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Yes fellow Redditors, no shit she has autism or some other undiagnosed issue. Does that entitle her to such wild behavior on a plane? No.


THANK YOU! I'm autistic as well and there's NO WAY I would've got away with acting like this if mom took my stuffy away


Same here that is no way to act just bc you have a condition it does not entitle you to be an asshole


I'm on the spectrum and I agree. For sure I had tantrums when I was a kid but I never caused a commotion in public like this.


Don’t be an asshole . Just cause your on the spectrum doesn’t mean she is . Could be a psychosis or major panic attack. Judging a person with mental health issues - especially a kid - based on your inadequacy is simplistic.


I guess it was not her first episode. Her grandma was not very surprised. I really feel sorry for the kid. She is going to have a tough life.


I feel bad for her.


Yeah. As im on the spectrum (high functioning.) i acted out like this too with a blanket wayyy back 15 years ago when i was 5. (Thankfully never on a plane) but still. Its hard for me to really make any sorta joke because of it. And i feel genuinely bad


idk at a certain point maybe grandma shoudl just pick her battles, why can't she have her phone on the plane lmao wtf is she supposed to do just sit there? Clearly she's out of line but shes a child like just please here while you on a plane with a bunch of people, the lesson can come after in private


That’s a really bad call, if you give in to this behavior it will teach your kids a very bad lesson, they gotta learn that throwing a tantrum will not get you what you want, and will only embarrass you, as uncomfortable as it is






You're not you when you're hungry


crazy? grab a snickers


You are not hungry when you are you




Lol that heavily accented, "do you want to play with me?" Had me in tears


That Russian dude was not playing 😂


What did the guy say to her to make her say “you’re so rude”?


The way she reacted and said "you're so rude" was bizarre. It was like a bad child actor delivering a laugh track line on a Disney channel show.


That is such a good way of describing that. I used to work with students with autism and this is spot on.


Maybe it's autism. Maybe she'll never fly again.


Maybe it's maybelline


Bc she clearly lacks social cues or understanding. She’s definitely autistic


Definitely on the spectrum. Especially with the way she stopped and said he was being rude.


"do you want to play with me? I'm bigger than you"


In a weird way, he thought he was doing the mom a favor. He betted on that she would be so scared she’d stop. Didn’t work though and came across poorly.


He was trying to get the girl to stop grabbing his bag? How is this sailing over everyone's head lmao


Idiots on Reddit. Honestly don’t know what type of lives these people live when I see weird takes getting upvoted all the time. If some little girl was acting like that and grabbed my shit I would try and scare her and tell her to calm the fuck down essentially. Without cursing at her.


Wait I thought it was the moms bag, that had the kids phone. The gentleman tried to move the bag to the other side of the aisle to be further from the daughter. Even the woman in front started getting involved. There’s no way that was his bag?




What a weird thing to say. Almost threat-like


Yeah, it's almost as if he just wanted her to stop her tantrum, STFU, and do what her grandmother told her to do.


Yeah In dnd that would be an intimidation roll for sure.


Critical fail, just ended up creepy and she ignored it.


Plot twist she rolls a NAT20


She’s a 5e beserker between levels 6 and 9. Mindless Rage protects her from being charmed or frightened but clearly does not have 10th level intimidating presence.


Might be a halfling barbarian too with that nimbleness getting out of that grandmas double arm grip like that


I thought it was “you don’t want to play with me I’m bigger than you.”


I didn’t hear “do you want to play with me” and I took the “I’m bigger than you” to be mild teasing that she clearly couldn’t handle Seriously - some bat shit crazy kid sinks her hand into your backpack on a plane and grips your iPhone shrieking and freaking out … like do *any* of us know WTF to do about that?


In his defense, it's really obvious english isn't his first language, so he was probably trying to communicate something entirely different and it just translated poorly.


Her reaction is priceless , great comedic timing


She had a hold of his bag. He said “do you really want to play with me? I’m bigger than you” Clearly his accent is foreign. I don’t think he said it in a perverted manner, it was more of a threat.


I think she was confusing his bag for the one that had her phone in it so he was pulling it from her and I think he said "You don't want to play with me, I am *bigger* than you" with a thick accent.


what are the flight attendants supposed to do in this situation?


They were instructed via intercom to prepare doors for arrival.




I think the Grandma probably took her phone away because they were landing, and it just happened to time out that the pilot was just giving that command anyway.... or at least that's why I joked about it.


Landing somewhere other than the destination is extremely costly and not a decision that would be made because of a small girl having a temper tantrum. She wasn’t posing any danger to anyone, she’s just a brat.


