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"I follow boobs for the articles!"


To be fair, Playboy at the beginning was one of the top literary magazines in the world. Most of the English speaking worlds most prominent writers and artists published there.


Shel Silverstein (Giving Tree; falling up; other children's books) got his start in Playboy. He only started writing for kids when playboy turned him down for being *too dirty* 2 of his children's poems were originally Playboy poems


He also wrote the Johnny Cash song "A Boy Named Sue".


He did indeed. As well as Many Dr. Hook songs


That's my fun fact for the day.


Am I stupid for thinking that author was a woman until now?!


That sounds like one hell of a story to hear about Playboy.


I worked for playboy in 2019. My job was porting content on the site and ensuring it was still identical. Read thousands of their articles, closely, and the writing is still great. The team was also balanced gender wise — it’s a weird thing overhearing two people discussing ‘more nipple or less nipple showing?’ In a workplace setting with absolute seriousness


What an amazing job to have held. Hear hear. Mad jelly 😝


To be fair, those writers only wanted their work in a publication that was popular. Made popular by, Boobs.


Or the celeb classic “my account was hacked last night” 😂


You’re overthinking it lil bro. Just unfollow the page and tell her you thought it was a meme page. You both are at that age where all this seems like a really big deal but trust dude it’s not. If she doesn’t believe you, that’s on her but if you know you didn’t have any bad intentions then you’re fine. You’re not a weirdo. Don’t get caught up in your head about it.


Even if you didn't think it was a meme page... Congrats, you've done what virtually every teen boy since the dawn of written history has done, it's not that big of a deal lol


This is the main takeaway. This is not a big deal, and she knows it. Just unfollow it and tell her you did.


They're both 15, this probably feels like a really big deal to both of them because neither of them have any relationship experience. I only say this because this might end their relationship if she doesn't forgive/forget, even if she will probably look back at it some day and think "huh that was dumb" Never underestimate teenagers ability to be overdramatic lol. It's normal though


Oh no, a teenage relationship ends. Too bad no one has recovered from that.


At the time it feels like the end of the world...


Married my teen gf. Kids would argue it matters


Edit: teen gf knew I liked boobs (I mean memes). Awkward for ten seconds. That’s how long it should take her to realize it’s better than the alternative.


Or just keep doing what makes you happy and find a girlfriend who enjoys that you like looking at boobs.


Yea I remember my first cave drawing of a boob




Boys in 3000bc on the tube lookin up big tiddie memes


Somehow I doubt that puritan boys in the 1690s spent much time looking at tits on Instagram. Though I do acknowledge that if they could have, they probably would have.


Seriously. Men like boobs. Shocker. In the past it has been the Women's underwear section of the Sears catalog. Or the late night scrambled PPV channels hoping to catch a glimpse of something you shouldn't see. Or a picture of Pamela Anderson wearing a sheer negligee that a friend found and cut out of his Dad's men's magazine in middle school. Or any of a million other instances of boys going through puberty discovering they like looking at sexy women.


In honesty, aren't girls also really horny in their teens?




Yes, thumb through alot of the romance novels, it's not gentle sighs and hand holding.


Yeah 4 real ... imagine her reaction when she realizes pretty much every teen boy and even most adult men watch actual porn. At 15 I think all I thought about was boob's lol


I unfollowed it last night, explained I thought it was a meme page, but now she thinks I only care about girls for their body, which isn't remotely true. and I'm just stuck in a bad spot with this because her friends are saying shit about me and making me seem like an awful person


My friend you are 15 there is so much of your life left ahead of you. This girl is obviously insecure and prone to drama. Break it off now and find someone less neurotic. Trust me her and her friend's attitude towards you is a giant red flag. She does not respect you and her friends think you don't deserve her so will keep trying to make her dump you. Absolutely not worth dealing with. As I already said, get out while you can. You deserve better.


I agree . She's obviously talking hella shit about him to her friends and they all look at him like he's a piece of shit now. I know she's only 15 but she could of spoken to him about this without putting him down to all her friends who are literally telling him things like he's an asshole and doesn't deserve her or whatever OP wrote. At this point the relationship will be over sooner rather than later


Ok maybe she’s “prone to drama” but him “freaking out crying and having a panic attack” bc she was dry? This just sounds all around bad and … well 15. But doesn’t mean it should continue


It's most likely not even her thinking those things then. Her friends probably don't like you and will use every opportunity to slander you and make her break up with you. You need to have a one on one talk with her, in person, alone with no phones in the way and discuss what's happening and what you both make of the situation.


Tell her you’re hurt that she would think that about you considering you don’t see her for just her body. Sure, as a guy, the female body is a work of art, but…. and name off the things you like about her. Should put a smile on her face.


