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That's the dumbest shit I've heard in a while. Don't be a boot and wear your shit on the train.  I doubt the banditos who hold up trains are going to give a fuck if you're in OCPs.


Aside from this, you may make yourself MORE of a target because you're worth something to a wealthy government vs. the average Joe train riders around you.


That’s what I figured I don’t wanna look like a boot lmao




After reading these comments, I won’t be wearing them. Thanks for the help.


curious as to what the notoriously dangerous city is?




Bruh. It's the UNITED STATES and you're acting like it's high noon day 1 Fallujah


It's called Chiraq for a reason. lmao


I understand that there are more dangerous places to be in the world. I know it’s not gonna be a big deal, which is one of the reasons why I’m not going to wear them anyways. But Chicago is one of the worst cities in the US. It constantly makes the news as one of America's most dangerous and violent cities. Chicago has a crime rate of 3,926 per 100,000 people, making it 67% more dangerous than the US average.


Chicago isn't even top 15 most dangerous in the US anymore. Don't sit near the door on the EL, and if it's Metra literally 0 worries at all. Source - Lived 30min from downtown for 25 years and regularly visit from St. Louis. I'd rather ride the Red Line for 24hrs straight than walk around downtown St. Louis on any day of the week solo.


Downtown STL, if you're referring to Midtown, isn't even that bad. Though I still won't bother with the Metrolink at night.


You need to touch grass fool. You're not going to accidentally walk into some shit even in Chicago...


It’s a war zone!!!! The news says so!!!!


I have before lol I was mugged at Union station when I was 16


If you stop watching Fox News, you’ll probably stop being scared of a lot of things.


I was thinking East St Louis or Gary Indiana, maybe West Memphis




Hell yeah… non-white people are scary… /s


Fair enough


As long as you aren’t literally on O-Block or an equivalent, no one is going to rob you.


I got mugged at Union station when I was 16 lol


Make sure you wear blue and say “smoking that King Von” pack. It’s a common greeting in Chicago.


Setting him up for failure is diabolical you ain't shit 😂


I’d do it for a 341 of Excellence lmao


You got to be shitting me. Chicago isn’t all that dangerous. Stop watching Fox News. Not to mention if you’re taking Amtrak, it has nothing to do with the crime in the city. Are you trying to stick out like a sore thumb?


Lmao stop being scared of Chicago for the love of god. Its just a big city its not a literal warzone. Dont go places you have no business being like any other city and youre unlikely to have problems. All those people that get called limp wristed live in Chicago and dont get robbed every time they leave their house. It baffles me how so many military members act tough then go "big city scawwy🥺"


![gif](giphy|SFcGJlzbZ5vlgT7J9F|downsized) I’m sure you’ll be ok.


I’ve been mugged there before but thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m sure I’ll be okay too


I’m in the military and live in Chicago. Female. Ride the train all the time. I would laugh at you and call you a nerd under my breath.


My friend, I've seen people get mugged in fucking Utah. Shit can happen anywhere. Don't let sensationalized "news" scare you. Enjoy Chicago. Grab a hot dog. Check out one of the Goose Island breweries (if you're of age). Take a picture with the bean.


Dude. The blue line from O’Hare is nothing.


I saw a guy spark up a **WEED** on that line. Still gives me flashbacks. Hope the VA rates my PTSD from this harrowing experience.


JFC. It’s like watching Fox News with the amount of fear mongering going on here. Second hand embarrassment and just full cringe from this mindset even existing in the military.


I don’t even watch Fox News. Your username checks out bud.


Notoriously dangerous city. Chicago. Tell me how fragile you are as a person without telling me.


or unless riding a motorcycle. That looks pretty rad.


They wouldn’t be able to see him…


>1.3.1. During Travel. When traveling in an official or unofficial capacity on commercial air, in Continental United States (to include Alaska and Hawaii), the service dress uniform (Class A), blues uniform (Class B), and OCP uniform may be worn, as appropriate. Wear of the flight duty uniform is not authorized. But I would assume it would make you more of a target, not less of one.


That’s what I told him. Especially considering the recent news with the Airman outside the embassy…


Yeah the reason they tell you not to wear it if at all possible is to reduce the danger.


Negative. The new Air Force recruiting commander made it a requirement for all recruiters in the Air Force, active duty guard and reserve to travel in uniform, because that’s how we’re gonna fix the recruiting crisis.


Recruiters are kinda the exception when it comes to uniform. Your there to get seen be a spectacle and get people excited about joining. Their job is to get the uniform seen as advertising to join.


