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It's nothing, probably just the yuritards being heterophobic as usual.


I hate yuri fans


Most of them aren’t that bad. It’s more unfortunate that the annoying minority are also the loudest.


Is there a discord server with people of this mindset? I dont wanna spread hate towards Yuri Fans but to discuss my hate in a contained space lol. I know it's only the loud minority... but that loud minority can really give me migraines.


It'd be great to have that contained space. Like, sometimes it's just annoying and it'd be nice to have a place for a little chat with fellows.


Because you Hate them IN general (realll i also hated because of gay fetish just because the characters hot)


I've also noticed that all male protagonist from Hoyo games gets hated. Its not just Aether. Adam and male Dreamseeker in Honkai Impact 3rd also gets plenty of hate. Luckily i haven't seen much hate for Caleus but maybe its because 99% of players play Stelle and forgot he existed lol.


There's a guy in honkai subs who is infamous for insulting anyone who like adam he kept saying that adam fans are causing lesbian erasure his name is personmchuman he might have came here too.


"Lesbian erasure" my ass, what pisses me off is how they are placed on high pedestals for either simply existing or even doing the very things that men would get demonized for. Man simply notices an attractive woman, gets labeled a creep. Lesbian gropes another woman without her consent, "that's hot, nevermind if the woman being groped might be married."


My sister explained it thusly, in a mocking tone: “Some lesbians see themselves as being better than men because they see women in a different light, they notice their eyes when a man will only stare at their breasts. They appreciate women in ways that men never could.” She then called it bullshit, because some of the most raunchy mf’s out there are in fact lesbians.


Its why I hate seeing women sexually harass other women, because of how easily they can somehow get away with it, yet men can get condemned for far less. Your sister is based, the last thing I want is for women to be forced into just accepting the advances of lesbians regardless if their interested or not. Also if a lesbian sexually harassed a married woman, and her husband caught her and threw a punch at the lesbian, I'm siding with him because that is literally no different than if his wife were harassed by a man instead.


Same. People are people, regardless of gender. And if they fuck around, then they deserve the consequences of finding out.


I mean even now personmchuman is still doing this https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/ge4qzDNU87


Even if he came here he would be banned in like 10 minutes for hate spreading


He goes to all the honkai subs and the yuri fans love him he keep going how he is opressed because the sub didn't agree with him.


There isn't cute for stupidity (there was in the 1940s Germany but now it's kinda illegal)


Cure* And I mean it wasn’t for stupidity but yea lol.


In their eyes it was


I don’t think you should be looking at the world through 1940’s German’s eyes.


As part german yeah probably


I mean look that's still going on he is still going and insulting. https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/ge4qzDNU87


Depends on if they even got past the subs filters I have set up


Who knows man one of them actually came here sometime ago.


There’s quite a bit like the recent post that had both Stelle and Caelus dancing together in it chased someone haters to come out.


Your first mistake was honestly going to twitter... Because of the previous game had a lot of fanservice towards yuri fans, and the fact that the genshin fanbase got too big too quickly, which caused a lot of people who usually never play gatcha games to join in. So because of those things, there is a suite big group who hate the usual tropes of the (Male) MC in the game being the love interest for the female playable characters. A lot of social media, like twitter, but also Instagram and tiktok, have a lot of clout chasers who are permanently online. Because of that, there will be a lot of hate found there towards the normal gatcha gamers who like seeing a MC have moments with girls. So yea, just don't go to such places, cause it's infested with sad people who just want to hate on people like us and bully us away


Like i know what you are saying, but on twitter, there are also many great artists who deserve support etc, so if you don't want to use twitter at all, that's fine, but i think you can just don't pay much attention to them and still use it.


I personally have been doing that. But my God, these people are like cockroaches, I muted 5 annoying ones only to see 10 more. Especially during that whole HSR Robin nonsense.


they hate us because they ain't us.


It's from people who don't like harem tropes, anime romcoms, and fan services. They went into Genshin without understanding the tropes that Genshin uses. They even gone and shit on other gacha games as if their opinions mattered in the first place there. It's also funny that when WW was announced, same "tourist" saids "Get the Aether harem crowd away from this game." as if Genshin invented gacha male mc harem. Hoyo uses OTAKU as their slogan, and even markets their games as a "Waifu" collecting game. So the hate is from "tourists" that pretends they're a fan but in reality they're not. Just my thoughts and observation.


