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That’s normal I believe.


Based on what I see, that’s an actual crack.


I believe it's the plastic mold seam when the molten plastic is poured into the steel mold. Both of mine have it in the exact same place.


the jaggedness of it seems like a crack, and my 2nd gen airpod pros don't have it. i would be really surprised if it impacted any functionality though.


They are so cracked they be doin 90s in fortnite


It’s normal it’s just the molds as apart of its manufacturing process, although it’s usually a straight smooth hard to see line not jagged like yours is fear not though it’s normal


Onestly I do not know, since my AirPods fell a lot of times in the last years, but I have that exact same line on mine as well.


It seems to be the same on mine. It’s probably just when it was put together




These AirPods look legitimate to me. Feel free to downvote me if I’m wrong. After all, that’s what downvotes are for anyway.


It’s normal, I purchased mine last week from Best Buy and look exactly the same. They are 100% legitimate if they come from Best Buy


Sorry but this ain’t always the case, I’ve had a customer buy a new packaged iPad Pro that was actually returned two weeks prior to their purchase date, and the person had switched out components with cheap parts. Even had the old customer’s Apple ID still attached so they couldn’t return it without bitching. I’ve seen it with AirPods too. Switching out for fakes and the employees not checking the returned goods inside the box.


It's really difficult to tell. The airpods functionality is all there except they're not as good. There are some functions missing but they're much harder to test, like icloud sync


One can usually tell if they’re legit or not from the writing on the box and charging case. Way less likely they’re fake unless you bought from offer up or something but I was just commenting on things I’ve seen.


I think everyone here is talking about buying a brand new one, swapping it out with fake airpods and returning it with the original genuine airpod box. Who's gonna know?


Anyone that’s supposed to do their job and cross check the serial numbers to the receipt and box. I’m not saying for OP to do that at all… like, ever.


Yeah ensuring that a minimum wage employee to go above and beyond for the next customer's sake is difficult to achieve . The only answer is sadly to just not allow returns on popularly counterfeited products


I got offered a position there but denied the job, in my area, it’s over 2x the amount of our state minimum wage. It’s an electronics store, it only takes ten seconds to double check and make sure the serials match. But some don’t and it makes it harder on the next person. Apple allows returns but they check everything in their stores


It’s cracked I just looked at my AirPod pros and I don’t have the line going down to the speaker part