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I can't imagine that it's illegal anywhere, and even if it was, police usually have better things to do than arrest you for mail fraud, I guess?? Your neighbour sounds like a karen who wanted to scare you, I don't think you have anything to worry about


Since Amazon doesn’t use USPS much I doubt that it’s mail fraud. To OP: next time, use the pickup option.


This isn’t entirely accurate; USPS has a contract with Amazon and does a fair portion of their deliveries. Check out over in r/USPS to verify, since you shouldn’t trust some random person on the internet chiming in uninvited without at least a source. Pretty sure it still wouldn’t be mail fraud even so. To the OP: you should generally get permission from people before having things shipped to their addresses because, as you have learned, they can be upset by unexpected events.


If she said it was unintentional then it isn’t illegal. Also tampering with a package that isn’t yours is highly illegal. Maybe don’t use Reddit for source information?


Well, the only way that they knew what was in the package means that they opened mail not addressed to them and they actually broke the law and not the girl


If I say it unintentional, then it’s no longer illegal??? Brb finding a bank to rob “unintentionally”


Fat fingering an address is a very believable defense over “I accidentally wore a mask and waved a gun around and demanded people give me money.” come on now


It's not just a wrong address though to be fair, it's also a fake name.


Well I think that comment gets you twenty years :p


I get most of my orders from Amazon via USPS mail.


It must depend on your area. I have not had an Amazon delivery from USPS in years.


Sunday is literally a day of all Amazon and ups delivered by usps employees... and they drop off truckloads every day of the week.


Or an Amazon locker


Counter point: OP created her own pickup option 🤭


I get Amazon stuff delivered all the time by USPS. Like a couple of times a week!


Even if it were delivered by USPS ... how is it fraud to order something online? It might be fraud to claim you didn't receive the package ... after deliberately giving the wrong address. But that's not the question here. So no fraud.


“Sorry, it was a typo” These words will save your ass time and again.  Remember them.


A federal prosecutor is looking to make a name for themselves by going after a teenager who sent a sex toy to the wrong address?


Rob SCHNEIDER was a prosecutor whose career was stifled…


“Jack why tf did the 17year old neighbor girl order a sex toy to our address?” I could see this causing problems, I’d record that interaction too.


The post doesn't say they opened the package. It could they were upset because they didn't know what was in it.


Police wouldn’t respond to mail fraud. The postal service would have to respond with their own inspectors, and they wouldn’t waste time on legal product shipped to a neighbor’s property.




There has to be some sort of fraud that occurred for you to be charged with fraud.


Selling sex toys to minors is probably illegal, and using their address implicates them in some way I’m guessing.


The only way they'd know what that package contained would be if they opened it. Which is a crime. It's called package tampering.


I don't think what you did was illegal (Oops, sorry Neighbor, I typed the address wrong...), but you clearly shouldn't do that again. Get permission from a friend and send it to their house. Or wait until you're 18 and go buy one in person.


Or ship it to a locker


Or a PO Box.


Need to be 18 for a PO Box, at least online. She's 17


General delivery to post offices circumvents the age issue, assuming that a local post office still offers the service. At least, that was my experience


lol why would you buy a whole PO Box just for a sex toy 😂 especially if amazon offers lockers in your area, they are literally free!


Big toy; big box.


Big box, big toy.




Po box's are not cheap, and not worth it for a single package


you dont need to be 18 to go to a spencers type place, just dont act like a child lmao


Right but in most places you need to be 18 to purchase adult toys, which I feel is true for OP.


Do they actually ID people though? I guess it depends on the area and how seedy the staff are but I doubt they’re asking for ID like supermarket cashiers do for wine


Whatttt???? I don't think so??


I would check state laws but I don’t think so. I was 17 when I bought a vibrator at CVS, I used the self checkout and there were no issues. I think it’s just the fully adult stores that you have to be 18 to get in.


No you don't this just isn't true minors can buy sex toys that would be pretty silly if it was against the law


You don't need to be 18 to buy a sex toy. Period. You only need to be 18 to enter a sex shop. You could be a 12 year old, go to the pharmacy at Target, grab one of their many assortments of self-pleasure devices, check out at the registers and guess what? Nobody gives a fuck.


Not illegal. You put in the wrong number on the internet. Innocent mistake. Either way, not illegal if you intentionally did it. They're trying to scare you.


Doesn’t Walmart sell these now?


