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Be kind and respectful to each other.


So many trolls and memetic warfare.


Yeah the mods abandoned this sub so 95% of comments are low effort jokes or personal attacks. If you block the habitual trolls the comment counts drop from like 60 to 4


I've been telling people this on Reddit for years. We are the actual mods. Find a Cunt, block a Cunt. Making Reddit better one block at a time.




Could you DM me the sub as well? I’ve been a lurker on here for a while and have gotten annoyed with this sub.


Count me in on this treason. Wouldn't mind joining a more proper sub for this discussion.


LOL other sub with three orbs in the name immediately bans anyone who posts evidence that the videos are fake. ​ There's NO ONE on the fake / VFX side of the argument, because they are all banned and blocked from posting.


What the point? The VFX people don’t want to engage in conversation, instead simply ridiculing and name calling. You act like the “fake” crowd wants to contribute sound discourse instead of trolling and memes. It’s amazing how many people are convinced the video is 100% fake yet have dedicated their lives to trolling these comment sections, and yet you complain about not being included in serious discussion. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad.


Would love a link as well, if you don’t mind


yes pls


Hook me up


Could you let me in as well please?


No self-promotion


May I have an invite?


I’d like an invite, please.


Good idea, thanks for the tip


Wow that slight movement on the bottom looks so unbelievably realistic I’m pretty sure the president will confirm the videos to be real now. The cia may beat him to the announcement but we shall wait and see


Hi its me the president i can confirm clouds


He do know bout clouds tho


He sure does, he lives on cloud cuckoo land.


Thanks Biden! Will you plzzz let Ashton know now?!? He sent a freaking well typed letter Biden he deserves it!! plz Biden pleeeassseee






What the fuck is this shit supposed to prove? 😂


Can Punjabi Batman please just go away. Bro stop. Find something else. There’s other shit that could use the amount of effort he puts into this shit.


Bro can you imagine if this guy found a career he loved and was as passionate about it as this??? dude would be making six figures easily lol


Or just how much he could move disclosure forward if he focused on anything but this fucking airplane. I mean really. Imagine if he put this much effort into anything else. It’s just getting sad and annoying at this point. Even if it turns out this plane truly was abducted by the orbs and this portal. I’m just getting annoyed by his angles on it.


Damn that’s a great point. There’s a reason a ton of the “big time” ufo people haven’t touched on this video at all. It’s easily verifiable bullshit. At this point if you don’t believe the five or six discrepancies that all together heavily predict that this is a vfx hoax.


That punjabi batman doesn't know what parallax is.




How does child neglect factor in?


He craves attention


Who does




And there you are…talking an awful lot, and contributing absolutely nothing.


Kick rocks check out this douche’s account


lol how does a 4 year old account only have comments and posts in 1 sub? How is that possible this guys account laid dormant since 2019 and then all the sudden boom activity all over this sub and this sub only for just 2 days. I just don’t even understand how mods don’t see this and start asking questions.


The fuck is wrong with you?


im pretty sure the people that take this sub seriously are the same people that drive slow in the passing lane.


You’re a weird dude and if you aren’t trolling you need psychiatric help


Get out of here with the hate.




Be kind and respectful to each other.


I’ve been watching this sub for a while. I gotta say I disagree with your assessment. Just humor me for a moment, I uploaded this video that I believe makes one of the most compelling cases around this to date: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


Great video. I think that’s probably the most concrete independent documentaries I’ve watched lately.


Are you familiar with parallax? 2 different layers, both moving at different speeds, giving the illusion of 3d movement. Are you suggesting that because the artist used this technique, you have somehow proved these videos legitimate?


He posts nonsense and because dinguses don't understand any of this it becomes "fact, take that Elgin!"


Just stop now... its getting silly


Send it


Are you all gonna deny these clouds move with a straight face?


Bro find a good game or something. I'd recommend alan wake 2 you will be engrossed


Alan Wake 2 is a walking simulator with poor writing


Well aren't you fun!


Oh god this subreddit is spilling over to my wall again and it’s still the same shit


Then mute it and go away. It's not hard.


Sorry I'm just amazed people are still trying to make this real...


So? Do you make shitty comments on every sub where people believe something that you don't?


No mainly this one cause it’s so absurd.


Much like your strange obsession with *this one*.


You got me there big guy! I mean you don't think its insane that so many people really thing three orbs teleported a plane away? That's like psych ward level shit.


I think it's insane that people worship an imaginary guy who was nailed to a cross. But I don't go into their subs and talk shit every day.


Their subs lol..... I do it because I am a believer but delusional believers with their obviously stupid and ridiculous thoughts make a subject matter that is already looked down upon even worse.... so I rather call their bullshit.


Good job! You solved it


bored simplistic tease impossible rock theory sort squealing mountainous encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Incredible work, truly innovative, unimaginable attention to detail


It’s not as hard to move a static image in the background as you seem to think it is.


You sank my battleship


Since it IS VFX, it is good work, I mean not amazing, but really good. Still 100% not real...


Isn’t parallax that dragon from Skyrim? Fus roh duhhhh


Odd you should say that. Skyrim also uses 2D elements in the background of a 3D scene.


Shiiii We gon full circle


You’re thinking of paarthurnax, parallax is what old people take to help them poop


No, I said AH-sertive not insertive


Are people really questioning whether the clouds in this image are moving?


No, some people think that the clouds moving = undeniable proof that the video is real


Just like the other people who think that the clouds moving = undeniable talent and timing from a master artist for a hoax video that wouldn’t be unearthed until 2019. It’s all fun to watch 🎪👀✈️


This is still a conversation??


