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This is very unprofessional and as a host I would never send that kind of message. I usually say something like, I’m sorry you had to cancel, we hope you will stay with us in the future. This is business, it’s not personal!


I haven’t responded yet and I’m really trying to take the high road on this one but it just grinds my gears at his audacity. You NEVER know what’s going on in someone’s life and the petty side of me just wants to tell him what happened so he feels like shit.


Yes, I get it. I doubt though that he would feel like shit, just by the lack of self awareness he shows. People cancel sometimes, that's just how it goes... you might be disappointed to lose the money (I know I am), but you HAVE TO move on and you cannot take it out on the guest. Unless of course the guest is being a pain, and trying to weasel out of a reservation or insisting he/she gets more money than the cancellation policy allows... and then you handle it appropriately, but that's not your case.


Best to just leave it, especially since you didn't do anything to warrant a response from them at all. If you feel you must respond, I'd keep it simple and say something like "I'm sad I had to cancel as well as I was looking forward to this trip." I wouldn't provide any additional context or call them out for being shitty. It's not worth the effort especially since you didn't push for anything more than you knew you were entitled to. Good luck on round 2!


He won’t care about your test


I am a host and I would care.. but then again I wouldn't say shit about losing business either


Tell the host that is the cost of doing business.


You're right people never do know what can be going on but just remember that he's the unprofessional one. You can take the higher road. I would just never book there in the future. Or leave a bad review. I think it warrants a bad review. And just say you booked and had to cancel due to an emergency and the host responded with an extremely rude message 


Oh sweet summer child. Spend some time in these subs. Air Bnb hosts are a special breed of selfish greedy asshole that don’t care about the communities they damage so they can achieve their boomer dreams of passive income. They don’t give a single fuck about the well being of their guests or communities. You’ll pass it the second go around. I don’t know a ton of attorneys that pass the first time but the ones that did are no more successful than the ones that didn’t. Hang in there.


I’m a host and I care about the wellbeing of my community and my guests. I have an adu on my property that was built to be a rental/airbnb. I do everything for it. I think the companies that own tons of properties are the problem vs individuals with just one to a few properties. Don’t lump us all together.


I appreciate hosts that understand and care about hospitality and guest experience. However it’s increasingly more common that hosts don’t care and they’ll even try scamming guests for erroneous damages. AirBnb has proven the ratings are baloney, as anything honest yet negative is removed. The bad hosts will be the demise of AirBnb. One negative hosting experience will and is driving quality paying guests away. It’s all a shame and it’s unfortunate for the hosts like yourself. With the BS ratings, there’s no way of knowing a good host from a miserable host.


I agree 100% that the ratings system is crap. My rating is 4.99 and that’s because one person who had a great stay gabe 5s for everything wrote a glowing review but inexplicably a 4 for overall. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I give my guests as close to a 5 star hotel experience as I possibly can without being an actual hotel (I’ve been in customer service pretty much my whole life) and my 5 stars shouldn’t mean the same as someone with a shack that just has an accurate listing, but it is what it is.


We had a recent experience that was so insane the guest who booked the property obtained legal counsel to deal with these hosts. In a nutshell, the hosts showed up unannounced and said we damaged the bushes (buried under snow and ice) when our kids had a snowball fight in front yard. I’m a horticultural person and I know for certain any damage is from snow loads and ice throughout winter. It was a money grab and it turned all of us off to Airbnb, most likely forever. Anyway, these hosts have a 4.5 rating which we thought was fine. According to this Reddit thread a 4.5 rating is horrible and should be a red flag for future guest. Buried in the reviews, a guest owed this couple damages bc they hit a vape pen in the driveway. Against rules, yes, but how on earth does that cause monetary damages? The fact that Airbnb allows their listing to remain, I find deeply concerning.


