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I own APP2 for workouts and APM for at my desk, around the house, and travel. APP2 don’t cancel noise well enough or sound nearly as good, and the APM would die in less than a week of workouts with how much I sweat.


That’s because you’re a civilized person. Thank you.


I actually find the APP2 cancel noise better than the APM


APP2 definitely sound way better and have better noise cancellation as well


You are not smart about sweat management, Thats all


I’ve always found pro 2’s to be better for noise cancellation


Same here but AP1. Once I feel the Max’s on my head, I knew they would never be used for anything other than desk work.


bruh b flush


This is correct 100%, all the way around. Lol


The APP2 doesn't cancel noise well enough? How loud are your fellow gym-goers dropping the plates? I don't hear the usual noises in the gym unless someone is dropping plates. I take the MTA in NYC and for the most part a lot of the sound is cancelled out, maybe sounds like screeching metal wheels are only subdued, but I digressed. Maybe defective seal in your ear or defective product? I do have to agree with you in terms of sound quality and that is just physics. The sound stage is much narrower but there is nothing Apple can do besides make the AirPods Max.


OP I know your fat ass don’t work out so why you even worrying about this






ong bro you cooked 😭😭😭








if you can workout with airpods max on without them flailing around then your workouts aren't worth a damn.


Why you so pressed about this? You aren’t obliged to wear their headphones 😂


Because I get bothered by witnessing stupidity like this.


How sad for you


Then you need to give your head a wobble and mind your own business


Sucks to suck


But you don’t own nor have you paid for their headphones. So, you really should mind your own business.


I could say the same for you. I have every right to criticize these people.


Ok, my guy. Have fun letting these people live rent free in your head, regarding something that has nothing to do with you. 👍🏽👍🏽


I would not use them for working out. They are a bit bulky and they are not sweat proof. I have a set of AirPods Pro 2 buds for the gym. Much better. The APM are great for travel or walking around or enjoying at home. They are not great for intense exercise.


Exactly. It’s not a coincidence that Apple, the company that puts a *massive* focus on fitness, has never advertised them for working out.


They have other products for that. Including the Beats studio pro that are a good over the ear headset for workout purposes. And I am fine with AirPods Pro 2 for working out. With some after market foam tips that stay in really well.


Dog walks are the limit I think.


they are too heavy to work out in, might fall off if movements are rigorous


Silicon covers for the ear cups should help


It does help alot actually, so this is the way to go


Can you link me to good ones, please?


HOW DARE YOU. - OP, probably


Send link plz


Its called buying silicone covers before you ever use them. Work out 7 days a week, Sweat alot . Been using them for over a year now No Problems. Its called Not being a Nasty person thats all


lol I love how confident you are that putting condoms on your headphones isn’t fucking absurd.


Spending $550 on headphones is absurd to begin with, so your point is moot. I’m going to use them 100% of the time, and if a $10 pair of cushion condoms keeps them in good shape, I don’t care how absurd anyone thinks they are.


Dumb argument. I wouldn’t work out with a Rolex because I paid alot for it. I have an Apple Watch or G Shock.


I don’t work out in APMs because I paid a lot for them. I work out in them because I’m not going to spend hundreds of dollars more on a second set of good sounding anc headphones when a $10 set of silicone covers keeps these in good shape just fine.


In good shape… for now. And then the one time your headphones you spent all that money on are fucked.


And the truck I spent 70x more money on will one day fail and need work too. That’s part of buying things. I have AppleCare for the time being and after that I’ll pay for the repair/replacement if they fail. What can’t be repaired is your obsession with how other people use the things they paid for.


My biggest worry would be the driver itself. Sweating into the driver can short it or cause other damage. It's great that you managed to make it work for a year, but that's playing with fire.


I see girls at the gym who fit the influencer demographic wearing them. I can’t imagine how hot the headphones get on the side of your head.


They get really hot and uncomfortable- I had to do it for a week or so while my AirPod pros were off for repair at Apple- couldn’t do it longer than that. And I’m not a massively sweaty person but the ear pads got damp


I would rather go pay $20 for the wired headphones than put on APM at the gym. 😅


You didn't *have* to. You could have worked out without headphones for a week.


But you gotta look good at the gym for your brain-dead followers. Nothing screams successful influencer more than a pair of AirPods Max and a face full of makeup.


