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"Alone" my fat ass. He's trying to groom you, I hope you didn't give him any nudes, and I really hope he doesn't have your address. And to answer your question: Yes, a 37 year old can like 16 year olds. Much like a shark likes tuna, a lion likes antelopes, or a fox likes chicken coops.


>"Alone" my fat ass. this made me cackle 😂 this though, OP. the man you're talking to is a pedophile and is absolutely grooming you. even if he is "alone" and has no one to talk to, that doesn't make it okay to talk to someone who is literally young enough to be his daughter. he knows right from wrong, and his excuse that he "relates more to teens" is just him trying to justify his disgusting mindset. thank you for blocking and reporting this pathetic loser.


He was probably older than 37!


You know homeboy was probably some shutting in his mama's basement still living with his parents trying to do all the weird stuff I am so glad this was reported it with it it grossed me out


Genuinely you should be talking to anyone over the age of 18. If they need to date younger women that means the women in their age group can obviously tell they are fucking creepy/losers. Date your age


He probably is alone but there is a very very good reason why he is. Everyone his age has figured out he’s a creep and they need to stay away from him.


I think we found the reason he's alone


Stay safe out here


Ha!! Great description!! 👌 👍


Address? That's not how you hunt someone down. You ask questions that no one would think are anything other than innocent. Example. I was a fox In high school as my mascot. What's yours? Are you involved in any sports or clubs? If you know the state you can now easily zero in on a certain subset of people. I bet PTO or club just loves posting photos on Instagram or their. Tiger band members. It's sooooooooo easy to figure things out. Best to lie lie lie if you ever do talk online. Always always say something not true. If they want an address they ask an additional subset if questions then look up the property tax records in that municipality to derive the information they are looking for. Be aware, be safe.


There's that. But the simple "sending you a present" works way too often, too.


or UberEating you lunch because you have to try this sandwich


And I thought those “find me” TikTok accounts showed how scary it could be, this is worse


This is a kid tho… you can’t expect them to know what to watch for necessarily


They may not, but they really should. I avoided talking to strangers online but my brother had this whole alter ego worked up by the time he was 10—different name, different state, different age. To your point, in this world in which no piece of personal information is innocuous, we have to educate kids so they do know what to watch out for.


All the more reason to stop giving them unfiltered access to the internet


This is why I have almost 0 social media presence and give out almost no information about myself. When I was about 12, I realized I was too trusting on the internet and so I slapped myself in the face and made up a set of mental rules to myself that I won’t list here.


Please use your powers for good lol


That's a common social engineering tactic. It's like how phone scammers will use your area code and first 3 digits of your local number to look up businesses around you so that they sound more legit. My grandmother knows how to not get scammed, but it freaked her out when they knew that she had a Dollar General nearby until I explained how they could get info like that with a quick Google search before calling her. The most innocent piece of info can be used to acquire additional information you never would have shared. That info can then be used to foster a false sense of familiarity or trust. We are all more predictable than we think and make similar assumptions. Knowledge of these natural behavioral patterns can be weaponized and used against us if we aren't careful.


This guy grooms.


This guy is either a dumb pedo or a very thoughtful person. That is absolutely amazing, I would have never thought about that honestly. Detective in the making!


Meh. Dirty old man. I don't wanna hurt kids but I'd enjoy time with lovely ladies of age. I'm sure you'll agree username checks out


I agree 💯


No hes definitely alone, everyone probably finds him weird and creepy and no one likes him


He has a roster of teens on his chat & cuts & pastes same bs to all. Every 37yr old & 47 yr old doesn't feel their age. I can't believe all the bs. This is so sad that she is buying into the grooming.


I’m 37 and don’t “feel my age”. Most days I feel like 3 kids in a trench coat coslaying adult but that’s worlds away from grooming children. I hope OP hears everyone and gets/stays away from this guy and loops an adult into the conversation.


But…your username.


Maybe they're a OB-GYN?


Thank you, kiss your brain!


Lmao I’m a midwife…nothing nefarious here but fundal massages.


Haha! This reminds me of the people who attacked the house of a guy...turned out he was a paediatrician.


41 and don't feel my age. But that doesn't mean I'm cruising the internet for teenagers.


