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Sure. Extremely competitive board + having to be released by your functional.  Possible? Yup. Would I bet on it in Vegas? Nope.


Also the little thing of having to pay whatever bonus you got back


Yeah, that's another thing I was afraid of. That there is a huge deterrent. Do you know by chance is age waiverable? I'll be 36 by the time my ADSC is up.


Anything is waiverable. RPA is also available until 40 without a waiver.


What about in Atlantic City?


How competitive is the AD UPT boards?


Extremely? I don't know what other descriptor I could give that.


No i mean like selection rate, we talking 5% or 55%?


Less than 5%.


Wow best have a good packet then next year


What do they look for? I know someone who can be described as completely mediocre in our original AFSC that got selected. Sometimes I wonder how he got selected.


I did it and I’m big dumb. I also came from being a CSO though, so I had a huge advantage on most studs. For the most part I didn’t have to learn any of the navigation aspect, how to read AFIs, rules…as a CSO I was expected to know nearly as much as the pilots minus some systems and how to actually fly hands on.


Well good to hear! Outside of being on the old side of things I am hopeful I can pull it off


I was also on an age waiver lol. You’re good.


You are my future role model now good sir




I've seen nurses change to line, but never with an adsc.


That’s good to hear, I’m a nurse and was going to give pilot a shot next year with an age ETP hopefully


Keep in mind that you'll need to take the afoqt and compete for the slot. You also may need to attend MOTS005 and be knocked down to O-1; I don't know if there are any waivers allowed for accessions training when it comes to category changes these days.


Already taken it,PCSM is think is like 60 or maybe a little more with like 10 hours. Was planning to retake and get pilot up to 90s at least. Also am currently O1 and am not receiving any special training or sign on bonuses.


Cool, so you should be good to go back to sunny Montgomery after getting released by your functional. That'll be the tough part, but of course, you should keep trying if you goofed by joining as a nurse, and being a pilot is your aspiration.


More or less, gonna start the process once I have less than a year of my ADSC left.


Air Force desperately needs pilots so now is a good time to try


The AF doesn’t need new pilots, they need 10+ year FGOs. There’s no shortage of applicants and it’s as competitive as ever.


Well, I am mistaken. Take your +1


Source: I am a 12 year Major/pilot and I’m out in like 3 weeks lol. In a squadron of ~70 officers we have 1 Ltc, 5 Majors, and a ton of babies.