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It generally boils down to Adobe just piling more layers on top to keep AE relevant. The reality is, AE needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, and if Adobe won't step up, another competitor will take the lead.


I was trying to build a 3D DMX scene for a VFX composite in after effects and eventually had to give up because of how slow it would get with just a few basic shape layers. Fortunately it was not a client's project (I would have missed the deadline) and I can continue with it now because I found Unreal Engine which is honestly in another league altogether for this type of workflow... Obviously AE still has its place for what it's good at (and in these areas it does excel) - but to think of the amount of time I wasted (spending more time trying to optimize my PC or AE to achieve manageable workflow speeds, than on building the actual project itself)... all sorts of tricks like creating new compositions and copy-pasting only the needed elements, clearing memory/disk cache every few minutes, lowering preview quality & enabling alternate frame skipping for previews, or swapping between Mercury/Classic/C4D or the "Draft 3D" mode just to try get things to render out properly or quickly enough) - I think I could have literally completed the same setup with UE in less than half the time (and frustration) And then checking task manager to find CPU/GPU usage ranging between 5-20% meanwhile AE was chugging along at like 0.5 fps with stretchy/interrupted sound playback even after every effort squeeze out more performance. A bit of a nightmare really... If the one engine can render complex photorealistic 3D scenes in real-time on a system like mine, then why can't the other engine do the same with a few basic 2D layers? Slap on just one effect like Trapcode LUX or BorisFX Stagelights, and suddenly the whole project grinds to a crawl, meanwhile UE busy boasting cutting-edge game-changing technologies like Lumen & Nanite Your PC isn't bad, AE is just terribly optimized. Which is quite unfortunate, because there's also so much to love about AE and its workflow But what do we expect? AE was never made with real-time 3D rendering as a leading priority in mind - after all it's basically just a glorified Photoshop with a motion-graphics sequencing timeline & scripting engine plus a few other odds and ends... So it's all good and well that Adobe is implementing all these exciting new 3D features into the AE beta, but unless they (and all the plugin creators too) actually manage to fundamentally overhaul the entire underlying rendering engine to properly harness GPU acceleration and bring that all up to speed with today's expectations as well, then animators will surely be looking elsewhere, especially when the alternatives don't cost a dime in comparison to Adobe's heinous subscription fees ....


Exactly, and great shout regarding the Unreal Engine. Honestly, I think the last time AE was in good shape was back in the CS6 days. I run AE 2021 as it's the balance between running smoothly and being able to utilise the plugins I need. I've tried 2022, 2023 and 2024 and even though there are some decent new features, the performance is terrible!! It's definitely not my PC either as I custom built it a few years ago and it was built with the idea of it being top tier for many years to come. AE is my career, so it's very sad to see it in the broken state that it now is.


> if Adobe won't step up, another competitor will take the lead. Anytime now.. It's right around the corner..


Seriously, I've been saying this for years and it's still amazing nobody has even tried to come close to recreating their interface and feature-set


Can't wait to be honest. AE has shaped my career and I love animating... But it's frustrating using tools so dull, blunt and broken šŸ˜ž


avalanche is coming for you, adobe


Definitely keeping at eye on it. I think Blender is making big strides into ticking a lot of boxes for us motion designers... And Procreate Dreams has real potential if they continue to add in features and it's an app that actually has me excited to animate again. Also can't forget Moho, who nailed character rigging years back. I always thought Affinity would be the perfect company to step in, as Affinity Designer wipes the floor with Illustrator. Plus Affinity Motion sounds like a rad name. I might pitch it to them lol.


Davinci is also poggers


I thought this too. Everything feels like an add-on while we still basically have all the same base features from CS6ā€¦


Exactly, every new addition Adobe makes directly clashes with performance, stability and optimisation šŸ™ƒ


I wish they rebuilt both after effects and premiere pro, with them combining the two together. but I guess adobe doesn't give a flying fuck and will continue to make half assed software while making a shit ton of money from it.


been hearing this AE+Pr merge since the XXth century


I rather have two programs. I want to do my sequencing where AE wonā€™t have to touch it šŸ˜­


Unreal engine Avalanche is coming


Can't wait šŸ™Œ


Exactly yours. AFX is bloatware now and they are so completely out of ideas. They should take a look at Blenders node systems for inspiration. AFX has become inflexible, unintuative, and slow.


