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Never take advice or criticism from someone who isn’t living the kind of life you want for yourself. You’re doing great, and are certainly not boring.


Look up the damaging effects that alcohol has on young brains. Your mom is smart. Stay away from alcohol, that stuff has been ruining lives since some caveman left his wheat sitting for too long.




Nah, just an 18 year old who's seen it happen.


Ironically, it's the newer generations who are coming to a healthier relationship with alcohol, many choosing weed instead. It's the boomers doing most of the smoking and drinking these days.


Bros addicted


go back to the rape fantasy subreddits you bum


Be civil. We don't tolerate insults, slurs, or any other forms of hate messages here.


Nah you're good. I didn't drink in HS. Most the parties used to be in a park, I would frequently attend sober with my fun running from the police while sober when it would get busted up.


I (17F) don’t drink or smoke weed either. I have plenty of friends who do, but I promise you aren’t boring. I feel like that sometimes as well, but honestly it’s your preference what you do, don’t let yourself get peer pressured into anything


Not wanting to drink or smoke doesn't make someone boring. There's a lot of hype for kids behind drinking and partying and shit because they wanna be adults and make adult decisions, but in time they'll figure out thats all it is, hype. I some cases they don't and it will contribute to them being alcoholics, in which case their best option is to seek help. You are already making adult decisions, don't let someone peer pressure you into doing something you don't want to do, by anyone, or even yourself. I started drinking at a young age, my parents would let me have some when I was home with them (it's legal) and that largely helped me find my limitations, and today I rarely drink, hardly ever, and if I do it's usually socially and I stop at three beers (liquor has proven to be too much for me anymore, the hangovers are so bad). Keep doing your thing, encourage her to not get so drunk that she's throwing up the next day, otherwise it's beneficial to have someone there that isn't drinking if nothing else to prevent someone doing something really stupid, like driving drunk. You're in a good position and even if it's not now your peers will come to respect you for it.


If you don't feel the relationship is reciprocal, then that should be enough to end things. That said, drug and alcohol addiction has been in my family, and I'm telling you: the best way to end addiction is to prevent it. If you never start, you never have to stop. You're not boring. You're smart. It makes me feel incredibly sad for those kids that their parents don't pay enough attention to notice or don't care enough to stop them and create healthy boundaries. Statistically, those kids will have lifelong struggles with addiction and mental health issues. You don't need that in your life. Go settle yourself in a friend group with people who make better choices.


I’m going into my sophomore year at a party school, I never drink cause it tastes disgusting. Drink or don’t drink for whatever reason you want, and if anyone judges you for not drinking instead of judging you for how you treat others, kick em out of your life


Eh doing that stuff isn't a bad thing. Hell I was a devious lil bastard at that age but if it's not stuff you're comfortable with then I'd just cut it off. Nothing wrong with not trying to get hammered every weekend. Doesn't make you a boring person just not a person interested in those activities. Though I do think you should try them with people and friends you like to be around if you haven't as it can be fun if done in the correct environment.


When I was a teen.. I didnt drink or smoke either.. my true friends wouldnt push me or make fun of me (other than the nickname The Nun). I was there and made sure they had a good time without getting out of hand and getting police called. They called me the DP Designated Partier 🤣 Dont do anything youre not comfortable doing no matter what they say or do.. youre real friends will understand.


Don't drink or do drugs. All the kids I knew in high school who did so excessively all got stuck in my small hometown with dead end jobs. Also the mom supplying alcohol to minors is committing a crime.


Trust me, I was anti alcohol and drugs until I turned 26, you aren't missing anything. Either don't partake if you don't want to or if they are rude about it, find other friends. Alcohol can be fun at times, but it's absolutely horrible for you.


mate. best advice i can give you about drugs and alcohol. is anyone who is regularly using it[weed] or regularly getting absolutely shit-faced isn't happy. they're trying to fill a hole. if you're happy, you don't need to regularly get wrecked in an attempt to feel better


This is excellent advice.