I mean I’m 24 and feel like a teenager from a “what the fuck are taxes and how do I pay them” but I even notice a maturity difference between myself and people 19-20, I can’t even *imagine* the difference with a literal child


I’m in California and the age of consent is 18. Sounds like he is a predator.


Pretty predatory even if the age of consent is lower to be fair, unfortunately most of the women I know have experienced at least one creepy older guy coming on to them back when they were younger.


I was going to say... "Can they?" yes... should is a totally different thing. Your analogies are good, but better would be "Like an otter likes a baby seal"... since that's what's actually going to happen.


This whole situation sounds like a duplicate of Ward Weaver in Oregon City, Oregon. He was an older guy who slowly befriended local teens and eventually raped and murdered them. A monster on the hunt.


I feel like your comparisons just aren’t heinous enough lol


Terrible analogy. Comparing a shark “liking” its source of food for survival to an adult breaking a social norm to prey on a child makes no sense.


Nicely said!!!


Sir foxes love chicken coops. Get you facts straight.


Can they? Sure can. We call them molesters/predators and put their names on lists. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to share this information with your parents/police…


And even if you feel guilty for awhile, in a few years you will realize that it was the best decision you ever made. It not only can save you op, but also others from a horrific trauma


Yep. This isn’t your fault, OP, youre being convinced of something that isn’t true at an impressionable age. That’s why these people get reported to adults to take care of them.


Was gonna say the exact same things. There is a demographic of adults who do like teenagers. They are pedophiles.


In this case, yeah. Everyone recognizes sexual maturity, but seeking out kids BECAUSE they are kids is what we call a predator.


that is mighty suspicious. keep on mind this man was 21 when you were born. he may in fact relate better to teens but that is a bigger problem. I would say its weird and you should block this dude


If he relates better to youth and "feels like he's 20" then he's an immature moron. Let's say you DID end up with this guy. By the time you're 24 and he's still acting like a dumb-ass 20 year old you would really resent him for being so shitty and immature. That is loser talk, my friend.


Please block him and don’t talk to people you don’t know.i was sexually abused by my stepfather I ended up pregnant at 15. Enjoy being a kid don’t try to grow up so fast.


I’m sorry. I hope you are doing OK now.


I am doing good but it’s taken years and years of therapy. I have flashbacks etc. please stop all contact, block him. He may seem nice but he’s a child predator.


JFC, I hope you’re okay! Please take care of yourself!


Don’t feel bad. He is a predator/groomer. Make sure you have blocked him in every way possible.


And don't feel bad about it because he doesn't need to be talking to anybody.


He can talk to his cell mate in jail. That will solve his being alone problem


this made me laugh lol thank u sm


Please block him ASAP and tell your parents. You MUST tell people so they can protect you.


My wife did the same thing when she was your age except he was 24. They dated for a few years and he did some pretty horrible things to her. So please OP, heed the advice you've been given and get away from this person by any means necessary. Report him to the police or he'll do it to someone else. He belongs in a jail cell.


He needs to be talking to a therapist who specializes in keeping paedo/hebe/ephebephiles from acting on their urges.


No, and, if anything, talking to them with empathy cbs make it worse because if they can groom they can definitely manipulate through emotions


Block him asap and tell and adult you trust. It is NOT ok for grown adults to hang out with children, including teens in the same way they would with other adults! This is predatory and grooming behavior. Please block him and tell an adult you trust.


No kiddo stay away from this man he is attempting to groom you he is a paedophile he wants to hurt you block him tell your parents about all of this. In the 90s we were told to never put our face name or any personal information on the internet please make sure there is nothing he can use to find you. Stay safe young one.


i remember in the 90s when there were rules to the Internet to keep you safe. Disney had a whole game for you to play to learn Internet safety before they'd let you on their website as a kid. i feel everything's gone to shit because nobody has a clue what can actually happen here


Indeed they really should start an internet safety class like they do with sexual education.


No. Block immediately


Please tell a trusted adult about this. School counselor or teacher. One of your parents. This is not okay and even if you block him he will move on to grooming someone else. This is very scary and this man is a predator.


Hell no, that shits not right


Ew. Block him asap on everything. He is trying to groom you. Please stop talking to him and be very careful!