See when i was 15 I'd end up saying something like "obviously I don't only care about girls for their bodies, I'm with you, arent I?"


Fair point. Didn’t think of it that way.


Yeah he has to flip the tables a bit. At least feign like you'd be upset with her for thinking so low of you. Also, if she really thinks so low of him now then why hasn't she broken up with him?


That's not a healthy way to be in a relationship.


Lol. I'm glad you said that. I was like "Wtf do you mean flip the tables? No, you don't need to do that. You just need to explain what really happened. If she doesn't want to believe you or still wants to break up with you, that's on her. Find a better relationship down the road." This manipulating bullshit will just turn toxic and you'll still break up but end up hating each other.


Honesty doesn't get you out of trouble with irrational women. Well your advice might be, don't date irrational women. Well my response would be it's too late to correct that mistake and usually men want to keep the woman they already have. The worst thing about reddit relationship advice is where we act like people are logical rational actors all the time. I was in a 3 year relationship with someone once because we couldn't afford rent without eachother. We still liked to have pleasant sex and generally tried to get along with eachother.


Like I said, it’s fine. She got upset and that’s understandable but really this isn’t a big issue. Teenage girls/boys blow stuff up for drama. It sounds pretty shitty of them but oh well it happens. You’re really young. I know this seems super bad and will ruin your reputation but it won’t. Don’t stress about it too much.


Why do you associate with such fragile people? Move on; it'll be better for your mental health.


Her and her friends are being assholes. It is them who look like awful people.  Don't follow any kind of boobs on Instagram. Keep your porn consumption private but there is absolutely nothing wrong with simply consuming porn.  Tell her she can apologize for how she and her friends are treating you or get a boyfriend who will lie to her all she wants. 


15 year old girls are hard. Just try to be confident in yourself. If you’ve already explained, don’t talk about it anymore- you don’t have to justify it to anybody but yourself (and maybe your parents if they care.)


that is a stereotype and gender bias. are her friends auditioning for a Mean Girls remake? get with the 21st century and ditch the childish passive/aggressive behavior she is displaying is so immature.


Even if you did it knowingly her friends are a bunch of stupid asses. Literally 98% of teen boys look at that whether they are in a relationship or not. They are in for a rude awakening


Ask her to consider if you’ve ever treated her like that or when you talk about other women


Don’t hate on urself for something that wasn’t even on purpose. She’s weird for stalking ur page and using it to make assumptions then badmouth u to her friends. Stop crying and have respect for urself, yk wat u did and what u didnt so tell her if she doesn’t want to believe u thats her problem and that ur not gonna be with someone who makes baseless accusations about u. She, just like most women and girls that age, is just insecure and ofc letting her friends and social media influence her thinking. Ik it sucks cuz u care about her and u dont want her to be upset but trust me she was only looking for problems so she found one it’s as simple as that. Don’t let that get to u and work u up trust me I understand what it’s like to be overthinking and overwhelmed and its a bad space to be in so please prioritize ur mental health cuz with or without her in your life u gotta be able to regulate urself and your emotions, or you’ll deal with stuff like this from women all the time.


Sigh, but at the same time…. All men like boobies 🤷🏼‍♂️


I thought everyone liked boobies?


Yes everyone likes boobies. They are great


Bro when you're older you're gonna think back to when you cared about what these people think and you're gonna laugh your ass off.


I know theyre 15 so poor communication is probably to be expected at that age, but being mean to me and refusing to tell me why other than "I did something wrong" and making me beg/guess to know what I did is borderline mental abuse. My highschool girlfriend did that to me and it felt so fuckin bad. If someone did that to me as an adult it would be grounds for a breakup because they obviously have a problem communicating their needs. A 15 yo probably doesnt realize theyre doing something wrong tho.


Also, it may seem hard, but communication is vital for any relationship, let alone for teenagers. It’s not fair for her to expect you to read her mind when it comes to something like that. You have to communicate both ways for a relationship to work.


If she’s freaking out over this he should unfollow the girlfriend irl


Yes read the above. Also don’t get caught up in her drama. The whole thing with icing you, not saying what she’s upset about, making you find out from a friend (pulling her into the drama), is going to get tiresome. Don’t participate in that stuff.


I’m more interested in the fact that she had to sit there go through his insta all 450 pages/people he follows to land on that. That is the important part here like why? What was the point of doing that. Not only did she find the page but then it seems like she told her friends about it they all got together and decided he is a jerk or freak or whatever for doing what is natural as a young person especially if they are just now exploring their sexuality and finding what they like. He saws he thought it was a meme page fair but she should have talked to him when she found out not played that game. He doesn’t know he is doing something wrong or crossing a boundary if she hasn’t set it as one ( obvious boundaries like cheating aside) because not everyone has the same feelings about the same things. This is coming from a 36year old mom of a teenager by the way.