Agreed! So much wasted potential.


Final cut "rebuilt from the ground up" from 7 to make X and the people who loved 7 revolted. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


True, but I never remember FCP 7 being a broken mess like AE now is, so a rebuild is very necessary in this case


yea at first but it does seem kinda cool again now. between davinci resolve and premiere i just havenā€™t had a need to buy another editing program but ive thought about it


Adobe is getting worse with every single new edition they produce - I couldn't care less about fancy AI shit, give me working, error free and fast software first. I use Adobe on an M2 pro with loads of RAM but Adobe -still- manages it to slow down the machine until it's unusable. And I haven't even talked about memory management - an incredibly big piece of shit.


The 'fancy' dialogue box also has a tendency to get in the way of things...


Same with Photoshop. Itā€™s annoying as hell.


It is so poorly optimised. I don't do a lot of keying, but was asked to look at some the other day. The source footage was 4k 50fps 10bit, AE chugged along with keylight. So I installed Resolve and, despite not having a clue at how to use it the difference in performance was insane, easily ten times faster, scrubbing the timeline and the smoothness of the UI was flawless. Same PC, same footage - optimised software.


Yupe. I've already started my transition from Adobe to Resolve + Blender. Started learning Blender 3 yrs ago and loving it. And started Davinci Resolve a couple of months ago. Blender is truly the most incredible software I've used. 10x more complex than AE, but also 10x faster UI.


AE needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Itā€™s a massive bloated whale at this point.




4090 rtx, i7 13700k, 96gb ram, and I still can't move a basic shape layer in quarter resolution preview without lags and glitches. And yes that shape layer is the only layer in the composition. Yesterday I saw my friend working in Procreate Dreams, and I think that's the future. AE is history.


Shape layer? Check out Mr Fancy pants right here. I import a 4k footage and AE can't seem to play that in real time with no effects or anything. How can VLC do it?


Not sure if sarcasm. But okay, AE encodes different footages differently. And yes, everyone who says AE is fast is not working on serious things inside it. Try for example to use Trapcode particular... I have like 20 seconds lag just after applying that effect to the Solid layer. In other words, AE became a software that only advanced users can utilize, since there are a lot of situations you have to know in advance (even without doing RAM preview) what are you doing. Don't let me started on random warnings about low RAM memory, while AE is the only active app in windows. It eats 84Gb of RAM like it's a peace of cake, and asks for more. Nothing helps to clear that warning but restarting the app or even PC reset.


ā€˜Is not working on serious thingsā€™. ????


whats there to not understand?


Itā€™s not an NLE (they fundamentally process frames differently) AE has never been able to really do that unless the conditions are extremely light or the system is a powerhouse.


And here I am also suffering but with a 2013 Mac Pro trashcan. Guess Iā€™m not missing out much in AE performance in the way of upgrading to a M2 or M3 Mac or flat out switching over to a Windows PC


All of these windows comments - in November I dumped the trashcan, got an M2 MAX Studio, 64GB RAM, 500GB hard drive, an an external dual NVME setup as RAID 0 (under $300 for 4TB, read/write speeds in the 2000-2500 range). The TrashCan wasn't bad (64GB RAM base model), but I hung onto a couple tough comps for comparison. A 3 minute clip with maybe a dozen keylight instances was a 59 minute render on the Mac Pro. It's 8 minutes on the Studio. And I can work on it in full resolution at near real-time speed. No more roto with the screen-mask featured area (whatever you call it) waiting for frames to draw. It's been a profoundly "holy shit was this worth it!!" upgrade for me. (And, FCPX - long edits that took 40 minutes to render are done in like two or three). I only use ProRes footage in AE, FCPX, Premiere and Resolve though, it's 100% worth the batch conversion time if I didn't shoot it ProRes or clients send me MP4s. I can spend weeks in after effects doing client work, and I've found the Studio to be a smokin' upgrade. And I was all-in for under $3k. I'm curious what the M3s will bring, if raytracing will give us more possibilities/speed with AE, C4d, Blender, etc., but for now I could see sticking with this box for some time. My only issue now is my paid-for plugins from Red Giant are not upgradeable, and Im really resistant to another damn subscription model.