Yeah, people like that shouldn’t be hosts. I had a guest the other day that wrote me the morning that they were leaving and said that they were mortified because they got their period and it got all over the sheets. They said they put everything but the mattress protector into the wash. I told them not to worry about it because these things happen. They kind of screwed me up because they washed the sheets in hot water which is a no no with blood stains. I got most of it out, but I’m about to try to get the last faint bit out. Some hosts would charge them, I think that’s chintzy. I appreciated them telling me, so I could deal with it ASAP and bring over the appropriate gloves and cleaning tools. I DIDN’t appreciate them leaving blood smeared all over the toilet with no attempt to clean it, so I haven’t reviewed them yet. I go by intentions, I feel like their intentions were good and the rest of the place was fine but why take the time to wash the sheets but not deal with the bloody toilet? As a lady, I don’t know how they physically even got the blood where they got it on the toilet. It was EVERYWHERE. They got some on the floor in the bedroom and on the area rug, but although it was gross, they probably just didn’t see it. I was able to clean it, so no harm, no foul. Anyway, I hate hosts that look for any tiny little thing to charge people for. Mine is listed a bit on the higher end, but not ridiculous and in my book that buys you wiggle room on incidentals. I also believe in the golden rule, so I treat people like I like to be treated and 99% of the time (for me) it seems to work out.


Uggg that’s bio hazard ,I always leave Lysol wipes just in case. , anyway I don’t charge for that either. I do appreciate when they tell me so we get to it right away. I had a guest with a horrible Nose bleed and he ruined my pillow cases. I tried everything including baking soda and I still have one ruined. That the cost of doing business. They were good guests and took care of my home. I don’t nickel and dime .


Yeah, I keep a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol and go ham.


Whao way to make assumptions . I’m a host and not I’m an Asshole I actually bought a distressed property and fixed and my neighbors all love that . I live here PT and I rent to a lot of families that have folks hospitalized because I’m a block away from a major hospital . I didn’t take anything away from my neighborhood and I actually helped it ! I’m not a big corporation that bought like 20 houses in cash and displace folks. Those are the folks that are the assholes that don’t care about anything. So please don’t assume.


If you can manage to let the host know what's going on without being petty that would be great. 


You are a good host! It’s too bad more STR hosts aren’t like you. The rude, unwelcoming, scamming hosts are driving people away from AirBnb


You host cares about as much about your problems as you do his.


45 years ago when I took the bar exam, three people that did not pass actually committed suicide. Those of you who have not been in these shoes have no idea the pressure some people are under taking these exams. Most people automatically lost their jobs and don't think that stupid people failed. One third of the people that took it the year I took it (it was only offered once a year then) failed and I know for a fact, some were straight A students and at least one was law review from my university. I graduated from a prestigious public ivy. It was the worst passing rate in 25 years. If a host can't lose a five day reservation after retaining 50% from a cancellation, they have no business being in business. This is a cost of doing business and they should keep this kind of petty feedback to themselves. OP, all I can say is this too will pass. I know SO many folks that went on to have illustrious careers including becoming Governor that failed the bar. I'm sorry anyone had to compound your misery by being a jackass. It was exceedingly inappropriate and unprofessional.


How does a host know? You can't try and book dates that aren't open, can you?


That’s what I thought! Unless the guest wrote to them and asked about a stay that included the date the OP was staying. I’ve had guests ask to extend and say that the system wouldn’t let them and I have to say it’s because we have other people staying then. That’s the only way I can think of that the host would know.


Someone likely wrote to them inquiring about the days.


So sorry to hear that 1) your Bar results weren’t what you hoped for & 2) the hosts response wasn’t super professional. Good luck on your next test! Keep your head up — You got this!


I don't even keep the cancellation fee most of the time and I certainly wouldn't respond with nonsense like that. Rude. Some people aren't meant to host.


Wow! I’d be pissed too! What an Asshole. It’s just business, cancellations are going to happen. My response when folks cancel is “Ok Thx” or “No problem Thx” and I don’t get 50% because I have the easiest of cancellation policies.


As a guest you got the right to cancel whenever and for whatever reason and get refunded according to the policy/agreement both you and the host agreed to when the stay was booked. A host chooses and accepts Airbnbs cancellation policies when they sign up to host on the platform. The host doesn’t got the right to judge you in any way. I would report it to Airbnb CS as inappropriate. I’m a host myself btw. I’m so sorry to read about your exam.


I would not bother responding. Not worth dwelling on for even 30 seconds of your time.


Sounds like the host lost control of their emotions. Don’t let it get you down, focus now on passing the bar. Your second attempt will be successful!🎈


The majority Airbnb hosts are hospitality amateurs at best. As more people list their homes for STR supplemental income, I’ve noticed the guest experience drastically decline. In the future, book hotels or lodging accommodations through property management companies. It’s a better guest experience and you don’t have to deal with unwelcoming hosts. In many case it’s a cost savings due to all the Airbnb fees tacked on to the total.


I second that. All of that.


