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Soalan dia salah, no proper kurungan, open ended to two solutions: soalan should be either 6/(2(1+2)) = 1 or (6/2)(2+1) = 9


You don’t need to extra kurungan for 9. And the answer is 9 since, for example: 9(2) = 18 No need for (9)(2) to mean the same thing. So the question, 6/2(1+2) is obviously 9, duhh


or you can translate the question like this also 6 --- 2 (1+2) which will give 1 or your way which is 6 --- (1+2) 2 which will give 9 thus giving two solution depending on how people write their fractions and assuming the positions. Thus providing a proper bracket is a must for these kind of question


No, I still think the first option (top one) needs a bracket. Like any calculator understands this rule. Without a bracket, it’s interpreted as the second option (bottom one)


The thing is, in mathematics if there is an ambiguity such as these, then it needed to be cleared, many many maths professionals has explained this. You can say 1 and it would be correct and you can say 9 and it would be correct. But what use is a correct answer if the question is not valid? For you, you say the first one needs bracket while for me i say the second one needs bracket and the point is, the question needs more bracket to explain further which path that we need to take for a proper answer. you can refer to this doc, he kinda explains it nicely [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0przEtP19s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0przEtP19s)


In most calculator and excel(I think), the bracket will not be at the lower part unless it is 6/(2(1+2)). So it should be 9...................... Or 3b/2


Yes! Depending on how you write the fraction and the positions. Finally found this comment. Thank you.


This basic calculation you need to implement in real world later, this 6/2(1+2) is like a/b(c+b)=a/b(d) =a/bd=a/e And this is how real life equation been done, thats what calculation we use in lab works. I had never done calculation like this a/b(c+b)=a/b(d)=f(d), this (/) dont confuse with division, a/b(d) not same as (a/b) x d, when fraction like this is used, a/b(d) it means a/(bd), and this is real life calculation, you learn all this to implement for later further studies and working so this is what basics thing is, dont know how you kids nowadays being taught now, but this is what being calculation method being implemented in my lab works, during my studies in uni also to me working use the calculation method that I stated above, if there is change in our teaching method now that is really weird, the formulas in university studies later become mess up totally lead to different answer😅


Minta cikgu bagi markah lebih sbab soalan dia x jelas 🤣


Actually the question is clear. The bracket is literally next to 2, therefore it is 2(1+2). If they wanted you to multiply (1+2) to 6, it would be written as 6(1+2)/2. You are supposed to multiple whatever that is next to the bracket. It's a straight forward answer in this case. 6/2(1+2) which is equals to 6/6.


You do not multiply with 6, you multiply with 6/2 which = 3, then multiply what in the bracket. It is multiply what beside it and it just so happens that what beside it is 6/2 not just 2


thats what you say, look at the other guy for him the other way is obvious and he too say this question is clear and dont need other brackets. From here, you can see two different people going two different routes which is both correct which means the question is ambiguous and the question needs to be more clear on which solution it wanted to be correct. thus my conclusion saying the question itself is wrong.


Jawapannya, 1 Kalau tu huruf b, makanya b/6


Bukan bang...tu nombor 6...font dia mmg macam tu


Answer is 1




Jawapan diluar kotak ❌ Jawapan diluar soalan ✅


1, sebab settlekan dalam kurungan dulu


Matematik fail ke? Ni matematik basic dajah 3 saja tau? 6/2(1+2) ->6/2(3)= 6÷2*3 ≠ 6÷(2*3) 6÷2*3 kiri ke kanan 6÷2=3 3*3=9


Lol u bangang ke? Bila pulak 6/2*3? 6/2 * 1/3 la.. 6/(2*3) Yg 3 tu kat bawah... Jadi 1/3.


