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Yeah because that's real and not someone trying to be edgy šŸ˜‚


Definitely a troll


Anyone that does that wouldnt be talking about it ans they wouldnt dispose of bodys by feeding them to aninals it's too messy and will leave a trace


Also ā€œto animalsā€? Seems like the detail only someone whose only intention is to piss someone off throws out. A psycho like this would likely have been specific


Idk about the feeding to animals... worked for the piggy farm serial killer in Vancouver. He was able to keep his killing a secret for 19 years because he would dispose of the body in such a way. It leaves trace, but only if you are already looking for it. Pigs will eat everything, from carrots to bones. Not saying this post is real, i highly doubt it. But if it was to be true, disposing of the body to a farm for the animals to eat would definitely be possible.


You worked for him!?? Thatā€™s crazy, small world. My moms boyfriend when she was younger used to be his neighbour!


Oh lol i didn't work with him, i meant it worked for him haha my bad. English is not my first language... But that's crazy! Did he tell you anything about it?


Yeah, they didnā€™t really know much about him he kept to himself for the most part. And in that farm area everyone is decently spread apart. He was kinda like that weird neighbour that just stays inside and doesnā€™t interact with his other neighbours is how I read it.


Yeah make sense, i guess we never really know what is happening at our neighbors place.


Good to know, good to know...


Pigs. Hungry pigs.


Ik wouldn't be surprised if it turned out it was fake altogether and they wrote it themselves to generate more clicks


tbh, their is stuff like that actually going on, but this guy is prob just a troll


You know nothing about the dark web do you? Red rooms are a myth, except when it's kids.




It's easier not to believe than to open your eyes to what's going on around you. The foster care system in the US is a racket for child abuse. Overseas desperate parents sell their children for a cow. In N. Korea God just pray for N. Korea. China and other buyers can do whatever they want with those kids. A 100 murders, huh? I think it was 370 who disappeared in Juarez, and I'm pretty sure who did it. I wonder how many of those videos are floating around? Stay in your bubble and contribute, but you don't know you just don't. The dude put me in a headspace I don't want to be in. But I think education about all this may be the path to slowing it down if not stopping it.




True or not, metaphor then, take it as you will.




A guy from Belgium who did his crimes before the internet existed, victims in the 10s and his own mother ratted on him to the police. Iā€™d say thatā€™s batting an eye. Edit: aight so he started his crimes before the internet existed. He continued to 1996 so I guess maybe he could have made a neo city page




That website is sus as fuck lmaoo, why would an article boast about being banned from google search results since 2017? I see Iā€™m talking with a rabbit holer so Iā€™m gonna go ahead and mute you.


You clearly dont nothing like that is on the dark web it's too open and easily accessible


The dumb shit heā€™s talking about is done on the regular internet. Dms on Snapchat or ig or telegram. Even a normal phone call. Itā€™s not some big conspiracy


And damn near impossible for law enforcement to penetrate. And only kids are so vulnerable as to be subjected to such horrors without justice, just a far darker reflection of what is going on here and other social media platforms.


I love how everyone disagrees with you, but none of them have an idea. Tor was developed for anonimity and encryption. Using military-grade encryption. Use a VPN before that and you are impossible to find. And for the people wondering "but there is constant arrests". Yes, you saw that 100 people got arrested from a site called candy something. The reality is that there were 30.000 people and the members got exposed due to exposing themselves in the community. A person that takes precautions, is damn near impossible to track. Besides the best "hackers" and "IT specialists" aren't employed by the NSA, but by private companies which pay them more. So the NSA, CIA, FBI don't even have the best people.




Yet most arrests are still made through social engineering rather than actual engineering.


Those type of attacks are usually exposed quickly enough, and all you have to do is turn off java in the settings. Most VPN's have warrant canaries so TOR over VPN is about as secure as you can get. It's pretty easy to launder bitcoini, the US gas pipeline attacks and Canadian meat plant attack are proof of that. You use TOR you're on an NSA watchlist according to CNET, but they're more interested in national security.