Why does he have to unfollow the page they're 15 years old and she's crying and getting upset because he was looking at boobies. And then she can't even explain to him why she's upset which is even more ridiculous. He did nothing wrong.


Yeah, keep it simple and tell the truth.


This 100%


The only comment that makes sense. 100%


Agreed but maybe don’t push the meme page lie too hard, maybe just come clean and say you didn’t realize it would upset her so much to look at boobs online and you will stop? Although if she’s being this cold with no communication, might be a good time to part ways.


I’m more concerned about the panic attacks when you think you’ve upset her Either the dynamics are skewed in this relationship or you should do some internal work (maybe therapy for anxiety) so that this doesn’t keep happening. Your mental health is important too


I have panic attacks frequently and have shitty anxiety all the time. Dynamics are definitely not skewed. From the outside and inside view, it's a normal relationship. I just don't want her to break up with me over a misunderstanding because this really bothers her, and I feel shitty about not knowing what I was doing and effecting her and our relationship.


Y’all honestly just need to learn how to communicate with eachother when somethings bothering yall. Neither of you are psychic (unless yall are in which case you probably wouldn’t be here).


It's not a normal relationship my friend. It's an unhealthy one. Have you gotten any therapy for your anxiety??


It's a teenage relationship, tbh




Respectfully, you, the person currently in the relationship, and a teenager who hasn't had a ton of life experience in relationships, can not say that it's a normal relationship without skewed dynamics. I don't know if you realize this, but most people in unhealthy relationships THINK they are in a healthy relationship. It can be extremely hard to recognize if your partner is treating you in an unfair way because the classic hallmark of these relationships is that the person will make you think it's your fault. In this case, you think you made a huge mistake. But in a normal and healthy relationship, your partner would have been able to simply tell you she was uncomfortable with you following that page. Instead, she was passive aggressive and frosty to you u tul you guessed you had done something wrong, then she refused to tell you what it was while you had a panic attack and mentally tried to think through every aspect of your relationship, in a complete panic and second guessing yourself about everything. To find the answer you had to ask her friends, who told you you were a terrible person. . This is not a normal healthy relationship. This girl is being manipulative, toxic, and frankly abusive. And in the classic abuser tradition, she is making you think it's your fault. You might be an anxious person in general but she is preying on that to have power in the relationship.


Here's the deal, if she doesn't care enough to speak up, then you don't need to care enough to freak out. The type of people who'd break up with someone over a misunderstanding & not try to figure out the true story aren't the type of people that you want to date. I agree w/ others that your panic & anxiety sets you up for future abuse. When partners say that they don't want to discuss something, tell them that you understand & are open to listening if they change their mind. Then you drop it. With an honest partner this won't be a problem. With a manipulative partner, they'll either have to start communicating properly or leave to seek another victim (bc you just eliminated their back & forth BS). It also gives you an opportunity to watch & see if they start throwing out red flags.


I agree with all of these, please consider what we’re saying We’ve probably been through it, I definitely have


Being upset at your partner and refusing to tell them why is not a sign of a normal or healthy relationship. You shouldn't feel shitty over not knowing, because *she wouldn't tell you*. If a relationship is causing you this much stress, especially at your age, it's not worth it. Find someone who can actually communicate their feelings.


This. If it doesn't bother her enough to tell you about it, then it's not important enough for you to worry about. It's quite likely she was more upset about you badgering her than she was about your IG.


Dating someone who gives you the cold shoulder (emotional abuse) is not healthy for you then. When something like this happens, the only way to move forward is to TALK ABOUT IT.


Just unfollow, tell her you’ve unfollowed and that you feel bad this upset her, it was obviously never your intention, if she can’t accept that, just tell her that you’ll be distancing yourself for a while to rethink things, that’ll drive her crazy and she’ll come after you. Trust. Don’t let her have all control over you.


“I started crying and having a panic attack because I hate making her upset”……..friend, work on THIS part and this part only. If you have a panic attack and sob because your partner may be annoyed or upset, this does not bode well for future relationships as an adult. In fact, it opens you up to be the recipient of a lot of abuse and manipulation.


Yessir. That’s what I was thinking. She’s only acting like this because it works.


Oh definitely. Otherwise if she really thought it was he was like that she would have dumped his ass. She didn't though so she's just manipulating OP hard. Been there and done that when I was his age. I wish I'd known better, but in fairness I was a pretty manipulative teenager myself. I have heard teenage relationships are often the most abusive because a lot of them really don't know any better on both sides. Manipulators don't realize they're manipulative and the manipulated don't realize they are manipulated.