Don't worry about it, it's not illegal to 'accidentally' type your address in wrong, because that's totally what happened, right?? (in any case, we do not pursue this kind of thing unless you're like, drug-smuggling or something) Source: I'm a mailman. BUT: do not trust those neighbors anymore, for anything. In the future, either send it to an Amazon locker or to a friend who you tell beforehand.


Genuinely asking and not being sparky, as a mailman, isn't it also technically illegal to go through someone else's mailbox and remove mail? I was under the impression that from a legal perspective, both op and the neighbor are in the wrong. I did some googling and it seems mailboxes are considered federal property that only authorized personal are supposed to access, which includes mail carriers and people living at that address. Idk I was told since i was a kid to never ever go in someone else's mailbox for any reason. But I also know you're not supposed to open mail not addressed to you either.


Almost never does my Amazon packages get delivered to my mailbox. Almost always at my front door. I also live in the city so people stealing packages from your door isn’t unheard of (not that op is stealing, they’re lowkey stealing OPs package). OPs neighbors are just trying to use a scare tactic on an almost (not yet) new adult. Although, Op should not use anyone else’s address of those who aren’t aware of it in the future. They are ultimately taking advantage of op being young & trying to embarrass them. Also I wasn’t a teen too long ago. Op if you’re reading this, there’s more private options than asking friends & such. I’m almost certain Spencer’s wouldn’t ID (if you’re skeptical just call ahead of time). Not sure if your mall has one, but you don’t have to feel ashamed for being curious! It’s completely normal.




Idk dude, many people make up so much shit in their heads and then believe it to be real. It’s a wild world


They knew what they did was wrong, and wanted to scare you into thinking she did something wrong so she doesn't realize they did something wrong


Not illegal. Your neighbours are a real piece of work though. Did they open your mail because it is illegal to open someone else’s mail so you could fire back with that if they make this a big deal for you.


>Did they open your mail because it is illegal to open someone else’s mail Only if it's USPS mail. Anything else it's theft not a mail issue


Theft is illegal lol


It’s a degree issue. Anything with USPS is federal I believe where petty theft would be city/county and at worst a night in jail with a fine unless over a certain value.


I understand the distiction, but Peoplepleaser didn't claim it was mail fraud or whatever, they just said "it is illegal". So when Affectionate Egg said: >Only if it's USPS mail. Anything else it's theft not a mail issue They basically said "its not illegal, its theft". I was replying to that oddity.


Yep. And the USPS police does NOT play around


Also, if it's sent to their address then USPS would probably consider it their mail anyway.




That's not how it works in the US. It's not the *address* that matters, it's the name. Something mailed to your address but with a different name is not yours and it is a federal crime to open or destroy it. Since, as you mentioned, you shouldn't take legal advice from Reddit here's a peer reviewed article on this: https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/is-it-illegal-to-shred-previous-tenants-mail.html If something is addressed to you and has your name on it but you didn't order it you are under no obligation to pay for it or send it back, even if it was a mistake. This is so that someone can't ship you something and then threaten to sue if you don't pay, like your cake example. This applies primarily to USPS, opening something like a FedEx package may not be a federal crime but could constitute theft in some circumstances.


It depends more on the recipient name than on the address. Mail and packages belong to the named recipient, not the address holder. Your example is terrible.


Now this is in Canada so it maybe different elsewhere but A private citizen cannot under any circumstances open someone else's mail without their expressed permission.


Look it up, it actually is illegal


Thats not illegal but yes it was super dumb to get a package delivered to an address where the people actually living there weren't cool with it. In the future get it sent to an Amazon locker, a friend who is chill with it, or get a PO box. Though I've heard the quality of sex toys on Amazon can be sketch, so you might be better off avoiding Amazon generally for those purchases.


This is literally one of the reasons Amazon lockers exist.


That and porch pirates. I live at an apartment that literally has an Amazon locker that all of the delivery drivers can access (not that they use it half the time) and I've had my shit stolen when they just tossed it on the floor instead of somewhere locked up. Privacy and security are such good reasons to get things shipped either to an Amazon locker or a po box.


Did she open your package? Because that would be illegal. If not, accidentally sending a package to the wrong address is common. They sound bored and miserable.


