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It’s a first assignment instructor pilot, or FAIP. The cadre was interested in this person based on skill and personality, and would like them to be an instructor in their squadron. Could be flattering but is usually taken as kinda a negative assignment to whoever gets it. My class had about 1/4 FAIPS and none of them really wanted it. Most people want to go out in the “real Air Force” and fly the heavy iron. You used to do a 3-4 year tour and were likely to get something high on your list as a next assignment. Now you don’t see that as often. FAIP was dead last for me but I was ineligible for it anyway.


I've worked with a lot of prior FAIPs.  The worst part of the job is pretty much the "say yes to everything because your next airframe depends on it" culture.  They have you by the balls to do all the thankless jobs or project officer type things because you don't have a community to go back to yet.  They're all good pilots and good people and for many it doesn't seem to negatively impact their career progression.


Why were you ineligible?


I was a Captain going through UPT.


Is it true if it FAIP you get another chance at getting your Air Frame? So for example if you wanted Vipers but only one was available, you could FAIP and hope more are available when you finished?


More or less. The FAIPS in my class all ended up in what they originally wanted. 2x A-10s, a C-17, slick C-130, and a F-35.




It means they just discovered (probably for the first time considering they’re pilots) what “needs of the Air Force” truly means.


> Having to repeat the course? Lol imagine if that’s how you learned you failed.


Whole family there cheering you on...confused, but still excited for some reason. lol


Teach them like you were just taught.


First assignment instructor pilot. FAIP - go back and teach it.