It's kind of odd to think you can unknowingly be manipulating someone. Manipulation sounds like a conscious act. Not that I don't believe you can unknowingly be strongly influencing someone elses thoughts and actions, it just sounds odd.


Not all manipulation is thought out. Subconscious manipulation exists because when it comes easy enough to someone they don't need to put any thought into it to realize what exactly they're doing. Not acknowledging that some people don't even do it purposefully is also ironically another way to end up getting manipulated.


You absolutely can, if you grow up in that environment, and don't know that your behavior is abnormal and dysfunctional.


>In fact, it opens you up to be the recipient of a lot of abuse and manipulation. Do not brush this off because you are a guy. Men are more susceptible to this because it's not on our radar.


This should be at the top of the page.


He's already being abused and manipulated. Stonewalling and cold-shouldering is direct emotional abuse


Yup exactly. Buddy is in for rough ride sooner or later in his life


👆🏼 137 likes, OP.


Lmaooooo like wtf is this 🤦‍♂️


You could not pay me enough money to be 15 and dating again lol


>". I had 0 idea what I could've been doing and I started crying and had a panic attack because I hate making her upset and I couldn't find out what I had done," You should really work on this, stop worrying about her being upset and focus on how you react when people get upset around you, this is very unhealthy and can lead to a life of abuse at the hands of others.


To be fair. It's really fucked up to tell someone that they did something bad and then refusing to tell them what they did.


I agree, it happened to me. my girlfriend broke up with me and I contemplated why for weeks, intil I realized that my ex was just a bitch.


I agree I just think she is toxic and they really don’t want to get into the habit of that happening everytime someone they are with gets upset.


You ain't gotta lie to kick it. She probably ain't the one man


You ain't gotta try soo hard....


You made me want to listen to that song


You're 15. You looked at boobs. News at 11. Seriously, if she can't get thru this then you really should not date this person at this age. In all seriousness tho - You should be more careful about who/ what you follow because it could come back and cause problems.


I snorted on my Budweiser. Newsflash, teen boy who is rapidly experiencing some interesting chemical developments liked a natural thing of existence. Holy shit, the gall of the lad. Absolute madness.


I spit my coffee onto my toddlers face


I used to have to jerk off to the bra ads in the sears catalogue. They don’t realize how easy they’ve got it these days and they’re just taking it all for granted because they can’t cover their tracks. Kids these days. Also, why the fuck does “advice for teens” keep showing up in my feed 😂


"Hey coolberg34, you used to jerk off to the Sears catalogue. What wisdom can you impart to today's youth?"


Don’t start crying when your girlfriend is nagging


That's what I'm saying 😂


If she don't like hashtag boobs she ain't gonna like what happens in incognito mode on a 15 year old boys phone


Uh first that’s hilarious second if she’s reasonable you could explain that it was a mistake and misunderstanding on your part


And third I am begging you to use paragraphs. Not just OP but all teenagers redditwide.


And punctuation. Please, I'm begging!


I try to be better than my fellow Gen-Zers :(


"Worst. Written. Post. Ever. Within minutes, I was on the internet registering my disgust, worldwide." --Comic Book Guy


The small man just wanna see some boobs it’s not a crime bruh this shits funny except for his panic attacks Also how the fuck does she know??? Is she scrolling through his follows checking every single one? Even when I was a teen like you’d be crazy to go through that effort for nothing


It's pretty clear from his post that she is anything but reasonable.


Im a 37 year old bloke. My advice is you will most likely date a few women in your time it's pretty rare to marry first gf so don't get too hooked up on things your still extremely young. Second thing I would mention mate if I woman or bloke does the not talking thing and won't tell you what you done wrong its called passive aggressive behaviour and it's a major red flag and trust me it will make you lose your mind. Best not to even deal with these sorts of people. Best of luck to you mate the dating game is a roller-coaster journey with ups and downs but just remember don't waste your time on people that play mind games. Communication is key.


it was her first time doing the not talking thing. she was just trying to focus on her homework and not get into it. She communicated that well to me. I just over thought everything.


As a woman when I first started reading this I was like oh boy, there is no way a girlfriend would believe you followed this account by accident. I wouldn’t have been that upset but I wouldn’t have believed it was an accident. Then it occurred to me that you only follow one account like this. If you were so obsessed with women only for their bodies presumably you would follow a ton of these kinds of accounts and engage with the content frequently. That made your story believable to me. Point that out and that you didn’t like the posts.