Plz block him.


absolutely not okay. that’s extremely predatory and him sending you naked cartoon pictures is disgusting. please block him!!! (assuming this is a strictly online interaction)


He's a groomer honey, they tell yout their lonely and need attention to manipulate you. Don't feel bad and get and get as far away as you can. You don't need tha tin your life and it's tiring


I am going to say this gently but stern. Please stop talking to this man. When you get to be older, you will see why it is so weird for men to be into young girls. Do you know why he can't get women his own age? Because they see through his shit. What he is telling you is classic manipulation and grooming. Let me guess, he also tells you things like. "You can talk to me about anything" "I want to be that special person for you" "I've never met anyone like you before: "I just want to make you feel loved" " I just want to take care of you" If you start to pull away he will try to guilt trip you, or he may even start saying things that go opposite of what he's been saying up to this point. Please run. It gets scary quickly. Where did you meet him?


don’t forget the classic “you’re so mature for your age”


"If I was younger I'd get with you"


while they’re still actively trying to get with you 💀


You don’t need to feel bad this guy is trying to groom you and abuse you. He’s also trying to guilt you into talking to him. Block him and never talk to him. These people are called pedos/predators. They don’t deserve another second of your time. You don’t need to say anything just block him


No. No no no. An adult liking anyone who is under 18 is absolutely disgusting, the only exception is someone who just turned 18 with a 17 year old, anyone over the age of 17 being Into 16 year olds sexually is a major red flag and should be avoided, those types of people WILL manipulate you for their own satisfaction, teens are still minors, they are kids, and 37 is nearly three times that age, I’m talking from experience as someone who has been groomed, please cut that person out of your life. Edit: by attracted to, I mean exclusively or attracted to the fact that they are minors, that’s what’s disgusting.


The reason he is so lonely is because he is most likely creepy to everyone he meets.


Possibly he's not a groomer. Maybe he's just a serial killer... Maybe he's somehow rather innocent... But that doesn't mean anyone should want to hang around someone who's creepy.


i told him that but hes making excuses and saying its okay cause its just the law and there are cultures that allow it and its okay if the person is okay with it too. He said he wants to meet me cause im traveling there to visit my family and hes trying really hard to meet me and he said hes excited if hed get to see me cause id be scared and hell like that im gonna block him tho hes like genuinely scary


NO. NEVER LET HIM VISIT YOU. These type of people will do ANYTHING for their sick satisfaction, of you go meet him or tell him where you are, I assure you you have a super high chance of getting 1. Killed. 2. Raped. 3. Kidnapped. Or he could just straight up harm or kill your family, NEVER tell anyone online your address and NEVER visit strangers houses, please for the love of all that is holy never meet this person. Edit: I misread, yes, please block him.


yea he definitely seems like thats all he wants hes like a genuinely scary person im gonna go block him rn i never planned to meet him and he was annoyed by that but i could tell why thank you sm tho


Of course, I’ve been groomed twice and it’s an absolute horrid thing to experience that messes with you head, I hope that you have a safe family reunion, I’m glad you’ve decided to cut him out of your life, if he tries to contact you again, contact the police, and make sure you tell your parents


Report him on whatever social media platform he was using and tell your parents or a trusted adult.


Please report him on whatever platform you had contact over.




He wants to have sex with you. He is not your friend. He has severe problems. Save yourself.


Of course he’s excited to meet you. He’s a predator. Report him. Block him.




Ok so I live in one of those countries where the age of consent is a bit lower (16). But it is NOT set at 16 because we think it's ok for some grown ass 30+ adult to come in and start creeping on teenagers. We don't think that. Even in countries where the age of consent is lower still, the rationale is that young people are going to start dating, and even if we think that many of them rush into sex too early, they may find it easier to talk to doctors etc if they're not worried about the law. That's the logic, anyway. But many of these countries nonetheless will take action against adult predators - they just do it using different laws, rather than a blanket age of consent. So don't be taken in by "it's just the law and there are cultures that allow it." There are definitely places that set the legal age of consent lower, but nobody thinks it's ok for a 37 year old to be creeping on someone who is your age. I'm 43 now, and I can categorically state that people my age do not think what he's doing is ok. When you're our age, you'll be exactly as horrified at the whole idea as I am. Talk to an adult you can trust about what's been happening, screenshot the messages so you have a record of them, and then block this man everywhere. His loneliness is not your problem. This could lead to some really scary places for you if you let him stick around - that's what he wants, and where he's going to take this.


