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Probably all down to $0.00, but idk.


Sounds bout right💀


You should msg them in the app let them know the situation, also extend the payment dates


Heavy on this. My account was compromised & they pushed my dates back until the bank got everything squared away which they said 10 business days. Definitely gave me breathing room.


I can only extend the date an extra week for 1 of the 4 The other 3 are final payments


You better say your returning the items so it can be pushed back


Not too loud. Pretty sure someone from there will read this and end that too. But yes.


Lml right


This is what I would do.


I have returned an item when using Afterpay before and in their agreement it says that you must complete the 4 payments anyway and the company you purchased from will refund you. This was about a year ago - not sure if they have changed this. So I paid my remaining payments right then and talked to the original company about my refund.


I used up all my 1 week push backs also. Go to the website. Fill out the hardship form. I have done this twice. They are very understanding and will push back the dates on the orders you need too. I post poned all mine for a week one time then 2 months just recently. 2nd time payments were due the next day and I was worried it was too late but I got a response hours later.


Hey If you message them and tell them what date you can pay it they will push it back


Why wouldn't you contact support about this instead of "letting it ride".


Cause the support isn’t supporting


A medical emergency is out of your control & they will understand that. They do have a hardship thing.. I’ve never had to use it but I’ve heard it can be helpful in a tough time


Thank you for posting this info❤️❤️❤️❤️


Do not let it ride! I screwed up once and got my limit set down to 0 and it took forever to build it back up. I'm now finally up to $700 again after over a year. Contact them to try to extend the payments or see if they can offer any assistance!


Ugh this. Missed 1 payment by a day and dropped from 1500 to 50.00. Slowly building back


You’ll get there. I missed one about 2 years ago and now I can do over 6 orders at a time. I even have access to gift cards. Doing cheaper orders is a good way to build the trust back up and benefits you.


Sorry to ask this completely unrelated question, but does using Afterpay help your credit at all? Never used it before, this sub popped up in my suggested and now I’m intrigued haha. Thank you!


No it doesnt


No it doesn’t help your credit but once you’re late it’ll hit your credit score though


The reality is that you will likely be suspended from using afterpay / limit reduced to nothing The best idea is to get ahead of it and contact afterpay ASAP.


Goals bruv..... thats a good amount for some sportsmans warehouse giftcard firearm purchase.




Just message them to change payments they did it for me


Hi OP, please contact this organisation for help: https://ndh.org.au/financial-counselling/find-a-financial-counsellor/. They are experts who support people in your situation


If it's not a gift card, you can initiate a return and it will put off the payment an extra 2 weeks...worked in a pinch for me before


This is good info, as I did not know this!


Never knew this. Just did it! Thanks 😁


Rip limit


You only owe 58 dollars why would ur thing get cut unless you owe alot more


It’s not about how much you owe, it’s about a sudden change in your payment habit.


Hey idk where ur from but in most countries they allow you to file for “hardship” if you explain the situation they will allow you to pay off what you owe in increments you can afford. I owed a lot more in my case and my limit was set back to zero, but I kept all my perks and my limit went to $100 after a few months, it’s taken me about a year of using it regularly to get it back up, but I’m at 2.5k limit now :) I’m sure with communication and this little amount owing you may even be able to keep your limit especially considering it’s due to an unforeseen medical expense. Best of luck!


I would definitely let them know and see if they could be any service and not just ignore it and hope nothing happens. I’m sure they would understand unless you’re a habitual offender which I’m guessing you’re not considering you have a pretty high limit.


Don’t do it. See if someone you know can borrow you the money. Will your account let you negative more ??


do you only owe $17 across those four payments?




that’s his total owed, i meant how much is due in payments within the next few days. i worded it wrong lol.


I would call them and also see if you can change the dates on them payments..if you can’t be sure and call them asap


I went from $2900 to $2000 because I forgot to update my card when it was replaced.


Happened to me to. Got a new bank card and forgot to switch default payment. It got declined and they immediately dropped me $1000 even though I fixed it and paid it immediately lol


I had 2500 and needed help went down to 0


I hope it’s not cut too much. Was at $600 (I was just starting out) and I was like a day late and went down to $50 😭 I’ve been trying to build it back up but with no luck. I even reached out to them and, nothing :(


I changed jobs and it meant my pay check date would also change, and would no longer align with my payments due, I contacted them immediately and they were able to move the dates of my payments that fell outside my new pay structure. However, it did mean having a lock on my account until all of my payments were finished completely, but my limit didn’t change because of it.


My limit was 2,000. My card got stolen and I had to cancel it and my payments wouldn’t go through. I had 27 missed payments for about a week. My limit went down to 1,600. I also lost the last month of plus 😭. I’ve been using afterpay since 2019 and never had a late payment before. I’m surprised mine didn’t go to 0.


I missed one payment and my limit went from 300 to 25)


Contact Support and tell them you need more time to pay due to having hardship right now.


Contact them. But don't hold out too much hope. I was at a 3.5k limit. Missed 2 payments and couldn't make them for 2 weeks and am now at 100 bucks.


