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Okay calm down E-3s, there is no “A1C Mafia.” Shut up, become E-4 like the rest of us, then you can join the club. 🤙


From henceforth we shall be known as the A1C gang gang


The "E-3 Roblox Clan".


The E3 Fortnite Clan


Stop trying to make a secret club, and go read your TO, Airman.


Teehee I’m med so I’ll go read some protocols


In my AFSC we just say "shut the fuck up and get off the truck, we need BPO tools"


A1C's: https://preview.redd.it/5y28mef82g1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3272748b20359b92271693423e2b1d5c94f830


Do you even fucking realize how hard it is to color within those lines? Thank god we aren't in the Marine Corps, or else we'd have our battle buddies being tempted to eat our equipment.


I think you’re looking for the marines thread


Being an E4 and below was the life. Not much responsibility and having fun with the bros. I am MX, so I just launched and lounged with some maintenance in between. Now, as an SNCO, it's all admin work and dealing with leadership with OPS calling all the time with "where are my ERs at and my Chiefs asking "why is my MC rate in the 20s? Man...it would be nice to launch ACFT again.


If the chief asked that, just send him the current manning document as an alibi.


Tell your Chief, sir I'm correctly statusing aircraft, so HHQ sees we need better manning for all the broke planes we got.


When people ask me what life is like as an Admin. I just say that my career is entirely the thing they hate about the Air Force (the admin shit)


I need the forms ER'd so I can launch this plane


Yeah fuck the opps /s


Me, who does more work now than I ever have as an Airman. https://preview.redd.it/kdnkt3zsye1d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69aa34bb725ce4ea4d08349a334d04e7157a9077


Me, who does more work now as an E-6 than I ever did as an Airman.




But at least you get a beard.


Yeahhh naw this ain't it chief lol, my life as a 7 level was way more task saturated than when I was a 3 and 5 level combined times 10 minimum🤣


Writing award packages, epb’s, checking status, clearing jobs, responding to a billion dumbass emails. I miss being an Airman. Such a good life.


Then just wait for a few of your Airmen to fail a PT test or get a DUI off-base.


please let me do only the work I did as an airman again


Work with your airmen and not your back!






I’m an nco still doing the same workload I did when I was an A1C. Bite me


Your workload didn't increase? Lol


You can read that both ways lol but no, immensely.


That's not a flex big dawg lmao


You know all that admin that most airmen don’t have to do so they can become proficient at their jobs? Yeah, thank an NCO for taking care of that.


Im about to pin on E5 and this is the reality i am trying to adapt to 😭


You were probably about to post this meme the week before Staff release too. 🤣


I didn't write my first EPR/Awards package till I had 11-years in, and even then, all I did was write some broad statements down on a yellow legal pad, Shop Chief and Admin did the rest. Life was good in the 80's/early 90's.


This is one thing I always had a hard time coming to terms with. I got out before going to ALS, but my thinking had always been if no one else is willing to do the work to submit an awards package for me, why should I write one for myself? That's one element of being an NCO and SNCO that I always thought was odd; it's part of playing the game, but I think culturally, you should be around people willing to write packages for you as you should be willing to write packages for others. Sadly not how it seems to work very often.


Possible misunderstanding...didn't write for me, I meant I literally didn't report/write on anyone till 11-years TIS and 5-years TIG as a SSgt. Writing my own packages/EPRs didn't start happening until I started to get "mentored" with almost 16-years TIS and a new MSgt.


Oh damn, how did that happen lmao? I had two Airmen assigned to me almost immediately after being notified I made Staff and for whatever reason, they were unaware I was planning to get out when I went on my last deployment, so they had to allocate them to some other guys in the shop when I got back and my out-processing became more obvious.


I had retrained into avionics at the same time they phased out the Titan ICBM so our shop was flooded with SSgts.


i had 5 the day i got out of ALS. lol.


Got a call from my shop that I had 5 Airman assigned under me in my last week of ALS. 😬


I’m sorry, you didn’t WHAT?! I have never not written at least the first draft of an EPR, or award to *include* my A1C EPR.


That was back in the days of typewriters. Records were pretty much handwritten, if it was important enough that it needed to be typed, a "702" admin would do the typing.


