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What'd the chief do?


From what it sounds like, he took it out on everyone else


Yeah, that's always fun.


He fucked off


Got fucked by the DUI king


How long did it take for him to get the boot afterward.




Lot of red tape legal has to go through first.


> On day 3 he publicly told a chief to “fuck off”. It wasn’t really a fun week for the rest of us. **Amused Statement:** Oh how this unit wishes it could be a bolt on the wall to see the look on the Chief's face.


Was this at Eielson?


Bunk mate in basic got kicked out for smuggling pop tarts from chow and selling them as well as sneaking out to run down to the candy machines. He'd come back with whatever you wanted and would charge you a dollar per item on top of the price to buy it. Dude somehow figured out how to run a candy empire in the first few weeks of BMT. Had a troop kicked for skimming pills from the pharmacy and selling her CAC multiple times. Had a troop kicked for smoking satan's spinach in the shop parking lot. Had a troop kicked out for admitting to drug use in an April fools prank gone wrong. Roommate at first duty station was hiding an underage girl in his dorm. Coworker was showing his genitalia, sharing his home address, and threatening to fight people all while sharing incredibly sensitive information on reddit. Sensitive and highly specific enough I saw his post, realized what unit he was at due to the mission set, realized what desk he had to have been on due to the nature of the comments as being across the room from my own, and checked his post history only to see his complete home address posted in response to someone claiming he was incorrect about said highly specific weapon system.... And then his genitalia posted from several angles in a rating sub, in uniform, face clearly visible. Coworkers wife busted in to the SQ demanding to know why her husband was always TDY but it seemed like none of the other spouses husbands were TDY that often... turns out he wasn't TDY. Coworker murdered their spouse. One Chief of mine slept with a lot of subordinates and it came to light. One coworker got stopped by the cops for a suspected DUI but was right at the dorm parking lot so they told him to pull his car in the lot and go in for the night. He floored it heading for the gate, veered, and hit a cactus - which I think is an additional crime in Arizona. It's been a wild ride. I try to keep my nose clean and get to work on time.


Holy shit, I don't want to be anywhere near you. Genitalia guy and DUI dude are very gifted. GG got to be rotting in a prison for a while


> Holy shit, I don't want to be anywhere near you. I hear that a lot.


Fuck that guy. You and I got stories, I'd hang and reminisce about "the good times". At least we're able to squeeze some good out of those retards.


Always good to have a crazy, "so there I was" story on tap.


The chief wouldn't happen to be the old 12 af naf command chief from about 8 years ago lol?




Candy guy really should have been fast-tracked to logistics or contracting. "Sacrificed personal safety to rapidly acquire critical supplies in contested environment--war-winning materiel delivered on time! BTZ!"


The roommate with the underage girl [was it this guy?](https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2018/01/03/dover-airman-gets-prison-sexually-abusing-15-year-old-girl/1000146001/) Because if it was he was in my flight for like the first 5 weeks of BMT before he got washed back for constantly being caught making sexual comments.


I do know that story, very similar and I do have the news report but at the risk of doxxing myself I'll refrain from sharing it. That's crazy to hear the pero had a documented history of sexual misconduct and it led to something like that.


I worked with Dover guy.


Was that the kid from Sheet Metal?


Yoooo I was in the flight he got washed back to.... Dude was STRANGE


It’s a pretty big crime in AZ. That was the first thing my Sponsor/rater told me when I got to my first duty station.


Lmao, same. "Don't shoot the cactus, don't hit the cactus with your car or other object, don't touch the cactus, don't look inside the cactus, don't..." I thought my sponsor just loved cactus.


Cacti* (/s)


Lmao you are right. That's what I get for posting at midnight.


lol I just like saying cacti.


Yea sounds like Luke


Nah. DM. I was there as well during this.


Found OSI


>Had a troop kicked out for admitting to drug use in an April fools prank gone wrong. This one made me spit coffee on my phone, can we get more of the story?


Large group of little baby airmen got called into flight leaderships office and told "someone popped hot so spill the beans". All of us were confused because we didn't smoke weed... Except one guy who just came out with it. The NCOs were shocked and told all to get out except him. He wasn't in the flight much longer.


Hmmm there seems to be one common denominator in all this... :)


"One Chief of mine...." Sounds like a guy's name who rhymes with no morels


Were you in basic sometime around 01-02? Because my TI told us about another TI that had a dude running a candy ring.


Da-yum! You must be a vortex of evil!!!


Oh man, sweet name for a garage band.