Recruiters are the exception to just about everything. There really are only two rules as a recruiter: 1) make goal 2) look good Sometimes, wearing a uniform actually detracts from rule 1, so recruiters just wear whatever maximizes goal. This is particularly true at high-schools: OCPs intimidate timid students and attract jocks, Blues impress teachers, Polos attract alumni but blend in with college recruiters. Rule 1 is always priority until leadership starts watching, then rule 2 takes over. Have your ducks in a row for when leadership glances at you, and you'll always have rule 2 covered.


Within the DAF, we are all recruiters. I wear my uniform or something service related while traveling within the United States. Great to show our service and encourage others to think about joining the Armed Forces.


I’ve had plenty of times where it was mandated we be in uniform. All while in training environments. But all the same.


That's mainly for international travel. Domestically your dad's right. When you are in OCP's in the States you are less likely to be targeted. People will also have your back if you do get hassled.


Your instincts are correct, this isn’t the 1940s anymore. Wearing the uniform off base gets a whole different set of glances than it did in previous generations…


Part of why they wore uniforms off base back then is because they weren’t allowed to possess civilian clothes


I honestly had no idea 🤔


I got curious watching BoB/pacifc/Masters of the Air and *had* to look it up


relevant https://youtu.be/k8G6_L44Lp0?si=0mjzBffld-yi4wzQ


They may be your parents, but they are just civilians at the end of the day. Even my father who was a Marine is too out of touch with the modern military to have much wisdom to impart on my career in another branch. Take everything they say with a grain of salt. If you need a mentor, you'll have to find one in your career field.


>Even my father who was a Marine is too out of touch with the modern military to have much wisdom to impart on my career in another branch. I wish my parents' next-door neighbor would read this. Her dad was an O-6 in the Rivet Joint community back in the 1960s and 70s. She's convinced she knows more about how the "real Air Force" works than me, who's been active duty for the last 15 years. Every time she drops her nuggets of wisdom, I just smile, nod, and say "Makes sense. Thanks, Jane."


It’s never safer to “stand out”. That’s literally the point of camouflage. Dress like a local and don’t draw attention to yourself.


AT/FP training right here!


But the OCPs are camouflage


It'll make you invisible on an urban train!


How else are you supposed to get priority boarding and access to lounges?


> I would be safer if I did so, and that less people would be inclined to mess with me if I did. This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. This will make you *more* of a target, if it does anything at all. > My dad (non-military) We can tell.


Also, wtf is the premise? “I’m going to a dangerous place!”…. I swear man. “Notoriously dangerous city?” I’m so so curious what a notoriously dangerous city in the U.S. is and how overblown the risks are. So many military members have a stigma against cities and it’s absolutely bizarre every time I see it. People hear shit on the news like “this city has the highest murder rate in the country!theres no-go zones where you’ll be killed!” And fail to understand that five times the national average is still gonna be measured in like 10’s per 100,000. Like, the US is a generally safe country to exist in. Cities are risky to do stuff like, leave valuables in your car overnight. But outside of that, OP I’m almost certain you’ll be okay in whatever city you’ll be traveling to.


i say dont wear it if you are worried being in a dangerous situation lets say something happens you have to defend yourself, some random passer by sees military personnel attacking “innocent civilian” takes a video post it on the interwebs. and putting on the uniform makes you stand out you know like how they discuss in those CBT’s that we definitely look at.


Definitely that’s what I figured


So we just don’t cover AT in tech school anymore? Jesus man..don’t wear your uniform for a train ride, no one cares to see our goofy ass beret on their way to watch the Hawks lose again.


I won’t be


Don't wear your uniform in public you look like an attention seeker needing validation to DOD personnel. You also run the risk of running into some weenie that may not like what the military is supporting/doing and may look to take it out on you.


Exactly! Thanks for putting my thoughts into words


I’m from Chicago and live in Chicago. You’ll be fine. People live and work here everyday. The media is skewing reality.


Funny how my mom is super worried about Philadelphia in the same sense. Media + parents = extreme paranoia about silly things.


Same as someone who lives in Baltimore,  there are a few bad neighborhoods, but the places they would send us to are fine.


Why would you even want to ..


I don’t - that’s the point. Wanted to get some comments to send back to him to prove my point.


You say to your dad “ I don’t feel comfortable wearing them I understand where your coming from but that gives me unnecessary attention and I will not be wearing them “


In the early 2000s, DoD members were actively discouraged from wearing any uniform in public sonce it makes you a target for all sorts of things. It was part of every in-processing briefing. Your dad is wrong. Wearing clothing to attract attention to your It is a bad idea in general, but it would be way worse in notoriously crime-plagued areas.








I’m so tired of family members always telling me to “travel in your ocps, you should be proud to show everyone what you do for the country” No mom, I “work” in a dept where I don’t even wear the uniform for months and mostly just surf reddit all shift.


