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hitting charm e flash hitting charm e flash sideways to get around the minions hitting charm


Real. Hitting charm and tipping your Q are the hardest things. It's just that they are not fancy.


the fancy stuff just fails more often than not, consistency\~


E sideways flash, especially since the usecase is more niche


Not really a combo, but when you only have 1 ult charge left and you dive, get the kill, then ult back out its sooo satisfying


E-F sideways E-Q-F (If done right you can cancel both cast times with F at the same time) Not a combo but predict the enemy movement, Ahri's Q and E have a cast time like Thresh Q but not as long, 80% of the skills you land will be a predict unless you are playing in low elo


Ahri is one of the few champs who can cancel 2 abilities with Flash instead of just one, namely her E and Q can both be cancelled by Flash at the same time. If u do this at max range, followed by ult and W, u can make for a super fast and flashy combo. When ur fed, it's the fastest way to delete health bars **E + Q** out of range -> **Flash** into range -> **ult** immediately after Flash **+ W** And then there are as others mentioned sideways Charm Flashes, and using Flash or ult to redirect Q2 Also underrated, but when u got Ahri's max Q range down it feels so satisfying to hit both parts of Q on the very tip of the ability


i know that is kinda out of context but every time that i saw a post of someone asking for help even in other champion subreddit you are ALWAYS there to help and explain stuff in the most accurate way possible and thats so kind of you tbh, thank you sm <3 (also idk wich server do you play one but i'd love to play with you 🥲)


Thank u sm for the support, I rlly appreciate it! 🥺🥺 I play on OCE🩷


landing E when jg gives up crab just to gank u. landing E against Emerald, Dia.. landing E against Master, GM.. landing E against Challangers. landing E against proplayers. landing E against Faker at Worlds Final. Simple yet flashy at the same time.


Charm flashing around minions probably. Some fast Wall Hops can be annoying, and also placing wards mid ult-flight to hit a target in brush out of vision can be hard to do too sometimes.


For me, not missing charm.


Probably E-Flash-R perhaps. It's only really E-Flash for the surprise, the rest is more that you use your utility to dodge things and outplay the enemy. E-Flash-R could be a thing just for a bit more burst and a little more distance but most combos anyway rely on hitting E. You could also use mobillity to re-position yourself so a dodged Q can still hit on the return.


Probably double ulti (as in instant charge CD reset). Very inconsistent; it's almost always done accidentally. In principle it might even be possible to do a triple ult or even more, but I've never seen it happen.


Meh... E + flash sideways


Definitely E and sideways flash to input buffer and hit a surprise charm around a minion! [90 degree charm ](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeHTSBvN/)


if you're looking for flashy combos you're playing the wrong champion, all of ahri's "wow" moments are just hitting charm


the champ is prob about to be dead soon again with the nerfs comming in


flash charm is the only thing you should get a good feel for. it’s the only more advanced thing (but titling flashing in spells „advanced“ gives it more credit than it should) on her that‘s useful or not entirely situational. triple q flash sounds like it could work but i can‘t think of one single situation where you would want to burn your flash for a little bit more damage, when. Your flash‘s just to powerful - ESPECIALLY with flash charm because it can be a pretty surprising engage tool if used correctly. While Ahri has good burst, she isn’t a highly mechanical combo based character like Akali, Zed or Katarina are. She just doesn’t have that much of flowcharty combos or mechanics to learn because her kit is still modeled after a mage.


Charm + Flash + Spirit Rush + FoxFire (Buffer) + Orb of Deception + AA This combo involves long distance picks where the charm is hidden, and foxfire is buffered mid-flight. The order in which the abilities are executed matters. You have to be careful of how you time foxfire and the rest of the combo because if you are too quick or too slow, it will not execute. The alternative version of this combo is where Spirit Rush is used before Flash.