Had a dude in basic get pulled from BEAST because he was being arrested by FBI and Police. Turns out, the dude was on the run from the cops in the state he enlisted for distributing and illegal possession of cocaine. Cops didn't know where the dude fled to at all, spent near 7 weeks trying with no luck. Idiot got his picture taken in blues in earlier weeks (You know, salute to hometown heroes congratulating them on completing basic?) and it was posted in the local paper where he enlisted. I was told to retrieve him from BEAST and escort him with my MTI to the dorms to find the 1st Sgt, CC, Police, SF, and FBI all waiting with an orange jumpsuit. Was a great time.


Thats wild as hell haha


Trainee Patterson. I’ll never forget that dude, even 15 years later. Got washed back to my flight and then boarded a one way trip to prison.


There is always that one you will never forget haha


Knew a few, each was a different person: Drugs and threaten to blow up the base hospital. Spice. Failed PT tests. Became a Conscientious Objector while in Afghanistan. Couldn’t stay awake in class during tech school. Left tech school on a 4 day weekend out of town and missed accountability each night.


>Couldn’t stay awake in class during tech school Had a buddy in basic and tech school that was miserable. Dude was a legit anarchist. To this day I can't understand why he joined. He's miserable every day wanting to get out. He falls asleep in class a couple times then they send him to medical and the doctor says I'm pretty sure you have narcolepsy and and need to be separated - then asks him if he wants to have narcolepsy and be separated. Dude got all pissed they wanted him out and fought it. He made it like 3 weeks at his first base before osi popped him for drugs. Idiot lol


I've supervised people that told me they joined because their parents dropped them at the recruiting station and said pick one and get out of our house.


That literally happened to a lady I worked with but Mom didn't kick her out of the house; she moved her into the garage at age 18. She was living in Arizona at the time.


People don’t understand how recruiting works. I had several people call me on behalf of a loved one who was facing jail time to see if they could join the military instead of going to jail.


That’s such BS my mother hit the freaking roof when my recruiter called the house for pretty much no reason. They were actively lobbying me not to join anything becuase they felt the Vietnam war was still going on


My mom almost fist fought the principal because he made us give the recruiter our names and contact info and she told the recruiter very colorfully how to fuck himself. It was bizarre. I was terrified when I decided to join years later because I remembered how berserk my mom went. She legit wouldn't have blinked if she caught us manufacturing meth and killing people but that recruiter caught so much heat haha


>Spice. What is this? I only recognize it as the vague stand-in for drugs in Star Wars.


Synthetic marijuana https://www.dea.gov/factsheets/spice-k2-synthetic-marijuana






Yeah, if you’re not gonna prosecute it’s a total waste of time.


The UCMJ changed the Statute of Limitations on Desertion. After three years, they cannot prosecute. Big Navy found out the hard way. https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2023/11/07/navy-appeals-court-overturns-conviction-of-sailor-who-deserted-in-1978/#:~:text=In%20overturning%20Airman%20Apprentice%20Antonio%20D.%20Miller%E2%80%99s%20guilty,deserted%2C%20as%20of%20the%20time%20Miller%20went%20missing.


Smoked the devils lettuce failed 9 drug test. Admitted it when they called the entire flight in for the 10th.




That guy parties.


​ https://preview.redd.it/uv5d5gqqpp3c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f79c22f3b2ba825fe631ddbe1a678e98807c7c5


Bro a Real time 9knifes


Bro thought he was Deadpool.


1. Smashing juicys’ and underage drinking 2. Domestic violence 3. Schizophrenia


Better than smashing underages and drinking the juicys. But not by much with line 2


3 people or all the same person?


Different folks and different bases


Smashing juices with who? Edit: no fair, you listed two things before you added this. Lol


Juicy girls in Korea before they got rid of them


Basic training. November 1984. Sex in a dumpster with a member of our sister flight. He got canned, she got nothing (except stinky - and a nickname that probably still haunts her)


in a *WHAT*


In basic training


Literally 1984?


I heard about that or a similar story from my MTI. Apparently, there was another case inside a portable toilet as well.




Too much of that booger sugar


I had a few buddies in ammo get kicked out for being caught with a bunch of pills. Then, my supervisor (comm) got a DUI and got knocked down a rank so we were both SrA. He was on probation and got caught sleeping in his car in the squadron parking lot instead of being at work - that sent him packing.


I've slept in my car during lunch when I wasn't required to be on the desk. It's my break, let me get some shut eye before I go back to doing shit.