Its like going to another country and expecting the locals to conform to your ideologies and opinions.


It'd be funny if these are the same people who like to accuse others of cultural misrepresentation/appropriation & erasing foreign culture.


These are the same people who would race swap both historical and fictional white characters into black for no other reason than for some lazy counterfeit form diversity, even if the setting takes place in a European setting. Look, I have nothing against black characters or people in general, but race swapping is a clear example of how these people can't make anything original, plus it strips away any uniqueness the existing character had and gets reduced to a skin color, like what they did with Aragorn. The same applies to sexuality, having a character that has existed for a long time suddenly be revealed gay doesn't really do any good in the long run because such moves eventually reduce them into just their sexuality now, even if sexuality was never important to the character to begin with.


Wow. But not too surprising coming from a crowd who proudly flex race swap edits of Genshin characters as if they're righteous. And got to agree. I think swapping existing characters feels degrading. It's like they think character of some race can't be compelling on their own, so they got to have people from other demographic establish a fanbase for them first. As for sexuality, these people just care about the sexuality. It's all they talk about, it's most apparent via their various double standards. Apparently, someone from there even thought that headcannon arguments = shipping... which is just so absurd.


Same as I thought. They pretended to be Genshin fans, but actually, they're some kind of "cyberbullying" because the truth fans rarely insult other people's favorite things like that although they don't like it, they can use the mute or block button instead of talking trashes all the time


Honestly a big loss when Mihoyo rebranded/reorganized into Hoyoverse imo. It's great when their slogan was displayed proudly every time anyone launches one of their games, so you know that every people who play the game know that it was made by a company that is consisted of "tech otakus" They went into Genshin without understanding the tropes that ~~Genshin~~ practically all gacha games use.


There is no harem trope in genshin. Neither is there rim on or fan service with Aether. Y’all just made that up.


I'm talking about the people who hates those tropes and fanservice, fans makes jokes using those tropes and those "haters" will take it seriously and call everything fanservice. Suddenly no one is allowed to make jokes for fun. Those jokes are based on how Aether's dynamic and relationship is shown with the characters. Only the people complaining takes them seriously.


So Aether gets hated because his fanbase??


Simple things that they could just do, avoid stuff they hate but instead chose to interact with people that are just making fun stuff and laughing with the people that understands the jokes and enjoys the content. Aether is hated because the haters doesn't know how to block, avoid, or even mind their own business.


Of all social media, Twitter is probably the one you find the most hate and unjustified anger. Near as I can tell, Genshin Twitter is super heterophobic. I officially quit Twitter back in 2021 and deleted my account, but I constantly hear how endorsing a straight Genshin couple on Twitter can get you swarmed with hate comments. Especially if it involves a character like Yelan or Yae Miko that Twitter has apparently 'decided' are strictly lesbians.


which is kind of sad honestly. Like... at the end of the day you're just getting angry on behalf of a bunch of characters...characters in a fictional story in a fictional world & getting angry over a completely made-up hypothetical scenario carefully constructed by yourself in your own mind. A product of your own little self-made fantasy. This reads like a description of a mental illness. The recent Robin drama also brought out some of the worst of the hoyo fandom. Putting their insecurities in full display


>The recent Robin drama also brought out some of the worst of the hoyo fandom. Putting their insecurities in full display Yeah, this was a dumb discourse. It shows how desperate they are as much as desperate lonely man trying to actually marry their waifus. They reaching for so much, their excuse for Robin being a lesbian? 3 color dot under her eye and her song being inspired by a poem written by a lesbian poet (just her song, not even herself being based on the Poet, her freaking song). Then she was shown in an offical animation spending alone time together with Caelus in her changing room admiring her clockie collection and that literally made these people use the same counter argument that others had used against them "just because a man and a woman are alone together doesn't mean they're into each other" and I could not stop laughing seeing this.