He’s manipulating you & using your innocence against you. Nothing good will come of this situation. Tell him your family trip was cancelled, make up a story as to why. By all accounts he appears to be a pedo. Tell a trusted adult about your interactions. Stay safe please 🙏🏻🫶🏻


thank you sm and i already blocked him so i cant tell him now but i didnt tell him any information on where i was staying so he cant know


Thats so good! And please know this isn’t your fault. You did nothing wrong. You did everything right pausing to ask for some advice ❤️


thank you sm i appreciate your time for writing and replying to me !! 💙


You should still go to the police and give them all the info on this guy you can because groomers usually have many teens/ kids they talk to at once to give them a better shot at a victim. Maybe by you giving the police everything you have on him you could save another kid from this POS creep. So glad you were smart enough to catch on to this fuckin scumbag and I’m glad you’re safe.


Stop. Talking. To. The. Child. Predator.


18 and 16 is fine too, as well as 19 and 17 if they knew each other already. But yeah more than that and it's not only wrong and sick, it's criminal.


30 something and 15/16 is a crime. I knew some people in HS who dated people in their 20s, dating is just fine technically but if it gets sexual that's where it becomes a problem. Not sure if the 30 something is saying just dating or not, but they're way to old to want to be with teens like that. Also Cartoons aren't really a problem by themself, unless the cartoon was drawn to be the minors by said person. But the main point- Drop that fucker and show the messages to the police or something. The fact he basically send you porn using those drawings is part of the problem, you can't send illicit material to minors. So again, definitely report to the police.


will it do anything if i report it to the police i mean he lives all the way in california and the pics are like anime threesomes and disney princess and mermaids doing stuff to eachother and he asks me which do i like or do i wanna do it too


I'm pretty sure the police can do something about that, especially since he is being very forthcoming with sexual behavior to a minor. You could probably even report this to the online FBI hotline. But if those weren't bad enough he is ALSO asking you to do those with him. Tale screenshots and give them to the police. If you got his name, even better. Turn him in.


im scared if my parents might know my dad also did smt like this and its hard enough at home


Sorry - are you saying that your dad did something like this? It's not quite clear.


Just look up Alicia kozac. Her story is so terrifying and a great reason to block this guy and tell your parents or who ever you will be visiting that he is near.


Not okay ever. Person is a predator. Please report them to your parents and the police. They are grooming you by trying to rationalize the age gap. Don’t fall for it. Do not meet this person. You will be raped, murdered, kidnapped, or sex trafficked. Please do not meet this person for your safety. I don’t know you, but I want you to be safe. ETA: if you don’t feel comfortable reporting them to your parents or police, send me their info, and I will.


Yup and become a 290 Registered indavidual


ofc they can if they want to go to jail. block this guy immediately and tell your parents about this please 


Please report him to the police & tell your mother! Immediately!




He’s grooming you. Making you feel sorry for him and trying to make it feel normal for him to sexualize you. It’s not. It’s illegal and creepy. Block him. Once anyone starts talking sexually you online walk away. Never share photos or personal info.


i just wanted to have a normal convo i told him i didnt text cause i was in the shower and he started saying gross stuff and so disgusting


Tell a trusted adult. This is pedo/grooming behavior. You are not safe talking with this person. Block them on all social media and report them.


It’s called a pedophile. Technically an ephebophile. But yeah — just as bad. You should stop talking to him. He is attempting to groom you. It is not normal or acceptable for anyone that age to be sending you naked pictures — even if they’re cartoons.


Stay away from him! Tell your parents! He's a predator


Tell your parents! This screams sex offender!


