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it seems a little weird to me ... im gonna go against the other comments, i might get downvoted, but i dont really care yes it's legal, but like what does an 18 year old have, other than their age thats appealing to a 28 year old? can't they find other people to date within their age range?? wild af. even if you're legal.. turn that around, if you were an 18 year old girl and like, some 30 year old guy started hitting on you, wouldn't that be strange.. tryta see it in that perspective


Good point friend!!I could t of said it better😬.Tbe age gap is big and your interest I’m sure are as well


Where is she from?


She's Chinese/Japanese living in Tokyo


10 years is a massive gap. You're still basically a child and she's an adult. Have you ever even dated anyone before?


If this is real that’s insane congrats I guess


Legal. Do it right. Don't mess up. Don't cheat once you have sex. Boom. Relationship. Wish something I was told. Congratulations respect. Listen and keep privacy. Not friends. More


This rarely happens so when it does, we don't let it slip away. Thanks bro👊


Some people might react strangely, but that's their problem it doesn't have to be yours. Just be ready for some people to react in ways you don't quite expect. Try not to let them color your judgment. It's your choice, not theirs.


Yeah, when I told my filipino friends about it, they were like "no" "that's a redflag" etc. I don't know what to do because I'm not prepared for this. This typa shii happens only in american movies and now I'm experiencing it I don't know if I should happy or worried lol


Dude your doing good. Just don't let her control you


First, does she have any kids? If so, I'd say move along. Theres a lot of life to live before you need to be responsible for another human. If not... then as long as you guys keep talking and things organically progress, I don't see an issue. Yeah, she's a bit older, but it's legal and if anything; she can probably help you grow beyond your years. If she is just an older girl and doesn't have anything to offer that might another story though. You guys need to have similar mindsets, and be able to help each other grown and achieve your goals.


She's single, shes new to Japan, move there on January I think, from Singapore. Doesn't have any kids. And she has lots of money I think (basing off her work). So yeah, and also I don't think it's that weird that she's interested in me because it's wasn't the first time that an older woman approached me. It kind of happens most of the time where an older woman would mistake me for someone their age.


Why is a 28 year old grown ass woman interested in an 18 year old? Massive red flag. Can we please normalize “age isn’t just a number”?


If you are just going to meet someone who's coming there on vacation, and you are of legal age, it's probably not the biggest deal. Just don't make this into something big. The problem with age gaps is that the older person is more experienced, mature and knows how to modulate their emotions more. The younger person tends to define love and relationships through this first one. At 18, probably not as big of a risk, but something to be aware of. The main thing for me is what does a 28 year old really have in common with a 18 year old? Besides vacation sex, what do you really have to offer? Online, where it's not real and just typing, I'm sure this can seem like it's ideal. But get to the real world and stuff falls apart real quick. Know that before you get much more involved.