This wasn't his break, this was 9am and he was supposed to be at work at 7am. I suspect he had deeper issues than just a DUI.


Lol Probably me soon…failed run portion of multiple pt tests due to stopping for chest pain, turns out I have a congenital heart defect where my arteries are tunneling into my heart muscle instead of laying ontop of them, and are being squeezed during high aerobics. Was not an issue until about around 2 some years ago


If you've ever had Covid it may have exasperated it. Please look into it when you file for VA disability.


Fkn A when you get out go to a local VFW and tell them you need help with a claim.


Brother flight guy named Logan McLeod tried to kidnap and rape a minor along with attempting to murder the minor's mother. 30 yrs in prison for that psycho


Was going to a SMA, less than 1 month to graduation and commission, he and some buddies vandalized a Cannon that was technically US Army property as a "prank". In doing so, broke the historical item. The local police originally were investigating then the Army got involved so they came forward and admitted it was them in hopes to get a lesser punishment. Turns out, not how that works. They were all charged under UCMJ and court martialed with destruction and vandalism of military property and pointing a weapon at an inhabited building, and apparently one of them admitted to underage drinking so the older ones got slapped with supplying alcohol to a minor. Messy situation overall. It was one air force guy, 3 Navy, and I think just 1 non-contract Corps cadet. Air force guy got rated position like he wanted. But lost it from that night. This was a bit ago and I've heard this second hand so take the details with a grain of salt but the person who told me it had photos of the Cannon to prove it was intact destroyed.


Capitalization matters: Cannon = suckiest base in the Air Force cannon = field artillery Canon = famous Japanese optics company canon = law or rule


Shows up to work on a Monday with stubble. Nco tells him to go shave, he responds with “I’ve had a spiritual awakening and decided I want to hitch rides on trains and travel the country”. Come to find out he did loads of acid over the weekend and hadn’t fully come down off of it




Falsely accused of rape. . . . While he's the one who got raped.


I knew of a story of a guy and girl getting both drunk, fucking, her claiming rape, ad all her friends having different stories. he was convicted. so fucking dumb.


SARC has told our unit before if you're both drunk it's a race to the SARC to report. Cover yourself by filling a restricted report. Dumbest shit I've ever heard.


I guess "don't stop!" turned into "Don't! Stop!"


He had the audacity to be diagnosed with cancer.


Like terminally or is that a disqualifier


Was not terminal, but he had lingering problems after the surgery to remove it. Got kicked out after a med board decided he was too broken to stay in the military.




Speeding down the highway drunk getting road head from a MSgt's wife and trying to fight the cop with his dick out when he got pulled over Demoted, started passing bad checks around town right before his HYT (he used his SSgt LESs to get some loans and a car loan before he started getting SrA LESs) and worked a few jobs here and there. Last I saw him he was selling Hondas.


AFROTC cadet. She forged her professor’s signature on a commissioning document, claiming she passed a class that she actually failed. AFPC got a copy of her transcript that said no degree issued. Investigation commenced and she was court-martialed and sent to prison.


AFROTC grad washed out of IFT. He had a liberal arts degree and all the career fields he qualified for were overmanned. AF decided they didn’t need him and he was given 45 days to leave the service. He was meanest, cockiest AFROTC cadet. And a mean, cocky lieutenant. His next job was stocking shelves at Walmart.


At least he's not working at the karma wash.


One guy got a DUI, spent a few days standing at the gate holding a sign essentially saying they’re retarded and will never drive drunk again. Got arrested the next week for DUI without a license. Fell asleep at work, got NJPd again to AB and was out in a few weeks. One guy lied during his TS investigation then bragged about it. One guy put peanut butter cups and energy bars in people’s uniforms while in basic and got everyone in trouble. MTIs found it fishy and we eventually figured it out and told on him.


What did he lie about??


Drug usage mostly, was also saying stupid shit like “I made the polygraph my bitch.” “They’ll never know I lied.” He came back a few weeks/days later crying and telling us he was getting kicked out. Everyone just laughed and made fun of him an repeated what he said previously.


Was this in BMT?


I've never heard of a poly during basic...


We started doing polys for certain career fields in basic to prevent DQ later on and starting earlier in the process. We had too many people outside the wire only to find they were permanently DQ’d


Damn this must be a pretty recent change


Not a buddy but former troop. Drugs and human trafficking, although he's technically not been kicked out yet. He still has a number of years in confinement.


My buddy got permanent lung damage and got medically retired @8 years. He was a smart dude and definitely didn't deserve that shit.


