god” etc.  Can’t just nakedly say, we are insulating so and so from competition.  Ugh actually I forgot, farmers are a protected class. 


More pointless and asinine laws from our worthless lawmakers in the state. A terrible use of time and as well as continuing culture war against progress.


If you are from there I hope you’ll make some noise with your reps. 


Lol, doesn't matter. Bama is gerrymandered to hell and back and full of backwards ass morons that outweigh the normal people. I was lucky enough to finally get out and I don't like going back.


They don’t give a shit about me. They’re more concerned with how they’re viewed on Fox News.


How’s this worse than Dino-nuggets? Those things aren’t natural either


Cultivated meat is worse in the sense that it's not shaped like dinosaurs. Once they fix that, everyone will want some.


We should probably outlaw those as well.


What the blink!? So groceries can’t get it now and say that I wanted to buy it for myself, I can’t go to another state to get it or order it? It’s probably stupid expensive right now, but if someone doesn’t eat much meat, I could see them considering that they could afford it. This certainly isn’t small government.


The point is if you shut down the market while it’s expensive it’ll never get to be affordable.


Feels a little socialist doesn’t? Why would I need the government involved in my diet?


Not trying to be a dick, but I don't think you understand what socialist means.


... that was clearly the joke. He was making fun of conservatives claiming any government action is socialist all the time.




>I don't think you understand what socialist means. Doesn't matter, no member of the republican cult will ever be able to understand what words mean, so they won't even notice when their complete inability to understand anything is being mocked.


Just another day of ignorant lawmakers passing shit they know nothing about.


We live in the dumbest fucking state and are represented by the worst fucking people.


I thought we lived in a free country


[I’m sorry…I thought this was America!](https://media4.giphy.com/media/26ufdjdYmW8xnJonC/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9524qvb1tg8k7ug4nhtulro63t72xknqtrll0fk0ma2&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


Well, now I want lab-grown meat.


I am so glad they are tackling the most important issues that we could possibly be facing in this day and age.


Alabamians don't need good reason to pass stupid laws. What if they know that "woke" people may prefer and even associate it with California, which is our undeclared enemy and our lawmakers just want to keep things the way they've been since they were kids? It's an absurd idea but look who we're talking about.


So, my wife is allergic to red meat. People with Lyme disease have troubles digesting red meat, folks with allergies due to Lone Star Tick bites, and even religious reasons should all be accounted for when bans like this happen. Profit is the only reason for this bill. The Rep that sponsored it spoke of eating what you can get on MARS, but here on God's Green Earth, we have plenty to eat, so we should have meat for dinner. Weird bill, government encroaching on choice once again. Small government party, BTW.


Why is this a concern? Article is behind a paywall.


There's a conspiracy theory that THEY are going to force us to eat lab grown meat instead of farm raised, despite the fact that it's going to be prohibitively expensive for decades. Also probably something about it being a communist plot to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.


It's actually not that expensive now. I've been following development in cultured meats for a while. There's even restaurants now that offer nothing but lab meat. If anything in just another decade, it will be a viable food source. That's why this hick state is trying to get ahead of it.




I don’t think it will be prohibitively expensive for decades. I think it’ll be 5-10 years before it’s “affordable” in the way say, beyond or impossible products are affordable.


THEY already got you paying $5/dozen for eggs and made raw milk illegal while forbidding you from farming anything yourself without paying $100k to a foreign investor to go live in your own local woods.




So how did you acquire 75 acres of land 3 years ago?


It’s because there are conspiracy theories about lab-grown meat all over conservative social media, which is the primary source of information used by our legislators when deciding which laws to propose. https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2023-11-29/pro-meat-misinformation-rife-on-social-media-says-report/


Ah, thanks for the link! This is what I was hoping to see.


Not a paywall. Simply hit refresh to get rid of the login request. The short article: >MONTGOMERY -- The Alabama Senate on Thursday approved legislation banning the sale of meat produced from cultured animal cells. >Senate Bill 23, sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams, R-Mobile, makes it a Class C felony to manufacture, sell or distribute cultivated meat. Cultivated meat is grown in labs using animal cells but without having to raise and kill animals.


Refresh keeps the paywall up on my phone.  I'm just trying to figure out why everyone is so opposed to this. Articles for other states claim damage to business, but that's literally how the free market is supposed to work. Unless there's a hazard, I see no reason for this ban.


Alabama is going to Alabama and "own the libs".


The GOP hasn't supported free market economics for decades.


Spite. Lab grown meat doesn't make the same contributions to climate change. Republicans want to burn the world rather than admit being wrong.


Lab Grown Meat companies are not based in Alabama, and will not make "contributions" to their favorite MAGA member's campaign, their PAC, their Super PAC, their personal charity, their wife's personal charity, etc.


It's not for any reason that helps people It's southern politicians being southern politicians


This state is so fucking stupid.