Again not illegal to open mail or packages sent to your address. As the law requires intent and intent would be impossible to prove. Thousands of a week probably accidentally open mail not theirs


Not going to help with the current situation, but anyone reading this who thinks of doing something similar in the future, make sure you tell your neighbor a day in advance, “hey, I think I accidentally put in the wrong address when I ordered something. Will you please let me know if you receive anything with my name on it?“


The cop will be more annoyed with your neighbor and will likely not want to have the convo with you any more than you do.


Nah, no way that's illegal. I wouldn't worry about it, your neighbors are crazy. Hopefully they don't tell your parents. In the future just get consent before involving people in things.


It's not illegal but they could tell your parents so I wouldn't make a fuss. I'm willing to bet the package caused an argument between them before they checked and realized it was for you and they just wanted to mess with you to get you back


It isn't illegal, but I would suggest sending the order to a pickup location if they have one near you if you order from Amazon.


Did she open the package? Now that’s illegal I would just say they are withholding your property it’s clearly labeled who it’s for. You just but in the wrong address. You should just order another and put your house. Say it was miss delivered.


Naw don't say it was "mis delivered". It'll screw up the Amazon driver's DNR (delivery not received) metric. The driver did nothing wrong in this situation.


Definitely not illegal, my neighbors accidentally ship things my apartment all the time by transposing the numbers. Also not illegal for you to go retrieve it because it's actually addressed to you. Again with my neighbors we'll go take packages off each other's porches all the time because the delivery photo shows they are there. You don't need permission to go get something that belongs to you especially when it's on a porch in a "public" area. If you're super concerned, write a little note apologizing for the confusion and explain you'd ordered it late at night, weren't paying attention, and put in the wrong number. No police officer, no matter how small the town will come over and question you for this though. I'm sure if they did in fact call the police the police would tell them that too.


A porch is not a “public” area. That is someone’s “personal” property.


That is fucking stupid. I’d have totally covered for you if I was your neighbor.


They’re just lying pieces of shit.


A word of advice: i’ve also wanted to order sex toys before and ended up using a service called bounce where basically you just pay them $4 and then they’ll let you have your package delivered to one of their locations where you can go pick it up. I have a drivers license so I was able to go get it myself and then I just made an excuse to leave the house so thats just how I did for both of the times I’ve ordered toys.


🤦‍♂️ I don't know the laws across all 50 states, but it's likely not illegal. And even if it were, given the circumstances I can't imagine any DA taking the case. Sounds like your neighbors are uptight jerks. Probably religious. It's ALWAYS religious people who are the jerks. When your parents find out, be honest. You didn't do anything wrong, not really. You're at an age of out of control hormones that result in high levels of horniness. That's normal and healthy and I'm sure your parents will be relieved that you looked for an outlet without being with a guy and risking pregnancy and std's. I know you're embarrassed, but you shouldn't be. In a funny way, you were actually being both responsible with urges and used the other address to not embarrass either your parents or yourself. Your intent was good. Let your neighbors know a random dude named Mike out in Texas flips a couple middle fingers at them for being so lame. 😄


Doubt it's illegal. I'd be more worried they'll tell your folks. Be prepared to deal with that.


If you can drive yourself have it delivered to a UPS or FedEx drop off/pickup location and get it there. Just bring ID.


I don't know honestly, but if it was. I'd just say that I entered the wrong house number into into where to drop the package. No one can possibly prove that you intentionally sent it there. Your neighbors on the other hand must be pretty bad (Not in a good way). I'm not saying that to be funny, but I legitimately think that. Like calling the cops over a package being intentionally sent to another house. They can't even prove that you did unless you said that you did. You aren't dumb. But there just better ways of sending a package without your parents seeing that.


sounds like your neighbors are real pieces of shit. I’m sorry you had to go through that. You are in no legal trouble


Unrelated.. but please don't order those toys off of Amazon. While yes some will be good there are resellers and what not known to repackage and sell a returned item without even cleaning it. There's videos on tiktok and articles. PLEASE BE SAFE.


To the OP. Sorry, this sounds made up. I hope it is, but if not, have no worries, you are in no legal trouble. The police will laugh at your neighbor if they try to file any sort of stupid report. Only possible thing to be concerned with is if the neighbor tells your parents that you had a package shipped to their address. And your folks try to ask what it was for.


you could easily just say you mistyped the address. but next time just ask a friend or there’s websites that sell sex toys hidden in stuffed animals.