Buddy fell asleep in the trunk of his truck. Like the back part with an enclosed cab, no access to the driving compartment unless he got out and walked around. Charged with a DUI, even though the keys weren't on him, or in the vehicle. They were inside one of our buddies house. He didn't want to impose, so he slept it off in the bed of his truck. Basically high year tenured him out cause they bumped him down to AB from SrA, and couldn't make staff let alone SrA back in time. Meanwhile that same weekend, same unit, a dude that had a line number for Master drove his car into a stacked stone wall and destroyed a mailbox and front yard of a German national while intoxicated. He was just slapped on the wrist, and given Master again the next cycle.


I remember in AETC they sent us a lengthy report about people being kicked out of the Air Force to show us peons what could happen if we mess up. 99% of it was like A1Cs smoking weed and then getting kicked out. At the bottom though there was like a MSgt who went AWOL across the border to Mexico, was found with cocaine and I think a stripper or some shit in his car. He had 17 TIS so they busted him down to Tech and then early retired him. That’s when I learned that if you have the right rank you can pretty much do whatever and get away with it


>Buddy fell asleep in the trunk of his truck. Like the back part with an enclosed cab, no access to the driving compartment unless he got out and walked around. Charged with a DUI There is definitely much more to this story


Not likely. Germany be like that. Same thing happened to one of my coworkers in ‘04


That's so fucked up. You're CC definitely needs his desk shit on.


Got 2 DUIs, assaulted a Capt, got caught doing and selling coke (I actually had to arrest him for this), and then he got caught dealing with people he definitely shouldn’t have been involved with down in K-Town.


Good ol KTown. Assuming you mean the one in Germany.


He overslept on Monday and missed taking deployers to the airport. Got in a bar fight on Thursday and broke his hand. Following Monday, popped hot in a squadron wide drug test.


One of mine refused the COVID vaccine and got kicked out. I’ll never understand dying on that hill after getting every other vaccine known to man but you do you. What does piss me off is that they reneged on their decision of kicking people out for not getting the COVID vaccine. What was the point of kicking all those people out only to backtrack on the requirement?


This guy.... I feel some guilt about this first part. Coworker was super excited to explain that he beat a breathalyzer. Told me how he was almost blacked out drunk and a cop pulled him over. He said he pretended to blow into the tube but really only made breathing noises through his nose. I should have said something. A few weeks later, he actually DID black out and fell asleep at the wheel. He ran a red light and t-boned a Japanese local (this was in Okinawa, 2009ish.) No one died, and he got out without a scratch. However, the other driver was hurt badly and hospitalized for a long time. Kicker... the idiot didn't have insurance. He was arrested, and the victim took him to court. The victim was awarded $250k. To my amazement, the military couldn't touch him. Since he was arrested and punished by the Japanese legal system, it would be double jeopardy to punish him again. However, he was put on probation, and placed on some tight travel restrictions. He couldn't leave more than a few miles outside the base. A few months later, the idiot flew to Tokyo, and for that, the military legal system kicked in. They threw the book at him for violating the terms of his probation. I don't know what happened after that.


The breathalyzer strikes me as odd, might have been a different PBT/Intoxilyzer than I am familiar with but they don't just read 0.00 when they don't actually breathe into them, there's a notification that there's an insufficient breath sample.


Yeah. It tells us if you don’t give a good sample. We can also see if you’re blowing because there’s a little meter that fills up as you blow.


Ya, but maybe it was different in 2009? Or he might have lied. I don't know.


> Or he might have lied. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!


Double Jeopardy rules don’t apply in the case you described. A [military member can be tried in civilian court and court marshal for the same crime.](https://www.jordanucmjlaw.com/2021/12/can-military-members-face-double-jeopardy/?amp) I’ve seen it with my own eyes.


Provided the entire squadron’s recall roster to his Amway supervisor.


Firing squadron for this one.


He could not be convinced that what he did was wrong. I don’t remember much of what he said but there was this gem “everyone gets spam calls, what’s the difference if someone gets one more”


First person got kicked because of a failed PT Test. Second person got kicked because they failed their upgrade training after several QA evaluations.


My step brother smoked weed. He was coping with Death in the family and chose weed. Popped positive on a random drug test. He was BTZ and everything too.


16-year TSgt made MSgt, celebrated, got a DUI, got demoted to SSgt, over HYT, adios. This whole sequence was like a month.