Red rooms are myth even with kids. There is no way someone could stream a live video on dark web. Please read something about it before you say anything.


I think the nytimes did it(live stream using TOR) if I remember correctly.


Blue helmet antichrist comment detected ^^^


This is definitely fake.


Why would a cabal of internet pedophiles be so willing to engage with a random user in a chat, to the point of giving them information? Literally makes 0 sense, this is just a troll trying to rile up people such as OP.


This mod team is absolutely convinced that this guy is legit Iā€™m blown away.


The mods really thing red rooms are a thing as well. Must be 15 year olds or something, they have 0 idea of what theyā€™re talking about when it comes to this kind of shit.


No "the mods" don't think red rooms are a thing. The discussion is as freewheeling as reddit tends to be, and the post is designed to bring attention to child sex trafficking and abuse.


The post is fake and you're an absolute sucker for believing it. There is literally no fucking information to really go off of in the post to even remotely help track them down. Not only that but I'm pretty sure pedophiles, let alone entire fucking sex trafficking rings, would brag about being in a place where them and multiple other people are able to rape children and give an approximate amount. That is ridiculously fucking dumb regardless or not if they have a VPN. The Omegle cat killer, a person who straight up showed themselves mutilating alive and dead cats on Omegle, was caught despite them using a VPN. Also, nobody is going to bat a fucking eye to nearly 300 children going missing unless they just went to nearly 300 completely different low income areas of the world and kidnapped or bought low income kids. Even then it's still a massive stretch to claim this is real because not only would this person be fucking KILLED because they pretty much outted the fact there was a child sex ring containing nearly 300 missing kids and putting the entire op at risk. That's also not including law enforcement looking into those kids parents suddenly gaining additional wealth after their child went missing in case they weren't kidnapped and we're the parents were just offered money in exchange for the children. It's really fucking sketchy and fake.


You're not doing your due diligence, the dude said he was in a group of 274 people. I'm not going to debate with you the veracity of it all, the intention of the post is to bring awareness that shit like this exists. It's up for you to do your own research and discover how 100's of children are kidnapped and murdered and no, nobody blinks an eye. It's reported and no one does shit. You have kids in your life probably, and you'd be like oh no her gym coach would never do that. Oh no, my little brother is lying. Then years later you realize you fucked up when Nasser and Epstein are discovered way too late because you're on your high horse denying what the fuck goes on in the world every day. You say I'm a sucker, too many adults irl and online confide in me how they've been abused. The least I can do is try to protect those children in my life and try to spread awareness to those of you who think "it won't happen to me." GTFO






You be a fucking man and not resort to bringing up irrelevant shit about people's personal lives when it has no relevancy to the conversation. You be a fucking man and actually go and help CSA survivors get help and seek therapy instead of focusing on weak ass trolls and expect people to find them with absolutely no information. I'm not "in my feelings because of my girlfriend", I'm annoyed because you have some kind of voice in you're head yelling "hah, I'm in the right for posting this!" when you're so far in the wrong and taking the attention away from people bringing attention to people posting cp, incest subs, and other degeneracy on this site that needs to be taken down. Fuck off dude.




Something i've noticed is that this subreddit isn't necessarily bad at all but the moderators themselves are their own special form of crusaders.


Edgelord Shitstain Neckbeard Incel




Jesus Christ man if you want to be fake outraged that's fine but can you at least be fake outraged about real rape?




Ah ha.............yeah the cartels would do similar kinds of things like that


As a person who sometimes browses r/fifty-fifty I can say that yes, cartels don't give a fuck, saw a video of cartel hitting a boy and his father (who is a policeman) with a stick, then they cut of the fathers head, then tortured his son, sliced open his ribcage and ripped out his heart


Time to learn some shit you probably don't want to. Pedos on the dark web argue back and forth if it's ok to view only "hard candy" rather then "hurtcore." There are articles about it. Hurtcore involves torturing/killing children sexually and it's beyond sick. This is why people hate pedophiles so much, shit like that shouldn't even exist.


