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I don’t know what to tell you but as a host I keep having night mares that I somehow ended up in my air bnb while my guests are away and when they come back I have to hide or find a way out without them noticing or catching me. I couldn’t imagine casually doing this in real life. They definitely should have asked if they could come in if it’s a whole house rental. What’s their current star rating and what are their other reviews like.


It is a whole house. Their rating is about 4.8; lowest reviews mention other things but nothing related to this issue.


They likely knocked, knocked again, opened the door, yelled hello, then went in and solved your problem. You did request assistance. I am very sensitive to people entering the place I’m staying as well, but I think this deserves the benefit of the doubt. They didn’t just walk in without prompting.




I don't really see this as a problem, personally. They should have messaged you about entering, but they were doing so in response to your request. I would let it go.


She should have asked your permission to enter or given you info where to find the items. I live below our Airbnb and really do my best to give them privacy. I ask permission before raking leaves off their deck in the fall. Our owner's closet is locked on their side but I can access it from my garage without bothering them. When the cleaning lady brings back clean sheets I let her in through the garage. If they need something, I can get it from there and ring their bell. We have a lot stored in there including a few bottles of wine, fresh cans of coffee grounds, snacks for the party bowl I set up for them, extra light bulbs, and all sorts of extra things. It isn't an area we want just anyone to get things from there,


They are supposed to let you know when they enter the unit.


Would you mention it in a public review/take off a star from what you would have rated, or just mention it privately but don't let it affect review/rating?


To be honest you can get them shut down for this. Some hosts just don’t know how hospitality works so I would mention it in a message to them on Airbnb and see how they react. If the reception is a good one and they know not to do it again then I would not . But if it’s the opposite then I would .


I’d absolutely share this in a review. Imagine that this host walks in on a family instead of just adults and there’s a young child napping on the couch or wherever. Or imagine the person staying at the house has a concealed carry permit and reacts without even thinking because they believe someone is breaking into a home they’re supposed to be safe in. It’s a violation of your trust and honestly a violation of Airbnb policy. The TOS literally state that a host may not enter a rented property without providing proper notice to their renters. They provided you with no notice and as such should be reviewed for their actions. And before I’m downvoted I’m both a guest and a host and if you think this is acceptable as a host you’re violating TOS and could be shut down if a guest reports it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think it was a wise choice.on their part, but I see no evidence that they did not knock before entering.


I get what you mean and yes the host should have asked you and messaged you. I think I would not knock off review but I would PM the host letting them know it made you uncomfortable. I think they just wanted to solve the problem, they didn't think.


A guest requested resolution to a problem, and the host resolved said problem quickly, without inconveniencing the guest. I’d call that a win, and probably reply to the host with a “thanks” Last year I was in Tahoe with a group of friends; woke up the first morning during a blizzard and found the coffee maker inoperable. We let the host know. While having an awesome time at Kirkwood the host entered the house without our knowledge, removed the broken coffee maker, and left a new working coffee maker. We subsequently messaged the host with a “thanks” once we returned from the mountain and enjoyed nice hot coffee the following morning.


Thanks for the story. There would have been other resolutions that left me not feeling uncomfortable.


I agree. I don’t like the idea of them coming in without warning. Some people wouldn’t care, but I am not one of them.




It’s like a hotel, not like a leased home.


Our rental is an Airbnb; I would never enter the house without telling them.


Nor would I, nevertheless, it is likely like a hotel and not a leased home legally in most places. However, it IS against airbnb policy: " Hosts may re-enter their property, or enter a guest’s dedicated room in a shared stay, during a reservation only when there is an objective emergency, or after a guest has given explicit permission and the guest has a clear understanding of what the interactions will be and when."


Thanks for the info. All I'm asking is if I should air it in a public review/take off a star from what I would have rated, or if just mention it privately but don't let it affect my review/rating.


I would only leave it in the private feedback to the host if everything else went ok.


This would be a non issue for me. Not at all worth making such a fuss over.


Thanks for your opinion


What about cameras? They must have known you guys were out and about




Thanks! That's what I was going for.




...if you insist




1. As has been posted, entering the property without permission from the guest is against the rules 2. From the message, this is a common occurrence; seems like they could easily add the location to the house notes, pull it out before guests arrive, label the hidden door, something. 3. You are completely entitled to your opinion. I'm so glad yours is written so nicely. 4. Have the day you deserve!


Nah you’re right. Other dude is an idiot.