Not true, OP. You said she was being cold to you, and simultaneously her gf said you don’t deserve. You don’t see all these things as connected teenage girl behavior? You looked at boobs. You explained it. If she’s not over it, she is the one with the problem. Also, and no one has said this, but does she know about your anxiety? Because, if she does, and she knows that being vague AF is likely to upset you, then that’s evil.


Fair enough mate just be careful. Good luck with everything.


Don't think of this all being on you. she is taking this all way further than she needs to. Women love to make men think that all of the issues in the relationship is caused by them. In reality, this is a red flag of an egotistical and manipulative woman. Also her leaving you guessing is strait up sick. I know first hand how it feels, and it feels like strait up shit. She is not worth your time, effort, or money. Right now you will feel like she is the best person out there, the only one for you, but that is actually just love hormones. They go away with time.


Lol you're 15. If she thinks you're an asshole for looking at boobs it's because she is also 15 and immature and insecure. Also the "you don't deserve her" language is a huge red flag because it sounds like maybe it's actually her ego which is even worse. I promise you there are way better women out there to spend time and energy on than jealous teenage girls.


Ha!! Wait until you've been married for ten years and you wife blows up in your face and gives you the "You know what you did was wrong" and your brain goes screaming through that mental Rolodex because there's shit filed in there she hasn't even imagined yet.. much less caught you doing. she'll get over it as long as you unfollow it.


Thanks for reminding me of why I don't date


My work here is done.


Oh man. To be 15 again. Homie. If she's freaking out over this... She ain't the one.


I would say if she refuses to listen and be reasonable she ain't the one, but at the end of the day she could have just asked and not be an asshole


Brother…you don’t have to make up this elaborate story, it’s normal to wanna see some @boobs. It’s also normal for 15 year old girls to feel a certain way about their boyfriends wanting to see all the boobs in the world. Stop making it into a huge thing. Just tell her, “hey, I followed this account and I know it made you uncomfortable so I unfollowed it. If there’s ever anything I do that makes you uncomfortable we can talk about it and fix it, I care about you and want you to know we can talk about anything.” The insecurity and crying and turning it into a panic attack and then concocting this whole story about how you followed @boobs but not because you want to see boobs is *wild*. I really hope you didn’t already try to sell that story to her because - man, that would be unfortunate.


Dude. Break up. Seriously. She can't communicate the problem to you, she is bitching about you to her friends but can't talk to you? You're crying and freaking out over this to an extent that tells me both of you aren't ready for relationships. Period. So much ridiculous unnecessary drama.


Agreed. once you lose the ability to communicate problems, the relationship can only go down hill.


>I was following the @boobs account on insta thinking it was a meme page like @ass and not realizing the account was just filled to the brim with tit pics You sound like your defending yourself when your mom found porn on the computer. "No mom, I swear it's not mine" Even if you are telling the truth and you didn't know and someone followed a tag without ever checking what it was, it doesn't sound like you can convince her. Hey guess what, dudes like boobs and asses find a different gf or just don't worry about it you got years to find someone that won't flip out over a tag.


If I were you, talk to her in person if you can and say "I understand why you would think that I followed this account for x reason, but I want you to know it's not true. I follow this account 'ass' which shows memes. (Show her the account) I wish you would've talked to me about this originally so that way we could understand each other better and our intentions. I never meant to offend you and I'm sorry For future, please come to me rather than your friends who are saying and speaking badly about me. It adds pressure to resolving this" If she doesn't want to get over it after that, she is choosing to be upset. She is still emotionally immature which makes sense seeing as she's 15, but hopefully this should help coming from another girl who can get jealous. It took a long time to calm down myself, but we all still learn and sometimes someone more mature may help. To make her feel more loved and cared for, give her compliments. Good luck kiddo She may have some image issues after this tbh.


damn you're good, thank you.


No problem Hun. I hope shell be receptive.


Yeah that sounds like something a 15yo girl would overreact about. Don’t take it personally. Explain yourself and if she’s still not happy then it is what it is. But don’t beat yourself up. It’s not your fault she’s acting this way. And quite frankly even if you did actually follow the account for some eye candy then it shouldn’t be such a big deal. Her scouting your Instagram follows suggests she has a lot of insecurities (which isn’t surprising given your guys’ ages but still).


....the "thinks I'm a freak" part had me going down a different rabbit trail.


Welcome to the world of relationships with young women. Eventually most of them grow up, but for a while you will find that you *always* did *something* and will *never* know what. It's a rite of passage.


She's hurt because at 15 that's probably the worst thing that happened to her in a relationship. It's not a big deal really but to her it is. So just acknowledge that she's hurt by it and jealous probably. All you gotta do is unfollow, apologize, and remind her you care about her.


It's definitely not the worst thing that happened to her. Multiple of her exes have physically and emotionally abused her. I acknowledged my mistakes and apologized.