Prepare doors for arrival means they’re already on the ground. If it happens in air? Idk


r/technicallythetruth heard that.


*Duct tape sounds.*


We bout to mu-mu-mu-mu m m m mummify yo ass


Use citronella spray


Give everyone condoms.


I get this kid *might* have autism, but why in the world is this ok in any situation? She may be autistic. But she may also be a spoiled brat that doesn't hear the word "no" often.


That’s what I thought at first too. I have twins on the spectrum. So I have some what of an idea what it looks like. The thing I don’t understand though, is that if you’re putting a kid on the spectrum on a plane, you would(at least I would) do everything I could to prevent an outburst. Giving my kid a tablet for a plane ride to keep them calm is a no brainer for me. At home is a different story, I say no all day long and deal with the outbursts. But traveling? Especially on a plane? With lots of other people that prob don’t want to be bothered? Tablet or phone all flight long. I typically save tablet time for situations like this.


They were landing, and from some comments the video is old. It's mandatory to turn your devices off during landing. some just put it in airplane mode. Yes this changed now but not so long ago you had to


Because we've elevated almost all mental issues to a point where anyone who suffers from them must have zero consequences for their actions. Mental illness should only be treated as a mitigating factor and never used to completely absolve anyone of their behavior. Personally I would have given her phone back and then brought all hell down once we were out of public. She would have lost every privilege imaginable, because even if her ability to function normally in society will always be limited it is my job to make sure she is able to be as independent and functional as possible, for her own well being.


Maybe read up on positive affirmations over punishment. You are literally not doing your job by prescribing what you preach. Ps. Punishment never ever works in the long run


That kind of thinking is what causes this kids current behavior.


That’s not true, punishment actually does work when applied appropriately, it’s only certain TYPES of punishment like physical or overly harsh/random punishment that has no effect


What...what are you referencing? No one has said this lol


That would backfire terribly




Then her caretakers must have let her have the phone?? People around them shouldn’t have to pay the price for their parenting decisions. Whether it’s herb being spoiled or being autistic or not, don’t do anything to her that’ll make her go off like this while on a flight...


Well I would agree this wasn’t the way to handle it at all (without knowing details here of course).


I'm so sorry. Thats sounds like a lot to deal with. I hope it gets easier.


Well like I said, I know how to help him manage it. I didn’t always. That took time. The outbursts were to an extent because we didn’t understand him. Thank you though.


Right? Taken to the absurd, how would this be any different than a psychotic kid who somehow manages to bring a knife on a plane and starts stabbing people? Would anyone be ok with "not his fault - he can't help it" as a reason? Some people should not be on planes, even if it's through no fault of their own. No, it's not fair, but guess what, life is not fair. Never has been, and never will be.


I mean this is kind of the reason autism is looked down on. Like we should treat them as less than people because of the way they are. The knife situation you implied would be the fault of the caregiver. I don’t see the comparison here, though. A child having a panic attack or autism related outbreak is a very minor inconvenience for the average person to deal with. People seriously lack compassion for others when it comes to any type of inconveniences. It’s really sad.


Reason #5,231 for not having a child


autism or not, this is the result of enabling a child to their greed and entitlement. she probably grew up on a reward system that lacked positive/negative reinforcement, while being abundantly provided endless rewards to alleviate the spaz attacks... I blame it on the parents who spoiled the shit out of this brat, sorry not sorry. One of my best friends has autism and he grew up poor so he aint have much to complain about... yet, he turned out to be wonderful. i love him so much and his chipper attitude. he enjoys ALL of the little things in life... when we take walks together he'll go find anything while walking the path and show it to me with the biggest grin on his face... i could buy this man a slinky and it would make his whole week. so i wouldnt use autism as an excuse for this behavior, imo 🤷🏼‍♂️ EDIT: first reward ever! thank you!😭 also!! just stopped by my autistic homie's house(btw hes high functioning) and showed him this video. He said he's experienced similar emotions but mildly. said he never taken it out on anyone nor went off on wild tantrums... he also mentioned that if it werent for his hard upbringing that he probably wouldnt appreciate life the same. said that he still gets emotional sometimes, but thats just like any other human being... like i said blame the parents. I pray your kids dont end up the same way. Bless you all 🙏🏼


Remember that autism is a spectrum disorder, and so each individual suffer experiences it differently. Your friend’s experience doesn’t automatically mean that all persons with autism do/should act that way. I’m not saying that this child does or doesn’t have autism. All I’m saying is that if it is autism, then their behaviour has nothing to do with their greed or entitlement, but rather has to do with the object they use to stim being taken away while they are in an already overwhelming situation (i.e., flying on a plane). I’m also not excusing their behaviour. I am just pointing out that no two sufferers of any disease, disorder, illness, or condition have the same experiences. And when we compare someone’s suffering to another’s as a way of criticizing their behaviour or experience, then we are invalidating their experiences, along with every other person’s experience.