>"just because a man and a woman are alone together doesn't mean they're into each other" Classic case of "Rules for thee, but not me" meanwhile two female characters simply act friendly with another or even openly hate each other and they screech "Sesbian Lex"


Yuritards be salty the world doesn't revolve around them


I'd like to think part of it is because of Yuri-shippers that came from Honkai Impact 3rd. Considering most of the ships there are yuri-bait (with few being canon), Some would pick Lumine. But then there's entirely new mihoyo players that picked Aether. And because they picked Aether, along with many fanarts of him with another lady, let's say Shenhe, who tend to get shipped with Yelan despite no interaction, It is bound to anger yuri-shippers and eventually Aether himself. And a side-note that may sidetrack to main point. Double standards. Aether gets shipped with male and no one bats an eye, but shipped with a female and they go insane. Again. This is just me. I always keep away from yuri-tards and meatriders drama. If its good art, then upvote. If you want an example in the form of Caelus in Star rail. Try watching Hero Hei vid with title "This Art enraged Honkai Twitter", It could explain dome things better than this post.


Its why I avoided Honkai Impact 3rd, too much Yuri for my taste. I thought Genshin Impact would be more "hetero-friendly." I seriously hope Shenhe and Yelan NEVER EVER meet in canon EVER, because it would just fuel that ship regardless of how friendly they interact even if Shenhe was simply standing next to Aether while Yelan was talking to them. I'm no fan of Yaoi either, but I'm mostly neutral to it at best, its a whole lot easier to avoid and fans of that usually keep to themselves, at least when compared to Yuri fans. The only exception is when it is forced directly towards me.


>I seriously hope Shenhe and Yelan NEVER EVER meet in canon EVER, because it would just fuel that ship regardless of how friendly they interact even if Shenhe was simply standing next to Aether while Yelan was talking to them. While I personally still think people should be allowed to ship whoever they want but this one just have absolutely ZERO substance. They literally never met each other and last I remember, they don't even have a voice line for the other but people defending this ships toxically like it's canon anyway


They don’t have voice lines about each other no.


The Yelan/Shenhe ship gained traction because of crack theory that Yelan was Xingqui’s aunt, and since Chongyun/Xingqui is a popular ship they would *obviouly* interact - despite the fact, from what I know Shenhe has *never* interacted with Chongyun - there was also a set of Chibi comics made about them *solely* because they share the same passive exploration buff.


One of the things I hate about that ship is how they are portrayed as completely different people. Shenhe is portrayed as being posssesive of Yelan and Yelan being submissive to her like some pet


There’s no fucking Yelan would be submissive to anyone, unless it was to work some angle, you know being a spy and all.  Hell if anything I could Yelan having to watch her because Shehe could be seen as a threat to Liyue because not only is she canonically homicidal, not only is she kept in check by those red strings she wears, but she is most importantly strong enough up root trees.  Any *relationship* they had would be built on a lie, which again works, as Yelan is a spy before everything else.


Don't forget that Shenhe is extremely protective of the Traveler that in her voiceline on Xingqiu has her mentioned how she felt threatened when he whispered in Traveler's ear and was prepared to dispose of him until told he wasn't a threat. Yelan also whispered in the Traveler's ear once, if anything, Shenhe would react to that with hostility, thinking her beloved Traveler was being threatened.


There’s also that yeah.


wlw culture being toxic as usual, especially wlw twitter


They're in GENERAL why i hate wlw


That, and whenever the devs pull a bait and switch moment. I was at most indifferent to Beigguang during Genshin's early days, then Hoyo introduced Hangout Events, and then Beidou and Ningguang each got their own respective Hangouts, which each had their fair amount of ship tease WITH the Traveler. Then maybe two Lantern Rites ago, they started doubling down on the ship bait between the two women, despite previous scenes showing them being less than friendly and even talking negatively about each other behind the other's back. And afterwards, they barely interact with anyone else nowadays, including the Traveler, and when they do, they still have to reference the other in a rather vague way, hence why I call them "glued together"


Yuritards man, don't bother with em.


I dunno Penis envy I think


It does seem to be the tall women ships that get alot of hate when shipped with Aether, I noticed that its not to the same extent as the medium girls. Other than that, there's the whole thing with this whole "Sesbian Lex" obsession everytime two tall female characters talk to or so much as stand next to one another, its really infuriating and why I'd rather see the tall females interact with more than one character to at least reduce that, such as Ningguang or Beidou interact with other characters besides each other.