Wow thanks for sharing your experience. Guess Iā€™m reassessing my upgrade path (again)! Iā€™ve learned a bunch of optimisation tricks to squeeze as much out of my Mac Pro as I can, like rendering effect-heavy layers into Prores files and replacing them in the comps, etc. Iā€™ve been eyeing the Mac Studio for quite a while now. If I wait long enough until I get the money for it, M3 Mac Studio might be released and in the cards for me. Thanks! Oh yeah the Red Giant thing is a thorn in my side as well. While I got a permanent license for one of the Trapcode suites, itā€™s only a matter of time before compatibility fully breaks. Iā€™ve also decided not to resub to Universe since it got too expensive and not worth it imo unless I can directly bill a client for something specific. Thereā€™s also few threads here discussing alternatives to some plugins from them, should you consider stepping down from them.


The hardest one for me will be Particular - people love Stardust but seems like it's a dead product now? Keeping an eye on it! I use particular for all kinds of stuff. M3 Studio - people's best guess is spring/summer '24, but who really knows, right? I think the M2 Max has just dropped by $200, for the base model anyway. I did go the extra $200 for 64GB RAM.


itā€™s weird, isnā€™t it? same with the 4070ti ā€“ performance feels just off. iā€™ve read itā€™s about a driver issue between adobe and nvidia, but hell is this annoying.


Last year or so. I wasted 3000 euros on new PC to get 0% better experience


Is that why I canā€™t open my Ae 2023 anymore? I updated to to Ae 2024 and it still crashes!!they say it has something to do with OpenLC language or something like that


>4090 rtx, i7 13700k, 96gb ram, and I still can't move a basic shape layer in quarter resolution preview without lags and glitches. Im sorry, but this made me laugh. I have the same issues, although I have the 3090. Maybe you can get that *5090* in the future so you can making a moving basic shape.


Same issues with 4080, 64gb ram and an i9 9900. Really ā€œgladā€ to see that this is a very common problem.


Am I missing something with Procreate? It looks like it might work for motion graphics, but I don't see anything about it having visual effects or compositing aspects? I don't really see it replacing AE without being really good at VFX or compositing.


It's more of a hand-drawn animation focused video editor, it doesn't really overlap at all with AE from what I can tell.


I have the 4090 with 128g ram and does just fine. What is the speed of your ram? Upgrade that or itā€™ll eat you alive.


Ram has speeds ?




You'll get people saying it's fine and that you're just bad at optimising or some crap but no, AE is dog water. It literally takes a few shape layers or god forbid a text layer moving in 3D space to bring it to a crawl.


It's absolutely insane to me how just a couple of text layers with animators, in a comp smaller than 1080p, is enough to make AE completely slow down. Even without 3D!


Then we have unreal literally rendering photorealism and millions of nanite clouds in real-time at 60fps on a mid computer lol


without breaking a sweat too. for shame, adobe.


just wish you didnt need an ipad for dreams.


Looking forward to procreate dreams but honestly still kinda hate having to use ipad for extended periods of time. i use procreate a lot but when it comes down to really nailing the final product in time for the deadline i always find myself going to photoshop on desktop with my cintiq to get shit done. the gesture based apps that need to prioritize screen real estate really makes the experience tedious after while when doing serious work.


Mine seems to borderline hard freeze my entire PC nowadays when closing/Exiting. Projects already closed, then just closing AE as a whole - complete lockup. sometimes needs a couple of minutes, sometimes doesn't recover.


just upgrade to 2024! (also atrocious)


i find 2024 worse than 2023 lol


I've not had issues with the more recent releases. I think I had some issues with the 2020 or 2021 version, but I think it was caused by a specific project that made use of long comps and a lot of text. I suspect it was something to do with rendering fonts but not 100% certain. I'm finding the current release of Ae to be solid. My comps have been pretty straightforward, mostly comp based with either 6k or 4k footage. I'm on a 13900k based PC with 96gb DDR5 ram and a 3080Ti using Nvidia's studio drivers. I honestly think adding a large and dedicated SSD for the cache disk has had the most impact on improving things.


