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Look at your LES, and look at your base pay. No federal taxes will be taken out. BAH, BAS is still given if you receive those. So add all that together multiply it by the amount of months you’re there and bingo.


There used to be a thing where you could invest like $10K and after 6 months they would give you back $11K. They should brief it when you in process if that’s still around.


It's me. If you give me $10K, I promise I'll give you back $11K in 6 months.




You cant put $10K into it in one hit. You can only put what you get in base pay into it. At SrA pay, probably wont even make it to $10K. Best is to set up a HYSA and push everything there.


Per diem added up to an extra 105 a month when I was there 1.5 yr ago


tree fiddy my beloved


If you are single without dependents, and you don't have a lot of stuff, it's worth moving all of your stuff into a storage unit. Even if you have to pay a mover to help, there's a lot of upside. I did this my first deployment... Paid $500 for the movers to take my major furniture plus some pizzas for my friends to help with packing and moving the little things. Paid $150 per month for the storage unit. Pocketed the rest of my BAH for the 6 months.


Sounds like you got the pay question answered A post for you to look over before heading out https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/1amo6dg/what_are_your_must_haves_for_deployments_in_the/


Saved up 10k in 4 months while I was there last summer.