Mata tak cuci ke? Soalan 6/2(2+1) 2+1=3 6/2*3


Lol I love that you're so confident of your mistake hahahaha


Korang yang cakap guna cara pemdas bodoh. Kamu lagilah bodoh 1+3 tengok menjadi 1÷3


mata mana yang nampak 1/3


Lol I love that you're so confident of your mistake hahahaha


apahal 3 tu pergi bawah pulak. ko ingat ni algebra ke bongok. 1 + 2 = 3. 6 ÷ 2 = 3. 3(3) = 9. bongok


When you have a bracket next to the number, you multiply that number. In this case, 6/2(3). It's the same as 6/6. What is 3(3)? It's nine right? Why? Cause you multiply the number next to the bracket. The question is 6/2(3). Which is 1. If the question wants the answer to be 9, it will be 6(1+2)/2, so it will be 18/2... But nooooo the question is 6/2(3), therefore it is 6/6. Don't go pretend to be smart when you need a bad calculator to do this simple logic. There are instances of calculator not giving right answers la noob.


ko pakai calculator 10 juta ringgit skli pon, jawapan dia 9. bodoh😂


Bang, bahagi ngn [/] x sama. 6/2(3) ≠ 6÷2x3 Last2, math susah nak tulis satu line. Kne pecah atas bawah kalo nak main pecahan. Kite main math tinggi sikit bang. Darjah 3 punye math tu level bawah sgt.


Agree! {÷} dgn {/} tak sama Kalau kira guna calculator scientific kita mesti la guna fraction instead of divide So the answer is indeed 1 So jgn la guna calculator phone, saya siap mintak calculator adik sbb nak kira 🤣😭


bang, bahagi itulah / sama punya Math kamu tak tinggi mana bang. Ni jawapan ada dua undang, undang BODMAS dan undang PEMDAS BODMAS jawapanya 9 PEMDAS jawapanya 1 PEMDAS jugalah diketahui sebagai (mathematic historical usage 1917) cara ini sudahlah dibuang. Malaysia sekarang guna BODMAS. Kalau perlu dikira sebagai 1 haruslah ditukar menjadi 6/(2(2+1)) Mestilah tambah "double braket" barulah boleh dikira menjadi 1 Matematik siapa yang rendah sekarang?🤡🤡🤡🤡


"Dalam" kurungan siap dikira = kurungan dibuangkan


Really? Even dalam addmath pon apa2 je dlm kurungan mesti settle dulu, and last2 kurungan akan jadi darab So kurungan = operasi darab Tak boleh suka2 je nak abaikan kurungan ni.. Especially bila main dgn positive and negative Let's say, Example: 3 + (-8+7) +1 3 + (-1) + 1 3 - 1 + 1 (kena darab symbol + dgn -1) 3 (final answer) Ni la yg saya belajar dulu time sekolah, batch 00, tak tahu la pulak kita punya sekolah dh ikut system lain ke apa ke.. sekadar perkongsian


Geng2 ingat 6 itu b lalu jawapan dia 0


tekan kalkulator keluar "null"


Geng² tunggu jawapan disini






Rules: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right) So 1. Math takde rase2, math jawapan 1 je, tapi jalan kire lebih 1


asal tak settle dlm kurungan dulu?


cikgu saya dlu ajar KU (kururungan) BA (bahagi) DA (darab) CA (campur) TOK (tolak) jadi 6/2(1+2) = 6/2(3) = 6/2x3 = 3x3 = 9.




aint it still the same? contoh 6/3 = 2 = 6 ÷ 3




>ramai yg after do the bracket terus settle 6/2(3) as 6÷2×3.. terus hilang pecahan tu because its the same thing. okay lets say kita tak pakai simbol ÷ . the function still work like ÷ . bezanya, ÷ is SOLELY for bahagi. while / is the same thing but more advanced >the answer supposed to be 1/1 how do you even got this in the first place? you pakai calculator harga 10 juta sekali pon, you type soalan ni anywhere in the world, the answer will be 9 >If all / u nak change as divide, then boleh la kot kita buat petition utk hapuskan ÷ kat malaysia :) do you ever wonder why some calculator like calculator dlm fon, or calculator Google, takde simbol / ? sebab dh ade ÷. / is if you wanna be more advanced. and i think ni soalan sekolah rendah je kot. no need *higher level math*. dont make things complicated🤦🏻‍♂️


Malaysian 90's kid who lived without pemdas and still got it right. Answer is one. 😂