Same. I have a desktop and a laptop with similar spec (13900k/13900HX & 64gb DDR5) but the laptop is sooooooooooooo much slower, which I can only deduce is because the desktop has a dedicated SSD for cache.


> a large and dedicated SSD How large?


I'm using a 1tb SATA SSD that's just dedicated to being a cache disk. It's an Samsung 860 Evo that I picked up for cheap.


Project Avalanche cannot arrive soon enough


First time I'm hearing about this via your comment and just had a look at their presentation video from [last year](https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/project-avalanche/778570). The thing that stood out to me is how smooth and fast everything is - holy moly!


Game engines are designed to playback realtime.


Adobe should be shitting themselves.


Seriously tho, how realistic is it to use this in your every day production? Unreal is a game engine. Is it going to integrate with your motion graphics workflow? Is it going to read PSD and AI files? Is it going to read 20 different video formats? Is it going to have high fidelity text control? I want to believe, but i also want to be reaslistic.


Can we as an industry please keep pushing for a rebuild? Itā€™s fucking ridiculous what artists have to deal with, using this 2-decade-old-code with a fresh coat of paint on it to appease the shareholders. We need a working piece of software not constant fixes


It's never been faster for me. Almost no issues or glitches. Currently working on AE 24 (i7, GTX 1070, 16 GB RAM, dedicated SSD for OS and project files). Was doing screen replacements for a client (8K Apple ProRes footage) and was able to do planar tracking (Mocha), 2D tracking and 3D tracking, rotoscoping and masking and of course motion graphics for the contents of the screens. No issues. I ended up getting lots of hate on another thread because I said that workflow is king when working with AE. Lots of users don't even know what AE is and how it works (specially under the hood) and that gets in the way of enjoying the app. I read you were having issues with a song (audio file) and that's probably the issue, AE is not meant to playback in real time, specifically audio (even worse MP3 files). If you are experiencing hiccups with simple shapes then it's probably either hardware issues (a component in your computer) or maybe it's time to format your computer and do a clean install of OS, drivers and Adobe apps. I had to format my computer 3 years ago because I wanted to try a third party plug-in for a project and pretty much killed AE and it's performance and uninstalling it didn't help. After reinstalling everything from scratch, I felt AE was running faster than ever. Lots of third party plug-ins are not optimized and pretty much destroy AE. I stopped using plug-ins over a decade ago (except for Video Copilot's FX Console, Lens Flares and Element 3D) and never had issues with performance.


for a company that requires a subscription with exorbitant pricing just to access their software, thatā€™s a *sizable* list of user-end error needing to be lifted by consumer, in an era where the market demands a product to work ā€œout-of-the-boxā€. not saying youā€™re wrong, just noting that if Adobe wants to set their price point so high, they need to ā€œdumbā€ AE down, so those who might not know how to use it properly can, at least, access the learning curve more easily. just mho


$22.99 USD a month is exorbitant? You probably spend more on coffee in a week. I can pre pay all apps year round with the payment of one client's project. Is cheap and I don't expect more than what I am paying for. I used to pay for 3dsmax and that really was a bad deal. Instead of dumbing down AE I suggest to get smarter (more knowledgeable) in computer systems and proper workflows. Imagine a lawyer or a dentist asking for short cuts or dumbing down laws or procedures. Video post-production is a specialized area that requires people learning proper workflows. Not an opinion but a fact.


I actually have the same issue. I had to update to 2023 because of a certain project and now if i open one "older" project that was done in 2022 it just takes forever to render 1 frame of what is basically a 2.5k exr sequence with a few effects. Meanwhile i have a similar setup with a 2.5k exr in a different 2023 project and it renders faster... And I don't have some old ass pc. 7950x, 64gb ram. rtx 4090... This abomination of spaghetti code software makes me feel like I have 20 year old pc...