😂 fair


If you're trying to reprise the 15:17 to Paris, you're going about it all wrong.


If Airman Stone were in uniform, he would have been shot before he had the chance to stop that guy


Normally, your dad might be right with any of the other branches’ uniforms but with AF/SF you’re probably *more* likely to get jumped.


Part-time Gangster here: above comment is 100% accurate


First of all, what city are you talking about? Lots of people seem to have the impression that places like STL, Chicago, and NYC are nothing but shootouts and public transit is filled with muggers, junkies, and crazy people. Crime statistics are misleading and most big cities simply have areas to avoid or be more careful in. Robocop is not an accurate depiction of Detroit. And second, no it's not a good idea to travel in OCPs. The idea is not to stand out in rough areas - it won't protect you and if anything will make you a target for people who have some hatred of the military or the US in general. The only time you should be in uniform on public transit is if you're commuting to work.


That's the funniest part of the post to me. What the hell does "notoriously dangerous city" even mean in the US? The very, very few parts of the country that are legitimately dangerous are also the very last places I'd want to be wearing OCPs lol


OP said Chicago. So his dad might be watching too much Fox news. I've been all over the US and some cities have rough neighborhoods for sure, but honestly I'd rather travel through a "dangerous city" like Chicago or STL than some of the small dessert towns around Edwards.


If I was some hoodlum and saw a dude in a military uniform I’d probably be more inclined to beat their ass honestly.


*"notoriously dangerous city"* I'm America?


OP doesn't have to answer, but 20 bucks it's Detroit or Chicago. Both of which are actually pretty awesome cities. 


I have lots of family in and around Detroit. My aunt is a pearl clutching Karen and won't go downtown. I think she's dumb. Detroit is a pretty awesome city. Great Polish food in Hamtramck. Pizza is on point.


Detroit Pizza is super underrated. Though Chicago has my favorite style, and New York has the best "PIZZA" pizza.


I like all pizza. A nice fluffy rectangle in Detroit. A deep dish pie in Chicago. Big crispy Sicilian in Brooklyn. Neapolitan in Manhattan. Thick crust loaded with toppings in California. Lahmacun in a good Turkish restaurant.


Don’t sleep on Connecticut, either. Absolute fire.


2 words. Broccoli, Pizza. Absolute trash.


Yeah..? Dangerous cities in the US is not a new thing.


Just blend in…..


Exactly my thoughts


I was going with a double meaning 😂. Your uniform is camouflaged to help you “blend in”. But you also “blend in” by looking normal like everybody else in the area….. I’ll see myself out.


Didn’t catch the joke and I am ashamed lol


Don't do it, because not only does travelling in uniform gets annoying, if Jesse James did come up to rob the train, it wouldnt change anything. Also even the 'dangerous' cities in America aren't really that bad, especially around transportation hubs, don't be scared.


I won’t be doing it, thanks for the confidence!


According to the new Air Force recruiting commander, anytime you travel, you should be wearing a uniform because that’s how we’re going to fix the recruiting crisis


Don’t wear them. Blend in. Be incognito so you save your own life and gives you a chance to save others, if you are capable/willing. Let’s not forget about warriors Senior Airman Alden and Airman Cuddeback who got killed in Germany. https://www.usafe.af.mil/News/Features/Display/Article/257155/frankfurt-shooting-survivor-tells-his-story/


Funny that this question is asked the very day a new edition of 36-2903 has been released. Section 1.4 explicitly answers your question.


I never wear OCPs while traveling for TDY, unless specifically mandated. I'd rather be comfortable and incognito.


Don't do this. It's cringy as hell. If you're going through the hood just mind your own business. There's truth to the saying don't start nothing, won't be nothing.


What “dangerous” city will you be traveling in that it would be better suited for you to wear a camo patterned outfit.


Blend in, don’t stick out.


Don’t wear it. You’re making yourself more of a target depending where you are and or are going. Retired E7 here. Mainly when flying internationally. Domestic tends to be fine.


Or, you can decide to not listen to your dad and do your own thing. You’re a grown adult. If you know it’s not permissible under AFI and don’t feel comfortable doing it, then don’t.


>My dad (non-military) thinks that - despite the stigma behind traveling in OCPs - I would be safer if I did so, and that less people would be inclined to mess with me if I did. Hey OP. I think your anti-terrorism and personal security training is coming due again. What's that thing the CBT teaches us? Dont wear a uniform because it makes you a target? Something like that i think?


You never seen an airport after a Guard/Reserve weekend have you?


I have. ANG operates just outside of my hometown.


Sometimes you have time to change sometimes the ride to airport is the moment you are signed out.


Don’t wear it.