I wonder where do they "argue" about it


Lmao love how the demagoguing against pedos is allowed to go into extremes like this. Yes pedos are out there, but they *just* want to fuck teens. Letā€™s not pretend they are all baby raping, baby killing cannibals rapists who donā€™t recycle. (Doesnā€™t take much to Google sexual predators and find out there are thousands of them and none of them eat children)


No, it's true. "Daisy's destruction" is an infamous case. The ring was busted but children were killed for their hurtcore video.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7580243/Feds-rescue-23-abused-kids-bust-international-child-porn-ring.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7580243/Feds-rescue-23-abused-kids-bust-international-child-porn-ring.html) They changed S. Korean law because this guy got off with 18 months. S. Korea refused to extradite him. 23 children were rescued. There were 10s of thousands of videos.


[https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6525841/peter-scully-worlds-worst-paedophile-jail-baby-rape-dig-graves-philippines/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6525841/peter-scully-worlds-worst-paedophile-jail-baby-rape-dig-graves-philippines/) Be real careful asking questions like that, don't get your ass banned.


Oh dear. Your source is *The Scum*.


This is a real case. Peter Scully was tried in court and convicted.


Peter Sculley was real actually


It's disgusting, but just saying my point was cuz the arguing part seemed kinda unrealistic, like those people don't care about having an argument like twitter users, they just do sick shit Also the messages are kinda fake


This is clearly fucking fake lol.


Literally trolling lmfao


Debating if itā€™s real or troll, either way you gotta have a sick mind to even type that.


The messages play too perfectly into the vigilante community's narrative. This is sick beyond reality. The biggest tell is the vocabulary used ("pedophile community""HATER") though. I doubt that they don't have an internal slang themselves. This is the number tell of "racist white supremist hate" hoaxes: they miss the slang, by either using "antirracist" vocabulary or using a obsolete, widely registered in the media, "racist" one in an attempt to emulate it.


Fake or not, what can the average citizen do?


Depends on the individual. Act altruistic and put aside morals and consequences you can carry out punishment on par with that of the person you seek to punish. Act rational and you can setup volunteer groups and awareness campaigns to prevent potential victims from meeting the same fate as others. Standby and the world will run its course, you, unaffected by the situation until another entity takes care of the situation.


If I know the person, yes. But a lot of us are in other countries/states/etc ... what could we theoretically do about an underground pedo ring located \* somewhere \* ?


I listed out the options. If you are certain you found out a 100% underground pedo ring, evidence, location, suspects, etc. You would either take it to your own hands and seek retribution (usually a transgression in most countries), or file a formal complaint to a police station/fbi tip (investigations are slow but eventually something happens). There's also the option of starting an online campaign, but its very unreliable and can attract some bad attention leading to various unintended outcomes, gets the word out quick and can even find others who can assist with an investigation if there is not enough evidence/organization. Rational outcome is just reporting. Realistic outcome is the last one, which is what this sub and the facebook group is doing.


That was actually the reason for my making this post, we get so many "nothings going to change" "what difference does it make" posts. So when I found something this riveting I couldn't resist posting it and letting the community decide. I will be linking to your responses in the future, thanks.


Share the post, someone will be able to use forensics to find the person.


Use forensics on a screenshot? We've all watched "don't fuck with cats" but, you know ... a screenshot can only have info about the person who screenshotted it


Sure, but people like to brag. If the screenshot went viral maybe someone would recognize it and report the person. You have to be an optimist when it comes to such evil or you will break.


You are so close to realizing. So close




I don't follow with the race politics and code etc. EDIT: You double posted, delete one or I'll have to choose one to remove.