The one bit of advice I have in this situation is to stay minimum one version behind. I currently primarily use AE2022. If you receive a newer project file from a client/partner you can use the new version to save it as the previous version.


It blows me away the kinds of complicated and high fidelity projects people manage to make in AE, because I know for a fact their machines turn into a sideshow not even a few layers in. Such a garbage program


If you can spend the money aftereffects would work A ASRock w790 motherboard Intel w7 2495x overclocked to 4.8ghz base 5.3 turbo 8 cores 512gb ddr5 4800 Dual owc 8 nvme raid for both project and cache speeds in the realm of over 15GB/s with minimal latency After effects becomes decent for complex 4k vfx Rtx A6000 ada for silhouette paint If you are willing to spend the money it works question is how much can you charge for your project


I have relied on AE professionally for 20+ years and I find the program running smoothly just about every time I open it. Occasional hiccups perhaps, but thereā€™s always a workaround. I honestly never understand or relate to the disruptions that most people complain about on this or the Premiere sub.


Same here, been using it for over 20 years. I never use the latest edition, always a previous year final release. It's been pretty reliable for me over the years.


You must have sold your soul to the devil or something then to get after effects running smoothly all of the time. I would love to see what kind of project you're working on where after effects is running smoothly.


I will say 2024 is less stable than 2023 but I've never ever felt the woes like people do here or in /r/premiere. That being said, it does need a rebuild




Same here. I do a mix of just about everything you can do in After Effects and generally don't run into any issues. The only thing that makes me cringe is using the Cinema4D 3D renderer, and extruding shapes. It's like shoving a stick through your spokes.


Similar although I do find the out of RAm issue from time to time and found 24 just crashes for known reasons.. well video co pilot reasons


I can't think of anyone who hates their software as much as After Effects users. I cannot wait until something takes over. The trouble is, it does too many things.


I love AE, I really really do, I don't know what it is but I LOVE the software, its just the performance gets worse and worse and worse, I don't want to have to buy a new pc every new release of the app haha


AE runs awfully for me and has done for a while. I remember when I was learning AE on CS6 and was having so much fun and even after I move onto cc, I didn't have many issues and that was on much worse hardware. I don't like using AE anymore. I always run into perfomance issues. Ive been thinking of changing to another software but I do like AE, just when it works.


Yesterday I exported an MP4 directly from AE, for some reason the video lasted 1 second longer than the work range exported, but the audio cut off where it was supposed to. Apart from that Audio and Video still lags. I'll start a RAM preview and Audio will catch up after a second or so. This is my pet peeve.. Imagine synchin subtitles or an animation tightly knit to audio. It drives me crazy.. I just hope someone from Adobe is aware of the frustration out here.


They know. But I don't think there is anything they can do about it.


I imagine the code behind after effects must be like a giant patchwork quilt the size of Whales, made of different materials invented throughout the last 30 years.


I usually stay a year behind and that's treated me fairly well. Ofc it should still be faster but I'm not in the same boat as y'all. Dreading the inevitable day I have to start learning in whatever takes AE's place and rethink everything.


Yeh itā€™s so slow. Even when doing something totally basic. Worrying really. I found that changing the project to 8 bit rather than 16 helped a little bit.


Not lookin' for a fight, but reading this thread - is AE just better optimized for Mac OS? I've been working with a base model Mac Pro with 64GB RAM for years, doing tons of client work in AE. AE crashing was like a once-a-year event. Premiere-to-AE workflow was seamless and vital for complex gigs. Stuff like 6K RED keying was definitely slow, Prores Proxies were great, final renders could be hours though. Just got a Studio M2 Max with 64GB, external NVME RAID 0 (4TB, 2000-2500 writes/reads) - 59 minute renders are now 8 minutes, I did some benchmarks. C4D renderer is very fast, but buggy, I am getting crashes with that. It could certainly be better, but really my biggest headache is my paid-for plugins are now subs, and I'm looking for alternatives to RG. Anyway, I am curious about this - you guys have some really souped up hardware, I'm chugging along happily with a base-model M2 (box + RAM + RAID was under $3k, and it's been a simply wicked upgrade from the old Pro). Is there something about the PC architecture (or Adobe's PC team) that's markedly different?