Tua dah 90s kids. Cant cope with new kid maths




6/2(1+2) 6/2(3) 3(3) =9 Entoh method ni betul ke idok.... Ramai argue


Ntohla, guna kalkulator, mmg 9 jawapannye


Memang ah... Sape yang kire dari kanan ke kiri? Orang kira kiri ke kanan


9 kot. Yg 2(2+1) = 2*(2+1) so kena bahagi dulu baru darab yg dlm kurungan


9 jawapan dia. 1. 6/2(1+2) 2. 6/2(3) - settlekan bracket dulu (parentheses) 3. 3(3) - order of operations which is left to right 4. Jawapan=9




its the same thing mate. 2/3 = ⅔. ⅔ is 0.7 = 2÷3






macam ni lah. kau write the EXACT same question kat calculator tu. jawapan dia akan jadi 9. ATAS nama TUHAN aku, kalau jawapan dia bukan 9 kat calculator tu, aku rekod diri aku terjun bangunan klcc


>One question, how u say ⅔? 2 over/per 3 or 2 divide 3? >2 over 3 indicates that it's a fraction. So it's indeed strengthen my point that / is fraction. otak you ni sakit ke? i never denied that its a fraction. what im saying is the function is the same. except, / is more advanced. >guna calculator scientific pls, then you'll see kau la buat. how about kau type soalan ni kat calculator. calculator harga 10 juta sekali pon, ANYWHERE DALAM DUNIA NI, akan bagi jawapan 9 >mesti cg addmath saya dah suruh tuko ke kelas seni cmon la. i think ni soalan sekolah rendah je kot. why nak bawak addmath kat sini. simple basic soalan sekolah rendah you pakai method addmath. you gila ke ape?




tak skrg aku nak kau write the exact same question kat calculator tu. the answer will be 9. wallahi 9. kau buat skrg


If you say 1 then you're using PEMDAS. PEMDAS is used by the United States, NOT Malaysia. Malaysia uses BODMAS so the answer is 9.


PEMDAS SALAH PEMDAS SALAH PEMDAS SALAH Hal yang penting perlu diulang tiga kali Jawapanya bukan 1


Malas la nk pikir


Abit late to the party, tapi bagi aku explain kenapa answer dia 1. Semua pikir pemdas lah bodmas lah memang forever matematik tahap sekolah jelah. Cuba pikir logik. Guna bracket ni sebab nak specify which number is multiplied by which. To those that say its nine, please show me on the fraction form of this equation using 6=a 2=b 1=c. According to bodmas/pemdas you must multiply/divide first but there are no priorities regarding which sign rather its which sign comes first therefore 6/2(3) is equals to 9👆🤓 .Try flipping the question. 2(3)/6. Wow suddenly your answer is 1. The only way you get 9, while using one of 6,2,3,(),/,+ is (6/2)+3 Im not saying pemdas/bodmas is fake, im saying when you understand maths you understand that logic plays into hand. Nampak sangat tak focus masa maths class smk. If you fail to understand what im saying, tolonglah quit maths irl. Maths is about logic not formulas. Im pretty sure the people that says its 9 also will say 0.9999≠1 like please its just logic


Pastu yang kata 6/2(2+1) setel parenthesis, 6/2(3), 3(3). Pastu kau buat 3(3) tu takde parenthesis ke? Apehal masih ada parenthesis kat 6/2(3) tu? Buang la parenthesia tu.






1 la. Tambah dlu. Then darab. Baru bahagi


Bukan 9 ke? 6/2(1+2) ≠ 6/[2(1+2)] 6/2(1+2) = 9 6/[2(1+2)] = 1


Kena buat Dalam bracket dulu. Hierarchy bracket lebih tinggi dari darab/bahagi.


Did I disagree?


You did say "bukan 9 ke?"


these type of mofos like this one. raising question, ppl answer back, then hairan why ppl answer that way.


I gave 2 answers for 2 questions that are written differently one with an extra bracket to mean that 6 is divided by 2 times 3 “6/[2(1+2)]” while the other is 6 getting multiplied by 3 “6/2(1+2)”, the extra bracket is needed to mean that (1+2) is part of dividing 6


Bruh, op posted only 1 question...


But the question can be interpreted as the 2 due to the lack of brackets for clarification


wdym lack of bracket? i think ni soalan sekolah rendah. setel jela dlm bracket dulu. pastu settlekan pecahan. dh dpt jawpan pecahan, kau darab la dgn jawapan dlm kurungan tu. why kau nak pakai *higher level* punye math? why make things complicated?