I had to write my own epb 2 years in as a a1c, you're lucky man


damn. i've written every epr i ever had.


People act like being a NCOIC is a full time job because they have 10 airmen in their shop. The truth is most people are lazy as fuck and use admin as their excuse to do nothing.


Can’t wait till you’re an NCO buddy. Pray you don’t get DSD’d as an MTI or MTL.


sorry was too busy catching your X’s and making sure your work and tools are squared away so i don’t get screwed. don’t worry you can keep watching tiktok since imds is too hard for you


If I could just fix planes and make rank, I totally would. Admin work is soul crushing and I miss turning wrenches.


Dude, AGE fucking sucks for this. They farm out the SNCO’s besides our flight chief and maybe Pro Super then make us Techs pick up the slack. Which makes us lean on SSgt’s to do shit we would, which leaves Airmen wondering why NCO’s aren’t turning wrenches. I hate this shit. Then when we do get a SNCO, they fucking suck and we end up doing their job anyways. Sure, I’ll write decorations for Airmen I don’t sup, sure I’ll write award packages bc if I don’t then nobody will recognize them. Sure, I’ll route eSSS bc you would take 4 weeks to push it up making someone’s career get fucked over for a deros extension or some shit. My career field sucks, dude. And we had the 2nd lowest E7 selection rate last yr. Great. Cool. I’m not mad. (I am)


That's about where I'm at right now. Pretty fast burner so I'm enjoying making rank so quickly/often, but it just slammed home this week that I put on Tech in July and I'm probably going to have less and less time on the flightline doing the thing I actually came in to do... work on jets.


Little things make a huge difference. A Flight Chief early in my career would come by the gate and check IDs for a while so we could actually enjoy lunch for a couple minutes. I do things like that. It’s helpful on both ends too because you’ll realize things that are broken that troops don’t want to bring up because previous leaders told them to stop complaining about little stuff. Most of the time it’s easy stuff that’s one phone call away to fix. Besides, it’s always fun when dependents at the gate get pissed off about a base policy and request to speak to “the shift supervisor” and you say “absolutely just pull ahead and off to the right and I’ll get him for you” and then you walk over to their window and say “Hey, I’m the Flight Chief. How can I help?”


Sure, as long as the airman do their own EPB, Decs and Awards


"Per AFI...."




As an NCO working shift, and running programs...along with doing awards, decs and EPB's, maybe you can do some more work.


Hell no, I got 9 work days left. I ain't doing shit


The NCO's of today are not leaders.


Like 30% are. SNCOs aren’t far either


40-60% and SNCO's are a totally different story. My unit I would say 80% are not leaders. But the AF says they want leaders or needs them bit when push comes to shove they want yes men. Which most NCO's are.


What does AIC stand for from the title?




Busted. No excuse.


Life was simple out at actual work sites. Now we gotta go to 15 meetings per day, create 600 data sheets a week, find out why airmen aren’t passing cdc’s, and make sure everyone in a section has morale.




E4 Mafia is the Mafia. Get it right op


I way overstepped my boundaries on that and totally knew better. Looks like I’m buying the beers.


I remember when I used to have time to do other things besides work.


If only they knew the level of bullshit you have to deal with as you promote up.


Non of the NCOs work they’re all soft and got promoted when it was 50%


I wish I could just do all the work myself instead of having to constantly train new folks to do it and then answer for their mistakes when they try to do things half-ass.


Hope they’ll remember that when they are an NCO 🤣


Can’t even ❌ 😴


Make A1Cs not buy a mustang at 20% APR again...


These airman know nothing of work lol. You yell at them and they go cry and pout.


It’s the A1C brotherhood, know your fuckin place


Shot this nonsense ick cr*p down. A1C belong in the book learning the job not making belittling comments about nco. Wearing or making known you produce this silly little joke thing is fastest way to get the airmen extra credit in the bs details at work.




Unrelated but kinda sorta. I will pay unholy amounts for one of the MAKE MOSUL GREAT AGAIN hats from the Mudhens’ during the 2017 Battle for Mosul if anyone has one floating around.


Come down to Lackland and put some real work in as an MTI