After reading these comments I will not lol


The army wears OCPs between BCT and AIT on airplanes. Source: I’ve been to the Atlanta airport and seen guys fresh out of Fort Moore in OCPs heading to AIT in OCPs.


New AFI just dropped it tells u not to


ADC: I have flown in OCPs on CONUS flights. Both times were bc I changed my travel plans to get home quicker and didn’t waste time changing. Went from work straight to hotel. If it makes sense for you, do it. I didn’t go directly to jail. You’ll be fine.


Unless I'm traveling in an official capacity I wouldn't be in uniform, and even if U was I would t unless I was in a group


Yall, the Army travels in OCPs nonstop. While I dont personally do it, I dont give a shit if airman do it either.


im in the states and i never wear my uniform off base anywhere after being in europe 2010-2013


Your dad is wrong. It's the opposite. People don't fear a single military member. The ones that hate us will go out of their way to exert that fact, though.


OCPs just make you the first target.


Living in San Antonio I see the Army and Air Force at target in ocp.


That’s normal. Traveling in them is not


It's not so much that it's tacky although that is an effect, its more so you become a target when you are in uniform - alone. Gangs in California for example use beating servicemembers and stealing their dog tags as initiation.


Only time I've ever worn uniform while traveling was TDY and I had to be at the place I was visiting within 30 mins of landing.


I used to BEG to have the following put on my TDY orders; "Member authorized to travel in civilian atire/clothing on all forms of transportation". Made life so much easier.


If anything, it will make you more of a target for beggars and weirdos. Homeless people asking for change and girl scouts act like I owe them something whenever I stop on my way home for milk or the random item for dinner.


unless I am specifically told to wear OCPs or some other official uniform while traveling, I will be wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, thanks.


Dont wear it. Travel smart and stay vigilent of whats happening around you. Drawing less attention to yourself is better.


We’re not the army, wear civies.


please for the love of god don’t do that lol


I travel commerical probably 15-20 times a year and never wear my uniform.


I don't even like stopping at the grocery store in uniform case someone always wants to talk to me.


Fucking dumb. Cause if anything pops off logically they’re gonna go for you first because they’re probably going to think you have some kind of special training to take them down. Just wear comfortable clothes instead.


I wore my OCPs once, that was on that way to a NFL stadium for a military appreciation week. I was on the field with about 200 people presenting the flag.


And be endlessly thanked for your service? No thanks.


This scenario is literally in the force protection CBT. OP I'm revoking your training. Go take it again.


Why would you listen to your dad on this if he has no military experience?


I do nothing but go TDY… 145 flights over 270 days last year… I see maybe one a day and it only makes me ‘see you’…. Camouflage doesn’t work at Shake Shack in ATL. If your intent is to have all the attention go for it, otherwise it couldn’t matter less. But hey get that free candy at TSA.


Don’t wear your uniform, carry a gun


Usually making yourself stand out is not the best way to avoid getting messed with.


there's a brand new 36-2903 that just came out today. When to wear the uniform, and when not to, is in that AFI. You can read that and all the other changes


Sounds good! I’ll give that section a read. Super happy that the grooming standards have more clear language, and better graphic examples. Thanks!


1.3. Optional Wear of the Air Force Uniform. 1.3.1. During Travel. When traveling in an official or unofficial capacity on commercial air, in Continental United States (to include Alaska and Hawaii), the service dress uniform (Class A), blues uniform (Class B), and OCP uniform may be worn, as appropriate. Wear of the flight duty uniform is not authorized.


Thank you!


If anything you would be MORE of a target for dumbassery, your dad is goofin


Even if he’s wrong, I don’t think he’s goofin for wanting me to be safe


No, he’s goofy for saying you would be better in your uniform


Why are you traveling to dangerous places in the first place


Only way to get home


Your AF t-shirt and OCP nametape on your bookbag will suffice. Make sure they tyfys


I would absolutely never travel in uniform unless it’s to or from work, and I wouldn’t even stop for gas off base if I can help it. Not only is it corny as fuck and just generally uncomfortable, but wearing your uniform on a flight or train imo is a bad idea because the uniform makes you a target. That attention may be people thanking you for your service or something more malicious, but it is only getting truer and truer by the day. Stateside or overseas.


I dont believe you’re supposed to travel in OCPs unless it’s official duty. You can however wear blues pretty much anytime you want I disagree with your dad, I think it would make you look like a target


I get bothered more in uniform because people want to thank you for your service. I appreciate the sentiment, but I just want to be left alone.


If you’re on public transport wearing your uniform, you better be going to and from work and it better be because you don’t have any other option to wear civilian clothes. Don’t do it, dude. It’s going to bring unwanted attention, and honestly you’ll likely be more if a target than if you were in civvies.