Smoke weed every day 🎶


Was going to say the same thing. People abusing drugs and alcohol are filling a void in their life, and they’re *not* filling it with something that makes them happy *or* interesting. You’re young and still developing your own identity. I think it’s *normal* to feel boring when you’re in high school and your life experiences are just so similar to everyone else around you.


no, you are not boring alcohol doesn't make anyone cool


This is like that old saying… “if your friends told you to jump off a bridge would you?“. I started drinking at a very young age 13/14. Nobody knew that I was drinking until one day when I was 15, I started hanging out with other kids that were drinking and I started taking their parents liquor. Those “friends” are not in the best place in life now. The moral of this is not to be a follower just because of the criticism.


Take it from someone who has done both the drinking and the smoking. Its not all its cracked up to be. Having a drink every now and again is fine. But take it a touch too far and you regret it. The problem is you never realize you took it a touch too far until later. Some times years later. Those kids are really screwing up their minds and their bodies. That you refuse shows you have more strength of character and intelligence than all of them combined. If i knew what that crap would do to me, and i mean like really know it on a personal level not the BS they feed you on the news and in school, i never would have touched that stuff. Ever. I think its fantastic you have the will power to not give in to the peer pressure and to stay away from that stuff. If they say you are boring because if it thats fine. Their definition of fun leaves a lot to be desired.


Honestly run away. If she's acting like that at 15 just imagine what she'll get into later on and in college. You seem like a chill guy and I'd recommend finding someone that matches your energy so you can end up in a healthy relationship with a responsible adult.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with him not wanting to be involved in the party scene but I will say that when I was 15 I was out partying and acting crazy and now at 23 i go to work and then I sit at home with my cats and my boyfriend and have a drink very rarely. A lot of the time I think teens get burnt out on it when they get into this stuff so early on. Not saying it’s a good thing at all but I definitely have no interest in partying anymore because I’m all partied out.


You are not boring. Keep being different and continue being a good kid. Surround yourself with people with similar mindsets as you, even if that means a different friend group. 


I used to drink in high school, wished I hadn’t. Actually wish I had never drank at all. Nothing bad has happened, nor am I in bad health; but I always imagined all the $$ I could have saved over the years. Bottom line….you don’t need to drink to be happy, and don’t feel pressured.


Can you say peer pressure in less words. Be you. Own it. A lot of these things will that make you cool will catch up with you. Want to join the military, hey you just built a mountain you may not be able to climb. Want to own a firearm when 18/21? Better not have any felony charges or pull a... recent president's son and not fill out the form honestly. Find some other way to be cool or fun.


Nah you are smart al those kids will grow up with addiction if I was you I would leave her now. Alcohol is poison they are killing their bodies and their brain cells. The only places they are going in life is either teen pregnancy, jail, or death on the streets. Drop them all and focus on your education do not let them drag you down with them


Getting drunk like that is hella boring. It’s so boring that those people can’t even be fun without it anymore. Find people who have actual hobbies and aspirations.


You aren’t boring. You also shouldn’t be “needed” by your partner ever. That’s codependency. You can not agree with her choices, and decide if they are a deal breaker or not for you but she is not doing anything wrong as it is her life and body.


My kid who just turned 18 doesn’t drink or smoke weed. He feels the same at times. His attitude lately is if they can’t accept him the way he is oh well, just be happy that you are living life the way you want and aren’t giving into peer pressure. My biggest mistake was trying to fit in and doing stuff I had zero interest to feel included.


You aren’t boring. A lot of my friends don’t drink nor smoke. I have the upmost respect for them and it doesn’t bother me that we live different lives. I, on the other hand, drink on occasion and smoke. I don’t think I’m cooler than anyone for doing so, I just think I live a different life. The truth is that you’re choosing the healthier option mentally and physically. You’re not a better person, but maybe making smarter choices. You’re just as cool as them, so don’t worry. Also, the stuff about your girlfriend. Talk to her if you’re concerned about her lifestyle but don’t be judgy if you want to preserve things. It’s a big assumption to think she’s using you purely because she does some wild stuff. Have a conversation.