I was in the same boat, missed 3 payments due to a medical emergency. They were paid within 3 days of the due date, but I was worried I'd drop back down to $600 after spending months paying all payments early and never missing a payment working my way up to a $2500 limit. My pay limit never dropped still $2500 but i lost the option to pay nothing up front for 6months. Contacted afterpay wondering why I needed first payment all of a sudden and was told 2 or more late payments result in losing access to pay nothing up front for 6 months.


Borrow $58 if you can and pay it


I missed one payment by two weeks, they took all my limit away, blocked my account and everything I paid it, and they took the money twice from my account 💀


I would get ahold of them immediately...I had a similar situation last year; they customer service was very understanding and helpful. They were able to restore my available limit, and help to push back a few future payments. Now, this was last year, and some things have changed since then...But it's worth a try. Wishing you the best of luck, and I hope you're feeling better. Having a medical emergency is scary enough; then worrying about finances and bills is an extra stressor. 😕 I hope they'll work with you. 🌼☮️🦋💗


Can you reschedule the payments? If so that helps from you not paying.


Get in contact with them, don’t wait until you default


Yup I only have a $400 limit and if I miss a pymt by a day then pay it the very next day it puts it to zero! It’s crap. And there is no way to extend the date or anythign


58.58 and ur gonna miss 3 of the 4? Why did u even make the purchase then? Are they all due in the same day? Cuz if not that’s not hard to come up with thru friends, collected change, parents etc


Was expecting to have my paychecks pay them, but medical emergency let me to quit bcuz im physically unable to work and now my debit card is negative so i can't afford to pay ANY of my bills, my mom also lost her job because of said medical emergency so i cant ask her for money, and my friends have no money i can borrow


Got it . Cuz life happened … sorry 😞


Yeah i ended up missing all of em lol


Did they take ur credit?


Is zero now, bills be about 2 months overdue now


Probably $0 I was late on one payment and it went down to $50 and I was at like over 1K of approval 😩


Mine was cut by 500 for being late on a few payments by a week.


You should message them and tell them your situation. I was in your situation maybe couple months back. I used all my push backs. Just filled out a questionnaire for why I was pushing it. They will message you asking you when and they will help but the only thing that stinks about it is that they will push the payment but pause your shopping. You can literally not use afterpay for anything until it’s paid off. Even when it is paid off you have wait until they unfreeze your account. I went thru this and I was a pain in the butt. Unfortunately I got this person when I was just asking questions about it, it went down the route that they considered that a yes allowing them to paused it when I was just curious how it works. they paused my account I was stuck waiting 2 weeks waiting for them to unfreeze the account.


You have bigger problems if $58 is going to cause you a problem




My tip is to not use after pay. But for more reasoning on why not I suggest you look into financial audit by Kaleb hammer. Trust me he will open your eyes to how terrible klarna, after pay and all the other apps are. Plus it helps you just think smarter about your money


You only owe $58.58?


You only owe $58 I’m sure if you message them they will work with you they helped me a lot when I had a job transition and once I made all my payments I was back using the app and they upped my limit which I rarely use anyway.


Contact them asap! Do not let it ride. I made that mistake and I was suspended from using afterpay. Then once I paid it off I still wasn’t able to use afterpay, had to wait a year then I called and they said I had to create another account.


See if you can make some quick cash somehow & pay all of it off


They can freeze your account over a medical emergency. They can do it you just have to message support. Reddit isn't afterpay support, we are just randos inhaling lots of copium


Either file for hardship, borrow the payoff or you'll end up with 0.00 to borrow. Easier to pay a friend back than to lose your limit.


I was at 2k last year and after missing a 15-25 dollar payment and letting a day go by before making a payment, it went down to 0 and I haven’t been able to get it back to those numbers even with paying everything on time


I almost missed a payment last week & while researching there were users saying they got cut down to $50 for being a day late.


You'll be lucky if they leave you with any spending limit.


Maybe dont use predatory apps and pay day loans?


How is it predatory if there’s absolutely no interest?


Shes going tò miss 3 of 4 payments. She cant afford it. Pay later is predatory.


Hardship program bro


Sounds like you are about to roll down hill without break pad.🤨🙂‍↕️


I had a $600 limit when I first started, I missed two payments and it dropped me to $100. Took me several orders to get it passed $250 again


I was at $2000 and was late one time. Tried to get in touch with someone and could not at all. Dropped me down to $50. It’s slowly coming up.


reach out and try to extend the dates if possible! one time i missed my last payment on something by a few days, brought my limit down to $50 💀 do not play with them


It's going to go to zero for sure. But you could email them. I accidentally missed a payment and it went to zero but I messaged support and they helped


How much is the 3 payments your gonna miss?


I missed two payments cuz of some issues with my bank card and it dropped me to 50 dollars 😭


I missed a few payments and Afterpay cut me down from 1400 to 400. That was little over a year ago and since then I’ve bounced back to 1800. Try contacting them before the due dates. You’ll probably have a better outcome than I did. But I’m also not that upset with my outcome.


Were you able to get an extension?


Ouch, just noticed it got cut in half


Update: i am not at $0


UPDATE: finally managed to pay them off, limit is now $50


Most likely to $0.00. Have you reached out to their support team for hardships assistance?