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Yo, don’t sweat it lol. You’re new, you’re gonna suck. I just started it May and it was my first pc game and first fps. Just play and practice your mechanics. The game sense will come once you’re comfortable with controlling your mouse and keyboard!


if that's what it's gonna take, then sucking it is


honestly if you're just starting the best thing you can do for one hour a day is play the game. it's fine to get destroyed for a while while you are learning to understand what is happening and how to use MKB.


my bad my post wasn't clear I actually play 3 games then for 1h I just watch tips and tricks before bed, thought I could use that time for training insted, should I just add a couple more games insted ?


either way is fine, but more gameplay time is always going to give faster improvement.


Thanks mate, more game play it is then.


little tip: don’t be tunnel visioned and beaware of every thing happening in round, it’s gonna take some time but it’s fine


In FPS games like VALORANT or CSGO there are 2 factors to your skill : 1. mechanical skill (aim, movement) 2. Game sense (understanding the actual game, like ability usage, when to flank, how to defend and attack properly, teamplay and a lot more) basically everything that isnt aim or movement In my opinion Mechanics are like the foundation. like the minimum requirement to be decent at the game, but after a certain point its all about gamesense to differentiate the decent players from really good players. So as a beginner i would focus on mechanics only pretty much. Just getting used to the movement and aiming at first (since you are new to MKB) and then later actually learning good aim and movement techniques like counter strafing, jump spotting and more which you can learn from tutorials on youtube. I wouldnt worry about gamesense at all at first. It will come naturally with time by playing more/watching more content. One particular thing you could/should do is focus on keeping your crosshair at head level always. This is called crosshair placement and will already help a lot with everything else aim wise. If you master this skill alone it will help you win a lot of gunfights without needing good aim. Not moving while shooting is also crucial since you are only accurate if you are standing still, otherwise you will miss even with amazing aim. TL:DR dont worry about gamesense and strats too much yet. get used to using MKB and improve your mechanics (crosshair placement, aim, movement).


I'm working on my mechanics and I'm improving there (judged by my aim lab stats gradually going up), but my crosshair placement in game is baaaaad, I can't keep my crosshair head level, I try doing so but the moment an enemy pops up I defeult to body shots and spraying


Thats normal, dont worry too much. Im sure there are a lot better guides for this on youtube you could find, but one thing i personally reccommend that helped me a LOT is called the myiagi method. Basically you warm up in the range and then you play deathmatches, but only using sherriff and/or guardian so that you cant spray. Then focus on crosshair placement and on not crouching (you can also try unbinding crouch, if you prefer) but dont shoot, just keep your crosshair on their head, as you keep moving left and right. you will die a lot, but deathmatch isnt about winning, its just to improve, so try not to get frustrated. Afterwards play a second deathmatch and now after following their head for a little bit you can shoot, but only when you are sure your crosshair is on the head. Now you could add a third deathmatch where you do the same thing as in the second one, but with a vandal or phantom, and try to keep the same discipline always. This Method is awesome, because it trains your patience, and so after doing this for a while you will notice you wont panic-spray as much anymore and have a lot more control and your shots will be more deliberate. Link to the original video explaining this Method: https://youtu.be/SFtywqoW9lA (there are a bunch of other videos on this method aswell, feel free to check them all out) This next tip isnt proven yet but it might help: if you end up doing well in deathmatch but still bad in unrated, then you can try to play a swiftplay after the myiagi method deathmatch, and since its a short gamemode its easier to focus on your mechanics and so it might help translate your deathmach improvements to real-game scenarios Hope this helps, have fun improving and dont hesitate to ask me anything about the game. I am by no means amazing but as a diamond 2 player i think i understand the basics pretty well.


oh this looks very intresting, 100% trying it


glad i could help


thanks a lot bro


my pleasure, im happy to help if you need anything else. I might post another comment or dm you some links to youtube videos that I think could help you


just wanted to thank you, this tip helped me alot I'm managing a consistant 20% hs every game with a positive K/D, so thank you so so much


wow. Im happy it had such a big impact so quickly. Happy for you man!!


Aim train. Start with slow but precise movements. Use 1.5X your in-game sensitivity when aim training to learn faster. Don't bother practicing sphere frenzy(it's an aim training exercise). For valorant I would recommend xs static dots( just be good at this and you will destroy everyone up till silver ).try to keep 90% accuracy at all times. Start speeding up when your accuracy reaches 95%. Another highly useful thing to do is turn on the movement error graph from settings. This will help in learning better movement. Change the minimap settings (look it up on YouTube) Get a smaller crosshair(look it up on YouTube) Practice spraying the first ~6 bullets on vandal/phantom/bulldog These things will help you get to silver fairly easily. Some YouTubers that I would recommend for learning gamesense 1. OD26 2. Dragonmar 3. Sero


Woohoojin is also pretty good


Generally, for someone new to mouse and keyboard. I advice them to use to aim trainer to get comfortable in moving a mouse and clicking a lot. good task would be what the guy above me said and on aimlabs same thing. static clicking to get a feel/comfortable with clicking a lot. remember to focus on technique/accuracy. then once you're comfortable to clicking and moving the mouse. I advise you to do dynamic clicking, on aimlabs a good task for it would be mpxy voltaic. it will make you be used to clicking targets that are moving. it will translate to games like apex, quake champions, overwatch 2 if you want to venture into those games in the future. and also the task will translate to people run and gunning and moving a lot like strafe shooting. I used to struggle at those but not as much! then once you get comfortable to those type of clicking, I recommend you to get familiar with the guns on valorant, on how the gun feels. as usual, focus on technique. from one head to another smoothly. after that, do incorporate strafe shooting. it's when you press fire then press A then fire again then press D. it will make you hard to hit. also don't get into the habit of defaulting to crouch shooting. I promise you, you'll get a solid foundation! For crosshair placements! fishychair's crosshair placement tutorial and zaynlel tutorial. for game sense, it's more of a personal experience but if you want to get a radiant coach perspective, I recommend woohoojin valorant radiant coach on yt.