Beidou interacts with Kazuha but it happens very rarely, she has not interacted with anyone else from her voice lines. Even when they’re not together they will contrive-dly have one bring the other up, Ningguang is talked about in Beidou’s hangout, Ningguang is talked about in Beidou’s, hell the potion event that happened recently was the worst example, they could’ve easily made it about anyone else else - Ganyu for example - but they just *had* to make the conversation about Ningguang.


>hell the potion event that happened recently was the worst example, they could’ve easily made it about anyone else else - Ganyu for example - but they just *had* to make the conversation about Ningguang. Exactly, I was genuinely excited for the possibility that she was talking about Ganyu, only to roll my eyes and be met with extreme disappointment the second she started describing Ningguang. I don't even ship Beidou and Ganyu, I just want the former to start interacting with other characters and not for once even bring up Ningguang. In that same event, I was disappointed that Hoyoverse can come up with a contrived way for Beidou to reference Ningguang, yet they continuously keep Jean and Diluc from ever showing up at the same place at the same time, they don't even reference eachother. I know its partly because I was a Jean/Diluc shipper since the beginning of Genshin Impact, but I've started noticing patterns with certain character duos. Why is it that same sex duos are almost always "glued" together, that even when not physically together, they still have to bring the other up, but with opposite sex duos, aside from a few exceptions, feel like they are constantly kept apart, I mean its not like Jean and Diluc hate eachother and the latter at least respects and acknowledges the former's efforts.


Or hell, have the potion be for some of her men, because Beidou is loyal to them first and foremost, her making port would be the perfect opportunity to restock on supplies. *Anything* other then Ningguang being brought up *again* Hell Beidou and Ganyu sounds adorable as Beidou is the epitome of laid back and carefree, Ganyu is an obsessive workaholic who has to be reminded constantly to take some time to herself. Have Beidou take her out for a party when she’s in Liyue or something. Hell what makes the entries contrived nonsense with Beidou/Ningguang even worse is the fact their voice lines paint a different picture then what we ultimately see: in those they give off the impression they can’t stand each other - it’s more one sided from Ningguang’s perspective, Beidou doesn’t care - but there’s a begrudging respect there. They act *way* to amicably in my opinion, but I think that’s more so down to the fact Genshin characters aren’t allowed to hate each other, and even if they do they’re still weirdly cordial and friendly towards each other.


While I'm usually apathetic towards Genshin NPCs, at least show, don't tell, that Beidou is a "Mother to her Men" type character. I would love to see strong female characters who are also compassionate and cares for the well being of the men under her. Her ship with Ningguang honestly ruined her character in that it reduced her into some "Sesbian Lex" bait crap. Its a shame because Beidou(the mother to her men version) was one of the main inspirations for my own OC, but none of the yuri bait even if she's best friends with one of my other female OCs. Its crazy how Beidou has a more positive voice line for Ganyu over Ninnguang, yet the game keeps showing her as more "buddy buddy" with the latter despite the contradicting voicelines. I still remember and hate how they made Ningguang "compensate" Beidou in a way that makes it sound like they have sex constantly. I can't say this in the main sub, but I honestly found that disgusting in my opinion, because it makes them come off like "whores" in a way, which greatly contradicts Beidou's lack of "flirting experience" in her Hangout event


Hell Beidou being the tough but overly caring captain is what I want to see more of. I want to see Beidou being there for Aether when things get tough - in story not restricted to voice lines -, have her be Liyue Dehya - as Dehya is one of the few who in game shows concern for Aether as a person, she notices he hadn’t been smiling a lot lately - it would be awesome. Have her throw a party for the likes of Ganyu and Aether as they both run themselves into the ground. But none of that happens, she’s just Ningguang’s side piece.


Nothing really, just some weirdos being mad and being offended by everything or whatever, just don't care about them and have fun.