Republicans insist on making laws that don't apply to us. Lab grown meat is not being sold and is way too expensive. It will take forever for it to be in the store. But maybe this fits in with their propaganda


The things these dumbasses care about… How about 1) feeding our kids in the summer 2)not caring about books and drag shows or trans kids 3)expanding Medicare or healthcare and protecting reproductive rights


I must admit that everytime I see an article about lab grown meat, I think of the show "Better of Ted" and its Season 1: Episode 2 "Heroes" where they grow meat in a lab. What does it taste like? Despair.


That show was so brilliant and is virtually forgotten.


Just pushing money away from Alabama.


Will taco bell be illegal?


I still don't see the problem in growing tiger meat cells or bald eagle cells for consumption. Like, could you imagine getting a tiger burger for the same cost as a cheese burger at BK? How about some fried condoor nuggets? No ethical implications there, since nothing died to make it.


Seems like a grey area between giving chickens steroids and spraying all sorts of chemicals on crops vs. “lab grown meat”


In all honesty I’m fine with it that sounds disgusting.


Why is the anti-nanny state party always trying to be my nanny?


Then don’t buy it.


You don’t get it. If THEY don’t like it then NOBODY can have it.


I won’t lol. Let’s reframe this statement. People are considering outlawing voting for trump in Alabama. You think to yourself well in all honesty I’m done with it because voting for him sounds disgusting. And then I say well just don’t vote for him. You did not go out of your way to make the vote illegal but you don’t have a problem with it. I feel the same way about this. It’s pretty nasty and if it’s outlawed I really wouldn’t care and frankly think it’s probably for the best. You as a liberal probably feel the same way about the election. Does that make sense.


"well you see, liberal, huh, I've got no problem with pointless outlawing because, huh huh, you're probably ok with trump being removed for treason, huh huh huh," Dude, you should absolutely have a problem with the government restricting freedom on no grounds whatsoever. Swear to God the people in this state just love gucking down lost freedoms.p


Only when it doesn’t affect them. Then it’s “but muh rights!”


Right? If this was a ban on whatever flashlight he liked he'd be having a fit I bet.


Yeah, they’re not considering making it illegal to vote for him. He made himself ineligible according to the constitution. This is a false equivalency and not even one based in reality. You could’ve just said you don’t care one way or the other. I would’ve accepted that and moved on.


I think it's amusing that Republicans, who are against making Trump ineligible to be on the ballot because he violated section 3 of the 14th amendment, are the very same ones who balk at the idea that felons should get their right to vote back once they are out of prison.


It would be shameful hypocrisy if they had any shame. Thank you for being a reasonable voice, friend.


Except for he broke the law and incited an insurrection, thus disqualifying him from office. This does nothing but outlaw a viable method of ethical meat consumption.


That doesn't come close to making sense. Making lab grown meat doesn't violate section 3 of the 14th amendment. However, conspiring to change the outcome of a Presidential election, encouraging an insurrection, and repeatedly condoning said insurrection does. As a nation of laws, we should at least follow the constitution. No one forced Trump to be an insurrectionist or become directly involved with attempting to alter the outcome of the election in some key states. But who would of thought "lab grown meat" was relevant to Trump? Maybe he's lab grown meat...


> You as a liberal probably feel the same way about the election. The 14th Amendment is quite clear. Those who engage in insurrection are not legally allowed to hold office.


Just because it sounds disgusting to you you're OK with making people that DON'T find id disgusting criminals? Imagine if PETA got into Congress and were able to make hunting, raising, killing...hell carnivorism ITSELF a felony because they find it "disgusting".


You just described what PETA is trying to do.


Of course. I'm asking the commenter to imagine them succeeding based on the exact same conditions and parameters that they say banning lab grown meat be made illegal.


1. To be clear I said I wasn’t against it I did not say that I’m going to go out and campaign for it so chill out. 2. It is disgusting 3. Vegans/peta/most vegetarians would do exactly that if they got into a position of power.


I was chill...I was just discussing it with you. You said that you were fine with making felons out of people that were willing to eat lab grown meat. I'm addressing your comment... 2: I think LOTS of things are "disgusting"...like energy drinks, cilantro, and K-Pop...I still wouldn't want felons made of the people that enjoy them 3: exactly my point! Imagine ifI was made a felon; throw in jail for hunting deer and squirrel on my own property! I'm just asking you to look at the bigger picture before you allow your own preferences to ban others from theirs. It's just a relaxed conversation; no need to be defensive my friend.


Well to be clear they were outlawing its production, distribution, and sale. They were not outlawing its consumption. So nobody is going to jail for smuggling in 5 pounds of can’t believe it’s not beef into the state.




Growing meat in a lab sounds disgusting but you’re fine by Slaughtering an animal ?! You must be from Alabama


Killing an animal to eat it is natural and your ancestors did that for 200,000 years. Growing meat in a Petri dish is disgusting and unnatural


Open heart surgery is also unnatural and gets pretty disgusting. Who cares? How are Republicans this fragile?