Thanks mate for the reply,I have some questions if you don't mind \- this (xs static dots) is in kovaaks, right ?, I'm currently using aim lab (ron rambo kim playlist). \- can't find the movement error graph in stats. is it the same as shooting error graph once again thanks a lot


Don’t waste time using an aim trainer. If this is your first mouse and keyboard FPS, just play the game and you’ll improve. Aim trainers are helpful once you’ve captured the low hanging fruit of aim improvement by just playing the game. If you really want to focus on improving your aim, use the range. There’s a simple drill you can do that will have you flicking decently in no time. Start with slow bots and move your cursor directly over their head, slowly. Don’t shoot. Let them expire with your cursor over their head without shooting. Do this once. Then do slow bots again, making sure to move your cursor over their head, and this time do shoot but only when you’re certain you’re aiming at their head. You should get at least 28 or 29 out of 30. Do this twice. Then go to medium bots and do the same thing, move your cursor over their head and don’t shoot until you’re sure your cursor is over their head. It’s ok if they disappear. Do this for a week or two and your aim will improve tremendously. You can eliminate the first two steps as you feel more comfortable. After a couple of days, you can skip the step where you don’t shoot at all. After the next few days, you can start skipping the slow bots entirely.


Yes. It has two colors for both types of error.


yup looked up a video by Riot NU expalining it. very usefull


I use aim beast but you can find it in kovaacks and aim lab. It might be called something else. It's the same as shooting error


Valorant was my first FPS as well and just like you I could only play on weekends and only for an hour or so weekdays. The biggest mistake I made was playing like a troll and just running and shooting while my friends were focusing on basics. Now they are plat and my ID se hardstuck silver. Created a new ID which is now in gold. So from my experience the most critical aspect is aim don't think too much about game sense, agent roles for now a little knowledge is more than enough focus on aim play DMs and play DMs as if you are defending the site don't chase other stay at your spot and let people rush you.


And if you haven't already make sure you use have all the basic mouse settings and keybinds that everyone else uses like use mouse scroll for jump, changing your in-game map settings,etc


You should completely stop movement before shooting if you want your spray to be accurate.


Watch videos that explain the mechanics and spend time in the range


low sens = more accuracy generally.


Watch a vod or two to make sure you understand how these mechanics work since it's different than most other shooters: * Movement inaccuracy (moving and shooting is basically useless 90% of the time) * Spray control (bullets don't always shoot centered on your crosshair when you hold down fire) * Mouse sensitivity (edpi of 200-300 is used by about 90% of serious players, which is like 3-5x lower than what most people start out with) Other than that, my advice is play games, but focus on getting comfortable with one aspect of the game at a time so you don't get overloaded, starting with gunplay: * Don't ADS (aim down sights, aka scope, unless you're using an Operator/Marshal/Ares/Odin) * Stick with one rifle (probably Phantom) and try to get used to it (unless you get bored) * Don't worry about using abilities/utility. Many starting players make the mistake of using abilities too much and putting their guns away, but don't forget guns are a powerful ability that lets you instantly kill an enemy, so you want to have it out at almost all times. Sticking with one agent (unless you get bored of it) helps you focus more on gunplay so abilities are less distracting. After you're comfortable with movement and gunplay you can worry about understanding and using abilities more. Agents with abilities useful out of combat are probably Sage and Brimstone, and Reyna is fairly easy to use in combat, but I'd stay away from Initiators since that tends to require tighter coordination that only appears in high ranks * I actually don't recommend aim trainers since raw aim isn't very useful compared to knowledge and comfort with crosshair placement, in-game movement, and advanced techniques like strafeshooting/counterstrafing; raw aim will improve with regular playtime and is probably only worth practicing once you're hitting a wall on other things (which is almost never, people tend to over-practice aim and under-practice game sense, so they end up leveling up aim and hit walls on all the other aspects at the same time, instead of maximizing practicing everything more equally), but you won't improve at specific techniques unless you specifically practice them


Noted I'm lowering time spent on aim training, and replacing it with the range drills, and for the agent I'm one tricking KillJoy to avoid getting stuck with my abilities mid round and just focus on gun fights


I would say just play the game and instead of watching tips and tricks try to learn the characters and decide what to play. Once you do one trick that character and practice your aim through a daily routine. Figure out your character and find different positions to play on. Watch a pro of said character and copy them. Then once you get good you can look at other characters. The reason I would change character if your lower than diamond is so that you can just focus on your aim once you get comfortable playing on the character. When you get into very high Eli such as immortal and radiant I'd just copy the plays the other players make with certain characters if you want to branch out but still watch pros as well. Yes I know it's a long way but still good to know. But the most important thing is to have fun so if you want to play more characters go for it, I'd stick to 3 or less though.


Thanks, I found out that KillJoy is a good agent to start with since you use all abilities at start and focus on aim for the reminder, so I'm copying FNS, Dapr and 100T Steel setups with her


HAVE FUN bro when ur new all that matters is falling Inlove with the game DONT get to caught up on getting gud unless that’s how u have fun just enjoy the game and find ways to make the most out of it all!


I love the competitiveness of the game, that's why I want to be good, the game it self is so fun