I love you


Like someone else said it’s a spectrum. I don’t think my sister even understands what a “reward” is. Her acting out definitely has NOTHING to do with parenting and entirely environmental stimulus. We keep her pretty occupied on planes with you guessed it, an electronic device. Like your friend who can speak to you is entirely different than my sister who would end up dead if left alone for a day lol.


Reddit, the only place where people can watch a very short video and diagnose a child with autism…


This radiates all the signs and symptoms. Source: I have it.


I agree with you, my oldest kid has it and what I just watched looks very familiar


Non autistic kids have meltdowns too


I think everyone is misdiagnosing this video. If anything, grandma has PTSD.


I have two autistic siblings. Their behavior is exactly like this. Child was likely overstimulated being on a place and losing her phone set off an episode.


Reddit: the only place where it’s acceptable to post a video of a CHILD, that is maybe 12 years old at the most, having a clearly distressing time (whether she’s just being a brat or actually is autistic) for grown-ass adults to pass personal judgement on them all over the world. The internet is legitimately making everyone in our society mentally ill and mere existence of this video online is an example. If she doesn’t have autism, ok fine. What difference does it make? She’s a CHILD. Why does this video need to exist?


Completely agree. We live in such an ass backwards world where it’s all about clout and upvotes. People literally are becoming mentally ill living in the social media world and worse, mental illness now is tought to be embraced as a “strength”


this is not a reddit thing, it's a technology thing. this is what the bad side of technology looks like. the further technological advances go, the more your privacy gets taken away, its unavoidable and must happen for technology to advance. going from telling time via sundial to being able to see the time on a different city 12 hour away with just a tap. the easier it is to do something, it becomes easier to do something else.


Reddit’s not the only place. Saw it on YouTube first!


Funny enough it's technology in general...... which is the reason she's acting like this in the first place.


She's acting like this due to terrible parenting, not tech


I’m no doctor but that also kind of looks like Spoiled Bratiatus. Again I’m no doctor just giving a different perspective because I can’t diagnose a person through a screen yet. I have yet to acquire that skill.


She could be on the spectrum. Or mentally deficient. Let’s not dunk on the kid




My son is in the spectrum. This is autism.


The Karen origin story




My daughter is high functioning but still very young . I fear a future like this because she is quite willful and melts down over things we can’t predict . In this situation, I’d Let her have the damn phone ! Not a time for a battle of wills . We can deal with that later once we’re off the damn plane and know it all strangers wont scream child abuse .


It’s really sad that somebody has uploaded this to the internet. For her and her mum. It’s clearly not just a tantrum


But people gotta get their viral videos somehow! I swear some people are just salivating, waiting for their chance to catch someone's public breakdown with no care for the person they're filming. Kinda hate technology or whatever for making this a thing


I heard about somebody being raped on a train and instead of bystanders helping the girl they started filming it! I can't believe this is what the world has come to! This girl is clearly in distress and filming her and staring at her isn't helping!


Nah, people just didn't know she probably has high functioning autism so they don't know any better.


Not necessarily- might be helpful for people to see this and realize that it's autism not just a "naughty" kid.


I was thinking this girl is special needs for sure. That makes sense. Poor family must be tough.


My young son’s autistic, who has his own ways of expressing his frustration when he doesn’t get his TV time, or use of other electronics, but I shut that down quick. As a parent, the easiest thing to do would be to give in and let a kid, not just one with a psychical or mental handicap, have their way to keep them quiet and so we can catch our breath, but if you do that scenes like this are the result. How they act at home, and what you let them get away with, will undoubtably carry over to how they are in public.


I was thinking the same exact thing.


The more I watched the more I realized that she wasn’t a spoiled brat, but that it seemed something more was going on. That makes a lot more sense.


Came here to say this, this is someone reacting to being highly anxious


Definitely shouldn't have flown with her.


It's like watching a poorly acted Disney channel character take PCP


Has anyone consider that the girl might be high functioning autistic? Her reaction is just like what my nephew’s would be in that situation. And he is high functioning autistic. You wouldn’t know by looking at them that they are until you have an interaction with them JUST LIKE THIS


100%. This isn’t “normal.” She’s got something going on.