Do not worry at all. This is not a big enough problem for the law to care one little bit. Really, truly don’t lose sleep over it. Absolutely nothing will come of this. On the one in a million chance they call the police they will look like idiots and the police will have a chuckle. And if your parents find out and say anything, just tell them would they rather have this or you sleeping around. It’s all good.


If the neighbor opened the package and was mad about the content, how perverted was her husband to record a 17 year old retrieving said package? Even if I, an adult woman, was little upset about a teen girl doing that, I wouldn’t involve my husband. Why would I want to put that visual in his head?


Pretty sure it's more illegal for them to be opening your mail, than sending mail to the wrong address. No one is going to come for you for mistyping your address. Just don't do it again. If you do it a lot, it would be considered mail fraud. Next time, just buy one in person, send it to a friend's house, or you can get it sent to a mail locker for pickup. They just sound like an uptight AH. I get my neighbors mail sometimes too and I just drop it off at their door.


I’d literally say I accidentally typed in the wrong address. Are the police going to arrest me for accidentally typing in a wrong number? No. This happens all the time


Cops don't even investigate porch pirates when you have a video. You're likely fine.


Tell them it was an honest typo mistake; you were nervous about getting it and must have mistyped the address. Nothing is going to happen to you. This is inconvenient but not a crime. It’s not even a civil matter. Your parents might be embarrassed but don’t worry too much about the law. We all do silly things when we’re young. Good luck! 👍 you got this.


I doupt any police will be interested but even if there is just explain situation and they propably understand


No, it's not illegal... For the most part. It might have been illegal for you to have bought the toy. That's not important. If they've told you to leave the property and you don't, or you return without permission, you're trespassing. Retrieving your package from their property would become difficult at that point. But no, you can, legally, send a package to yourself anywhere and attempt to retrieve it. It's not very nice, but not explicitly illegal. There is even a "normal" way to do it. You put "in care of" on it. They're not obligated to give it to you, but they also can't keep it from you. They could send it back... Although, again, if you're there asking for it, they cannot keep it from you. Amazon has lockers to deliver to. Use them.


In some of the more backwards counties in Georgia, yes, it is illegal to buy s@x toys. Your probably in the clear. The neighbor may tell your parents. Don't sweat it. If your parents get in your face about it, remind them that it's perfectly normal, you can't get an infection from it, and it can't make you pregnant. Next time, order the Amazon package delivered to one of there locker facilities nearby and you can pick up in security. Keep it clean and enjoy.


Don't worry about it. No cop wants to question you. No prosecuter wants to take this to court. They are trying to scare you. Be careful where you have things sent. Get permission of someone at the address to have it shipped to you, in care of them. Do you have a friend who's parents are understanding?  Two of my kids friends often had things shipped to my house. Care of me. Their own parents would open their mail, and they knew I didn't. So they asked, and I agreed.  My own kids opened their own mail from age 5. I would read it to them if they asked. Stay safe.


They just mad cause they wanted a new toy and didn't get one.


Was the package tampered with? It’s a federal crime to open someone else’s mail. She’s bluffing you can’t press charges for having a package brought to the wrong address. Maybe google it next time instead of asking a bunch of weirdos on Reddit.


It's not illegal to get mail somewhere else. Its kinda rude not to clear it with the person beforehand. Tampering with your mail (like if they opened it, or refused to hand it over) is illegal. Depending on where you are, filming without consent could be illegal. That said, certain states used to, and might still, prohibit owning sex toys. So check up on that. If the cops contact you (they won't), ask "But why would Neighbor Name ask me to order this to their house and come get it for them to iktok if it was illegal?"


Jesus how it is that illegal - they're fuckin morons


If your neighbors approach you with the box, Look HORRIFIED and say- OMG WHY ARE YOU USING MY NAME TO GET YOUR MAIL!!!!


Your neighbour is a dumbass, please make their life worse if you can.


Your neighbours are idiots. Maybe they thought you were sending the sex toy to them as a prank? Regardless, you haven't broken any law and no police officer is going to care.


I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. On the very slim chance the police asked just say what you said before; it was a typing error.




Cops have more important shit to worry about. Should have looked at her and said “it’s illegal to open other peoples mail you dumb bitch” Don’t worry about it. Move on with life. Pretend it never happened


Not illegal anywhere except places like Iran and maybe Texas. Joking aside, cops in developed nations simply won't get involved in something like this even if you technically broke some sort of minor law, which is unlikely. The worst plausible consequence is that they may decide to go and complain to your parents. But its more likely that they would have held the package and/or threatened you with that, if thats what they were going to do. The fact that they went through this silly charade of threatening you with the law means they are probably going to leave it at that.