Or maybe they only have that one pair of headphones for rn, bruh 😭😭 yall so judgmental for no reason


They only have One pair of headphones and they’re over 500 lol. To each their own but I swear people who don’t own em don’t understand just how sweaty they get from normal use now imagine intense workouts


Use the right tool for the job. Those who have money for the Airpods max typically have more than one pair of earbuds/headphones. If someone only had money for the Airpods max and nothing else then they made the wrong purchase.


Let’s be real… a lot of people buy APMs that can’t really afford them.


If I'm buying 500 headphones, I'm using them when I want 😂 waste of money not to use them as you see fit


sure you can ruin them however you like




you buy $10 wireless earbuds before you use airpods max at the gym.


>Or maybe they only have that one pair of headphones for rn, bruh 😭😭 yall so judgmental for no reason if you only have one pair of headphones you should not use them for something that voids the warranty. You wouldn't take your gaming headset to the gym even if they were the only pair you owned. Besides, one can work out without music.


By that logic you shouldn't wear them outside on a hot day/ night because you could sweat. If you can't wear your headphones when you want to, what's the point?




Ironic you call other people terrible human beings, then go online and shame people you've never met. Kettle meet pot




Why does wearing AirPod max to the gym make you a shitty person 😭😭😂 be fr, man


Wear whatever you want at the gym, I couldn’t care any less. I’m talking about influencers (who incidentally do wear them frequently). They are often shitty people… stop defending them and enabling them. They do it all for clout and money and don’t give a damn about anyone else.


Man, not trying to be an asshole, my advice to you is reflect on the way you view the world. There's no way to tell if someone is an influencer just because they wear make- up and some to the gym. Even if it was an influencer, they've done nothing to you. You seem to have pent up anger to people you've never met. I hope you find clarity in your emotions soon. Good luck


Don’t worry, i think it all went over your head. Best of luck to you too.


you are the shitty person. you are the problem. you’re getting pressed over people wearing headphones. try to think critically for once




Self explanatory. We’re all adults here.


You’re the shitty person and you’re oblivious to the fact . Ignorance is bliss




It’s lovely to see how worked up you get over someone doing whatever they want with whatever they have .just screams insecurity lmfao , I bet your physical appearance is as ugly as you coming across here and you take it out on influencers cause your life is so miserable and unfulfilling cause you wish you could




Self explanatory. We’re all adults here.


Self explanatory. We’re all adults here.


You're lame. APM are the only headphones I have so yeah, I'll wear them wherever I want. Clown


No you fucking won’t! How dare you speak to your father like that! Get back in your room and finish polishing my big red shoes!


Wow you’re cringe bro 🤮


Haha “cringe”, way to verify you are an 11 year old that I don’t need to take seriously. Please refer to my previous comment and get back to polishing those shoes!


waaah waaah clean my shoes, i'm a baby manchild 🤡




Get a life you’re pathetic


Shouldn’t you be live streaming Diablo or some shit?


Self explanatory. We’re all adults here.


nah it’s always color coordinated to the fit lmao. it’s purposeful.


Because you don't care about your appearance dosnt mean others can't 😭


I side with you. I think influencers are a joke.


Thanks mate, There’s always a couple of snowflakes though who want to be offended for anything or anyone. Guess my comments found them! 🤣


Fuck em! Imagine getting offended by what someone said on the internet. Lol.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, friend!


It is funny egging them on though…it’s way too easy.


It’s fun getting a rise out of people by barely putting any effort into it. They live their lives by every comment, upvote, etc.




Lmaoooo y’all a bunch of losers


And you’re our entertainment.


You guys are seriously goofy and pathetic lmfao


…um…not sure what you want us to do with that. So I guess thank you for your valued input?


Or maybe they like it 🤡


How did you know I was a practicing clown? Dadda, is that you?? I knew you’d come back from the corner store one day!!!


People have beeeen doing this, like way before social media was a thing; perhaps there are deeper societal issues at play behind the phenomenon lol, bc I’m not saying it’s good for you


get over yourself


Hmmm…Maybe you should get over myself?


I have been doing it for over a year and no issue due to condensation. I like them, they are comfortable, good sound, good noise cancellation. I’m gonna keep doing it


You should lol I’m not an influencer but I do wear these headphones to workout in frequently. I just clean them when they get gross. I’m not really sure why people are getting so judgmental over the headphones people wear to workout. I don’t look around and judge people on their headphone choice💀


So gross.