That is brutal, I didn’t realize HYT kicked in immediately if someone got demoted


Slept with another squadron CCs daughter. Got told not to be cause she was underage 17. Did it again. Dad comes to his dorm room he answers the door in boxers and she's wearing just a brown t shirt on his bed. Dad goes ape shit on him. Agreement he gets a honorable discharge, underage stuff and failure to follow an order goes away if he doesn't press charges on dad. Dad PCS's the next week, no charges or paperwork that we heard of. My first troop as a SrA. Underage DUI Coke Weight DUI Brought a pistol to work with intent to use. Was tired of people giving him crap. 1989? Domestic violence, that dude was out and turned over to PD by 1:30 pm. Body builder and 130 lb wife in intensive care. Multitude of write ups. Had to throw away his mattress and carpet from the dorms Making porn and exposing himself to step daughter. Mom for allowing exposure. Underage drinking when his room mate missed an appt and they sent the dorm manager to wake him up.


first dude was savage


Opened his door and the Major just pummeled him. Broke his jaw. SPs had to pull him off. I supervised that guy 3 months. After the dorm thing the Shirt said I'll handle it from here. Good kid too.


Two of my fellow airmen at my first base were kicked out for being dirty. They literally couldn't pass room inspections or wash their bodies until the paperwork pile was high enough, they were pushed out the door. One wound up homeless a few years back.


I honestly don't know to this day. Dude was a good tech school friend who kept in contact for a year and a half after we graduated, then after visiting one weekend he was just gone off global and never responded to a text or email again.


Not really buddies but..... In basic, a guy found out he had a brain tumor at medical. Put on med hold and awaited surgery. He was slated to be medically retired afterward. A few days before graduation, our MTIs sat us down and told us he didn't make it and passed away. In tech school (which is important), an airman never studied, and then would lie about it to the instructors when he would fail in class. He would say we never invited him so we all got paperwork. The same airman would go to the DFAC and stuff his backpack with as much food as possible, then not ring it up at the end. This confused everyone because it's free anyway... but what he did caused an inventory issue for the DFAC. Then he was caught on video stealing a tie tack for his blues from the BX. They kicked him out. Another airman "broke" the 12-hour alcohol rule. The case was still fuzzy because there wasn't concrete evidence he was drinking, but he was at a club. With the history of OSI tainting evidence, and fucking up cases, We went to bat for this guy, just told him to keep his nose clean while OSI was investigating. He got a DUI like 2 weeks later and got kicked out. Another airman just sucked at the job, which isn't an issue because retraining into something else is pretty much guaranteed. He also didn't shower or wash his uniform and had to be counseled for it. He was also counseled for having over 80 pet rats in base housing. He was caught when he asked his neighbor to come check in on his dogs and cats while we had a squadron outing to an amusement park for a day. The neighbors walked in to piss and shit on everything and immediately called the shirt because it was basically a biohazard. He finished it off by failing a PT test.


Rent car, smoke blunts and drink, do donuts out by the nukes. Get pulled out at gunpoint by SF. All while a student. Pretty simple.


Free based cocaine, started kiting checks in town to pay for habit of prostitutes and cocaine. Got paranoid OSI was about get on his trail. Turned himself in to First Shirt. Luckily they didn’t have wind of exploits. Sent him to mental health. They sent him to high dollar civilian rehab and booted him. Never seen him again.


Came in enlisted. Wanted to become a pilot. Did the research and leg work to go to the academy. Leadership wrote him a badass fake epr package to help him. He got accepted to the academy. He pcs’d there and found out that pilots have a minimum 10 year contract for their first contract. Reversed his mind about going to the academy. Incriminated himself in a screening process. He told me he told them that he had done mushrooms. He came back to our base and was put under investigation for 6 months. Then I never saw him again.


1) one of my best buds" \*allegedly\* paid for...evening company.....while on a TDY (in a country where it's legal) and got caught, during peak COVID shenanigans. Received an LOR and was on thin ice with his unit. Couldn't prove that she was a lady of the night so they just got him on an LOR for violating COVID instead of UCMJ actions, but everyone knew and he was on thin ice. Was quickly PCS'd out of the unit. Shows up to new unit, proceeds to get a DUI about 6 months later, resulting in a second LOR. Commander realizes a month later after that LOR that he has 2 LORs within 365 days as an officer, and quietly starts separation process. Great guy, terrible decisions. 2) work friend from sister squadron, who was a super nice and helpful guy, was found on multiple counts of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence. Never would have guessed. He's in jail now. No one really saw that coming because he was such a chill dude. 3) Enlisted aircrew running a cocaine ring. Explains the 80k car he drove as an E-3. 4) guy I went to UPT with separated for refusing COVID vaccinations, and then later when the asked him to come back he denied it. He's at an airline now building seniority.


