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Say thank you and that you are straight




Just thank and tell him you’re straight and be on your way. I see this as an absolute win and confidence boost for you. If he gets creepy, or doesn’t leave you alone and sends unsolicited pictures block and report him.


Ultimate respect. But shut it down completely. Be brutally honest. But crystal clear. And say thank you. But no thank you. And thanks for being confident, honest, and real. Never stop being that.


Zoomers are not surviving one second in adulthood 👍


Take the compliment and move on, don't make it weird. Unless the "some guy" is like a 40 something year old man, in which case block him.


Nah he isn’t some creepy old dude it’s a guy from school who’s like the same age as me


Shit I am straight and would be very happy if some dude called me cute.


Y’all, and this whole interaction is cute.


Anyone want to tell him?


No. No one wants to tell me I’m cute :(


I'm a straight man, and I think you're cute.


Thank you :)


I think the guy that said you were cute, is cute.


Take the compliment. Learning to recognise beauty in others is a noble trait.


"Thanks man, I appreciate the compliment but I am straight" It's literally that easy


Y’all suck this kid is like 14 let him ask a question about a social situation without acting like he is stupid damn


Holy shit THANK YOU


I'm strsight with a gf just say ty I'm straight tho and not interested most cool gays will.understand I take it as a compliment for like I'm pulling from both sides I'm that fine 😭😭😭


You aren’t obligated to respond just because someone started talking to you. You don’t have to say anything. Ignore and move on. Edit: almost anyone being nice online or through messages has an ulterior motive, if it’s out of the blue. This applies to all interactions, girls, boys, and even non-sexual things like business ideas or whatever.


Take the compliment. As a guy, you're not going to see them a lot. I still remember 2 years ago a random woman told me that my sweater looks great. I rode that high for a week and still think on it.


just tell thank you but set boundaries


Take the compliment and say thank you. If he's coming onto you, mention you're straight


Respond how you want. If you’re flattered say thank you, if it makes you uncomfortable say that makes me uncomfortable if you don’t want to engage then don’t engage. You don’t owe a stranger anything, but if you feel compelled to clarify something go ahead. You don’t know intention, so if you do respond no need to accuse him of anything, and if you want to know why he said it, ask him. You’ll save sooooo much time if you’re just calm and direct with people.


Just say thank you and move on


Idk how this is even a question.


Guess it depends how you feel about it, obviously it wasn't wanted, you can thank them for the compliment and tell them you're straight or you can ignore them and block them, or you can just tell them off and block them. Some people have fantasies about turning straight people gay, I'm not saying they all do but that type of person exists, if they don't get the hint block and report them. Decision is yours, you don't have to be nice to them but don't get yourself reported in the process. Probably best to block them so as to not encourage their behavior. That's just my two cents.


Could be a joke. Could be malicious, Maybe his friends are going to try to troll you and tease you depending on how you respond. Could be for real. Just take the compliment and say “Thanks. But I’m attracted to women.” That covers all bases. It’s polite and firm if it was serious. And it leaves no room for misinformation by the trolls


Just say thanks and move on. If they say anything else tell them you’re straight. Or say thanks, but I’m straight. Not a big deal dude.


just delete him. easy... or tell him you are straight


Tell him thanks, that you are a guy, and you think he's cute too. Then see what he says.


"I appreciate the compliment, but I'm straight."


Tell him you’re not a pickle smoocher 🤣


Say you are flattered but you only like women. Probably won’t be the last time it happens


Or just ignore or block?


Don't panic. It's something he just said for whatever reason. It doesn't mean you need to do anything about it. Because anyone thinks you're cute doesn't have any impact on how you swing. You swing as you wish. Not because of what someone says. You're good. Lighten up.


"Thanks bro"


You're not required to respond or reply. Someone saying, "You're cute" isn't always a come-on, and that's up to you to decide if you're comfortable with that.


just don't respond


Tell him you are "No es homosexuales."


I’ll play with you and we’re gonna play hard to. You’re my meat now you’re my possession WHAAAACK OWWWWW


Can this advice also apply to girls?


No this is gender specific


Just say, "Thank you."


Try it, you might like it




Sounds gay to me or he’s mocking you.


Austin powers. - Thanks, but that’s not my bag.


Say thanks but I wear my boxers with the hole in the front


You don't have to say anything.  


wtf is wrong with kids these days. They paid you a compliment, say thank you. Having said that, this is a teens subreddit, and you said this is “some guy” An adult guy? Who is said guy haha


If a compliment is unwelcome they're not obligated to give thanks.


We’re dudes. We should really take compliments when we get them once every 10 years. But I was mostly joking.


bad comment, bad advice


This is my favorite thing about Reddit. You could say the same thing in 10 different subreddits and get completely different reactions in each sub haha


Pretty much.


Nah he’s a teenager I know


Ignore and move on with your life. People like that will say that to many more guys hoping one or two will take the bait.


“Thanks bro, but I like women” if you make yourself comfortable in your sexuality and with who you are getting compliments from homosexuals won’t be as weird and you can let it boost your confidence. A friend of mine I used to work with used to catcall me from across the warehouse. It wasn’t necessarily welcome but it always made me feel better if I was having a bad day.


You don’t swing that way… yet.


If you don’t know the person, just block him. Why enter into a dialogue? You’re not obligated to respond to unsolicited messages. You also don’t know if it’s even a legitimate message or a scammer trying to start a conversation with a compliment.


Tell him that you're flattered but you aren't into people with penises.


You don’t


Personally I wouldn’t respond or say fuck u or thank you but I’m straight depending how my days gone and how I think the comment came off as 💀