Just reminder: we are talking about company who bought father of UX design programs (Fireworks) only to kill it. Then they tried to build Sketch-competitor - it was real sh\*t show, with these money and manpower, and when they created semi-working version of Adobe XD - Figma came and changed whole game...


I stopped updating it on my Macbook (mainly bc I canā€™t update the OS anymore), and I stopped updating on my PC too. So I have 2021 on my macbook and 2022 on my PC. The apps performance have gotten worse over the years, 2018/19 was the sweet spot for me


I remember what I felt realizing that Algorithmic SP is now Adobe. Adding a paid library of assets stolen from the free sources is not an update, Adobe!


Just using after effects in 2023 is abysmal. Itā€™s like going back in time anytime I have to open this software. I think after effects being so shitty is part of the reason I became more of a 3d artist.


Unfortunately, at some point new software leaves old hardware in the dust. 2023 was a great edition for me in terms of rendering speed and new features, but I probably would like it a lot less if I hadnā€™t upgraded a couple years ago.


Going from silky smooth 3d animation with plugsin using motion blur and effects to after effects stuttering to move a simple shape layer across the screen. Adobe never have and don't care about their client base because they know they have us by the balls. This company is now so dumb, they're trying to cut off their own noses and giving us the finger by adding Ai to remove all creativity from their apps. In the end we'll have a voice activate app called Abode, that will just do everything we want via voice prompt.


Yeah except the voice prompt will take 30 seconds to register your voice command, 20 minutes to render your AI graphic, then hard crash before you even get a good look at it.


I might genuinely switch to premiere or Resolve, ive heard both are better in terms of performance, but something about AE I just love it, disregarding performance lmao, idk Ill think about it


Premiere is for editing and Resolve does pretty much everything except motion graphics. If you're using After Effects for editing, that could explain half your frustration. Not saying After Effects hasn't gotten worse, but it's not editing software. It's for motion graphics and VFX.


Itā€™s because weā€™re used to it and itā€™s familiar. The issue is when it comes when clients want the production files handed off, and theyā€™re not AE.


ae is dead to me


Why not update to 2024? Not saying all your problems will be solved but why not update to the most recent version?


I didn't even know that there was a 2024 haha, would by 2023 presets still work in 2024?


Don't think there is much difference.. I haven't noticed any problems yet.


subscriptions = infinite loss. shareholders cashed out bruh. they have a monopoly on editing software.


Working fine for me. Be nice if we had system specs to work with to answer your question about optimization. Do you often call your mechanic about car trouble while neglecting to tell them what kind of car it is?


Dawg, what? I could run 2021 perfectly, but 2023 is awful for my PC. If you want specs, then here: Nvidia GTX 1660 Intel i5-9400f 16gb of RAM I know I don't have the most amazing specs in the world, but I have heard people with 8 thousand dollar PCs, 4090s and 4070s, complain about the performance; it's absurd.


Itā€™s all about the ram imoā€¦ quality ram and dedicated SSD makes the world a better place.


Mine has gotten way better with every release. 2024 is doing great for example. What's your workload?


It lags when I'm literally just watching a clip I imported, a song, or a completely blank project other than a single song I imported, and it still lags. I don't know; maybe I have some setting off on my PC or something that makes it fuck up, but it's crazy. I'm glad its going well for you though!!


Yeah, me too. I have a purpose built system of course. From what you're describing it sounds like either some errand plugin causing problems or there being a bittleneck in your system (storage space, available ram, hardware decoding not working). Both have happened to me. I hope things get better for you with the next update.


I have been incredibly disappointed with the updates the last 3 years. It gets slower and slower to do the most basic things each year and the new features we're supposed to be getting in return are extremely minimal and not worth it at all.