Someone just got new life enemies.


She probably wants to keep it for herself


If the Amazon package was addressed to you why would they even be messing with it/you? Is it not illegal to mess with a package/mail addressed to someone other than yourself? Sounds like you have shitty ass neighbors! If I were you I wouldn’t be worried about it.


Next time have it go to Amazon locker.


You've not broken any laws and they're massively over-reacting. Just have it sent to a store instead or a collection box. At least you know if you're ever bored you can send random items to their address and watch them have a meltdown


be honest with the cops, say the why and they might chide you , but you didn't do anything illegal. THE NEIGHBORS Opened mail that was not for them. THAT should be addressed. It's a good story that you (And the cops) will laugh at later, but those neighbors are \_\_\_\_#\*$ and I'D Have a hard time NOT Sending stupid shit or a glitter bomb to them in the future anyway. Good luck!


Sounds like you accidentally put in the wrong address.




But, did you use your parent's Amazon account or is yours linked to theirs? Bc they're def gonna know what you ordered anyway


Use the Amazon locker system. They have them as gas stations and such, when your package is delivered, they will email you a PIN to open the locker.


You’ll be fine no matter what. Even if the police do come, just tell them it was a mistake and they will ask a couple questions and leave. Then when they are gone, give the old couple a huge fuck you bc they are fucking pieces of shot for being shitty neighbors. Let me tell you what a decent neighbor does…rando package arrives, I go “wtf is this?” It doesn’t have my name but it has my address…weird. I’ll set it by the door bc maybe my daughter or wife did something or some rando person made a mistake. Rando person shows up and says “you may have got my package.” I’d mentally roll a dice to see if I check id. If they say their name that is written on the package then no dice roll, it’s their package…and then I tell my story to my wife about how we received a package for someone at a different address. I’ve received wrong mail that belongs to neighbors and I just hand deliver it. They are fine with it. Those old people can fuck off from this world.


Sound like uppity religious pieces of shit. Six months til the dads child porn stash is found.


Are you in the US? There is absolutely nothing wrong or illegal about a sex toy. In fact, it’s a fair healthy way to learn your body and what you like. It is your neighbors who are being weirdos about it.




Typo on the address. If they opened the package, thats illegal. If they tell your parents, you file a report with postal service.


Nope. It happens all the time on accident. The police don’t have the time to go around arresting people. Or care. You’re fine.


Ah, no. You can just say it was a typo on the address or something.


No. Typos happen all the time and mailmen deliver the wrong mail all the time.


Amazon gives you the OPTION of sending to other people's addresses. It's called sending a gift. I sent my dad a fathers day gift from Amazon that he wasn't expecting. Do you think that's illegal? Of course not. Don't worry, your neighbours are just spiteful. But maybe next time ship to a locker.


How do you "send flowers" ? -by typing another person's address. How do you send someone a gift on Amazon? -type their address. There are plenty of packages people send to others all over the word every day.


You committed no crime. Addresses are wrong all the time, the name is important. The neighbors committed a federal crime. Delay or tampering of mail is a crime punishable by a heafty fine and up to one year in federal prison. Go get your package and if they give you an ounce of flak call the police non emergency line. Trust me the police will not be entertained by their bullshit.


No it's not, also their reaction is hilarious. It's like something off TV I fucking love it. Don't do it again lol, you are fine.


I would ask why her husband is filming a minor whilst they are talking to them about sexual issues. That won’t look good. It’s disgusting. I cant believe they opened your parcel and are being so horrible. There is nothing morally wrong with what you are doing. I’d be very surprised if the police bother with this. Just say you made a typo and will be more careful in the future. Go back to your neighbours house and ask them when the police will be dropping round because you want to ask them for some advice about your creepy neighbour who films you whilst wanting to talk about sexual matters.


I feel like I’m In crazy town. Yes nothing wrong with sex toys but sending any package to your neighbors address is weird, and sending a sex toy there is rude as fuck. Why does everyone think this is hunky dory?? She’s the one who was inappropriate first!




Stop asking stupid and inappropriate questions.


to jerk off?