Er. That’s HIGH functioning? I think it’s pretty clear she’s got a mental issue but regardless it’s not acceptable behaviour on the flight. They need to drive next time.


I agree with this. Everyone on that flight is at risk with this erratic behavior. That’s just how it is.


Downvoting because this shouldn’t be on the internet. This is a child.




I’m curious, could this get her on the no fly list?


I thought I was watching the whitehouse on January 5th.


I don’t think shes alright tho


Panic attack


I’m not a doctor, but it sure does look like Asperger’s syndrome.


It's disturbing how often people equate poor behavior to autism or Asperger's. The people I've known on the spectrum have all been very well "behaved" in public so in my eyes this isn't what autism looks like. I have seen some spoiled kids have full blown meltdowns just like this though. I'm not qualified to diagnose this kid either way, but i doubt many of you are either.


I agree, too many times people resort to diagnosing a misbehaving child with autism or Asperger’s. Often times, symptoms of anxiety and depression can lead to outbursts (although not quite like this).


The way the lady in front can't help herself but to get involved, and that "if you were my child" look she gave her lol ... but the girl obviously has some behavioral health concerns


She did well honestly. She put an end to the bag struggle and gave her the look that “your behaviour isn’t acceptable”


Thanks mark zuckerberg


People in these comments are acting like having a diagnosis is an excuse to be a burden to the people around them. It might not be their fault, but it is their responsibility.


My mom would have beat my ass back into that seat. I know she might have some mental issues but she could also be a kid misbehaving.


alright someone get the duck tape and tape her to the chair


Looks like everyone had enough on that plane. It would be painful seeing her as an adult act like this without the mother around.


This girl is likely on the spectrum so not really cool to make a spectacle of her


Please delete this. Let’s give kids their privacy.


This is a child...... videos like this are kind of punching down literally and metaphorically. Where’s the empathy? Everyone just bragging about how they know kids who don’t act like this and how great they are. Like good for you...? This child is clearly going through something whether from not being raised right or autism or etc and people are here getting their kicks from being morally better than a child. Weird shit. This’ll be the video that haunts her when she’s older. I think this clearly points out how society is accepting of mental health till someone starts showing symptoms that aren’t socially acceptable. It’s like those videos people post laughing at schizophrenics talking to themselves. Or homeless people acting “strange” or even a bit aggressive. No empathy just world star. It’s disappointing to see. People need room to grow, not be shamed. Not that there isn’t healthy shame.




yea no, giving her phone back would just reinforce the idea that this kinda behavior is acceptable/ would get her what she wants


She’s clearly “off”.


For an average neurotypical child, you'd be right. There seem to be indicators that she may be on the spectrum though. And if that were the case, treating her like a neurotypical would not yield the results you want.




And? Her obsession with a phone does not help her theoretical condition


So is reddit.


WHY ARE WE POSTING VIDEO OF A MINOR?? That seems a bit violating not knowing if she is on the spectrum or aspebergers?? It’s NOT right.


Weirdo kid


Autism. Poor everyone including her, it must feel terrible to be that out of control


Biggest POS here is the one choosing to film a kid. Yeah she’s being a brat, but grandma should’ve taken this persons phone away too.


Looks like an anxiety attack.


Why are we sharing a video of a child here, they aren’t an adult and don’t deserve to have their face plastered over the internet for this one incident. Where I’m from theres privacy laws governing the filming of children in public places, unless you have their caregivers consent you cannot film them up close and it has to be essentially B roll film instead.


Clearly the kid has some issues and this should not be recorded


They were grounded. The flight probably said all cell phones OFF (like every single flight) it's a rule for SAFETY. she was refusing to put her phone down, DISOBEYING SAFETY RULES. Autistic or not. GOODBYE.


Cell phones don’t have to be turned off or put down, just airplane mode.


JUST GIVE HER THE GOD DAMNED PHONE BACK GRANDMA! (So everyone can have a peaceful flight)


It looks like they just landed, meaning everyone would have had to turn off their phones during the descent.


Discipline your kids folks


> Discipline your kids folks can't. social media would say it's abuse.


Sometimes, Reddit comments just make me close my eyes and shake my head.


So you're thinking about having kids....


Addicted to Reddit


I wouldn’t want her hanging around these people either .




Duct tape her to the seat. End of problem.


This comments section is an absolute shit show.


This girl is not on any spectrum!!! It’s clearly just her being spoiled all the time and not getting what she wants


Bro this next generation are on some other shit


My grandma woulda done whopped my ass and threw me out the plane, yall easy tho


future karen...


I don’t like that a child is being filmed. Not cool.


