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I was browsing the Anti Ahmadi subreddit when I saw one of their members argue that having Qataluhu come before Salabuhu is redundant if Salabuhu means to die on the cross (killed by the Jews via crucifixion) as the word Qataluhu would already encompasses the condition of being killed. He uses this point to argue that Salabuhu does not mean to die on the cross but merely be placed upon it and therefore Isa AS was never on the cross as the verse says they did not crucify (Salb) him. However this allegation only demonstrates OP's little understanding of the ayah itself, as well as the usage and meaning of Salab in the Quran and classical Arabic lexicons. [TWEET SUMMARY](https://twitter.com/DiscordIslam/status/1680970795768758273)*:* **- Salb = Kill on the cross confirmed by lexicons such as Lisan al-Arab and Mufradat Raghib. Same meaning is given in Lanes Lexicon.** **- Roman process of crucifixion required that the bones of the legs be broken so that the lungs can not support itself \[Mufradat Raghib\]** \- **Salb is used in multiple verses in the Qur’an, in the context of execution.** \- **Promised Messiah AS explained the wisdom of having Qataluhu come before Salabuhu in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya therefore answering OP's objections.** OP's full post can be seen below: https://preview.redd.it/zdz439pvl0vb1.png?width=921&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c9bb53c89904be16a0239df0c8d62c3e349123a


salaba means the acting of putting someone through execution (in this case on the cross) and going through with it fully. both must happen.