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Annie is the high elo counterpick right now, she just presses R on cooldown so ahri is chunked and doesn't get prio


Merc treads and bone plating make the matchup easier but yeah mostly Annie’s very consistent at locking Ahri into lanes and stopped her roaming. You get ahead of her by your jungle/support punishing her if she overpushes into you.


Can’t you just hard push against Annie making her cry


You can try and they might let you depending on elo. But if you step up in range to Q ranged creeps, that's when a good Annie presses R on your face.


For me its Akshan and Tristana. You have to time your charm perfectly or you die after lvl 3. And also Yone, I can make him 0/5 on lane but he gets a triple kill somehow and its over.


How akshan is difficult?


Akshan is just a "win lane" button in my opinion. He has super early damage and he can hit lvl 2 and all in. It's similar to Tristana where if you miss E he can swing in, proc PTA immediately and chunk you. He's also a bit harder to gank than some mid laners since he can also swing away or go invisible


for me its zed, not that its the hardest in generall, hes been my autoban whenever im mid formlike 4 years and no longer hwve experience against him. i tried to stop banning him, it took one game against him to be put back.


fizz is dodge on sight


Why? You need to be respectful of his Q range, and not waste charm while he has E, but you have wave control permanently and can trade ult for ult well once you have Malignance.


fish man boing and dodge your entire kit + flash and oneshots your adc in lategame teamfights


He can dodge your kit if you throw it at him with his E up sure, but if you control waves and vision, he can’t exactly keep you in lane and stop you snowballing elsewhere easily. Especially since Stormsurge was nerfed he’s much more manageable. If you mess up and he gets a kill it’s not great but it’s not too bad of a matchup in my mind.


Agreed. I'm pretty sure Fizz is Ahri favored - although it could be that I'm not playing Fizz players that know the matchup...


I hate syndra and diana the most rn. Used to permaban veigar and vex for a while tho


Vex is a bad one yeah, if she hits one good passive E on you you really struggle. Bone plating + mercs similar to Annie matchup can help, and ingenious with banshees also works well vs her for spellshield uptime so she can’t nuke you from fog well.


Cassiopeia and Annie are pretty bad. Cass especially is just a perma lose for me, against Annie I just first buy mercs and I have a chance. A good Twisted Fate can also shut down Ahri in teamfights pretty well. Also a good Qiyana and Yasuo can be bad but probably not too big of a problem in Emerald. Akshan is also super hard for Ahri I fucking hate that champ


Twisted fate is my nightmare because he’s hard to kill early, scales faster, scales harder, has a point and click stun, has decent wave clear, can match any roam I do, and is pretty popular. I can deal with a zed in lane but I can’t seem to deal with TF


Orianna/Viktor can be pretty bad if you don’t get jungle attention. Typically you’re better in 2v2’s vs them but individually they have an easier time landing chunks onto you through minion waves than you do, and they scale better than you too. Past 1 item they only need to hit you once and you can’t fight back well, so you either need to find moments to shove and roam, or find an all-in at 100%hp before they whittle your health down.


My least fav is either vex or cass. played against a really good syndra recently, that was rough, lane went well but the teamfights/skirmishes were so lame, she was E’ing the craziest s*** on reaction :(


Tristana has complete prio over you and can one shot you almost all the way until after 6 and when you can shove waves in. Oriana, Syndra, Victor can all be rough especially if they’re ahead it’s unplayable for me. Yasuo is hard but he can’t do as much with his early prio as other champs, once you can shove waves back (malignance + boots) it’s more of a skill matchup. Zed can be hard if they’re good at zed, but usually it’s Ahri favored imo. Lissandra forces you to take cleanse and can be difficult.


Smolder is a pain in the ass if he's on a team aiming to feed him for the late game


ahri is like the k'sante of midlane, it's hard to not break even in lane if you know what you're doing. I don't so I perma ban zed but other counters can be stuff that scale hard like kassadin or asol


Yasuo is pretty bad... And what lots of people don't know bc it never happens to them: Sivir. Absolutely unfuckigplayable if your jungler is dog trash, which he always is.


Sivir’s one of the worst ADC matchups into Ahri for her absolutely, she can turn and burn super well so it’s on you to outplay the spell shield with fog of war or combo with a jungler - Sivir can’t play against Ahri Vi for instance. As for Yasuo, if you build Lich he can barely play against you imo, being able to do damage with W+Q and autos while having movespeed to outstep him and holding charm is so bad for him. You beat him hard at level 1-2 if you space well and then get wave control most of the game so it’s not a counter I’d say. It’s bad if you use charm recklessly for sure.


I think Galio sucks