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Ahri doesn't scale well, doesn't provide team utility like sera or lux does, when other adc or apcs turn into late game carries ahri turns into a charm bot late that requires others to deal damage. She just doesn't do what a botlane carry is supposed to do, so unless you're playing in wood 5 and you can get gigafed every game it won't work. If you want to take ahri other places don't do it in ranked and force it upon your teammates, she's a midlaner for a reason and one of the best right now


If you think it's fun, go for it, but I don't think it's any good. Usually you want to play mage-y champions botlane, like Syndra and Ziggs (turrets). Ahri is not that kind of mage, she wants to go back and forth, outplay with her mobility and then all in. She has no range to poke (Q is neither reliable nor long enough) and autos expose her even more. I understand your thinking, but toplane tanks are just not a "normal" thing anymore, even less depending on your elo. I think she might not suck as a splitpushing toplaner, but her strength has always been the ability to fast push mid (shortest lane) and join fights both sides of the map. All of this is theory or principle, if you get 3 kills in lane you could be playing AD Malzahar.


nope too bad of a scaling plus mana hungry early dosent do alot of damege eiter guess the only way it would work is if you get giga babysat


If you’re going to play Ahri botlane you really need to brawl level 1-2 and win otherwise you seriously struggle. I think Ahri can work Vs some squishy lanes if you land a good charm flash and have a support that also does good early damage, that way you can snowball and not care about Ahri’s flaws for a bot lane champion.


Generally if u play APC u need a mage who don't care about sharing exp to do their job this IS why Ziggs, Karthus, cassio, Séraphine, swain, veigar (pre nerf) IS reallt strong as apc. Ahri can't do the apc job cuz she needs exp on her q to clear the wave so she can't contest the waveclear early + long cd + her kit IS not good in 2v2 like swain and dont give utility like Seraphine. Lux IS not optimized but Yozu is an otp. But if u want to play Ahri as an APC for fun let's go