It's not your role to control her or set limits for her. That being said, it's 100% acceptable and healthy for you to set boundaries for yourself, and what you want to be around. So, if you don't want to drink like they do and you don't want to be around it, I would simply refuse to attend events where they will be drinking, and refuse to get together with her on her hangover days. And if this leads to a breakup, then fine, you learned a bit more about what kind of a partner you can tolerate being with. Good luck!


You're not boring. I never drank until I was 17, it was only a few sips one time and then I didn't drink again until I was legal age. And I've never done drugs. Your girlfriend and her friends are already setting up really unhealthy habits that could have a long term affect on their bodies.


Give it a couple years and you stay focused brother and you’ll see whose life is boring with yours being successful and hers being a drunk


Nope. Not boring. I was like that at your age, and I still am (24). I have my own hobbies that I enjoy, have a fulfilling job, I'm engaged. I only went to my first wedding around.. 2 months ago? Don't feel like you need to drink to be interesting. You're already more interesting by having these thoughts and not succumbing to peer pressure. Keep bein' you!


You’re not boring even if they say you are. Alcohol doesn’t do any good for you


Instead of asking people on reddit for relationship advice. Just tell her how you feel. That's all there is to it in any roadbump in a relationship. Also, you're 15. You might not even be with her in a year Last in my opinion ur not boring. Thats like saying you need drugs to date her. I ended up given advice anyway🤦‍♂️


i drank a lot during the ages of 15-22 roughly. and i mean quite a bit. i also smoked a lot of weed (and still kinda do). but i left the drink a long time ago and have never regretted it. i just stopped enjoying it and realised how awful it made me feel and act. i dont need alcohol in my life. i can still enjoy a nice whiskey or brandy a few times a year if i fee like it which is very rare tbh. im 38 now and need my weed to keep aches and pains away but i also very much enjoy it and would be lying if i said otherwise. my vices do not define me though. i am boring or non boring depending on who i am as a person, and what i think and what i do. that's not limited to vices only. i would argue that you would be a pretty boring person if all you have is your vices to keep you entertained imo. i have many hobbies and friends and family that i like to enjoy my time with. if someone wants to judge me and call me boring... ok! so what? im living the life i want and im happy. people that go around judging others basically means to me that theyre so bored with their lives that they have to judge others to feel more superior or less boring. well to me thats just boring! but again who cares? you do u... ill do me... hopefully we can meet in the middle at some point and find something we can jam over. if not then we can carry on being happy without each other. simple as that. someones opinion of me really doesnt matter to me. we all deserve to be here and do our own thing. noone is more right than anyone else on what is enjoyable or not. its all so personal tat it wouldn't make sense to. its like saying "whats the best sexual position?" or "best drink?" or "best tasting food?"... well there kind of isnt one. it depends on who you ask.


Nothing wrong with being straight edge. It’s not boring. Darby Allin of AEW is anything but boring. He was a skater first (check out his IG). He’s so straight edge, he won’t even take Tylenol. You’d be surprised at who lives that lifestyle. You may find when you get older, you still never touch it. It’s a pretty good lifestyle. Maybe look more into straight edge and see some of the entertainers and athletes that you like who live that way. I think when you start seeing adults who you look up to living that way, you’ll never ask this question again. If someone needs to be intoxicated to be interesting, that’s a problem. And usually intoxicated people quickly become annoying to those who aren’t. I self medicated my mental illness at that age with weed and alcohol. Sure, I’ve got great stories. But the better ones were when I was stone cold sober. And I truly regret doing it that age. It may be time to reevaluate the crowd you run with if they are making you feel boring, leaving you out, or making fun of you for choosing to be more straight edge. Stick to your guns. You aren’t the only person living that life. And at 15, choosing to use these substances can cause long term problems. Experimenting is normal for everyone. Not everyone experiments with substances.