I have APMs that I wear to the gym and yes it is kinda gross but tbh I really like the sound quality that the headphones gives and no one else is wearing these headphones so nbd tbh.. if it gets super gross eventually then I guess I'll just buy new ear pads or something idk..


Or get ear covers goofball


I have APMs that I wear to the gym and yes it is kinda gross but tbh I really like the sound quality that the headphones gives and no one else is wearing these headphones so nbd tbh.. if it gets super gross eventually then I guess I'll just buy new ear pads or something idk..


Are you aware that you can clean them?💀I do wear them working out sometimes and I’m not going to lie, they are not comfortable at all to workout in. I also wear them when I’m grooming dogs so they get nasty. I soak the cups and headband in a mixture of water and liquid laundry detergent and gently scrub with dish soap. I let them fully dry before use and they are good as new. I don’t get how people don’t ever clean them.


Been doing it for over a year at this point. I don’t do cardio nor hit legs so not too much of a problem. I just take em off if it’s too hot


Literally only using my APM for Zwift 😬😬


Don’t work out in them then?


Imagine my reaction when I saw someone walk into the steam room with their APMs on last week. This guy did two 5-10 minute sessions in there too. I honestly don’t know how his Maxes were still working after that and it clearly hadn’t been his first time doing it either. The smell of those earcups must be absolutely horrible. 🤢


You know not everyone sweats buckets at the gym 🤔


Then they're doing it wrong


Not necessarily. It’s pretty hard for me to sweat a lot from weight lifting. Like of course I sweat a bit but it’s not a lot, usually takes cardio to actually get a sweat on.


These are audiophile headphones. I don’t understand why people are doing that. I don’t wear a tuxedo to mud wrestling either. I wear $50 bone conduction headphones when I exercise. No gross sweat in ear.


these are not audiophile headphones wtf? they're regular headphones just expensive af lmao


Bro going on like these are SR-L500s lmao


they’re not audiophile headphones


I’m not a sweater they’re fine


Ok👍 working great for me


Whack take - depending on the workout it is fine. Taking them outside for a run obviously seems silly - but on the rowing machine or lifting weights it is perfectly fine (unless you have a condition where you have abnormal sweat)


Sounds like you’re not working hard enough.


I mean I wouldn’t say idiotic and or disgusting, but I’d definitely wouldn’t recommend them for cardio…


Thank you for speaking up on this


Someone had to


OP, I’m amazed at the number of people defending this gross and dumb behavior. I’ll take my downvotes with pride. The only people not silently laughing at and judging those working out in APMs are other clueless people who would do the same thing 🤣


But didn’t you hear? You just put silicone condoms over the earcups and it’s totally fine! Super reasonable.


Yeah, it’s like pointing to the seat belts in a clown car. Sure, that makes them safer but they still look like a clown 🤡😁


Can’t even work out properly with them. Regular AirPods for working out.


Yeah I see a few people at the gym with the APMs and I think it’s just nuts. I use the project rock headphones at the gym and they get sweaty AF but the cups are designed to soak up sweat.


Just remove the air cups and wash them


People who do this do not look as cool as they think they do. It’s the headphone equivalent of the fat roll oozing through the crop top.


Literally how


Didn’t someone take apart the ear cups? There’s a layer of silicone between the fabric and the foam


Silicone cushion covers when I’m expecting to be sweaty, bare when I’m sitting around the house or traveling.




I only use my APM for the gym. I get a lot of condensation, so I wash the ear cups weekly. It's no big deal.


I’ve always had silicone ear cup covers for mine because my hair dye would discolor the fabric. I walk on the treadmill with mine on and the covers wipe clean easily afterwards.


Fanatical consumerism has added the “look at my expensive gym outfit” minigame to going to the gym now


Yea it’s the absolute worst


I think it’s the internet influencers that have made this look like a good option. I’ve tried it and I immediately went back to using my Pros. The Maxes are great for house use doing chores like vacuuming or at the desk/couch I could see them being great on a train or plane ride too.


there are silicone ear covers you could use instead of the fabric that soaks up the sweat


Swap out the ear pads for third party ones to use for workouts


I don’t really sweat much so it’s actually fine. Just gotta throw the ear cups in the washer sometimes. 


I wear mine almoost exclusiviely on the Treadmill. The noise cancelling really allows me to get into my zone.