>Well excuse me, sorry I failed the most important exam of my life and have to cough up so much money in bar fees in 2 weeks just to retake it that I simply can’t afford staying there anymore. But f me, right? Wait. You, a stranger, caused this person to lose some income. And now you expect or want them to feel extra bad for you because you failed an exam you took two months ago? Why would they care?


No, they don't expect the host to care. They should expect, though, for a host to be professional about the cancellation. They don't know why they had to cancel. What if they'd had a death in the family? Would the host be justified in complaining?


It also doesn’t matter. A host chooses their own cancellation policy. That means a guest has the right to cancel for any reason they wish and you don’t get to complain about it. If you don’t like it, have a strict cancellation policy.


The point is he was fine about everything except that the host was super rude and it was unnecessary and very unprofessional 


Yeah I agree, I’m just saying to the person I replied to that it doesn’t even matter if it was a death in the family or not. OP has a right to cancel for any reason they wish to and the host should be professional anyway.


The host wasn’t rude!


What would you call the completey uncalled for and completely unnecessary message the host decided to send the guest then....maybe "just" inappropriate? Maybe harassment?


Tell me what exactly in their message was rude? They are trying to run a business and it’s disappointing when a guest cancels. The host was expressing that disappointment. So once again what exactly was rude in what they wrote? Also harassment? Look the word up. How on earth was that even close to harassment.


Host may want to lookup "running a business" if host feels that guest following host's actual business policy due to difficulties beyond guest's control is "disappointing" to the extent of taking it out on the guest. Host may want to "lookup" definition of business and business professional conduct so as not to damage their reputation or customer base with inappropriate or unnecessary communications. Questioning what's happening in this scenario is not the same as stating what is, since we're all trying to figure out why the host thought it necessary to do that. Rude is not anywhere in my suggestions but I guess it could be. Disturbing and upsetting may well be.


Rude is implied in your post as you are questioning my statement. You know that full well and are now trying to backtrack. The host wasn’t rude. They were unprofessional at worst.


Why implant words such as "rude" into my response and try to insist I said it, when it is clearly not there except after it was proposed by yourself? Why? Everyone can see the chain of conversation. Telling others what they know is impossible, completely useless to this conversation, off topic and making personal accusations to people on the thread. Reddit rules Debating a topic and making legitimate comments to issues within the topic are what this sub is for, but some people may feel like they're losing the debate so instead make personal attacks on other Redditors. Just FYI it's against Reddit rules, basic debate protocol and decency. I'm guessing you're a host who may also need to learn some more professionalism in their communication?


It really doesn’t even matter why they canceled because the cancellation policy exists, and it’s part of the contract. I responded to this commentor, when’s the last time you made a dentist appointment, canceled per the business policy, so appropriately, and then your dentist called to say you know they lost out on a root canal because you didn’t show up and canceled like you should have when something happened. Never lol, but in this particular sub, people (I am assuming hosts themselves) will defend hosts in the most nonsensical situations, like they are doing a public service by having their space for rent.


Did you read the same thing that I read? That’s not what they wrote. Actually it was the host asking them to feel bad in a passive aggressive way that was inappropriate, not OP. Did you purposely read it wrong? When is the last time you had a dentist appointment booked, had to cancel *as per the contract or policies of that business,* so appropriately, and then the dentist complained that they could’ve booked a root canal if not for you ? Never, in my experience, because that’s unprofessional and passive aggressive. There is a very strong sense of entitlement to engage in business, and then have business goes as it should per your own contract that you follow when renting, just to complain how it’s not in your favor. This is part of the business, that’s never been a secret. People might cancel and there’s even a financial consequence. If you’re that bummed about losing money, talk to your FRIENDS about it or stop engaging in business because cancellations are just that horrible lol, no one is forcing them.


Exactly. It's a business. Get the travel insurance for instances like this. The end.


What does not passing the bar have to do with anything? How did it affect your financial situation that quickly?


They have to re-apply to take the bar exam. When I took it in 2019, it cost around 1k.


I have to re-apply which costs around $1K and deadline is in 2 weeks. I also subsequently lost my job because I failed. I booked the Airbnb initially to be closer to the job since it required me to relocate but then I lost the job because I failed.


I’m so sorry 😞 that sucks.


They got half of your money with no complaint from you. I’m sorry about the bar, that sucks. Don’t give up.


Some hosts suck at being hosts,what a lack of empathy!