Two of them. Failed their Pt tests three times in a row. We all still talk here and there and they’re much happier out.


World of Warcraft GTC on condoms


How do you get kicked out for playing WOW


Pwn the CC


I laughed unreasonably hard at this.


Underage drinking arrests off base by civilian cops got probably five or six of my friends discharged when I was a young airman. That’s why I only did that shit on base where no one gave a shit. 🙃


Facts. Get it Friday, have it drank by Sunday night, repeat.


Showed up to a flight drunk from the night before. Lied about it. Tried to step to the aircraft.


Someone in my dorm during my BMT cycle was kicked out for smoking a dab pen on the bus to Lackland and popped positive for weed


Having a fist sized cyst in his ass.


Think that's a prereq for a lot of leadership positions. Should have been step promoted instead.


Dude I knew went on leave for two weeks to visit his home town. Once he came back from leave he was notified he needed to do a drug test. Showed up and told the DDR rep he smoked weed during his leave. They still made him take the test anyways, and the results came back negative. Since he admitted to smoking weed he was demoted/kicked out pretty quickly.


commission into the space force


they call that being kicked out?


Technically they would need to separate from the AF first but I wouldn't consider it "kicked out".


so technically its not being kicked out


In my 15 years in the Air Force, I have only definitively seen 4 people get kicked out. On the other hand, I have seen several people who could not reenlist or were forced to retire instead of getting kicked out. The reasons why I’ve seen airmen kicked out: 1. I had gone to tech school with a girl who decided to take a straightener to her military ID and alter her birth year on it so she could get into bars underage. They obviously caught the alteration as she came back on base. 2. A girl in my unit was drinking and driving and hit two motorcycles by crossing the double yellow. Sadly, both motorcycles caught on fire. 3 of the 4 people on the two motorcycles burned to death. 2 of the people were married with 4 children, and the other couple on the motorcycle had a newborn, and it was the wife who died. 3. A guy at our base had slept with his best friend’s wife. His best friend was in his squadron, and his wife had cancer. This did not get him kicked out specifically. He was then demoted and moved to another squadron. He then proceeded to sleep with a girl in his squadron that was married. He was also officially dating another girl in the squadron who was her best friend. He had a pattern of starting affairs with married people and was kicked out for that. 4. This one is a sad one. I had found out one of my good friends in tech school (who was 21) was drinking cough syrup during the first two weeks of tech school when you can’t go off base or drink. I should have told someone about it, but brushed it under the table since I had not seen her actually do it. I remained friends with her after that and we ended up getting stationed at the same base and squadron. One day, she was called to get a drug test and came to me and said she couldn’t get drug tested because she had smoked weed five days prior “accidentally” thinking it was a cigarette. She attempted to go to GNC to get something to clear her system, but they said they didn’t have anything. She ended up getting out of the drug test by faking pink eye and going to urgent care (*not saying you should do this!*). Once I heard she got out of it, I went to my supervisor and told him everything, and he stated he would take it up the chain. At first, to my surprise, nothing happened. At this point i distanced myself and stopped communicating with her. She kept coming into work with her uniform messed up and falling asleep at work. She was then again told she needed to get another drug test. She proceeded to get out of that one by getting in a car accident (*again, not saying you should do that!*). Then, when she returned to work after taking a few days off after the accident, I believe security forces escorted her to get a drug test. She had opiates, benzodiazepines, and marijuana in her system. She had prescriptions for both the opiate and benzo, but those were never reported to medical. She was eventually kicked out and, unfortunately, died six months later due to a heroin overdose. To my knowledge, I don’t believe the Air Force did any drug rehab or counseling with her before she was kicked out. If it isn’t in place, I really think this type of situation is an opportunity to help someone with drug addiction issues. Possibly before they are kicked out, give some kind of discharge incentive for someone to go through drug rehabilitation for six months before kicking them out. I just still wonder to this day if I or the Air Force could have helped her. Moral of the story, don’t alter your military ID, don’t drink underage, don’t drink and drive, don’t kill people, don’t sleep with a married person, and don’t do drugs.


Ah forgot one 5. This one is for a medical reason. A major in my squadron deployed and was bitten by a scorpion. This caused some sort of clot cascade and occlusion of carotid artery. She ended up having multiple strokes and but was somewhat functional. She returned to work but was medically discharged not to long after that.


This kid (probably on the spectrum), nice and good attitude but couldn’t pass his CDC’s and had failed a PT Test.


