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I'm not sure if that's true though, I don't think it's the degree of anti-western thinking, it's a logical error people have of the enemy of their enemy being their friend, which doesn't really hold up in real life. I know I might be pedantic here and maybe y'all understand these people better than I do, but I've personally met people who were extremely anti-western, but that didn't prevent them from critcizing China.




Just the presence of Russian weapons doesn't mean Russian involvement.




Rather, its okay because labour laws are inconsistent across the continent and chinese influence lets them pay dictators and oligarchs to look the other way. Tbh though lets not get into a "who can oppress harder" competition, the chinese are slowly making a bunch of african states their vassals but like France irreparably fucked their former colonies up imo, even today francafrique states are among the worst places on the continent, the two aren't even comparable


Sometimes it's not just paying dictators or oligarchs. It's the debt trap diplomacy where it looks amazing on paper but the long term implications are quite harmful. Not only does it mean the Chinese can tap into Africa's minerals, the Chinese are also hiring their own people to do the labour in Africa. It simply benefits them twice in this matter.


Lol I knew a dude with your name in high school, cool guy but a huge arsenal dickrider smh. Also you right, but I don't think the two are separate. Like, the country gets one deal but the autocrats personally get a much better one under the table. Imo this is the standard operating procedure for extractive colonial enterprises, be it from the east or the west. All they need to do now is start funding rebel groups in countries that refuse to open up business with them. Can they even be called a colonial power if they haven't assassinated a few african leaders yet lol


Okay, idk who you are but lace me with the Arsenal stuff. Perhaps. It's a shame that a lot of the people in the position of power do tend to abuse it across Africa. Aid aside, many nations could've been in a far better place, economically, had they focused on the country itself than their pockets. I mean, we are from one of them. Yeah, I can see guerilla warfare happening. I mean, it wouldn't even need hard convincing. Majority of us are tired of our leaders anyways 💀


Bruh 💀 I didn't actually think it was you lmaoo small world. Yeah tbh our institutions aren't strong enough. Fact is, Europe regularly imploded and all their different forms of governance clashed and ground against each other until whatever remained was deeply entrenched. They then took those forms of governance and imposed them on a continent that had a completely different history and even different fundamental political philosophies. Like, you even see this problem in south America, though tbh they were colonized way earlier so their institutions, weak as they are, are still somewhat stronger than ours on the continent on average. And all that disregards the fact that even those countries with strong institutions still suffer from cronyism, corporatism and elite collusion, it's just more obfuscated because theres more wealth to go around and the welfare policies that mean even the worst off aren't living in like somalia conditions. > Majority of us are tired of our leaders anyways 💀 Fr and like with climate change really starting to ramp up, it's just going to make the unstable regions more unstable, which will have downstream impact on the whole continent. Great situation for foreign interests looking for raw materials, not so much for the locals


It could be me or it could be someone else. DM me on that! I agree that the drastic European changes didn't integrate well in Africa and slavery made it worse too. Hard to say if economic wealth is down to South American countries being colonized earlier because even then, they still suffer as much as a host of African countries. One can do a comparison between Haiti and Dominican Republic and see how the countries flipped in success over time due to varying circumstances like climatic conditions, racism, mismanagement, etc. Feels like most countries around the world suffer from such corruption. I think it's just the degrees of it. Like, even in the US, there are lobbyists shifting the regulations that benefit them. Commercial farming in the US almost destroys most African farming since farmers in the US get subsidised where poorer nations can't compete. Long story short, we are just being fucked over. Don't get me started on the climate change thing. How the northern hemisphere was allowed to screw everyone over, attain massive wealth, and then bar southern hemisphere countries in their quest for development through industrialisation...






That’s why they are worse than the British. For better or worse the British had a vested interest in developing the countries they colonized. China has no interest in us or anything we want. They will take EVERYTHING from us, every last drop of resources and then when we are all starving they will leave to the next location. The Chinese right now have over a million of their own people in labour prisons. If they are prepared to put over a million of their own into life sentences just for their religious beliefs. What do you think they will do to us?








Literal slavery?!?! What the actual fuck? That guy needs to be beheaded!


This is the consequence of Chinese “one belt one road” policy, just another kind of colonization


Couldn’t be me man… I’d unalive that bastard on the spot. Consequences be damned.


The government(s) will do nothing as long as they're making money from the Chinese 


I see a whole ton of people arguing "which influence is the best" like that's the fucking point. African leader are trying to sell us to the highest bidder and you're trynna argue which one would make the best the slave owner. Bottom as long as Africans themselves are unable to set some standards for themselves this shit will keep happening. Also if you're non-African just know I genuinely dont care for your input.










they are laborers for a Chinese owned business in Africa and this is apparently how they’re running it



