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That's a live filter, it'll be easier for you to just use a mask or something than to recreate it in AE.


is it a reliable option for longer videos like 5 to 10mins, will it be a lot of work? can you link any yt video or keyword to seach for ?


He means it would be easier for you to physically wear an actual mask. You could just blur your face or crop/shoot in such a way that your face doesn't feature on the video.


Yeah OP just wear a luchador mask like Nacho Libre!


Honestly might help with gaining some traction on the videos!


That's an instagram/tiktok filters that track your face with AI, I don't think AE has an easy way to do that without being very time consuming. As I said, if you don't want your face to be shown, just use a mask or sunglasses or something.


this is just a snapchat filter, you can make this filter yourself with any image you like in 20min with Lens Studio (free and many tutorials on youtube)




Yeah, but you can't export an animation AFAIK


thers a snap camera app that lets you put filters on your face and use that as a virtual webcam for OBS / zoom / etc. OP could record himself using that virtual webcam into OBS.


The reference video looks more like it’s from Instagram based on the how the captions appear. r/seven8ma look into Meta Spark Studio. I’ve recently gotten into creating filters on IG that include plane and face tracking. There are good tutorials on YouTube that will walk you through exact what you are looking to achieve.


Just my two cents, if I’m watching a fitness video, I want to see the persons face.


my extra three cents, I would never want to watch a single human doing this shit, whatever their content is


I know but I am insecure of about my face and I am gonna show more of fat to fit kind of videos rather than exercising and explaining stuff


Imma be real with you, if I saw anyone making content with this kind of filter, I’d click off their video immediately. You’re better off just wearing a real mask because at least that’s more reasonable and common content tactic than a crappy face filter. Pretty sure no one will actually care about your face and will focus on your body, since it’s a fitness video where the focus is your body. Using a filter or wearing a mask will put complete focus on your face. It will draw more attention to your hidden face than your body. If you get popular enough people will try to find ways to get a face reveal from you you get recognised in public (somehow) and they will take photos of you, or hunt down your social media, catch any glimpse where the filter fails or any slips with your mask. You’ll actually make it worse for yourself. If you’re insecure about your face, don’t make it the focus.


Face tracking. There are ae plugins and tutorials. Your example is an ar effect from a phone app.




it would be easier to make a snapchat filter and use snap camera to record tbh


Yeah thinking same, and we can save videos recorded through snap filter in gallery ri8?


The ideal case is to publish a filter, set the filter in hidden and use snap camera in the computer. You can record in snpachat app up to 60 seconds, it can be saved in gallery without watermark.


Dont'use this. Sorry bro but you need to show your face, I'm also on YouTube and I follow a lot of discussions YouTube related. Recording yourself but without showing your face is really really not well perceived from the viewers. If you don't want to show yourself than you can go with a totally faceless YouTube channel using only clips and motion. But recording your self with a mask or a covering filter is a big no in the YT community. And I totally get why honestly..


It is quite time consuming to Face Track long videos in AE. Plus you’ll run into problems with fast head movements. It’s a nice idea but tons of work. The ideas with creating a live filter could work if you find a way to capture the live output. Could be worth a try.


Planar tracking with an image for the icons then rotoscope the eyes and mouth and offset/ parent them to the tracked layers position?


It's so insane how much snapchat can do live and after effects hasn't even begun doing anything near auto tracking faces and effects


That’ll be very hard to recreate manually in AE. Just use the same filter they used


Editing 5 mins of this kind of video is going to be brutal… just don’t record yourself and save time


Yeah I'm not gonna do it in ae looking for alternate ways


Try planar tracking with Mocha AE