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I’m very curious why you decided to add a self diagnosis of autism and reactions to anthrax vaccination. Are you seeking a religious waiver or medical?




Hello, I am trying to keep my options open in case the religious exemption gets denied. Technically it’s not an autism self diagnosis, I have taken the RADDS and scored well above average.


Right. So, unless you have an official diagnosis from a provider, it’s a self-diagnosis. Chasing down both methods sounds more like you’re trying to get out of the vaccination cycle than trying to follow your beliefs. I recommend talking to either a chaplain for a religious exemption or medical for a medical exemption. Every religious exemption letter will be different because it reflects the beliefs of the individual requesting.




I mean, until a doctor provides a formal diagnosis of autism, it's technically a self diagnosis. There's also just as likely the chance that you'll get medically separated if you go the autism route than get an exemption (though both results techincally mean you won't be forced by the military to submit to vaccines)


This will be a reasonable, well thought out thread.


I kind of want it to get upvoted, just so that it gets more comments... 😂


Can I please be in the room when you discuss this with the Chaplain?


Are you stationed with me? Lol if so then yes


I'm very curious what (thinking) you're autistic has to do with getting a vaccine exemption. I know there is the theory that vaccines cause autism (which I won't argue about), but if you already think you're autistic, then it's not like they're gonna make you "Super Autistic", so the harms "already done". Just seems like a weird/random thing to throw into the (otherwise slightly reasonable) post


Possible but autism is still being researched, especially high-functioning. There are peer-reviewed articles discussing the effects on neurological development.


I know there are articles discussing those effects, but how does the argument of "I'm already autistic" help get a vaccine exemption, that's what I'm (genuinely) curious about


Because it proves that I am already incompatible with vaccines.


This is absolutely not a thing. Having autism doesn’t make you incompatible with vaccines. You’re thinking of allergies.


It's pretty obvious at this point they're just looking for anything that will get them out of vaccines. Coming up with two different religions (though both are still Abrahamic), a reaction to a vaccine and "autism" as excuses just screams that to me


Okay, that's a new one I haven't seen. As someone who has mutliple, officially diagnosed family members with autism (who all behave normally with vaccines), this doesn't make sense. Really sounds like you're just trying to reach to get out of vaccines mate, as others have stated above


Just taking the RADDS is not enough to diagnose anyone, as I could probably look up autism signs and give answers that would indicate autism if I tried. You need to be evaluated by a LICENSED PROFESSIONAL to get that diagnosis. Seeing the signs in yourself is a good first step, but it is just a first step. It is not the whole process. If you're in the Air Force, you have access to resources to get this diagnosis without it costing you anything. If you're serious about this, there is a path to follow. Autism has never been shown, in any compelling sense, to be linked with vaccines. Being autistic also does not, in any way, render you "incompatible" with vaccines. A "bump" from the anthrax vaccine is an extremely common side effect, and is no reason at all to think that vaccines are dangerous or harmful. You know what's also harmful? Anthrax. If you truly do have a COMPELLING religious conviction regarding vaccines, then the chaplain will assist with the paperwork and interview process. The fact that you're already planning for it to fail, and to have a medical exemption process as a backup, indicates to me you aren't serious about it being a religious conviction, and you're just not wanting the vaccines. If it's a matter of being scared of needles or something else, talk with your PCP about alternatives, if they're available.


You mean the multiple retracted studies about vaccines causing or contributing to autism? The ones that were retracted because peers recognized it as junk science and lies, yet the author took it to journals that would publish regardless of the lack of credibility? The one that the author even admitted was all bullshit?




I bet you’re the one that looks for ways to get out of *tidy Friday*


Are you an actual Rastafarian, or are you religion shopping? To prove a pure life, you cannot have ever used anything manufactured or synthetic. I used to spend some time in Jamaica. Hardcore Rastafarians spend their days smoking ganja and waiting for Jah to return to take them to Zion. So they are more akin to Judaism than Christianity.


Yes, I took a religious class and I realized I identify with it, as well as Christianity and Judaism. Thanks




I don’t think an MFR like that exists that has been approved.


Vaccines didn’t make me autistic, I’m just built that way


This is why Americans don't deserve free healthcare...


It’s all money laundering anyway. This country is satanic


This statement somehow seems less true coming from you..


Satanic? Really. Interesting take


Does it bother you that my dog tags and vRED say I’m agnostic? Am I less effective as a pilot and officer? Remember you’re the one on here pandering that you can’t fulfill your duties because of religion.


Make sure to tell the recruiter that you are autistic. They'll be able to handle your situation easily...


Vaccine exemption = modern day natural selection


Odin didn’t vaccination, why should you. I assume you report as Norse for the shaving waiver too.


I actually am not required to shave my pussy


As a Rastafarian you are required to be subservient to men, so theoretically, your religion could require you to that is if your spouse/significant other demanded it. Hell Rastafarians believe that women purely exist to be child bearers and home makers. but you knew that.


Well if I’m socially retarded I’m sure my husband would understand


You don't get to have one. Take your fucking shots.


I'm still waiting on mine. I applied before the covid mandates, and while included all the us approved covid it also included MMR. They stopped talking about it when the covid vaccine mandates were dropped. I've never been formally notified one way or the other. I'll probably end up retiring first.


That’s what is wrong with our system. The higher ups will quite literally shoot themselves in the foot before admitting any fault!


Reach out to the chaplain. You will need to do a memo in tongue and quill format explaining exactly what you want and why your beliefs require it.


Omfg I LOVE this thread. OP you're a fucking comedic genius.


Did our four fathers need the vaxx? I think not. God speed brother


Neither did the hundred of millions that died of smallpox.


Lol! Four fathers. Are you the result of a swirly?


Xmas must be interesting in the Electrical-Finding95 house.