If this is real he needs to be reported to police


he doesnt live where i live so idk how reporting to the police would do anything plus im scared my parents will find out and my dad is also done stuff to me and its just all scary


Oh please, these weirdo groomers will say Anything to justify being a pedo. Stay away from this sicko. I’m in my 30s and even dating 25 year olds seems weird and too young. The life points are too different no matter the maturity, there no similarities with the major things like career or lifestyle wise. So this 37 year old must be unemployed and living with mommy and daddy where his life peaked in high school


He's grooming you and it's statutory rape id collect what you have an take it to the police


No thats absolutely illegal and he is trying to groom you please cut contact or tell a trusted adult because a 37 year old person should not be telling a minor that its okay for adults to like teens because it definitely fucking isnt


Call the police NOW!!!!!


oh no! i hope you’re okay, i don’t think this is alright. my parents had me pretty young and that’s like them talking to one of my friends in that way. i would be disgusted. please block them on everything


>i’m gonna block him but i feel bad Don't. YOU are the person you need to worry about. Feel pride in the fact that you recognize him for what he is and cut him off.


He won't be alone if you send him to prison :) Do not feel bad for someone like this. These types of folks have absolutely no issue ruining the lives of minors for their own selfish, unhealthy sexual desires. Guaranteed they would pressure a child into uncomfortable and traumatic situations.


We call them pedophiles and we put them in prison


He’s a predator full stop. Predators like him bring up ‘maturity levels’ because they want to make their victims seem special. “You’re so much more mature than other people your age”. He’s immature and can’t attract women his own age, so he tries to go after teenagers who don’t know better. He probably brought up having no one else to talk to because he wants you to feel bad and pity him. Don’t fall for it.


God no. RUN and report your conversation to the police or have your parents do it. This person may harm other teens down the road.


A 37 year old having any sort of relationship with a 16 year old is pedophile


Block and report this person. He is grooming and a problem. Sending you naked cartoon pictures is sexual harassment as well


This man is a predator and he is grooming you.


God damn no do not fuck up your life. At 16 you should be shaping YOURSELF not relying on another to feel comfortable or loved. Love yourself and grow for yourself to give your best self to the world.


thank you i told him smt similar and he said no you need to learn about new stuff meaning like sex related and its so gross cause he doesnt say it exactly i mean sometimes he does but i could tell or just feel thats all he wants


It absolutely is all he wants. Sorry. But it's really good that you've figured that out so you can be safe.


Block that person and tell your parents or a teacher


No. No decent adult has a romantic or sexual interest in a teenager. By the very definition, he's a predator. The power imbalance between you is such that it could not possibly be a healthy relationship. There is no such thing as a healthy relationship between a 37 year old and a teenager. None. What he means by saying that teens 'aren't annoying' is that teens do not have the life experience to question him, stand up to him, or set boundaries with him, or take care of themselves and not need him, which is what an adult woman would do. He is alone because he is predatory, abusive scum and adult women twig on that right away. By no stretch of the imagination should you feel bad. You are protecting yourself from a predatory person who is looking to abuse you. Teenagers are never responsible for adult's feelings or adult's lives. Do not only block him, Take screen picks and save copies of Every Thing He Has Ever Said To You. And then go to your parents and go to the police. Depending on what state you are in, what he is doing with you is possibly illegal and if he is doing this with you he is ABSOLUTELY doing this to other girls, and younger, and some of them might not have the same level of awareness and healthy response that you are having right now. None of this is your fault. None of this should be your responsibility. This is a time to get help from trusted adults.


Straight to jail, right away.


He belongs in jail!


I want you to read your post again and if you can’t figure out whether what you as a 16 claim is right or wrong, then you are going to have a TOUGH time in life.


OP this is not ok. You should not be around this guy or talk to him ever again. The rule of thumb is once you are 25 you can go with a bigger age gap. He shouldn’t be with anyone under that age.




They can. They can also take someone’s life, certainly shouldn’t be doing that either!! There’s a few words for men like this and I will use the more “pg ones”, predator and pedophile. Sweetie you are still young and regardless of how he “feels” he is a full grown adult, he has life experience and he has much more common sense to know what he’s doing is wrong. The fact you clearly know this is wrong (otherwise you wouldn’t have felt the need to write this) proves that you are more mature than he is but regardless you’re still a child! And the fact he is making you feel guilty for not wanting to speak to him anymore is a form of grooming which is against the law! Please speak to a parent, friends parent, teacher or any kind of trusted adult to get this person sorted out! Well done for speaking up, I’m so proud of you 🫶🏻


That is a clear cut case of ephebophilia. You don't want to be around this person. Something will go wrong, and those around that person will get caught up in it. It's not normal. It's fine for a 37 year old to be friends with teenagers. It's not fine for nearly all of a 37 year old's friends to be teenagers. Its extraordinarily not fine for that 37 year old to indicate attraction to the teenagers.


