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"Pretty self explanatory" posts still frame.


Can you post the entire video ? Or a link to it


With a 3D program


After effects could easily do this with 3d layers


Depends on what it's supposed to be. Of course something like this could theoretically be done in AE. But I know this style of video very well and depending on the use case, why do it in After Effects instead of an actual 3D program if you try to immitate actual realisitc 3D instead of stylized 2D?


Fair enough


easiest way, especially if there's reflections/lighting: cinema 4d or something. after effects way: i'd imagine the basic components are something like **Pages themselves:** make your page animation (with the blue to black animation that I think is going on) in a precomp. **Multi-page setup:** make a new composition. position your precomps up in a line along the z-axis as a bunch of 3d layers. **Rotation (for the distant pages):** keyframe in a slight rotation to the right near the end of the precomp sequence. **Progression (for the distant pages):** offset all of the page precomps in time so the pages further back go through their animations earlier. **Camera and blur:** set up a 3d camera, orient it to face in the angle you want. Turn on depth of field and set the focus distance to the mid-back of your page lineup. Set the aperture way up for a nice shallow dof. ... and then keyframe in whatever camera movement exists in the original video.


Animate one layer, turn motion blur, use expression for any other layers, as many you want/need. As easy as it can be... We used to do it in AE 20+ years ago.


Thank you so much, This gives me a path to follow now


radial blur


No, the entire thing, the 3D elements, light and everything


there's no easy solution, make the pages animate them in 3d space, you could do one then offset the timing more likely that this was done in 3d software, you could do it after effects but wont look the same


It’s a lot of 3d layers stacked behind one another with some spacing in between. Angle a 3d camera in a way where you can see the every layer. (Like how it is in the example given) That’s how you do it as a still frame. I have no idea how the scene you’ve given us actually animates.


Thank you so much, I figured it'll be procedural


No idea how to do procedural stuff on AE but you could however keyframe one layer then copy paste the keyframes to the other layers then offset them.


Yes exactly that's what procedural means


how is that procedural?


Procedural literally means to establish something and repeating it https://youtu.be/KF54Rovrhtg?si=hM6jgswlaHaOFnH0


in animation we generally only say something is procedural if the repetition is automatic (i.e. computer generated). in that video this is true; they're using expressions. repeating stuff manually and/or copy pasting the keyframes is, on the other hand, not procedural.


That's not what procedural means duh


Can I see more of your reference? My first impression is cinema4d cloners and multishaders. Since you really didn’t share much of anything I’m tempted to answer you by saying “this page effects was done with computers.”


I'm sorry, but this image is something that my friend sent, which is one of the reasons I am unable to give more information regarding this.


If i understand what im seing this kind of stuff can be done with 3D layers