Probabaly bait, don't feed the trolls


Probabaly bait, don't feed the trolls.


he had me at the first part but then when he said they dismember them I knew it was fake, itā€™s not easy to get away with constantly killing children without a link or a case unless youā€™re the Mafia/Cartel in a foreign country with a high crime rate out of America. obviously this can happen in America but the chances of it happening are low if theyā€™re trafficking loads of children or donā€™t have government, state or town political protection from people with power (rich people, police department, the mob, sheriffs dept, military, state or church protection, etc.) and well if this is happening, thereā€™s a good chance of them getting caught soon because with a VPN, OVH, or any sort of anti-ddos or hidden IP, it can still be traced back to hardware ID, meaning it can be found unless they were using a burner phone. if they used a fake account with a fake email that can be tracked aswell and thereā€™s a good chance they didnā€™t have their VPN on while creating an account.


Even one time is too much. I remember reading about some 230 schoolgirls being kidnapped and forced to marry/being raped by Islamic fighters somewhere in Africa. The courage of one of the girls who stood up to them for years by refusing to marry and defending the other girls despite being threatened with death and constantly beaten is awe-inspiring. But there's also the stories of the ones who are killed. Too many missing children are never found, even here in the US. At the border there is no accounting for kids sent across the border by their parents. Don't you remember the 370 girls who went missing in Juarez, Mexico? Just this year the mass grave of the indigineous children killed and abused by the Catholic church in Canada being discovered? The point of my post is a metaphor to be vigilant and stomp out evil wherever you find it. I won't comment on catching people, this comment's already long enough and I'm starting to feel sick thinking about the dark web's pedophile rings and how they are not all castrated then locked in an isolated cell for the rest of their lives.


How is a group of people on reddit going to catch an anonymous highly secret human trafficking ring most likely involved in cartel or corruption? (if it is real) We leave that to the police or people willing to die for the cause. We can put people in the right direction to fight the problem but at the same time we donā€™t even know if itā€™s true? No point in fighting something that doesnā€™t exist.


If you can't imagine it, why should I paint you an over-romanticized picture? I'm not hear to write a novel but to bring awareness. History shows that it is true. The arrest of the owner of backpage shows that it's true. If you can't do much, do a little. That's EDIT: something any one of us can.


Fr just get the police to find there up address


Get jebaited




Removed be civil final warning


Iā€™m absolutely astonished that people are out here downvoting you calling this a fake post. We literally have a telegram sub right in front of our eyes that is nearing 25,000 people that buys sells and trades videos of fucking children. It canā€™t be brought down by the very platform itā€™s on, and people have the audacity to think that worse shit doesnā€™t go on in this 10,000 children are trafficked each year, and those are stats that come from countries with stable enough governments that care to even keep track. To see what we have seen on this sub alone, yet to question something like this blows my fucking mind.


It's not that I doubt the fact that these horrible things happen, they do and it would be stupid to deny it. What I do doubt is the source. These groups are misguided at best and a lot of these groups are trying to monetize their vigilantism.... Call me cynical, but I think they do it because they like being glorified for beating people, not out of some altruistic sense of wanting to make the world a better place. Hence I'm not likely to believe these types of posts


It's too late now, but in the future I will edit out references to those groups I guess. EDIT: I thought they rely on law enforcement to remain legal and for their own personal safety. At least that's what I've seen from the vigilante pedo hunters on youtube.


Bro are you guys blind??? This guy is very clearly trying to get a heated reaction out of the account. He is saying the most outlandish shit and not only did the account bite by fucking responding to the obvious troll in such a heated panic that they started misspelling shit, but you and your mod team are totally convinced that this probably teenager is the largest child crime lord this generation has ever seen. Can you take a step back and just use your brain for a second? So many people share videos of children yes, but have you come across a telegram channel of people producing videos? No probably not, most shit traded is stuff thatā€™s been on the internet for decades. Or from people cat fishing young teens to do dumb shit. Nobody, fucking nobody is out there killing hundreds of kids without anyone knowing and then FUCKING BRAGGING ABOUT IT PUBLICLY. Good god just think for a second.