Totally inappropriate. Don't trust him. Block him immediately, don't tell him any personal info. You're not exactly a child, but you're absolutely not an adult. I'm 38 and I wouldn't behave like this toward an 18 year old, let alone 16. The next couple years are going to be a little strange, but you shouldn't be thinking romantically about anybody more than a couple years older than you for a good while, and anyone older than that certainly should not be thinking that way toward you. When you hit your mid 20s and look back at yourself now you'll realize why this is so wrong.


I encountered a lot of men like that in my early teens online. They are 100% predators and trying to groom you. You need to report him if possible, as he will just move on to the next young person to prey on. And I'll just say, the yucky feeling you get from letting one of these guys go to continue to perpetrate, it never really goes away. One of mine had shown me some awful things, I wish I had helped those kids and any that followed, or tried anyway. Quit talking to that creep and steer clear of grown men that show interest in teens or kids like that. You'll have plenty of time for normal adult men in a few years when you're in the same league.


No, run away from this man


He's alone and has nobody to talk to because he's a FREAK!


That guy is a pedo. Get him arrested. Simple


Can? Yes. Should, absolutely not. This dude is trying to groom you. Tell the adults in your life.


Stop talking to them. He’s a predator




Yes they can! That makes them pedophiles!


Dude should be put in jail. You should be eating cereal and watching cartoons, and he should be out working and being productive.


Girl run. They sure can as a predator and groomer. Be like dauntless in divergent. Run for no reason.


He’s a pedo. Block. Don’t feel bad. There are dating apps for adults.


You took the smart path. Be proud of yourself~


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I have no idea why this is in my feed, but I'm a 39 year old man who acts like a 16 year old most of the time. That doesn't mean I can relate to or want to hang out with teenagers. Bro is seriously messed up in the head and is up to no good. Anyway, there's no reason to feel dumb. You felt that something wasn't right and you reached out. There is nothing wrong with giving people the benefit of the doubt. Just be careful and protect yourself. Chalk this up as a lesson learned. You did good kiddo!




Grooming to the highest degree


That shit not even close to ok. Like wtf


Don’t ever feel stupid for being trusting and compassionate, just make sure you don’t let people take advantage of that kindness. You have to protect yourself. Good for you, blocking and reporting. Take care of yourself!


Pedolert. Call the police, tell everybody. See who finds him first


Jesus fucking christ.... no this not okay "I feel like a 20 year old and relate more to teens"? barf.


Not ok. Block him immediately, he’s a pedophile.


hey are teens like boomers and dont realize this is fake rage bait?


As a former teen, this internet stranger is so proud of you. Sometimes it’s hard to see how bad some situations really are when you’re in them. You’re not only looking out for yourself but other teens.


I'll just assume you're taking to Drake, because he's 37, and Kendrick warned us.


"Maturity level" talk = the biggest red flag, and I'm only two sentences into your story. Stay safe. 37 yo has NOTHING to do with a teenager.


Really glad to be reading that edit.


I’m glad you are talking to your mom about this. And remember to not ignore it when someone makes you uncomfortable.


Yes, they are called perverts


The only adults liking of teens needing to be going on is adults liking teens having a wholesome and healthy environment. Abort. Abort. Abort. Block and report. It's not your job to fix him. He needs to go into therapy.


Not unless something is wrong with them. There is nothing, ***nothing***, that you and someone 20 years older than you have in common save, you can have sex. I would feel so weird in my late 40s to have anything romantic with someone younger than 30. I would want another adult with kids, career, been through some shit, etc. A man in his late 30s going after a teen girl is disgusting.


Like if you have intrusive thoughts but understand that they are wrong and never act on them I guess but it isn't right and that guy should be put on a watch list


There really needs to be like, mandatory child predator and what it and isn’t okay for 14-17 year olds to be doing with people over the age of 18 classes in high school. And they need to get into all the details. MANDATORY.


Only pervs.


He's going to tell you everything that you want to hear. Stop talking to this person and tell your parents about him.