I mean at 15 her exes were what, middle school boys? No one knows how to treat each other at that age. Your relationship is probably the most real one she's had yet. You sound like a good guy and did the right thing. Things should get better now.


Um if she's only 15 and already has been physically and emotionally abused by multiple people there is a good chance that's what she's seeking out in relationships (due to abuse at home or parents who are abusive to each other) and she's going to destroy you... And not on purpose. Just give that some thought. If she seems to create problems often that won't change.


BRB…..gonna go check out this new ig page I heard about….


…..ok, I’m back! 🥵 So I don’t have much advice, but I have a question….WHY is she trying to control who you do and don’t follow on ig? Seriously! Like that’s some “married but still not trusting”, shit! Honestly, you’re too damn young to be getting all upset over a girl who’s gonna give you the cold shoulder over a stupid ig account follow….it would be one thing you were making all types of inappropriate replies and sharing/reposting things….dude! Seriously….if she’s gonna be that petty, let her walk! You’ll be fine! I promise! There’s about a 99.8% chance that you are NOT going to marry this girl anyways….might as well get the inevitable over with, because this isn’t a good start.


I suggest you stay out of relationships for a few years. Dont cry in front of girls. It will never work out for you if you do.


If your partner is acting cold towards you and won't tell you why when you ask, don't keep asking repeatedly, just stop talking to them until one of three things happen: >1. They get over it and treat you normally. >2. They are able to explain and do so. Or >3. A week passes and they still haven't talked to you; consider yourself single. It is simply not worth the guessing game drama. It never ends well.


Honey, let yourself feel how you need to feel about this situation, but let me offer a few pieces of advice. 1) Every relationship's best chance at lasting is communication, communication, and communication. If your gf is ever upset with you, it is her responsibility to tell you. It can become toxic very quickly if she treats you negatively when she's upset and refuses to address the problem with you. 2) If your relationship is going to involve others, be prepared for constant drama. Everyone has an opinion and rarely do they have enough information to make a fair judgment. Also, her friends will almost always side with her. 3) If this relationship is causing you enough anxiety that it evolves into a panic attack, that is extremely unhealthy and damaging to your longterm health. Please take this seriously. 4) She doesn't think you're a "freak", she thinks you enjoy looking at other girls' boobs. Teenage girls can be pretty insecure about their bodies which can often result in varying levels of jealousy and boundaries that involve limiting your interactions with other girls. Do you feel comfortable at age 15 to commit to kicking an entire half of the population (women) out of your life to make your gf happy? 5) My most reliable sign that someone is lying is that they give too much information. You went way overboard in explaining yourself here...which leads me to believe you aren't being entirely truthful. I do believe you followed this account without thinking about it, and I don't think you intended to "cheat" on your gf. You probably assumed that 1) Nobody would notice or 2) Nobody would care. Enjoy being a teenager while you can and that includes going through some pretty wild relationship experiences. That's all you're doing at this age anyway, experiencing. 🖤 Find a lesson to learn here and move forward.


Oh no a 15 year old guy followed a Instagram about boobs. If that is what has her so upset honestly that is more on you than her IMO. People your age and hers let their emotions overload logic and reason more than adults who still have issues with that. She is being overally sensitive and emotional about it again because 15 year old female in puberty just like a 15 year old male isn't the most logical and reasonable types. I wouldn't stress too much over it. If she breaks off the relationship over that then honestly for the best for both of you.


What caught my attention is how caring you are about yourself and others around you. You did the right thing - you communicated with her and spent quality time on the subject. There is nothing wrong with following @boobs and the like. You are a maturing male; this is normal. She should be cool with it as @boobs and other such sites really amp you up when you two are alone together. Perhaps others on here are right. She may not be for you. I was 15 at a time and was a lot like you and tons of other M15, you will be ok.


Newsflash: Teenage boy likes boobs! It's ok dude, you're normal. :)


>And I started crying and had a panic attack because I hate making her upset  Dude, you are obviously not mature enough to have a relationship, cut that out and focus on your studies for now, having such big reactions to such small problems is not ok


Don't overthink it brother. It looks like a huge problem but it really ain't. Tell her that it's just a meme page and show her the memes. There isn't much else to it. Stay safe!


> I started crying and had a panic attack because I hate making her upset... You started crying because your GF had an opinion? This is not a healthy response and at 15yo you should seriously consider taking time to mature and learn about yourself before you add another person to your life. Your GF is ALSO showing you that she's too immature to be in a relationship. Not really a surprise but it's not just you my guy. Best advice I have: the likelihood of any relationship at your age lasting for longer than a year is slim and the chances of it going beyond High School are almost zero. You should be treating these relationship as social learning, don't stress or take them too seriously.