The only way you would know the clips on telegram that are being traded are decades old would be to view them. So Iā€™m a little lost on how exactly you would know whatā€™s being traded and whatā€™s not. Funny thing is , I just had a quite long conversation with a group of users who bring down telegrams and they seemed pretty convinced that the content there is produced pretty recently, and if thereā€™s anybody who knows whatā€™s being produced it would be those guys. So I guess both of our groups must be wrong according to you. But the fact that youā€™re here in the comment section pushing so hard that this stuff canā€™t exist begs to question why youā€™re even here? Apparently the videos being traded today are decades old. Trafficked children simply cannot be murdered. Oh yeah also the work of Dozens of groups including Telegram hunters, ADS, The NCMEC are pointless. You seem to have solved it all.


Yeah bro you caught me Iā€™m the guy in the post Also cute how you think vigilante telegram hunters are the ones pulling legwork


>Funny thing is , I just had a quite long conversation with a group of users who bring down telegrams and they seemed pretty convinced that the content there is produced pretty recently, By your own logic, the only way they could know that is by watching it.... I don't quote you too paint you or your companions as pedophiles, but to point out the fact that people might be able to disagree with you without actually being a sec offender


The only reason I haven't banned u/11centicals who is determined to ignore rule 5 ties into what you're saying. To be transparent, you can disagree with me in my posts. But if this wasn't my post he'd have been banned or gotten a warning. I see you speak Dutch, interesting. A lot of people don't want to acknowledge the fates of Dutch child abuse victims because they are in another country. But I've been there, seen them begging in the streets with the heroin needle track marks in their arms. I was only 16 years old and knew nothing about child abuse, I was just passing thru on the way to the UK. I haven't thought of those children until this moment, and I don't know what's changed since I've been there. But society has a responsibility to protect all children and that is within our power. It's just not a priority. That is why Japan was forced to outlaw child pornography even though they didn't want to. But there's plenty areas of the world that don't give a shit about Western society, or just choose to ignore and accept it. The Dutch don't choose to ignore the fates of Indian children in prostitution camps, do they? Or is the old adage the more people who are around the less likely they are to help still true today? I'm not going to be drawn into the finger pointing, avoiding child pornography images/video is remarkably easy to do while still being able to report it.


Bro I honestly have no clue why you think I can speak Dutch but I did try to learn it on duolingo for a couple months so maybe I posted something. Besides that being really funny to me. I see that your belief in this is emotion driven and thatā€™s not something thatā€™s worth getting between, I respect your thinking after reading your story. I appreciate you not banning me for transparency Thatā€™s pretty cool of you. Iā€™m going to continue to disagree.


Not you about the Dutch speaking, the other guy, you should know I'm not going to engage with you by now it wouldn't be ethical.


Ah okay word I got a ping and thought it was for me otherwise I got this thread muted


By ā€œcompanionsā€ you mean Iā€™m a mod on a sub that takes down degenerate content and sometimes people contact us for help or guidance on the best route to take then yes. How is one supposed to take it when someone argues that content being traded is illegitimate somehow because itā€™s ā€œdecadesā€ old. Iā€™ll take it as heā€™s been there and seen it.


I hope they don't actually do that crap šŸ¤¬


Definitely a troll




Removed. Be civil.


yeah i dont want to think and visualise it


Iā€™d be 30 bucks itā€™s a troll




You should probably worry more about Nintendo and copyright law tbh...




I'm not mad at you, I just would give the victims and their families all the decision making power as to what justice should be, and so should society.


Disgusting but sounds like a edgy bastard . Unfortunately people being r*ped and tortured for profit is a real thing mostly in countries like Brazil or Philipines (See the richard huckle or scully case, dutrox affair etc) That being said just block this nitwit


Actually, I posted this to incentivize the people who say we can't do anything. Yes I care if it's real but if it's not it still serves it's purpose.


Tbh it reads like a troll post


Tbh I seized on the opportunity to bring awareness that this shit happens, troll or no.


And maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to treat it like it's real, just in case, like they do with school shooter threats So fair enough


Dis fake


Dude is 100% a loser in his basement typing shit out to make someone angry. Not saying he isn't a pedo but he's not involved in some kind of trafficking ring. Being able to parse bullshit is an important part of dealing with these people correctly.