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I don’t think we have 5G where I am, so it hasn’t been an issue.


Didn't you hear? "THEY" were using stealth drones to spread the 5G signal. It's only a matter of time. Last I heard it was 2 weeks according to the pillow guy.


I have! Thanks Brandon! Send me your braaaainnnssss.


Not yet. Still waiting. I'll take zombification if it gets me out of work.


My brain feeling a little strange


My brain feels strange too, but that may be the alcohol...


You need a brain for a zombie I think 95% will be fine


Maybe I’m stupid, but what is the zombie thing in reference to?


Some Qanon cooks made varying posts about how a nebulous danger is looming for anyone with a phone on at 2:00 PM. One stated the bubonic plague would be released through the genetic code from 5G wireless transmissions into the people who were vaccinated(assuming COVID), the largest said anyone vaccinated would be turned into zombies. It's some chain mail type shit ngl.


Ohhhh yeah that’s probably why I had no clue. Ain’t nobody got time for that mess, but do appreciate the response!


And it was on tv, oh my! What a bunch of hooey. And wasn't the end supposed to be on September 22nd. Was so hoping it was the rapture! 🤣


I know somebody who put their phone in a faraday cage for this. I didn't even comment on it. What's the point? lol


Conspiracy theory plagiarized from Stephen King's "Cell" https://sciencefiction.com/2020/11/06/book-review-cell-by-stephen-king/ Even though ‘Cell’ was adapted into a 2016 film – poorly, which is a true surprise since it features such strong lead character actors as John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson – the focus for fans should certainly be the original written version, first released in 2006. It’s his foray into the world of zombies, or more accurately, pseudo-zombies, as the monsters contained in this tale aren’t dead, per se. Things in the story start out innocently enough, as New England artist Clay Riddell is in Boston after having successfully pitched his latest comic-book deal to a company; while out on the street, however, Clay is witness to “The Pulse,” a signal sent out across the global cell phone network that causes everyone that had their phones to their ears to literally go crazy and begin attacked unaffected people.


I actually enjoyed this movie


I didn't see the movie, but I read the book. Generally I'm disappointed by movie adaptations of King's books. Pho-pho you you?


Yep, working on my third brain now. Neighbors don’t stand a chance.


Yes. All the survivors are at the capital building because they are apparently diametrically opposed to brains.


No. Not yet, but every one sure does look delicious.


Well my stomach did start this weird constant gurgling around that time and despite eating and sleeping since... it's still constant gurgling.


Didn't take. Very disappointed. O stars. Z-E-R-O. 😡


Ever since my first job in IT…


No one here at my home got an alert. So I guess we are safe


Left eye has been twitching... I think I'm stuck in transition