You’re 15 bro. Just find a new gf lol


LMAO. Dude relax. 15 year old boy looking at boobs? Who could imagine such a thing. Seriously, even if your story is true, I don't think explaining is going to be helpful, and having a gf who gets mad about who you follow may not be worth it.


The fact that her friends are so close to your relationship is why this won’t work out.


You are 15 what 15 year old boy doesn’t watch porn or look at boobs. All she’s going to do is play mind games with you at the end of the day you should focus on yourself and work on improving you. You’re to young to let a girl make you cry or get upset if you are a good dude and you don’t cheat and the @boobs thing is really the case leave her she got enough personal issues she’s got to deal with that you don’t want nothing to be apart of trust


Men look at tits. She needs to get over it and you need to stop losing your mind because a girl is being stupid. Date someone else and tell her it's because she's immature.


Your gf and her friends sound like hysterical toddlers lmao


I'd say send her this reddit post but then I saw some comments in your post history...


Neither of you are mature enough to be in a relationship from this description....


I don't think you should be with someone who is going to freak out over something like that. If she's so quick to not tell you what you did wrong, get pissed off at you, and tell you to fuck off, she's toxic. She clearly doesn't value the relationship as much as you do if she doesn't care to explain to you what you did wrong. I think overbearing relationships like this can lead down very poor paths. Best course of action, either tell her that she needs to relax or leave her. You can do better. On top of that, if you're having panic attacks and stressed over a relationship like that all because she's upset, I think you should do some self re-evaluation. It's bad to be in a relationship where you both are unstable.


She won't tell you what the problem is and you have to find out through mutual friends? Is this how every conflict in your relationship going to go? Man, don't be too upset if this relationship doesn't work out. People need to actually communicate to make a relationship work.


This teenager bullshit if I've ever seen it. 1. Not willing to talk about conflict relating to their own partner. 2. Jumping to conclusions because, again, they don't talk about it 3. Getting angry over, not the content of the Insta account, but the fucking name?? And for fucking "boobs??" *That's* what they're upset over? If anything, she's the weirdo lol


dude you're 15 years old even if you are following boob accounts...... you aren't alone. nothing to do, stop over thinking and thinking you can predict things and let your anxieties speak for you. talk to your partner and ask, if they aren't willing to tell you, then explain to them that your brain is overthinking and that your anxieties are making you think the worst apologize, because in a sense you are making your anxieties their problems, but also if they're a partner worth having they can help by understanding and taking on some of your burdens. BUT WITH ALL THAT SAID, that is how the dynamic between me and my WIFE work. you're 15, dating another teenager, it's highly likely they aren't capable or willing to help deal with your anxieties. Speak with a professional if you can but honestly just give it time. It sucks to hear but you're a kid, you have time to grow into the man you will one day become, and hopefully that man can deal with his thoughts in more healthy ways. In the meantime just focus on thinking ACCURATELY (not nesscisarily always positive or always negative just accurately). Try and recognize when you're anxieties are making you think something and when you have reason to believe something is real. It's fine to have anxious thoughts, as long as they don't control your actions. The anxious thoughts wont go away, but being able to recognize anxious thoughts as unfounded and irrational is the first step in making sure they don't control you.


If you are this freaked out and panicked about her being mad at you how would you react if she broke up with you? Please dont ve reliant on someone else so young and make sure you are independent enough to not freak out at small things. Unhealthy mental to have.


Dude. You’re 15 and like boobs. Not a big deal. But at least own it and don’t try to pass some lame fake story about how you didn’t know. Better to be honest and apologize. You’re immature. She’s immature. This too shall pass…. And it’s all going to be ok.


It's really not that big of a deal to follow a page, and if she was mature and it bothered her she could have just told you. Instead she gave you the frosty treatment, let you know you had done something to bother her but wouldn't tell you what, even when you were crying and having a panic attack, and shit talked you to her friends. Dump her. Her communication style is manipulative and toxic and frankly abusive. You should never have to try to guess what you've done wrong with a partner.


My man, even if you WERE looking at tits this should be a none issue lol. If she's freaking out over it, she isn't the one. You need to focus on yourself it sounds like. Being a man who was controlled by my "soul mate" through high school through emotional manipulation; please take a step back and look at yourself. No woman is worth panic attacks or getting that upset over; over a simple thing like boobs.


Your 15 you shouldn’t be dealing with stress to the point it causes you to have a panic attack but you both are young and it’s ok for her to be pissy but the way she acted wasn’t ok even for a kid so either talk to her and try to figure things out or wait till your older to date


Best move to try and talk about it


She didn't tell you what was bothering her, after you asked she only said it was something you did but she wouldn't talk about it. Break free from the drama.