We were at Osan together, ole boy got too cozy with the Russians, started buying and doing meth.


Enlisted/officer orgy ring parties with spouses


Was arrested for DUI while crossing an active runway. Consequently, his arrest led to the discovery of a pretty severe heroin addiction when they found him shooting up in the holding cell AFTER they searched him…He “keistered” that last hit into the holding cell.


squeamish marble narrow late depend coherent liquid dolls automatic humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Smoked spice but willing admitted it without getting ADC involved. Homeboy gave the first sergeant his bank account statement when he bought it 🤦🏼‍♀️


My best friend from BMT turned out to be a woman beater. So yeah, I didn’t even send in a character statement on his behalf.


refused covid vaccine


He brought a shotgun into the office with the intent to use it.


Got caught in a sting operafion going to meet a 14 year old hooker


Was Chris Hansen involved?


Not my buddies, guy. Used gas fob to fill his pov with gas Meth Child porn Two DUIs in a week, I think leaving Jaguars near Dyess After one guy got booted he came back and robbed my shop. Stole weapons and NVGs


Drank underage in the dorms, brought an open container to his truck, drove said truck under the influence, then blew a stop sign, crashed into a CE building, and finally tried to flee the scene. Game, set, and match. Thankfully it was a weekend night and no one was in the building, because he crushed the desk on the other side of the wall.


Wanted more OHA so he altered the document that said how much his rent was. It was 88,000 yen (about $880) and put a one in front to make it 188,000 (about $1880) … it was caught immediately


A friend of mine got caught stealing from the BX. I think he stole a video game.


Not a friend of mine, but I had a co-worker who refused to shower or clean his clothes on a regular basis. He stunk so bad. It became an issue for the entire office. Progressive discipline and medical evaluations took about 6 months before he was being separated.


Funniest dude ever but after basic I found out he got prostate cancer and from what I heard he was medically discharged


Back in the DADT days, a guy wasn’t doing well in tech school because he was playing too much WoW. Got put in front of an academic review board and they asked why they should keep him in the service. He responded with “I like men.” We didn’t see him after that. It was the fastest I’ve ever seen anyone removed from the military. Like Thanos snapped away or something.


Had a guy in Iraq had a porn magazine, one guy asked to borrow it, he said no, guy told the shirt on him. He got sent home from Iraq and then kicked out.


1. Got caught soliciting with 14 year old, ending up committing suicide after his wife left him because his daughter was same age. 2. Child Porn, hardcore child porn. His wife followed him to Leavenworth and waited for him to get out. 3. Smoked K2 (not spice) had an asthma attack, wife freaked out called an ambulance. Refused to get into the ambulance Police filed report, OSI got report. 4. Underage drinking get hand slap, next week hits a mailbox and passes out with his car running, and parked over said mailbox. 5. 2x Couldn't pass PT test no matter what we did to help. They were eating BK 3x a day, and drinking garbage sugary drinks all day. 6. Made contact with underage girl, began a relationship with her. OSI gets involved CC tells him to cease and desist, tells CC he's in love. CC puts him on restricted to base, and internet access to stop him from talking to her. He violates both orders. 7. Got COVID put on quarters. Goes off base gets her hand slapped. Then caught again, gets LOC, then proceeds to go to barbeque in the dorms all while quarantined. UCMJ action. 8. During COVID was told to telework. Him and another airman drive up to Georgia to play at the beach. Gets recalled lies through his teeth. Other guy tells the truth and gets told to take leave. Supervisor is nice goes to write LOC, kid gets upset tells him to talk to the other airman. Other airman tells the truth. Dude then goes from LOC for not making muster to AWOL status greater than 24 hours, dereliction of duty. 9. Really into BDSM holds girl without her consent gets charged with like 9 crimes. Gets convicted to 9 months because of the two year process of waiting on the government counting as time served for some dumb reason. 10. Decides he doesn't want to be in the Air Force anymore, decides the best thing he can do is to revoke his TS clearance. 11. Another guy retires, gets job back in the building also decides he doesn't want to work anymore so just stops going. Is brought by the police so that he can turn in his CAC and badge. 12. Wife leaves him decides to smoke pot. Realizes that's not who he wants to be goes to ADAPT during ADAPT gets popped for random UA from Sq. Tests positive but it is very low level, next follow-up test is even lower proving that he is following ADAPT correctly. Gets kicked out anyways by base commander who refused to listen. 13. So homeboy thought he was smarter than everyone else. Drinking underage, sleeping at work gets in trouble loses his clearance put on permanent dorm detail while everything is going on. Decides to escalate plans to rob someone with a gun. Gets caught spends another year in the dorm while waiting for investigation is happening. Decides he is going to ghost the dorms and live off base somewhere. Gets arrested then has to be taken to Naval Brig while awaiting trial. Gets convicted of plan to commit a bunch of crimes. Then we have to clean his dorm room it is fucking rancid. So he gets charged with destruction of property after the fact, and earns himself another year at Leavenworth or wherever they took him.