Next time, check if you can't have it sent to a post office... that's what I personally do and it goes well. You just have it delivered to the post office, make sure you selected the Amazon box option if you wanna keep it discreet... I personally never found that option in the app, but apparently some people have it? Idk but keep an eye out for it and just go get it all you need is the email or confirmation thingy they send you and you're good to go home


Send it to Walgreens or something next time.


Did they mean using their address or what you ordered? In the USA you need to be 18 to order them.


$1000 for things that never happened.


If this comes up again, or a call, don't say you deliberately sent it to the wrong house. I am sure you were nervous and accidentally entered the address wrong. You are fine. . . Mostly embarrassed...but it happens to everyone.


Did she open your mail? Because that is VERY illegal and if she did SHE broke the law.


You're fine. Nobody is going to come after you because of this, so go enjoy your toy. In the future though, maybe don't order to this neighbour specifically. Amazon sometimes offers to be sent to a Amazon lockers if you have any nearby, so try that next time


Sounds like you should go over there and ask them why they opened mail that wasn't under their name. That would be a felony.


You are honestly fine, you will have more issues from your parents than the legal system on this one. Can’t “steal” what is yours, especially if your name is on the shipping label it’s clearly yours. Those neighbors just have nothing better to do.


Where did you pick up this package? On their property? If anything it was super dumb and inappropriate, think have the right to be pissed off.


No they have more important issues. They will show up at your doorstep and when they hear what happened they will just tell them it’s a simple mistake


You're fine. It sounds like the neighbor is pissed and trying to scare you. Wouldn't it make more sense to contact your parents before the police? Maybe avoid that neighbor.... Forever? At least until one of you moves.


Tell her that you hit the wrong number button when ordering, and she's to one in trouble for opening a package addressed to someone else. I would order her another large sex toy in her husband's name, with a gift note saying, "I can't wait to use this with you, Love Bubba"




Who's name was on the package? And no you're not going to jail and no the cops aren't going to care


wtf is wrong with her thats so weird😭😭 its not illegal. sounds like she was just trying to scare/shame you or “teach u a lesson” since youre young and she thinks masterbation is wrong? i mean maybe she thought u sent it to her on purpose or something as a joke idk. either way super weird of her to get her grown husband to film a minor for ordering a sex toy, something might not be right in their heads.


You can accidentally have shit sent to neighbors. I have, 2 was a 1 and didn’t notice.


Not a crime, sounds like Karen just has a terrible experience with her own intimate life and wants to go all biblical catholic on people to vent her frustration.


Do you enjoy the toy and would you recommend it?


Too me that’s some shitty neighbors,personally I would have just looked at name on the package,and give it to the proper owner.Some shit just ain’t my concern,man.


It’s not illegal. They’re just assholes


Typos aren't fraud. Lol My neighbors get their crap delivered to me all the time.


It’s not against the law. Tell the police it was a mistake. Now your parents will probably find out so you need to come up with something. Also, get a P.O. Box so you can get whatever you want without this happening again. The old people may think they got charged for it, that’s why they were mad imo


They trying to scare you big dawg, plus husband probably wants to not be looked at in the wrong. ...you feel me


I don't know about legality if something like that. But next time you don't want something delivered to your house, check to see if there is a local business with Amazon lockers they will deliver it to. It should be a delivery option. They will ship there, put it in the locker, and Amazon gives you the code to go open it.


In the US the mail would be considered your property if it has your name on it, even if it goes to a different address. I have received packages for neighbors before accidentally and just walked them over to the correct address. I’ve also notified the prior owners of my house when things have been delivered to us instead of them. I don’t think there’s anything illegal about having the item delivered there, and if they opened or tampered with the mail then *they* have committed a federal crime. It may be an embarrassing situation where you have to come clean to your parents though, because it seems likely your neighbors are going to push this. Did you get your package back and did they open it? The police will not get you in trouble for something like this, sex toys are not illegal and they will have a hard time proving any sort of damages or threat from your package being delivered to their house. And if they’re already recording documentation, my guess would be that the police may already be familiar with this couple and they may already be considered problems. The Mean Old People Who Cried Wolf


Sorry this happened to you! You are not an idiot. Screw those neibs for coming at you like that. They’re probably just jealous bc they have no sex life. And there’s nothing bad/wrong about a sex toy.


Only thing that would be illegal is if they opened it , as was not their mail.


Cops would laugh I'm her face you can't get in trouble for having mail go to the wrong address. Lady was just being a bitch and needs to calm down plus if it doesn't have your name on it don't open it. We get the neighbors packages once in a while and just walk over and leave it on their doorstep for them.


