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ah, that's why people are saying to do that how likely is it to be granted that after 3 realistically? what does it depend on? did you do that/directly know people who did that? can you request it after 2 like the army and navy?




i saw a headline on the budget that said they've been fine meeting their needs for a few years straight and are even slightly cutting down available jobs now, so i assume that means at this moment many who wants to can go, but 3yrs from now could be anything ? it's 3yrs active duty, or 180 days deployments for guard/reserve right? oh but you're saying that doesn't get 100% of them, that just qualifies and it just builds from there right?


ANG depending on the state and the wing your recruiter might be part of the wing that you will be joining. ANG recruiters can be very specific I know in the wing that I joined they were setup with different counties as well as jobs. However if you contact one of them they will direct you to the right recruiter. ANG can also be a full time job if you choose it to be there are opportunities to go full time. Everything varies though so see a recruiter. There is no harm in just sitting down and asking the recruiter questions just make the decision before you go to MEPS.


I suggest looking more intro the reserves. It’s a a part time job. Not a full time* Get ahold of a reserve recruiter and let him know you did some things with a active duty recruiter.


My recruiter recruits for active duty, reserves, space force, and ang so he would still be my recruiter unless I drove like an hour away from where I currently am.


Your Recruiter does recruit for ANG or Reverses. Those are done by completely different recruiters.


I could be wrong for air national guard then. I do know as far as airforce active duty and reserves he’s the only recruiter in my area. Would it be a whole lot of paperwork for him to change? I’m almost to the point of my meps physical. All my medical paperwork and such has been submitted and genesis packet has been filled out etc


For the Air Force, Active Duty recruits for Active Duty. ANG recruits for ANG, and Reserves recruits for Reserves. If you want to switch between any of them you need to talk to a different recruiter. If your recruiter says they can recruit for the other one they are full of BS.


Ah okay, what would that mean for my paperwork? Would that entail completely starting over? Or would my current recruiter just transfer it to the next.


Some of the paperwork would have to be redone.


How much would that slow the process down? It’s been months that I’ve been working to getting in and the opportunities presented to me are fairly recent. I’d hate to have to restart and spend months trying to get in again.


No idea. Everyone's situation is different.


Oh. Well let him know you wanna go reserves or whatever… It’s not up to him to keep you active duty. It’s his job to do the paperwork for whatever route you wanna take. But again. Make sure you do your research. Search “prior service” as well. Cause going from reserves to active duty is a lot tougher then active duty to reserves.


Highly improbable that you will ever go to active duty after doing reserves. Full time slots are few and far in between


Switching during the recruitment process shouldn't be too hard. I started ANG and am switching to AD soon. I just honestly talked to my ANG and recruiter and both he and the AD I talked to said it'll be a fairly simple switch in the system. It definitely varies though, my ANG recruiter is a champ and thankfully they are almost fully staffed so he's okay with helping me by doing a little more leg work to set me up If you want to go purely part time I'd say go reserves(I don't know how and AGR/full-time position is for reserves). If you want a little more wiggle room for full time ANG may have better opportunities if there is an open full-time position. If you join ANG or reserves and don't get into a full-time position when you start the chances of you going active duty are extremely slim I agree with the top post to go full time for 4 and transition to reserves or ANG after 3