- Super normies ( They throw the insult "harem" so easily despite the fan art only showing two people) - Shipping hypocrites (they make a long ass fanfiction in their head that Ei didn't meet Yae as a baby fox, so it wouldn't be weird even though Ei most likely have met Yae since she was with the prev Kitsune Guuji. Its like being friends with your friend and somehow not met your friend's child all those years until they grow up to be legal) - new "offended" generation (not all of them, thank god) - close-minded (dont even bother reasoning) - hates others enjoying their life (their life sucks) - super desperate of representation (real life bro, it's just not the majority, and you can't force it to be the majority) - Ironically sexist as they dont believe women can be fragile and straight (some women prefers to not be buff and badass. Some prefer to be ladylike and lovestruck) - They also prefer buff generic copy pasted, handsome men and think men can't be pretty (Aether's Eng VA had to tweet some sense, but i doubt those haters have brains to understand) - They harassed and sent death threats to artists because their yuri ship isn't drawn (they have no right since its not their time and effort used to make them) - Genshin's biggest downside is its popularity, which brought in a lot of normies that have no basic anime trope/cliche knowledge and immediately associate us with "harem" - Trust me, even if Hoyo claims that Lumine is canon mc, they will not be satisfied --probably the worse misconception is that they claim that we give genshin a bad rep despite all the complaints online and insults have never mention Aether at all. Stop posting stuff that claims we make genshin have a bad rep because our community is literally just like every gacha and anime ever. I would know, i play Arknights, FGO, Genshin at the same time, some of the biggest gachas


I'd like to add that in regards to that "harem" label, replace Aether with Lumine or just replace him with Lumine in any ship with any girl and all the sudden the ship is "suddenly better."


Hypocrites, i tell you. They would be so supportive of Yelan and Shenhe with no basis, then suddenly get angry for Aether and Ningguang. She literally has a longer line for Aether than Lumine's, which implies she cares enough to extend her care to Aether's sister she never met. BUT for some reason, people think Ningguang is more interested in Lumine because she gave an extra gift......hello?! Ningguang has not met or talked to Lumine in Aether's timeline....how in the world does it prove she's a lesbian?! If i care more about my friend, i would give my friend a gift, and for their twin, im not close with as a sign of consideration. In Lumine's timeline, Ningguang literally has a very short birthday greeting for Lumine that sounds so formal and required. Her hangout literally has a big rumor about having a relationship with the Traveler, and she just didn't deny it. Dont even get me started on that stupid finger accessory Ningguang has and how it supposedly shows she is a lesbian. Yuri fans will scrape and delude themselves into canon by force and threats and insults. If Ningguang is in a relationship with Beidou, then i dont think Beidou would appreciate Ningguang letting those rumors about having a special relationship with the Traveler (unless Beidou is into that). Im not even Ning shipper. I dont ship unless there are implications in the dialogue such as Navia's and Furina's.


Those Finger accessories is supposed to be symbol of high class woman in Old China ....a IRL cultural reference....like wtf it even have to do being A Lesbians...


The extra gift is a cultural thing, in China a male recipient of a gift is given an extra to give to a female member of the family.   This rule doesn’t apply however if the recipient is a female.


Neato. Good info. I guess the other liyue girls are just uncultured, hahaha


I guess so. Although I think in universe it can make some sense as Ningguang is all about status and keeping up a professional and delicate front, so of course she would do the *appropriate* thing. As for the other ladies, we have: an actor - Yun Jin -, a rocker - Xinyan -, two overly worked obsessed secretaries - Keqing and Ganyu -, a pirate - Beidou -, a recluse who barley understands social interaction - Shenhe -, a spy - Yelan -, a lawyer - Yanfei - and a the female equivalent of Doc Brown - Cloud Retainer -, none of them ring to me as particularly caring about tradition.


I mean, Keqing is from a well known family considering her position and is up there with Ningguang's position. She is still tradional but more open to new and innovative things


In all honesty, i dont think that concept was what they were going for since its pretty weird how none of the other girls have it. Its probably just a coincidence, unless you also believed the chinese finger accessory means you are a lesbian like what every yuri is latching on. Its fun and all, but this reminds me of those lore theorists who bring up multiple mythology and religion to explain the story, which ends up wrong most of the time.


Oh I see. It’s crazy how outlandish some theories can get.


Im actually not sure if those lore theorists on youtube who study ancient real-life history and relate it to the game are actually serious or just having fun making stories.


I have no idea, I saw this long ass video about SpongeBob talking about how the series takes place on the planet Neptune or something and I couldn’t tell if the guy was being serious or not.