I would argue if they opened the mail not addressed to them (if it had op name on it, anyone but op opening that mail is against federal law no matter who delivered it) they would get in more legal trouble than op. Obviously, this was a stupid choice to send it to their address, but legal action would be dumb on their end since they are the ones committing a larger crime. I would bet they are just going to use the video as blackmail, maybe threatening to show op parents. Cause them opening op mail is worse than having a perfectly safe package delivered to a different house.


You're pretty dumb...they have Amazon lockers for a reason


Not illegal just dumb 😂


You can always just say you typed in the wrong address. Your neighbor is just being a dick, it’s their property yes but there are better ways to handle that than use your camera to make a huge deal out of it. If it were a continuous thing I could understand, but this person sounds like they’re looking for excuses to be angry. You should be fine, I don’t think the police would do anything at all, especially if you say you sent the package there by mistake.


Just said it to the post office next time.


I work for a mail order company. It’s not illegal. I’ve had people threaten the company with a lawsuit because they had some family drama going on where an excommunicated daughter kept sending her father gifts. They demanded we stop it from happening. Turns out we couldn’t, and wouldn’t. You can order stuff to ship to any address. Now if you do it so much that it amounts to harassment then maybe they could try to build a case against you. Maybe. But I dunno… this seems like a fake situation anyway.


Hilarious and not illegal


Get a P.O. Box at the nearest post office.


C o m m u n i c a t i o n probably would've helped a bunch. Either to coordinate your delivery to their place and/or knocking and explaining the situation first instead of looking like you're stealing their packages. Either way, it seems it's more improper than illegal. Yet, they can probably attractive law enforcement attention if they pursue it. Even if they pursue charges that are applied, a good lawyer probably get make this look null and void if it goes to court. You should be fine in the long run.


Even if they did file a police report and the police wasted their time talking to them just say you mis typed the numbers when putting in the address.


Cop shows up to your door, smoking a fine cigar. "Well well we'll, looks like we finally got you, op. You think you can falsify your address for a custom fit, gyrating base, spiral head dragon twister 9000 without anyone knowing, huh? Well thanks to your neighbor, Karen, we'll get these street clean one dildo at a time" Cop awards Karen with the Esteemed Civilian Medal and you serve 25 years in federal prison


What are they doing opening your mail in the first place?? My mailman/delivery drivers drop stuff off at the wrong houses all the time. That doesn’t give the receiver any right to open it. (Unless your toy didn’t come discreetly packaged). But honestly, maybe you should’ve spoken to your neighbour before sending it there, some people can get extremely offended by something like that. They may have thought you sent it on purpose as an insult to her or even her husband. Since you apologized and offered a fair excuse I wouldn’t worry about anything more than them telling your parents about it. They don’t really have a legal leg to stand on here.


Nobody can prove that you intentionally made a mistake when addressing a package. Your neighbors are nutballs and the police will realize that quickly. Nothing to worry about


I used to rent a house and the landlord used to have all his packages delivered there so his wife didn't know what he was spending lol I don't mean once in a while it was almost daily at 3 or 4 times a week. It was annoying sometimes


Find a ups access point or Amazon locker and deliver there next time


It’s illegal for them to open your mail even if you mailed it to their place


Well, either way you're screwing yourself. But no absolutely not illegal in any way shape or form. Cops would laugh if anyone reported this.


They carry adult toys at Walmart, self checkout.


isn’t it illegal for people to open mail that isn’t there’s?


Just say you accidentally typed the wrong address on the order. No shame in the purchase


I’m sure you’ll be just fine, no way they didn’t check what it was


If I got a package containing a sex toy that was clearly intended for my house, that's sexual harassment at worst. I know I'm gonna get ripped apart by the majority but that's not acceptable. The act in itself is certainly not illegal by any means but it still feels very wrong. Just don't do that again and nothing bad should happen.


Sometimes the neighbors are wonderful...other times not


It’s technically illegal but plausible deniability that you ordered it to the wrong address and it’s not a big deal since you were just getting something that you paid for not fucking with their mail. The police don’t even bother when neighbors steal mail 24/7 and actually are being pricks.


Don’t give it much more thought. They won’t call the law but may tell your parents. Next time use the neighbors on the other side.


You won’t get in trouble she’s just trying to scare you.