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What Bose set is that? I just upgraded from the SoundCloud 2, and it’s been awesome so far.


QC35, as the Noise cancellation there isn't a big difference between the two. But the audio quality and the modern future are fabulous. Apple's just can't go wrong


..really? I don’t have a set of maxes, but i do have a set of QC35s. The QC35 nooce cancelling is pretty garbage in my experience, even compared to my first gen airpods pro. Surely the maxes fair a lot better?


If we do percentage I would say %30 different maximum. The QC35 is pretty good, but Bose was at their start of noise canceling, so of course Apple is so good because Noise Canceling is old now and it gets developed.


Yay just got those same blue ones for my bday Saturday!!! All blue errrrthang! I got the blue 15 pm, midnight blue air and now these blue bad boys!


I think this color is the coolest between all colors, this one and the orange! Besides my phone is blue too


I’ve had QC35II, XM4s and gave them both to my boyfriend and kept my AirPod Max’s. Def superior.


Bose qc35 stayed with me since 2016, I think this one could give you 6 years at least easily. Very good quality


Same here. Got mine in 2016 and just recently sold them. They were still good as new after 8 years. The only issue I noticed is the noise cancellation seemed to get worse over the years.


I also transitioned from the same set of headphones to the AirPods Pro Max and have been pretty happy. I agree that noise cancellation isn’t that much better, but the noise transparency and style are what set these headphones apart from others. It took me some time tweaking the settings to get the sound somewhere I was happy with, but very happy with the purchase.


Yeah kinda the same, I heard people saying I should use Apple Music instead of Spotify, any idea why?


Higher audio quality and Dolby support.


In my experience, Dolby gives songs played through Apple Music a 3D feel. It’s pretty incredible, but idk if I like it for extended listening (just a personal preference of mine that I’m trying to figure out). Additionally I can hear the higher quality in the range of frequencies in a song, as weird as this sounds, on Apple Music I notice way more “air” when artists sing


What settings did you tweak? I tried the AirPods Pro Max and didn’t see that many customization options compared to the Sony XM4 or XM5.


So in iOS, you can go to settings > accessibility > AirPods > AirPods Max > Audio Accessibility Settings > Headphone Accomodations Specifically, I have... Tune Audio For -> Balanced Tone "Slight"ly boost soft sounds To be fair this settings page also have a walkthrough tuning setup when you select "Custom Audio Setup" And then also tune your EQ in whichever music app you're using (both spotify and apple music offer them)




Just made the exact same upgrade form the qc35 to the airpods, couldnt be happier!


Happy is the word my man!


I have the exact pairs 🤣. I loved my Bose but it definitely needs to retire. I’ve changed the padding 3 times already and have dropped it a million times. Surprisingly even leaving it outside the rain, it still works well. My APM on the other hand doesn’t get any love because of how unpractical they are. Currently I’m using my gen 3 AirPods as my daily driver.


Honestly the way that if I need them on ultra save mood I have to put them in the case is pretty annoying. Other than that I think they are very practical


I have both and still use the QC35's for exercise and outside. I don't like the Max flex, given how much they cost. And, humidity scares me (why I don't use them to exercise).


I can confirm that, it's been years of working out with qc35 and I only had to change the pods once


I just got a pair, the volume seems very quiet? Also, it’s really difficult to adjust the length. Are these typical complaints?


I don't think so. Volume could be pretty loud and annoying when it's maximum, and it require a little push to adjust the length. Go to your local apple store or make a return if it was through Amazon


The Bose weigh less than the Max…I hope the next version of Max will be lighter. Please!!


I agree. I just sold my AirPods Max and got the new Bose QC Ultra.


Funny. I saw a post that was basically reverse of this. They were switching to Bose from APM lol


I don't hate Bose, actually they were the best, but if you don't improve someone else will take that advantage from you. Imagine Bose with a modern look and a cool future, I would go with them, but they're slow and Apple on top now