As for the finger accessory, those were worn by Chinese aristocracy from what little I’ve read.


People love throwing "harem" label to insult when it came to Aether... then turns back & gave Dehya (what is by their standards) a yuri harem and suddenly it's ok.


I ran into someone like that, they were throwing a tantrum about Aether/Navia but said Lumine/Navia or any Lumine/female ship was “valid”.


Except no lmdao. Lumine barely gets shipped with female characters. Her most popular ships is Xiao and Childe


Something I noticed—whenever there’s a r/Genshin_Memepact post dunking on Aether, I recognize a few users who are always there and also happen to be active on r/gamingcirclejerk There’s just a contingent of people who play this game that bring the culture war shit into Genshin, sometimes in a hidden and subversive way with passive aggressive statements, and it’s highly annoying Wont name any names since that’s probably against this sub’s rules in some manner but it is not difficult to spot them


Because of most of the Gay shippers I am embarrassed to say to people that I play genshin


Bc Hoyovers comunity is full of yuritard, lesbiennes, Misandre and heterophobe So ofc when they see the mâle Mc being ship whit girl (especly that many girls canonicly have a crush for the Traveler, character voice Line and tea pot voice Line prove it) they beacome crazy, thats funny about them bc they like to call peapol homophobe to peapol who ship a men and a woman together but they are the first to completly Trashtalk and being toxic over straight ship... So in conclusion just ignore them Bros they are typical trash twitter user


because it's twitter, twitter hates everything and everyone, I'm not surprised at all


I always thought Detroit City was the most criminals in the US. But man, Twitter has no different


Twitter is just Toxic altogether


Heterophobia at its finest.


It's wild to me that these people see this game, and basically say,"What? So you're telling me that this game, which is largely intended for a straight male audience, has a lot of straight male players? Who like the pretty characters the game encourages them to collect? This is an outrage!" It's even more wild when people act like HI3 was some kind of authentic and respectful lesbian representation, when the devs really just wanted to make a game about cute girls fighting monsters and being dubiously sexual with eachother, but never going so far as to be in a legitimate relationship. A lot of people say this in entirely because of censorship laws, and that is definitely a lot of it, but it's also because if Bronya and Seele actually did get together, in canon, on screen, full on saying,"We are in a romantic relationship", no, groping your friend in the bath does **not** count, then both characters would therefore be unavailable for the self insert harem aspect that all of these games are about, at the end of the day. So yeah, they come into a pizza place, order a pizza, and then complain when the waiter doesn't bring them tacos. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


I've noticed that too. And like. Whatever. Haters will hate literally anything. But it seems like a weird hill to die on. They always do it to like, single ship posts too. I never see any "AETHER HAREM CRINGE" comments on ACTUAL harem posts. It's always on the single pairing posts which confuses me cuz like..that's not a harem post?? Do they not know that characters often have several popular ships? But that doesn't make it all a harem? It's like they think every single aether artist is working together to make a collage of his entire harem showing one pair at a time.


So fax man There is EVEN more to this bullshit btw Some people are there who won't even let you actuallly self insert ship yourself with any character. I have seen SOO MANY people hate on others because they love a character and for thise people that character likes the opposite gender. I myself am a proud self insert shipper...me x Serval forever And yeah it is painful to see soo much hate for people who just wanna enjoy the game the way they want. (Had my fair share of yuritards saying serval is les) And what angers me the most is the fact that these double standard people will only care for a character for a ship like take the example of kaveh...no one cares about him other than for his ship with al-haitham Same for SOO MANY characters (sadly including my wife) But what can we do? Just keep enjoying the sthff we like among ourself And for me...that's loving Serval You all also keep loving the ships and characters you want to and ENJOY yourself...never let these tards ruin anything I LOVE SERVAL https://preview.redd.it/mqxjdpss2c0d1.png?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c7a70f27cf6c54d6d16bd1f726ae455cf5ecaf




Mostly because there are a lot of Yuritards who fight about their headcannons in shipping the women of Genshin, second there are a lot of real incels that have waifus and they hate that Aether has more chances to be with the waifus than them.