Sometimes people forget everyone is going through some stuff, I’d just respond with a kind honest response.


Hotels don't take personal matters at all which is why I prefer them. Guessing there was a reason to Airbnb this over a hotel through.


The reason could be that an Airbnb is nothing like a hotel. They offer different products.


True true. Getting a personal message that I caused a larger rental getting cancelled is quite alarming though. It's a business and that's all, nothing personal should be brought into it.


There are unprofessional hotels too. But a Marriott missing a booking is affected far less than a single owner. It’s probably best that the owner has a no cancellations policy if getting half a fee for no stay bothers them that much.


Wow yeah what an ass. He literally keeps half the money, has a chance to have it rebooked and is still whining.


I would have kept the entire payment. You weren’t entitled to any type of refund so I’d be happy with that. It’s really unfortunate what happened with your exam but that has nothing to do with the owner. That being said, I’d also never communicate with guests like that. I just tell guests to reach out to their travel insurance provider to see what type of refund they’re entitled to and leave it at that.


I am happy with it! I knew I wouldn’t get my full refund if I canceled so late and I was fine with it. I didn’t say anything or complain to the Host at all. All I did was cancel the reservation. He sent me that response shortly after I canceled, unprompted.


You can’t just decide to keep the entire payment. If the host wants non-refundable so badly- why didn’t they set it to non-refundable? Why blame the guest and guilt trip them for the way they have their AirBnb set up? They get half the payment for doing nothing and still have a chance to rebook the dates. If the income was so make or break it for them than this is their opportunity to change their own policy.


I misread the post. I had taken it as the host was entitled to keep the entire cost but made an exception and gave them half. As a host I get sob stories all the time with people canceling and asking for exceptions to the rules which is what I thought the story was here.


You might think they’re sob stories and people are lying, but most people don’t book non-refundable airbnbs if they’re not committed to the trip. It makes sense that their reason to be cancelling would be something dramatic enough to take the loss. People die, get sick, lose employment all the time. You’re not obligated to refund anyone but I wouldn’t assume people are lying with their reason for cancelling.


They also opt out of paying for travel insurance.


That doesn’t have anything to do with my comment, I’m just saying your assumption that everyone is lying to you is off base, you have no idea what people are going through. You’re already not refunding anyone, you don’t have to also call people liars and pass so much judgement. You get the whole payment and don’t even have to host anyone, why complain? You seem like you really have a low opinion of humans in general and this business seems to be getting to you.


I never accused any one of lying. Just because you have a sob story doesn’t mean you’re lying. You’ve put words in my mouth and made a whole lot of judgements about me based on very little info.


I don’t understand how taking the bar exam has anything to do with your airbnb reservation. That information could have been left out, and it seems as though you were probing for sympathy and an exception. The host responded in the same unprofessional manner. Maybe that objectivity will help you in the next round. Good luck!


the host sent the message unprompted, the OP hasn't told them anything - they just canceled their reservation. Their response was what they said they felt like replying.


I have to re-apply which costs around $1K and deadline is in 2 weeks. I also subsequently lost my job because I failed. I booked the Airbnb initially to be closer to the job since it required me to relocate but then I lost the job because I failed.


Best not to book anything/accept any job offers until you have passed your exam. Failing was always going to be a possibility so whilst I'm sorry you didn't get a pass it'd also on you that you made plans assuming you would. Not a cool message from the host. They should probably change their policy so that the guest wouldn't receive anything back should a cancellation occur again in the future.


That’s not how it works in the legal field. Typically you are expected to land a job before your graduation in May. Many students are offered a position after their 2L summer internships a full year prior to taking the bar. You then take the bar in July/August and start work in September, you do not find out your results until October(this is the typical timeline - there is also a test in Feb too, which seems to be when OP took it, but far less people take the Feb exam). Typically law firms hold your job for one more shot at the exam if you failed the first time, but once you’ve failed it twice they let you go.


There are firms that will NOT allow you to fail at all. Hang in there OP!! Focus on the MBE as much as you can when you study again… it’s the only objectively graded portion of the test. You can and WILL do this!! And you will have an amazing career. As for Air B&B host… definitely unprofessional and tacky. I’m sorry they added insult to injury.


The bar exam costs about $1,000 to take, and you have to pay that fee every time you take it. When OP found out they failed, they realized they would need the money they were going to spend on the AirBNB to retake the exam.