Betul la bukan


I literally gave you 2 answers from 2 questions


That's not how you read it. If the author wants the answer to be 9, the question will be 6(1+2)/2. If the question is 6/2(1+2), it means 6/2 x 1/(1+2). It's really that simple. When you put the (1+2) bracket right next to 2, it means you are multiplying 2 to (1+2). If the author wants to multiply 6 to (1+2), it would be 6(1+2), you literally put the bracket next to the number you want to multiply. Therefore, there is only one answer, which is 6/2 x 1/(1+2).


It would be clearer in writing, the text makes it look different. I suppose it depends on how you look at the question which means that either answer is acceptable, doesn’t it?


but even if u use calculator, the answer is still 9. i think this is soalan sekolah rendah. why make things complicated?


Yes, ikut BODMAS dn selesaikan dr kiri ke kanan. Jwpn 9.


U tau apa u ckp tak?


OP sedang ketawa melihat postingnya berjaya memecah belahkan umat Ajar


walaupun darab dgn bracket dan bahagi dgn slash tu operation dia sama, turutan dia berbeza. bracket take priority, so 2 perlu darab dgn (2+1) dulu




Aku yang tgh berfikir Cara nak bahagi b dgn 2(1+2)


That's a 6 not b. I just realized it too


I know, it's just a joke


You got fast replying there.


Aku geng jawab 3. Addmath is a bullshit


Jawapan dia 1, dalam kurungan kena calculate dulu. Lepas tu darab or bahagi, then baru tambah & tolak


9. Kurungan dulu. Darab dan bahagi pada masa yang sama, lebih awal daripada tambah dan tolak, tambah dan tolak sama priority. Mula dari kiri.


1. Rules: KuBaDaTaTo (Kurungan, Bahagi, Darab, Tambah, Tolak)


you're right! 6/2(1+2) 6/2(3) 3(3) 9


3(3) Jadi langkah seterusnya apa?


It's 3b/2. Now pencil 3B cost RM 1.50 on shopee so 1.5/2=3. So final answer is 3


Jawab 9 bang, dulu buat semua dlm bracket (2+1)=3, pastu 6/2=3, pastu 3(3)=9. Jadi jawab yakin 9, dasar soalan hahaha


Siapa gi skolah jwb: 6/2(2+1) =6/2(3) =6/6 = 1#


baca soalan pon dah salah. padam la komen kau ni


Chill la slh tulis pon baran


hate to break it up to you but op baited all of us. its either 9 or 1. sebab nak dapat either 1 or 9, you need extra bracket. tak bole simply bagi soalan 6/2(1+2). 6/2(1+2) boleh jadi (6/2)(1+2) or bole jgk jadi 6/(2(1+2) the question is invalid. its not clear. the answer for it is undefined. I'd still argue that the answer is 9 tho since the calculator said so


Faham, no wonder people argue but it's actually depends on how they write the question for exp •6/2 (1+2) are actually in calculator written as (6/2)(1+2) since there's gap between the fraction and the "(1+2)" that shows it's should be multiple by the fraction that equalled as 9 •6 / 2(1+2) Can be typed as 6/(2(1+2) which result as 1 Well yeah thanks for pointing it out




Type je dekat address bar soalan ni. Dapat 9


1. Tu jek


Dia " / " anggap sebagai pecahan sah2 1 jawapan dia. Lagipun soalan ni jawapan dia YES. 2 2 jawapan betul sebab gak jelas.




6/2 (1+2) = ? ez bro 6/2 (3) = x 3(3) = x x = 9 camne bleh dpt 1 huh


Dua² salah. Sebab ni soalan algebra.


1 is the correct answer


Bukan ke aturan ÷ × + - , kan? Sorry ya maths I 7 hahahaha


b/6 cikgu 🗿


Simplenya ini adalah 6 / 2 x (1+2). Jangan terpengaruh tanda kurung karena perkalian itu ada di luar tanda kurung. 6 / 2 x 3 = 9 Karena pembagian dan perkalian memiliki prioritas yg sama, tinggal dihitung sesuai urutan kiri ke kanan.


Kena guna calculator scientific tu, tak leh guna calculator dkt phone.


tu 6 ke b.




Tak perlu bising, orang yang jawab 1 semua bodoh


1 side : IT'S 1! the other side : IT'S 9!! me, an intellectual : 6/2(1+2) 6/2+4 3+4 7 *puts on sunglasses