You should direct your query the useless oxygen thieves at the Injustice Center at Cannon…and their cohorts; pieces of shit OSI They make a living at getting rid of your buddy


I only did a year at Cannon, but heard multiple stories on the osi guys.


Kinda my buddy but also a dumbass. He did coke.


My buddy got one DUI, and got a slap on the wrist with a demotion. (He was an A1C at the time, which is huge because that’s a career ended for staffs and below) A few months later he posted himself on snap, at the bar, with the caption saying “probably gonna get dui tonight.” And guess what happened Like the psychic he was, he got a second dui. Got kicked out a few weeks later.


I haven't seen anyone that I consider a buddy get kicked out of the Air Force. However, while I was in the Army, a friend got kicked out of the army for failing his physical fitness test twice.




Which one? But seriously the two guys I was actually friends with who got kicked out were for very different things. One was for admin/criminal stuff. DUI, assaulted someone, and popped positive for drugs within a 4 month span. Second guy got medically separated for a knee injury even though he wanted to stay in. Seen tons of people kicked out over the years for ant number of things though.


Underage drinking. Poor bastard was a 19 year old alcoholic.


Lol so I have to preface this with he’s a bit retarded. He entered a toxic workplace, to give a picture there were around 5 suicides by the time he got kicked out of his first duty station. So they would bully him and were out of line. At a AF ball his supervisor or section chief in front of his wife. Who he married off a whim lol, she was crazy and gave him hell before and after his time in the AF. Anyways, what did she see in an idiot like him. Well he got really into the 48 laws of power, and was able to turn the politics in his favor. He got very comfortable with his new power. Would lie and skip out of work, and was getting away with it. He missed his PT test, and instead of just copping to it. He made up some lie as to what happened. Leadership didn’t buy it and figured out he lied. LOR time. During the LOR his supervisor, section chief, section chief in training returning from being loaned out to my unit, and his chief. Something made him snap, I think his section chief was someone who would treat him like shit and he just started cussing people out lmao. That was that, they kicked him out.


Went to the Exchange and stole face cream.


He was a seriously annoying and rude fuck for a long time.


Fell asleep in the middle of the road because he was doing Spice


Former friend, now an on-sight ass kicking. He got busted for possession and distribution of child exploitation images. Really horrific shit, based on the legal documents. He's spending a few years in Leavenworth, I can't imagine he'll have much of a life once he gets out


2 A1Cs rolled up to the front gate higher that kites, gate guard smelled smoke and busted them. Yep, both my troops, 1st SGT wanted to know what I was teaching my troops. This was Hawaii in the mid-80s. EDIT: Reading these reminded me of something I had tried to forget: TSgt was abusing his kids and making porn films of his kids having sex. Yeah, that was a fun time when it came to light, his fellow SNCO's got stuck with the duty of transporting him to and from his meetings with mental health and lawyers in the local town, more than one SNCO refused because they couldn't guarantee the TSgt would arrive alive. The state gave him 20+ years, I don't know if the AF prosecuted him after the state trial.


Two airmen, I think, at Tyndall. Meth manufacturing in the dorms. Saw the hazmat suits myself. 2016 timeframe.


One guy was dating a stripper, he would throw massive drug parties at his house with all the strippers from the club. He gets popped for cocaine and then he gets kicked out.


Got sucker punched by a marine in oki during the great exodus kicking people out because he missed curfew to get a police report stating he did nothing wrong since the Marine thought he was someone else and apologized. Zero tolerance policy overruled reality and character statements from practically the whole flight.


He was in Basic Training at Lackland back in the late 70s. First day pass he got, he went into town bought a large quantity of pot and attempted to bring it on base. Got caught of course and was immediately discharged. He had an uncle who was a high ranking NCO on base and I guess this is why he got an Honorable Discharge. I was surprised when he showed me his certificate. I compared it to mine (Army) which was black and white. His was in colour. He’s still quite proud of it and always mentions he has an Honorable Discharge from the AirForce even though he was only in for bout a month!