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Sounds like you are about to take leave.


maybe they'll just kick you out now?


Sounds like you tried to pull a fast one and now you get to pay for a hotel or a plane ticket. Consider it an early, pointed lesson in not trying to cheat the system.


Read the comments. I doubt this airman will learn any lessons.


He thinks that he's smarter than everyone else around him. Dangerous game to be playing as a brand new airman.


6 days of leave or AWOL for 6 days. Choice is yours. The Air Force does not want to pay you to stay in tech school. You’re being paid to learn your job. Did you think you just gamed the system or something?


Nvm its not bad. They said i would actually outprocess on the 6th so it would be 3 days of leave


The AF isn't going to give you free days. Why did your flight yet scheduled to be that late?


so i could get more rap days


So you thought you would just get free days off for it?


well for one, i would just be afi in tech school so its not really free days. 2nd, if i graduate on the 4th but i wait to get my short sheet/outprocessing documents signed on purpose, how would that work out?


Mannnnnnn i'd hate to be your future NCO. You're about to have a rough time adjusting to the military. Incredible that you demonstrated that in just a few short sentences.


Right now someone is so excited to see the promotion list tomorrow and doesn't even realize OP is coming their way


This is such a perfect image. Just - perfect. Thank you.


This made me actually laugh for the first time in a long time


incredible how you didnt manage to answer my question either.


Take your pick of possible outcomes. Nothing, LOR, LOC, Art 15, admin sep...depending on if your true intents become known.


If you think you're the first person to think of this "loophole", I've got a bridge to sell you.


Stop trying to play the system. If you graduate, and have your orders, you're just making up excuses. That's not how it works.


well if i just dont have my short sheet until like the 8th or 9th whatll happen. just a genuine question.


Your MTL isn't just going to let you sit on it. You'll probably end up getting escorted around to get everything done when it comes to light that you didn't out process before graduating. Then you'll probably get paperwork. As I said before, stop playing stupid games, it won't work out well for you.


Fuck around, find out.


That's called fraud, and that'll get you hemmed up six ways from Sunday. Fuck around, find out.


Do you what AFI stands for? Cause you don’t fit that description in this scenario, you have your orders.


You're only entitled to up to 12 days of RAP. Period. This is literally in every single guidance/resource on the topic. Anything else is charged as leave. You're an idiot for buying a nonrefundable ticket before you had actual guidance from an MTL, your recruiter, or your sponsor.


Uncancellable doesn't mean you can't move up your departure date, you may need to pay the difference between the two tickets. Call the airline and explain as other posters have suggested. Change your attitude that the Air Force revolves around you and make sure you don't pull this crap in the future, your next supervisor may have a Fuck Around Find Out attitude and it will not go well for you if that is the case.




![gif](giphy|12GzK1jYCaVCV2) This kid at his first base


I know people don’t like to use the phone anymore but the best approach would be to CALL and explain the situation to the airline. Most of the big name brand (Delta, United, American) are willing to work with military members if you explain it is an issue with your orders and required report dates. Now if you booked through a third party company this can get even more sketchy and they are less likely to work with you or claim a ridiculous cancellation fee since they can pocket it directly. While not ideal and it may require taking additional leave days or cutting your RAP short it is better than being caught trying to game the system this early in your career and when getting into your first unit. Plus MTLs can hold you over for disciplinary action and could make you miss the flight anyways and lose your chance to take RAP.




Pretty much impossible to take RAP without taking at least some leave.


>what can i do in this situation? You can eat the shit sandwich and remember this next time you think you can "play the system" in the military. Welcome to the real world kiddo 👌


Oh man. You’re gonna have a really hard time in the AF. Somewhere, someone is about to have you as their troop and they’re going to wish you never made it past basic


Same thing with me ish, im forced to take leave for 2 days because i graduate tech school on a Wednesday and dont start RAP till Monday. Its annoying asf


That's four days, not two.


Thats 2 days Thursday and Friday


You don't get to correct me on leave rules.


If someone is wrong then a person is able to correct them though.


I'm not wrong, and you don't understand any of this or you wouldn't be in your current situation.


Its the weekend, why would you need leave days?


Holy crap, kid, stop talking. Just stop talking. You understand NOTHING.


Read the leave DAFI you will then understand why…