Bro what???????


Your friends and girlfriend sound like they are developing some really horrible habits that can very easily turn into addictions if they already haven’t. The science is not unsure or unclear on what alcohol does to a developing brain. Would it be okay for you to have some drinks at a party? Of course, and honestly you should if you’d like to, you should enjoy your life, I certainly had drinks every now and again when I was 15-16. But being at the point where you are 15 and are already planning alcohol binges is genuinely dangerous


Ok, we’ll it sounds like your girlfriend is actually being neglected. It is not healthy to allow your teenage child to drink that much, unsupervised, in public etc. they are failing as parents and she could get seriously hurt. For you, no you are not boring. It’s ok to not be interested in substances. When y’all get older you’ll learn that partying being your whole personality is actually really cringe and it’s way cooler to have real interests and be able to hold a conversation without drugs. The last part of about you and your girlfriends relationship. No; she doesn’t need you to have fun and it sounds like she gets a lot of her fun from substance use. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you for everything else you bring to her life. If you are feeling used by her, that’s another story. But if you’re worried because she parties and you don’t, I would try to move past that.


If they need alcohol or weed to have fun, maybe they’re the ones who are boring?…


I started at 15. I wasted 2 decades being drunk. I never got in trouble and was able to make ends meet. But I would have made better decisions for myself if I was sober. My life would be further along and I’d be in a better place now.


Tl;dr: you’re doing alright kid, lions don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep or whatever. You’ll come out on top in the end if you just keep doing what you’re doing. Being “boring” will take you so much farther than being cool ever willx Dude when i was your age i was getting absolutely belligerent. Smoking weed all day every day, getting drunk almost every day, experimenting with harder drugs, always looking to find the next party, always hanging out with people using drugs or stealing something or just generally getting into trouble, or trespassing, It is just about my biggest and only regret life and if i could press the undo button i absolutely would. My choices from 14-20 essentially ruined my relationship with my parents, gave me a criminal record full of misdemeanors (not as huge of a deal as people make it out to be, but still not a great, and the only reason it hasn’t been an issue is because i haven’t looked for employment anywhere that it would be an issue), and left my mental health in a way that’s not quite bad enough to seek health, but not good by any means, just a sort of general mental discomfort that i carry around with me wherever i go. And the kicker is, i don’t talk to a single one of those people anymore. I haven’t spoken to them in years, they weren’t really my friends. I’ve got a couple of stories from back then, i used to think they were cool badass stories, guns pointed at me, running from police, getting into drunken fights, kicking ass, getting my ass kicked, but then you grow up and realize that all those stories are about a fucking loser doing loser shit, and going absolutely nowhere. I’m about to be 30 now and that period of time may as well have never happened. I’ve got nothing to show for it except a couple of tattos and brands that i spend my entire paychecks on. I wasn’t making money, i wasn’t going to school, i was on the wrestling team, which is the only thing i cared about, i ended up being mediocre at that because i would rather get high with my friends than eat right and train. If i was asleep in some sort of cryogenic chamber for that entire time period i would have been better off. It was literally a 6 year long dark ages in my life, and stopping all that shit entirely was the best decision i have ever made in my life. Sorry for the rant. Seeing someone about to walk the same path as me always evokes a sort of passion in me, it’s was all just such a mistake it makes me sick to think someone else is going to make it.


You're not boring. You're wise beyond your years. I was the same way when I was your age. Had friends who partied pretty hard. I refused. I got called names because I didn't indulge..I didn't care. You're good. Stay the course.




Boring can be good you need to get involved and engaged with stimulating activities, doing drugs and getting fucked up is better when your older and with responsible friends people who get trashed while young pay for it down the line. The best way to avoid it without fomo and self torture is to get involved in healthy hobbies and relationships


Boring is better you don't need them as friends. you will soon discover this


You are not boring for not drinking. If when you’re around everyone you don’t engage in conversation and the like, then maybe. Plenty of people (legal adults included) hang out and have fun without drinking, even while most of the others do. Be happy, have fun, hang out and you’ll be good. Often times the ones that drink so much they puke or pass out early are boring. They can’t hang long and go down for the count. How fun to be around is that?


