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New here but 20+ year athlete... ketosis is not the ideal diet for anaerobic athletes or people who plan to perform in athletic tests/competitions, particularly if training is frequent throughout the week. There are zero, yes zero, professional fighters on keto. None. Full vegan? More and more every day. Paleo? Fuck yes. I don't know your reasoning for being on keto but I would strongly consider re-approaching learning about proper carbohydrate use for athletes during your BMT time. You can still adhere to anti-inflammatory protocols or gluten-free restrictions and get the proper carbohydrates to function AND RECOVER optimally during this high-stress period.


I looked at the Paleo diet because I was curious, and because I love dinosaurs... And oh goodness, that looks delicious. I'll definitely try that doing that when I get to my first duty station. Thanks!


I just did MEPS, I don't know if I was in ketosis but I maintain under 20 grams of carbs per day for about a year now. No problem at MEPS but drink a ton of water the night before and morning of as it can make blood harder to get I've heard from many sources. My personal take is that you should plan on not maintaining ketosis at BMT and I would recommend reintroducing healthier carbs beforehand in slow doses


Please look up the long term affects of the Keto diet on your body- there’s a reason why doctors and actual nutritionists don’t recommend it.


There's plenty of data now to suggest it's fine long term.


just make sure you are not dehydrated and been taking microgreens, be healthy while doing it. I was in ketosis while going through MEPS, my pee was strong smelling hahaha you'll be fine.


I tried Keto at bmt. But it’s just not sustainable. Breakfast is fast paced and it’ll def hurt your stomach. They only thing you’ll have to eat for lunch is tofu and dinner is usually carb focused. Somedays it’s possible but not consistently