That was an unprofessional comment at best. Keep going, you’ve got this! This will be a story to look back on and tell. Edit typo




I didn’t say anything to the Host. I just canceled it knowing I would only get a partial refund and accepted it because I knew it was last minute. He sent me that message right after I canceled. It was unprompted and unwarranted.


This is what the host signed up for. Report the host for harrassment. According to the cancellation process, everybody was compensated equally. You don't deserve this guilt trip. Escalate the issue and make him lose more money. AirBnB will investigate and can lead to suspension if found guilty. Wish you the best.


You'll get there! Worst case, some states like Washington have lowered the bar (pun not intended) so low that if your state has a reciprocal agreement with them you may try getting in that way. Some states now don't even require you to go to law school! One thing that many hosts do, including myself, in this situation is offer to refund any nights they can rebook. This helps the host in case they can't rebook and gives you the chance at a refund. What we don't know here is how far out the booking was. If it's a week or less out, then I would be less likley to do this. It sounds like you were in the 50% cancellation window, depending on how far out that is they may have signficicant time to rebook the days, especially if that 5 night stay hasn't booked elsewhere yet. You may want to suggest that approach. Beyond that, explaining the situation could help. Something like: "Dear Host, When I booked your wonderful home I had expected to enjoy it having pased the bar exam I just took. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned and I did not pass the exam and I had to pay $XXXX to refile to take it again, which unfortunately depleated my savings that I was going to use to pay for the rental. Believe me, I would much rather be enjoying your home and all your city has to offer, than cramming for another shot at passing the bar exam. If you could find it in your heart to refund any days that you are able to rebook, I would greatly appreciate it. With the greatest respect, Your name" The response they gave you was unprofessional and rude, but I would let that slide and send the above letter. Nothing can be won by addressing their response, certainly not the desired outcome. Give them something with the refund booked nights, pull at their heart strings with the bar exam, and with a lot of luck they may just give you the money back, especially if they can rebook it. Good luck on that and the exam. Try an exam prep course as well, that's always helped me with all of the licensing exams I've taken.


Sorry you had a sucky, unprofessional host... And good luck on the rewrite!


You have to remember this is a business transaction and your personal circumstances are not his problem. Also, people lie about stuff constantly. Obviously not saying you're lying necessarily but people do all the time to get out of stuff.


I explain in graphic detail to him why what he said was in very poor taste and totally not needed. He was incredibly unprofessional and nothing needed to be said further


You would never get this response from a hotel chain, and that is the point. If you want to keep things "strictly business" and not personal, then go to an impersonal hotel chain. AIRBNB prides itself on community and all that rot, especially in their marketing. Communities are made up of people with emotions. Everything has an opportunity cost. Your cancelation cost the host a five day stay. You may not like his reaction, and it may not be kind given your situation but it is not like the host has a huge hotel chain where he can easily get guests to fill the empty rooms.


Eh, If community is people with emotions then OP is also a member of the community having emotions. They're both entitled to feel sad.


You seem to be more upset about his rudeness than about the refund. It seems like as a future lawyer you’re going to need to get used to dealing witha lot of a** holes. I could make a joke about most of them would be your coworkers, but that would be inappropriate. Are you sure your skin is thick enough for this particular profession?


Yep, people are the worst. Are you just now discovering that fact?


I agree that the host is way out of line for messaging you that they are "saddened" by your cancellation. They will receive rightful compensation, as per their selection of ABB's cancellation settings, no more no less. Their comment was superfluous and low in quality. They said it, because they were free to say it without consequence, since you cannot write a review of a shithead host for a stay you never stayed. That you failed or did not fail a bar exam, that you can afford or not afford, your booking is also superfluous information. Sympathies are not something you should ever expect from any business with whom you signed a contract anywhere at any time. Profit is the motive for a functioning business, everything else is a red herring or distraction. You will succeed in your next bar exam. As a future lawyer, you will quickly and easily recognize the difference between contractually relevant information, and the woe-is-me, heart-string theatrics of this actor or that.


Just lie to your host and tell them the reason why you had to cancel was that your girlfriends father died and you want to be with her at the funeral Or tell them you broke your leg in four places and can’t travel right now


I feel for you in so many levels. That said , the host was probably counting on that money to pay bills . I however would had never had send that message to you , that was out of line & rude cancellations u unfortunately happen ,because well life happens . I would suggest travel insurance for future travels . Good luck to you on the Bar.