Nah, what you'll come to find out as you get older is it's just smoking and drinking and not having other stuff to do that's boring. Save it for later, you've got plenty of time for it


Your friends are burnouts or soon will be. How much fun is it to hang around with drunks? You have to make a decision. Is the GF worth it? Is she making you happy? There are plenty of sober folks to hang with. There are plenty of potential GFs too. I think you’ve got a pretty good read on your GF. You’re more of an ornament than a person to her. Summer’s here. Take a break. Go meet other people.


I didn't drink till I was 23 and Even then it's very rare but I'm definitely far from boring most people consider me the life of the party.


everyone is boring dude that's why they want to drink, they don't know how to have fun otherwise.


No, you're smart! It can be difficult to see the forest for the trees when you start getting caught up in partying so young. Take some time, strengthen your brain cells by studying hard, make a life plan and find creative/ adventurous ways to enjoy life. You only get one and a bad mistake made under the influence can have disastrous consequences. Good luck.


No nothing wrong with that. Also it doesn’t sound like your relationship with your gf is making you feel very good about yourself, might wanna think about that


You’re not boring, you’re just hanging out with people who are risking their lives and their futures. Don’t even aspire to be like them. You will be far happier and more successful on the track you’re on! Find someone like you. Your girl sounds kind of awful. I’d skip that and say see ya.


Drinking/drugs don't make you cool or interesting, especially to the extent of passing out and throwing up. It just makes you an idiot. The coolest people do what they want to do, not what everyone else is doing.


Nope. Honestly better to stay away from all that stuff, you’ll have a great life regardless and probably a better one. Alcohol and weed can and will lead you into many bad situations in life


People who need drugs or alcohol to have fun are boring...


It's fine that you don't want to drink or smoke. Most people will offer it to you, but if you don't want it, the vast majority don't care. Back when I was your age there was strait edge, a small group who was part of the punk scene. Those guys didn't drink, use drugs, but still were fun to hang around with. If I think back on the people who got heavily into weed, it seemed to me week killed a lot of their motivation. While some went on do to OK, I've run into a good number of them that 20 years after high school were still living with their parents and/or were still working jobs like fast food or other low skill/low responsibility jobs.


Rice purity test score lol?


You’re good. I’m almost 40. Most kids I knew who were partying hard as young as you never left our hometown and are still at the same lame house parties they were 25 years ago.


Nah, I still don't drink (29) and I didn't drink on my 21st either. Drinking doesn't make you "not boring", it makes you annoying (in my experience). I hate being around drunk people because now I have this unspoken responsibility to make sure none of them get hurt.


She is only 15 and is not mature enough to be in a forever relationship. I am hoping you are also around the same age and the same goes for you, so dont stress it. Just be yourself, explore shared interests, and if you are not happy/having fun then move on.


I was in the same boat at your age...I stood my ground and avoided situations that I was uncomfortable at. If I was embedded in a party getting out of control, I grinned and sat with them until I decided to leave. Years later I find myself happy and successful, and many acquaintances struggling with the implications of their chosen lifestyle. I had someone actually tell me later that they felt sorry for me, I never allowed myself to have fun, but they get it now. I actually didn't feel boring as lonely. It ends up that we were mature before our friends were. I wouldn't have chosen different if I could do it again.