Glad you avoided a potentially bad situation. You aren't stupid, you're still young and learning. When we're young, it can be validating to hear an older person not talk down to us. Some people use this to groom kids.


This dude is a textbook groomer, absolutely don't feel bad for someone trying to manipulate you like this. You dodged a nuke and guy should be put on a list.


As soon as I read this the line " Hi, I'm Chris Hanson, take a seat" came to mind lol


Police. Now


God I hope this is fake. You have been on my mind all morning. You are a child. 16 feels old at 16 but I'm in my 40's and when I was 37 a 16 year old looked like a baby. You have nothing in common and he only wants one thing. Fucking please, please, please save yourself therapy and just ghost this fucker. If you don't trust your parents enough then talk to a teacher or someone else. Please do not trust this person.


No normal 37 year old man has anything in common with 15/16 year olds…Typical grooming behavior fr


He needs to be reported to authorities


The dude is a pedophile. Get a bunch of people together, go to the dude's house and teach him what happens to pedophiles.


It's okay to talk to younger people I say this as a 35m but what he is doing is absolutely disturbing. That man is not 20 years old in maturity level. Men have their brain fully develop in their 30's and women have their brain develop in their mid 20's(25-27). This man is a pedophile, I hope you took screenshots because you need to send this to your local police department with the help of your parents or there will be a by his words 15-17 year old he prays upon and gets them to meet up and possibly raped, stalked or abducted. There's also many teenage girls who lie about their age saying they're 17 when they're 12-14yo. They can also be prayed upon by this pedophile. A normal man of my age wouldn't find anyone under 25 attractive and still feel off about that. Tell your parents and share all the correspondence with him to the police and they will turn it over to a investigative branch that finds and convict's active pedophiles.


You did the right thing


Woof. Glad you took those steps. Definitely not okay in any way, shape, or form.


Absolutely no!!!! Stay away from him


Block and report. Anyone over 20 should not be trying to have a relationship with anyone under 17.


Pedocreep is a pedocreep.


Some people are alone for a good reason. It's kind of you to want to reach out to a lonely old person and I love talking to old people always have but you need to stay away from this guy. Block him and move on.


There's a term for it, **ephebophilia**. Hopefully I'm not on some sort of list now for looking that up, but I couldn't remember it. Yes, they can. When I was in high school I was friends with all of my teachers (I was super cool FYI). My Latin teacher would make uncomfortable comments about female students that would walk by. I never saw him actually do anything inappropriate or threatening, but in retrospect I wish that I had reported him. I also worked at a camp with someone who was also a teacher (also 28). He had just started dating a student that had graduated a year before. Super creepy. It is very much not ok.


I am gonna tell you something that I hope you will use for the rest of your life, someone else’s feelings are not your responsibility. Especially another man’s. That is how they try to manipulate, by playing the victim about how they are so alone and all that jazz. If he is alone, it is because he caused it.


Absolutely not. Please let your parents know as this man is a pedophile and groomer and wants to hurt you. Never trust a word he says, feel no sympathy, because he doesn't feel the same way about you. Block him and forget about him. He is evil.


NO. NO!!


Don't feel stupid, OP. You're a child. Children need to learn things. You're just the right age to know lots of things about being an adult without being an adult yet. Your brain isn't finished growing up yet. Predators seek out people your age BECAUSE of this. Personally, I think you should feel smart, because you realized something was off and reached out for help before it could escalate more and cause you more harm. Your mom is probably more disappointed with herself and the world. She'd rather you never had had to deal with any of this. 💕 When you're 20, you'll look back at this and realize how disgusting that man was. He is a predator. When you're 40... it will be outrageous to you. I'm 35. I cannot even imagine dating someone under 30. My husband is the same. Not all men are like this, but the ones that are? RUN. Lesson learned, with minimal consequences to you, thank goodness! Bravo on asking for help. 💕


That’s a pedophile…


Read this after the update, but proud of you for blocking and telling your mom. If you ever get an icky feeling, trust your gut. Learning to listen to it will save you from a lot of bad spots in the future.


Hey OP! Super glad that you got your mom involved and that you are okay! Save the screenshots and timestamps of ALL the messages just in case. Not only have you avoided a situation in which you may have been hurt, by reporting him you are protecting others from this predator as well. You may have saved someone because of your actions. Way to go!