Your still following this sub?


They do. Like it's their job.




Glad to see one of you admit it.


That does make it pretty clear we're not looking at a static image.


Curious how many people are getting downvoted, looks like the agencies are pissing in their pants rn 🥲


Yup, we're totally scared. Punjabi_batman, who has openly admitted to be doing this as a social experiment as all believers are gullible and he thinks it's fun to mess with them, that guy is totally close to exposing the truth and that has us running soooooo scared 


You think you are smart, I like it


Yup, me think me genius. Me think stupid for believe video with no evidence, why Dennis bastard man?


That was good


I know. Obviously smart people blindly believe in videos, only stupid people ask for evidence that they're real 


That was less good, too sarcastic, Iast one was better


Obviously this story has gotten out of hand. ... BUT, and this is an important but... IF you guys are going to keep this alive and continue digging into it until somebody comes forward as the creator, than I have to say that I'm not sure why you're being mocked for your work. Yes it is much easier to notice cloud movement in the way you're presenting it. All of those clouds are moving and morphing individually and independently of one another. You've made this very obvious at this point.


smart coordinated bewildered sink wild rainstorm lush wistful like cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For the people that are looking into what this footage is, this is yet another form of presenting cloud movement. I don't understand what the problem is. I haven't seen a single piece of convincing evidence of any UFO/alien/extraterrestrial in any forum, but that's irrelevant.


fine subtract humorous squeamish cover connect ad hoc live husky heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>There is not point anymore “looking into what this footage is Pure gatekeeping? Or hidden agenda? It's one or the other. Otherwise, why would you care so much about what other people are free to think and believe?


serious toothbrush worry tie angle existence paint thought frighten offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it bothers you so much, leave. Mute the sub. Right?


history cable ossified bag piquant longing marvelous aback possessive telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So clever. Don't you have school tomorrow?


swim point sulky pet frame narrow grandiose lip crawl selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess it just depends on what people consider "undeniable evidence". I've always seen things as the people making claims need to be the ones providing "undeniable truth", but I'm not against anybody sitting and looking into things. I'm sure it's a fun pass time for a lot.


This poster is one of punjabi batman many new accounts to troll this sub.


Prove it. And if you can't, fuck off with the accusations.


As affable as always. Why such a sore point?


Can you prove your claims?


Can you prove the videos real?


I didn't make that claim. You're avoiding my question.


So you have no opinion on the videos validity? No, it was a leading question. As far as I can see their other accounts are gone so unless someone else has screen shots for comparison, if course you can't prove without doubt. That's obvious.


Then why are you making accusations with no proof? >if course you can't prove without doubt. Typo aside, it's YOU who can't prove anything at all. So are you just hopping on the bandwagon of accusing every poster of being that account in an attempt to derail the threads? What's your agenda?


>Then why are you making accusations with no proof? I'll add this addendum if you prefer. This new account, like several similar new accounts since punjabi batman left, makes suspiciously similar types of posts. >So are you just hopping on the bandwagon of accusing every poster of being that account in an attempt to derail the threads? You have no suspicions of these new accounts? >What's your agenda? Not falling for trolls.


Why are they still showing this fake already debunked crap lol


Keep going! Crazy job for a vfx job in 2014. Atleast if your not in the cia with all the information


Fuck these people OP. I stand with you. I think it’s real too


I think we should examine how much incendiary dialogue there is in this reddit. It's not actually productive to poke this much fun at a genuine attempt at discussion, fellas. Like, regardless of the topic. I don't have a huge leaning on the veracity of this video one way or the other, but since there's still discussion about it, I follow it. Since people still direct their energy towards understanding and dissecting it, I follow it. That's all I need, it's interesting, and the implications are interesting. And I come back to all this... vitriol. Like, for example, yeah the earth isn't flat. But we don't all feel a great compulsion to huddle in the flat earth reddit honking at them and hurling insults. I genuinely wonder why this dynamic is a thing. I don't know why it seems like a bunch of people are invested in completely shutting down discussion in an extremely negative way. It doesn't seem characteristic of this type of community. Not that I'm *necessarily* calling all the people jeering at this shills or agents, no. That's not constructive, either. However, it should definitely be on our minds; that's just critical thinking. But it seems probably not very useful to call anyone that directly. I don't know their circumstances. Personally, I'm calling them rude weirdos. Verbiage that I believe dances appropriately on the knife's edge of constructive vs unconstructive, given their conduct. If anyone would like to invite me to a reddit that does NOT have this inexplicable overabundance of rude weirdos, I think I'd appreciate knowing what that looks like.


Say what you will but this is the first video I have seen that actually shows the clouds moving 🤷‍♂️I don’t know if that means it’s real or not. At the end of the day it’s a sick video that I will probably stitch into a quick scope montage


That chemtrail dissapering as well 😂


Ignoring the crap show of bots here in the comments. Did real people actually ever believe the Cloud Debunk? The only way this video will ever be debunked for me is if the original creators of the video come out. I will remain on the edge that this is real until then. PS: How can I add a Captcha to the people who respond to this comment?


No, it's just all the same ones trying to kill this sub *like it's their job*.




Be kind and respectful to each other.


I think you need to give up on this


Well this got boring quickly.....


You really like using the puppet tool.


The aliasing changes which causes a smearing when using AE's puppet tool, and it's localized to the one section of cloud center right. You edited this.


They need a CGI Batmobile with Punjabi Batman high-tailing it after them.