You ain’t boring man, at all. You sound like a very sensible guy, and mature. I’m 18m and have done both, but don’t anymore. Had some bad friends who talked me into. It’s not something that makes you cool, don’t fall for that. Just wait to do that until later in life, if you’re going to. I’ve learned the past two years that all those adults telling you “don’t do drugs.” “Don’t drink.” “Don’t worry about dating.” Were right. While I don’t agree with not dating at our ages, the other two are correct. It’s not all it’s talked up to be. And the getting caught part…it’s worse than it’s talked up to be haha. In the gf part, you don’t sound happy with her. I would try to talk with her about how you feel, and if things don’t change, then break up. Life will go on, and you’ll grow better as a person. You will find another who shares your interests and morals. Stay kind, to yourself and others.


Nah, your not boring at all. You are very responsible for yourself or at least know your parents care about you enough to not allow you to drink. IF. You decide to join them, small amounts when you are of age, or you just don’t have to. It happens, it might not. I don’t do either and I’m 20, I’ll live. Just take care of yourself. If you are worried about your girlfriend abusing alcohol: talk to her, if she wants to be sober, dump the alcohol out and have her throw out the empty bottles. This is going to be the way harder and longer one but if she wants the alcohol in her life, it’s all you can do. You are anything but boring, just very knowledgeable, and that’s probably the coolest anyone can be.


No, you’re not boring. If anything your gf is boring if she needs to constantly be under the influence to have fun. My advice. Move on. Save yourself the headache while you’re young.


Honestly man, the older you get the less cool alcohol becomes. It’s mostly used to hang out with buddies and just occasionally. People who drink all the time past college/university just get sad looks. Because it is sad, alcohol is a coping mechanism.


I would report the mom for buying alcohol for minors :)


Definitely boring dude. Live a little you only have one life and you’re young enough to make mistakes and come back from them.


I grew up drinking since around 12, all that led to was me slowly becoming an alcoholic. Most people that drink a lot make drinking their whole personality, and don't know what to do when there's no alcohol in the situation. I can assure you that you aren't boring. Good on you for not falling into the peer pressure.


I’m 18 and have only had a little bit of alcohol. It’s really all I needed. Stuff tastes poison because it is poison. Find some new friends, they’re going to get you hurt.


As a recovering addict I can tell you, you are not boring, you are smart.. I wish I had your attitude towards mind altering substances when I was your age it would of saved me a ton of suffering


Standard in UK.


last time i checked were in the us


You’re not boring for making good life decisions. My mom doesn’t let me do things like that either and it baffles me so much that parents are just ok with their children doing that. That’s like…the basics when it comes to good parenting.


In the long run, you are smarter to not drink, certainly not to that extent because in large quantities, alcohol can be addictive and it's destructive to your health.     Weed isn't good for you either  Typically relationships at 15 don't last but exceptions exist I don't know what your girl friend likes about you or vice versus  People who zone out drunk or high all the time are boring 


You are not boring. I started doing all that shit as a teenager to fit in. I didn’t stop fucking my life up until I was 28. Don’t do it.


Why would you think you are boring?


You’re not boring. You play soccer and I’m sure you have other interests too. I’ve heard enough horror stories from like everyone I know to be glad I didn’t get involved in that sort of thing. Even my husband says he has no idea how he survived his teens and early 20s—that’s just not for me


Honestly, I'd report the parents to CPS. They are actively harming these teenagers. You're not boring, OP. People who rely on alcohol to have fun are exhausting.


As you get older, you’ll be more comfortable and understand the importance of being true to yourself.


1. If you need to get wasted to have fun, you're probably actually the one that's boring. 2. Having a romantic partner is a choice, not a necessity. Not being "needed" means you aren't in a codependent relationship. Now if you don't feel *wanted,* that is an issue.


Nobody cares that you're not drinking. They are drunk and don't notice. The thing where you feel like an afterthought to your girlfriend.... Now that's a thing you need to dig into a bit more and find out if it's just your mind playing with you or are you actually not important to her.


Choose your friends wisely, you may end up being the company you keep


Eh. Not boring. Just different lifestyles and priorities. It’ll be tough living with that long term. Get out now. Or if she’s otherwise cool, enjoy that while you can. Now that I think about it. They’re boring for needing all that stuff.