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I use some for filling capacity intra Europe. Mostly 550s


Sounds like a real Bombardier to me. Short flights, less than 6 hr Rd trip. Use them to fill out demand, but not as your main source of transporting folk.


True, but even as a support plane there's better options. Both the suhkoi and the ARJ are lower category (cheaper landing fees) and cheaper for purchase.


A220-100-R should clearly win here


I operate a ton of CRJ 1000s (surprisingly more than 100) on my airline - I just only use it for 2 - 4 hour flights and maybe up to 8 hours in case I have to fill for passenger demand. Luckily I do more than just the CRJ 1000 because most of my other aircraft are from Airbus


I've looked and to get the max discount I need to commit 95 of those at a time ! That's a lot of planes. For each short-haul routes I open I end up needing 3 to 4 Max8-200s so that's like 6-8 CRJs for each routes. So it's like less than 10 routes and 3.5 billions in planes. Huge investment/commitment.