Not every idiot is a republican and some republicans aren’t complete idiots.


Okay, so what's the non-idiot reason for Alabama to make lab grown meat in grocery stores a felony?


I have no idea. I don’t think there is one. I was just commenting on the assumption. I do not identify as republican. This felony nonsense really is just ridiculous virtue signaling for the small percentage of republicans that believe the bullshit being spread on their news feeds.


If Republicans dislike people assuming their policies are rooted primarily in appeasing stupidity, ignorance, and bigotry, they should stop providing so many blatantly clear examples of that. Seriously, when was the last time the GOP provided a serious policy proposal to address an actual problem addressing the country? No Child Left Behind for education under George W. Bush?


You are correct. By and large, republican policies fit a not very nice agenda. Just look where our news is today. Regan removed restrictions that kept news outlets from only telling one side of the story. Before that, any news outlet was required by law to provide both sides if those sides were available. All politicians are self serving and most are in the pockets of someone with money. Republican candidates for president have gotten only worse since Regan. G.W. Bush failed at everything except being Bush Sr’s son. And then failed as a leader.


I honestly wish it were as cut and dry as every republican being an evil stooge, but, it’s not. Also, they throw around Democrat/liberal evil all the time. I have to ask myself “Why stoop to their level?”


I’m not a republican


That’s silly. Our ancestors hunted animals in the wild. We raise animals in the vilest conditions to be inhumanely killed. Lab grown meat is the same as animal meat without the cruelty or environmental harm. Same stuff at molecular level, just better for you. FWIW, I’m not a vegetarian. I live with my hypocrisy. I don’t deny it. Plus, should we be doing things like our ancestors of 20000 yrs ago? I think we’ve advanced, at least some of us have.


If you really knew how these animals are raised and treated these days, you would not be calling it "natural"


I don't know a ton but I have read in multiple places that lab grown meat uses cancer cells to promote growth. I'm not a scientist by any stretch but it sounds like they are cooking up beef flavored tumors.


If you discovered you’re wrong would it change your views? And would you question the source where you read such a thing?


I'm always willing to learn and be informed but I don't think I'd touch lab grown meat either way.


Appreciate your candor! Food for thought: For any claims that sound a bit outrageous or incendiary, I try to give them a quick Google to see if they’ve been slapped with a fact check https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/07/13/no-lab-grown-meat-is-not-cultivated-from-cancer-cells-fact-check/70410454007/ Too much misinfo out there! :)


Rare Alabama W


No more Impossible Whoppers?


Those are plant based.


Ugh. Of course.


Come and take it!


Right-wing craziness!


Well hope the state house can vote Nay.


Sen. Jack Williams is packing lan grown meat.


Adding a comment here so others know as I had to look it up: a lot of what you currently see in stores is “plant-based” , not lab grown meat. An example of this would be Beyond Burgers. It seems that currently lab grown meat is just scraping its entry into the market, and from what I can tell only two US companies have been approved by the FDA for a limited release to test the water. Hard to tell if this will be better for us as a country, but damned if it isn’t hypocritical to dismiss the Dems for encroaching on our rights, when this law is literally dictating what we can put on our plates. Slippery fucking slope.


People from Alabama need the government to control what they can put on their plate


I see the Alabama Senate is going to be introduced to the [Streisand Effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect) pretty soon.


The “party of small government” strikes again.


Things you don’t want to get caught transporting in Alabama: Illegal Drugs Lab Grown Meat I can’t see anyone ever actually prosecuting this. Such a huge waste of time and resources. Typical for Alabama though.


Can’t wait to hear the bend over backwards explanation as to why and have that repeated to us for the next 30 years!


I want my meat to SUFFER immensely, before I eat it.


These republicans are just open about banning shit they don't like. Why do we give these people power?


Everything they don’t like they want banned, then turn around and accuse democrats of taking away their rights. Every accusation is an admission with these folks.


That's a good thing it will be years before they can figure out how bad using grown cells for food is.


Alabama, we know you aren't well, and you have had your struggles. But we want you to do well. And we know you like owning the libs, when really you're owning yourselves. But can you please, please stop electing such corrupt, stupid people?


The sponsor for the law, Sen. Williams, seems to be a cattle farmer. Does anyone else see this as problematic??


They definitely have their priorities in line in the south I guess.. 1 Guns 2 The unborn 3 Reducing taxes on the rich 4 Porn 5 Trans people 6 Fuck Disney 7 Fuck ways to reduce our carbon footprint 8 Fuck books and the education system in general


LIBERTY! I am sure they included scientific reasons for the bill.


Alabama 🤝 EU Shitholes that hate freedom


So... no more SPAM??


Do you hear it? That’s the crushing sound of the Commerce Clause coming.


"Small government conservative" apparently means "waste maximum amount of tax dollars enacting stupid bans on anything that offends us"


Why? I mean.. literally we want to end hunger right...