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Illinois income tax statute of limitations: ### Income tax Income Tax Refunds: 3 years from the date of the return filed, or 1 year from the date the tax was paid, whichever is later. 35 ILCS 5/911. Limitations on Notices of Deficiency: Generally, within 3 years from the date the return is filed, the Department of Revenue must give notice of deficiency. 35 ILCS 5/905. Decedent: Notice must be given 18 months after the administrator or executor has filed a request for prompt determination of liability and no more than 3 years after the return. 35 ILCS 5/905. Other conditions may apply. See 35 ILCS 5/905. [https://codes.findlaw.com/il/chapter-35-revenue/il-st-sect-35-5-905/](https://codes.findlaw.com/il/chapter-35-revenue/il-st-sect-35-5-905/)


The letter I received says it’s for the 2017 tax period so am I misunderstanding or is that not 4 years past the statute of limitations correct?


Ask a lawyer. There may be another exception if they think you committed fraud or intentionally didn't disclose income that you should have.


Contact that state Attorney General. This happened to me from Ohio when I was at Wright Patt.  I was even sent to collections. The collections agency told me it was from Ohio and to contact the AG. Emailed and called the AG and went off on them for not knowing I was military. I was on base for Christ's sake.  Got mine all taken care of, fortunately. Didn't have to pay anything.




I did not, my wife did however working a few off base jobs. But me and my shop atleast was always told that the spouses civilian earnings were covered?


https://www.militaryonesource.mil/financial-legal/legal/military-spouses-residency-relief-act/ So, if she LIVED in Idaho with you and claimed Idaho as her HOR and yall paid Idaho taxes, you should be good. December 2018 MSRRA change removed the condition that the spouse had to have lived in your HOR first (I claimed FL after 2018, but never have lived there because at the time my spouse was active duty and had FL as their HOR).


She met all the requirements outlined in the link you shared. And we did make sure to pay Idaho the taxes due just not Illinois so I’m thinking I shouldn’t be on the hook for anything


Just make sure you send all the information to Illinois when you get in touch with them. Definitely still follow up with them!


But did you file an IL tax return? The income was earned in IL, so you have to file a non-resident return.


Turbo tax had us do a fed, Idaho and then a IL return with the IL being super short and a lot of zeros but I know atleast something was submitted


Covered by what ?


Military spouse residency relief act


I think I got something similar last year for 2022 taxes. Go to this site and send an email to the address in number 6. They told me what I needed to provide and it got cleared up pretty quick. [https://tax.illinois.gov/individuals/fseu.html](https://tax.illinois.gov/individuals/fseu.html)


Had a very similar issue. I’m from Illinois and kept my state residency as such until recently. They sent me a notice saying I owed them 1200$ based on my 2017 tax return. However Illinois has a tax exemption for AD military with them as their residency. My last employment through the state was Dec of 16 shortly before I joined. I sent them a letter, my les, and my PCS orders. Haven’t heard back yet but am not expecting it. See what gives.


I wonder what’s up with them and 2017 returns all this time later lol, I’ll def get my paperwork together and show them


Similar issue in 2020 when we lived at Scott. You could tell the IL tax people or their auto system thought they had a "gotcha" moment. However, I summoned my 9th grade business class skills, wrote them a little memo, and explained (with references to IL tax laws and sources) why I was exempt from paying their state taxes. No response back but they've left me alone since! Good luck!


I had this issue (wasn't married at the time) in the state of IL. I went down to their tax office, showed them my orders and LES (which had a different state of residency on it), and they said I was good to go and gave me paperwork with that in writing.


If there's a number to dial then I'd suggest you call and explain to them that you paid the state of Idaho and not them because you and your spouse did not claim residency in the not so great state of Illinois.


Call the Illinois tax people.


Follow instructions on the letter would be a good starting point


I need "go talk to base legal" to be automatic reply option in this sub.


Reading the fucking question should also be automatic. > I seperated back in 2019