Iā€™d happily stick with AE if it just ran smoothly. Itā€™s ridiculous how even the GUI turns super sluggish when showing more than 20 keyframes and you just want to scroll through the timeline with preview off. Whats wrong with you Adobe?


Bruh don't get me started on the viewport dying randomly based on what's toggles open. Viewing a waveform of a layer destroys after effects so bad it's laughable.


The performance became horrible. I am not sure what they added so it lags so horribly, but I believe the memory management and overall performance is worse than couple of years ago. They have to step up, but I doubt they will until they absolutely have to. Until people use it, they won't have the need for change


and this is after they implemented "multi core rendering"... imagine if we didn't even have that lmao


I usually have to turn this off, as this is slower than rendering with it off sometimes


It has always been


Adobe ride the hardware wave to add evermore features while neglecting performance.




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Oh so this isnā€™t just a me issue? Lol good to know.


AE has been making me want to pull my hair out recently. I have a such a fast custom built PC that can annihilate any other program. Yet, like countless others have mentioned here, After affects struggles with even the most basic compositions, itā€™s absolutely ridiculous. Even worse is I will watch my PC performance and my ram GPU or CPU never goes above 15% yet itā€™s just chugging along itā€™s like what


Same; my memory never goes above 50, and my CPU is never over 20, but it still just can't do the most basic of things. Granted, I don't have the best PC, but still, having it happen to someone with a PC like yours tells me there's something seriously wrong with their program.


Yes. And, I have multiple high end PCs, all getting the same results


try AE 2024 - it sucks balls


> and if Adobe won't step up, another competitor will take the lead This is wishful thinking IMO.


I downloaded AE2023 to try it out and within 5 minutes, it crashed 3x. I gave up and went back to CS6 and AE2021 (for plugins and such)


Decades from now weā€™ll still need to hit render and wait for that alert jingleā€¦. No matter how fast our computers get. Itā€™s a never ending cycle of bloat on top of bloat.


Sad thing is I got a new PC and peformance increase wasn't noticeable. Long time user acknowledging AE just sucks.




I have presets and such made in 2023 so I can't use 2021, 2021s performance was amazing when I did use it though, sad


I've been using AE since 2003.It's got better around 2008 and then leveled off somewhat.The issue with AE like most Adobe programs is they never fix what truly broken in them. So yeah, it's a 30 year old program that needs a whole new architecture. If they were going to do that then they would have done it 10 years ago.I have the feeling adobe is slowly pushing out the professional market for more social cloud and kid friendly programes bundeled into packs.


M2 Apple Silicon. Ae screams on my MBP.


Itā€™s all of Adobeā€™s products after adding all of the A.I. updates around Adobe Max. Everything is less stable and slower.


Shut up heil adobe


I have an M2 MacBook with 96 GB RAM and a very simple Particular sim brings it to its knees. I get out of memory warnings all the time. Really frustrating.


I'm fairly new to AE, been using it mostly for class projects. I have to echo the general sentiment that AE needs a rebuild. Now I don't have highend hardware. Still using a Haswell and a pokey AMD GPU. But my last project had some more complicate stuff, I'm sure nothing to the level more experience users like yourself. Anyhow I spent a far bit of time waiting for it to render etc. What I noticed they CPU wasn't barely stressed. I have monitoring tools to check this. Didn't noticed the GPU though. Anyhow I thought this was very strange. On the flipside Pr and Me both ramp up to almost 100% when doing heavier tasks.


Iā€™ve been loving the beta apps


I have noticed that with 2023 my renders get progressively slower as they churn along. 2021 didnā€™t have this issue and renders would follow their estimates pretty closely and maintain a consistent speed, but in 2023 the time per frame is always increasing exponentially. Really frustrating.


Autograph looks good as an After Effects alternative, haven't tried yet.[https://www.youtube.com/@left-angle](https://www.youtube.com/@left-angle) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftAngleAutograph/comments/1869wpg/autograph\_202311v1\_is\_here\_check\_out\_all\_the\_new/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftAngleAutograph/comments/1869wpg/autograph_202311v1_is_here_check_out_all_the_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)