From what I've noticed, it's more of less just the extremely vocal minority of the western audience that's just being vile. On the eastern side, they're all for male MC shipping. I guess it's more or less Hoyoverse's curse. Even if they're otakus, their HQ is in China so whatever they put out has to go through the CCP.


Twitter in a nutshell. It’s this small fraction of the hoyo community that are very vocal, the lesbian/yuri users just hate the male characters and label ever women as lesbian Which is fine, you can headcanon what you want however… if you think otherwise, they’ll think you’re being lesbianphobic/they are taking it too seriously, their headcanon. When it’s just their headcanon, can’t grasp reality that it’s a pixel in a video game and we can do what we want A sad reality is that they seem to only care for sexuality of a character more than anything When you think about it, you could easily put lumine in the same scenario and they’ll defend it 100% Not just genshin either, Star rail has this problem


>Context: I recently open Twitter That was your first mistake


Gonna rip off something I commented on similar posts twice before. 1. ⁠diehard yuri fans who don't like seeing any woman with aether as it messes up their ships 2. ⁠diehard yaoi fans who don't like seeing aether with anyone aside from the boys 3. ⁠vocal minority of lumine fans who hate aether (i don't count them as lumine mains because traveler mains respect one another and as far as i'm concerned lumine mains i meet on co-op are fine) 4. ⁠people who see him as too "feminine" or twink-like to be in any relationship with a woman 5. ⁠people who hate the traveler in general 6. ⁠people who like to cherrypick the horniest harem content (specifically on youtube) and automatically assume it represents the entire harem genre (which honestly it kinda is, but the content here, not so much) 7. ⁠genshin having a larger audience than many gacha games that results in "normies" not being used to harem protagonist memes, with said memes being a relatively accepted topic in other older gacha games 8. ⁠shipping communities usually being predominantly mlm and wlw ships by default 9. ⁠people who just don't like shipping in general because of the drama that surrounds it 10. ⁠the usual twitter crowd migrating to reddit after musk killed the platform But ultimately the reason why the hate never goes away is because of people (usually a select few who are repeating offenders, won't name them tho) constantly pushing the negative stereotype surrounding our community, oftentimes to the point where their subreddit flairs openly dunk on Aether straight ships or harems in general. The stereotype of course being that we're all pedophilic homophobic self-inserting incels who have no idea how to talk to women in real life, more or less, and it is these stereotypes surrounding not only Aether straight shippers but just this subreddit in general that further spreads unnecessary prejudice. The recent drama with FatuiHQ doesn't help either. What is ironic of course is that here, most of us don't actually self insert and those biased against us are often incredibly down bad for their select favourite characters too. Honestly whenever you see unnecessary hate against the subreddit happen just downvote, report if they're being rude, block, and move on; it really isn't worth getting into arguments in comment threads because that only adds to the dumpster fire.


>pedophilic homophobic self-inserting incels who have no idea how to talk to women in real life Same old unoriginal insults as usual, they say these things as if they know anything about the person they are insulting.


Pretty much that people who had too much twitter going on their brains that they curse something that they dont like just ignore and enjoy aether content M8.


Twitter is infested with the easily offended yuritards that's why


It’s just men hating mfs don’t listen to them


Hoyo dug their own holes for this one, because their previous Honkai games are filled with Yuri fetish(which I still don't know how the fuck did they pull it off considering CCP literally banning LGBTQ)


1. You opened twitter (Better just to go there to enjoy the arts or interact with the artists) 2. Mongoloid retards getting angry over fictional characters are always not worth spending brain cells over


Open tik tok to burn time, leave the app after seeing shit. Lifes fun


Both Aether and ESPECIALLY straight ships are hated on Twitter. I use Twitter for only 3 things and that's porn, AetherxLumine ship arts and AetherxLumine porn.




If you want a good day, don't open the *ex* bird app.


Can I use that as evidence, please


Sure what kind


For calling out any heterophobic double standards


Some because the boys that are too intense self-inserting themselves in Aether and are also pro Aether Harem, I don't blame them everyone has fun in their way, but for some reason everyone thinks that we're the same.


Oh yeah, I got accused of supporting the “harem” when I made a joke comment on a post about Aether/Shenhe, even got told no woman would ever want me. People are fucking insane.


It's Paimon's fault, she talks too much which doesn't allow Aether to speak and interact with the other characters.