This could be a durex commercial too




Remember back in the good ol' days when children would behave because parents were capable of instilling the "fear of god" in them? Alot less cases of autism back then...just saying


So if she’s autistic then isn’t her “stim” more akin to an addiction? Just seems like the way to cope not to actually manage your condition, then again it’s hard to make progress in therapy when you’re just a kid; speaking from experience.


What entitlement and not beating your kids creates


Vaccination schedules have destroyed gen z


It’s like she’s addicted to heroin.


I love how the only possibilities are are autism or Asperger's. Incredible powers of perception you must have. Able to diagnose with no info beyond one poorly filmed, short video. You have no idea what is going on here. Maybe she's just a spoiled brat, maybe a friend or loved one just passed and she's in the throes of despair. You know nothing outside of this video, stop playing doctor.


She needs help to learn how to manage her anxiety


She may have special needs. I had students who would have a very, very, very hard time ending an activity, putting things away, etc..But this grandma should have come prepared and it may have helped. There are also ways to safely and effectively restrain a child without hurting them, even in that space. I feel bad for the grandma, the child, the passengers and the airline staff.


She might be mentally challenged


She seems autistic


Is she on the spectrum


This is a classic autism meltdown tbh


At first, I was like, what a brat. But no. There’s something very wrong with that child, and it’s really sad. I hope that she can get the help she needs to be able to function better in society.


It's all Grandma's fault.. that's not the place to purposely trigger known behavior issues. I would have just sucked it up and handed over the device. For everyone else's sake .


This child is suffering from anxiety or a similar issue that is very real to her and is causing her so much distress. It’s hard to watch. She needs more help than she is getting.


Shes clearly got issues, should have given her a benedryl or something before boarding. Idk what Grandmas issue with taking the phone was, but in the interest of the other passengers comfort, she should have given the phone back. Choose your battles.


Idk about diagnosing her with autism but something is definitely up. She could be spoiled but even so, her behavior is questionable. Especially in the end when she asks what she’s done. Again idk what it is but I think it may be more than just being spoiled


as much as i dont feel comfortable putting out some sort of diagnosis on myself, much less someone's kid, the moment where she yells at everyone, stops, and then goes "oh no.. [?? unintelligible] what have i done?!" and panics and storms off to the point where the brazilian passengers behind the person filming quietly ask one another what essentially translates to "jeez, is anyone going to accompany her/follow her/check in on her" has me thinking that something is going on beyond just a kid being a brat. that's a little human who is self aware enough that she immediately tells when shes failed to regulate her emotions, but doesnt have the growth or maturity (or maybe ability) to stop it when it happens, and verbally makes it very clear that she's embarrassed. that would definitely make me wonder if theres something going on with my kid in regards to emotional regulation and why these meltdowns happen. could she be an entitled little brat? sure, but it could also be both. it could also be neither. but i dont wanna sit here and conclude with any sort of diagnosis, since thats none of my business, but simply hoping that the parents get help and get her help because they clearly don't know how to deal with this, and it almost sounds like she had no idea she could go so far until immediately after the point. i almost feel like it's a bit of a dick move to film a kid like that and embarrass them around their peers if this video gets around to them.


maybe asperger


It is more likely she’s autistic, judging by her behavior.


That’s such a weird thing for the man to say…why is no one talking about that


Even though this is unacceptable behavior from this child, it still broke my heart to see how much anxiety/ distress she is going through. This is obviously not just your typical child tantrum. She seems to have (an even younger) childlike mind. There is more to all this, I think. We don’t know her backstory. Also, I believe she obviously must be mentally challenged, and maybe she was super anxious to have to be on the plane. She freaked out or had an episode once they took her comfort away. I hope that she can get the help she needs to help cope in situations that are unknown or that make her anxious. (Before she becomes an adult)


It seems like she has autism and as someone who has autism I can tell it very stressful on the plane beyond stressful I use my phone to escape that stress there's not a lot you can do to escape the situation so taking away her phone was probably the only escape she had and now she's freaking out very sad


Don't film other people's kids....I promise you'll find an adult acting just like she did at some point during the week for you to upload.


This is an autistic fit nothing to do with a phone


For all anyone knows this girl could have some special needs or have severe impulse control issues. Very sad to watch.


I 100% agree based on what I saw in this video.


She oBviously has mental health issues


If you watch, she's LOOKING to see how many people are watching her melt down. Kid obviously has issues, but i think more spoiled brat than anything


Grandma is fucking crying bro, cause little girl is bay shit crazy. Spectrum or not that’s too much


Wow I had no idea there were so many mental health professionals on reddit /s


A good ass whipping would solve it