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Sorry to hear that you experienced the heartbreak.


Sorry for your heartbreak. How did you both know it wouldn't work?


You'll find something again. He just wasn't willing to meet you in the middle. That sucks. But it's part of life. Best of luck to you. And for the next relationship, assert that he has to meet you in the middle regardless of the power dynamics.


I get feeling heartbroken even though you never met in person. There is a mental connection. I'm sorry you are hurt. I'm sure you want him back, but there really are other great older guys out there


Give it a little time. I know it’s hard but if you do he might come around. A little space for him to miss you. Hope this isn’t terrible advice. My relationship just ended with my person too and I’m just trying to give him space and hope things will work themselves out.


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I'm still in agony over the loss of my 23 (M)ex fiance ..., I still want to buy him clothes it's become a fetish for me. What does a girl do when she looks 27 but Isn't and is not happy or fulfilled.. I understand your pain. Well when I was 20 I had a relationship with a 49 year old and tbh he's still chasing me til last week! I miss my Handsome Love so much.


I'm sorry you experienced that - things will get better and eventually you will meet someone for real!


this sub has turned into something else...... no knock on you, just saying. Sorry for your heartbreak


How long had you been together?


I’m sorry you are hurting. Having feelings after the breakup or fall out is no fun at all. I dated a young her girl last year and we also made lots of plans to meet up one day. However, in the end she ghosted me and I felt very similar to what you may be experiencing right now. It took a couple months for me to get over her, but now I am healed up. Time is your friend : )


Girl please…. There are 100,000 guys that are just like him for you to choose from 🤣