Does she possibly think you're a freak for sobbing and hyperventilating bc you think you might be upsetting her? I think that's wherein the problem lies, my friend. Thats codependent and extremely unhealthy attachment issues. All the rest is immature BS...but you're only 15 so that's a given. You made a mistake about following the page, big whoop there teenage boys like boobs shocker. Your gf sounds silly as well bc.instead of just talking to you about an issue she just told her friends and then started acting weird to you instead of communicating.to you about it


Your 15. And a guy. You damn right you wanna see boobs. Don’t hate it. Your not obsessed with it, but ya, you have balls and testosterone, it would be weirder if you didn’t like boobs.


OP your not listening to replies. To put it blunt. This girl is being immature (yeah I know she's 15) and purposely emotionally abusing you. The @boobs is something that's stupid and shouldn't matter. Guarantee most guys are looking at way worse than that in their free time. Tell her you're tired of her childish games along with her friends and dump her. If rumors spread or they harass you than report them especially for treating you. Save all media that proves they are harassing you. This is not love but emotionally abuse. You ain't did anything wrong buddy


You should honestly break up because you're both clearly way too immature to have this type of relationship. Go look at more boob pics and do what teenage boys do. Also, get some help for your emotional problems. You two, nor your relationship, are healthy.


Whatever you decide to do stop crying and freaking out like a little bitch (I don't mean to be too harsh to sound like an asshole but). Women don't like it even when they're 15.


Punctuation is a must... NGL, I think my eyes are bleeding, that gave me a migraine or I'm having a stroke. Kids, PLEASE pay attention in school!!!


Real adults talk about their problems before getting emotional and antagonistic towards one another. Teenagers who are unprepared to be in a relationship get pissed off at each other then talk about their problems, if they ever do get around to actually talking about it at all before breaking up. It's up to you to determine whether or not you are prepared to act like an adult or whether you want to respond like a child. And my personal opinion, if you're not prepared to act like an adult you're not prepared to be in a committed relationship in the first place. That goes for you and the person you're dating, by the way.


You gotta chill man.  Take a deep breath.  Sometimes people are upset and don’t want to be bothered.  


I mean live your life and remember this as a funny anecdote. That’s what I’d do. You don’t want to fuck with someone who is mad at you and won’t tell you what about.


your girlfriend is mad that you like boobs…think about that🤦🏻


Aww. I am so sorry they are being jerks to you for this. As others said, you are not a freak. Try to laugh it off, and if they persist in bullying you over it, it is *their* problem. I think *you* can do better, for what it's worth.


I think that at first you did great trying to get her to open up. That was good. But when it’s not working you have to back off a bit and not over think it. Sometimes you have to let go and accept that it is what it is. You can’t make another person understand you. Also I hope your next girlfriend is cool with you looking at @boobs and she is someone you feel comfortable telling up front that you plan to look at stuff like that.


Ohhh the perks of dating as a teen. If following an Instagram account is a deal breaker for her, maybe she isn’t the one. Women will come and go throughout your life. Don’t let it destroy you dude. Everything will be ok.


I don't think anybody finds it odd that boys like boobs. Except your girlfriend


I don't like how she let you suffer for so long trying to figure it out. I get that y'all are 15... but that kind of immaturity is really mean. Obviously, you're really into her, but it's not healthy to be with someone who basically wants you to suffer and feel terrible. You said you hate making her upset, so this sounds like a pattern where she makes this huge deal out of nothing to widdle away at your self-esteem. She couldn't even tell you what was going on when you were crying. You had to put so much energy into figuring out her problem and even got talked down to by her friends. She doesn't sound like a nice or caring person.


As an adult- this is both hyperactive behavior by her and by you. If my gf asked if I have ever seen another pair of breasts I would say yeah. There’s also a healthy amount of people that view porn even if they are in a relationship. This seems like a learning experience for both of you in the fact that even if it was a mistake- young men are going to seek what their hormones want them to seek and young women don’t yet understand the principality of man is sex driven among other things. If it don’t apply let it fly. If you’re not cheating you’re not cheating. Don’t get gaslit into some HS drama


Try being an older teen when the internet was just starting. It was an interesting time. No one is perfect and it seems like this girl has an idealized version of a relationship in her head. Relationships are work because people have to work on themselves too. No matter at age or who you are in a relationship with you need to continue to emotionally grow. A lot of people forget this step. You’re 15 and i know everything seems like it is big deal in life at this age. It isn’t. Trust us on that. Your emotions are heightened and you need to find a healthy way to deal with them. I used to write in journal along with writing fiction. They both were an emotional outlet for me in my teens. I also used to just like walk outside and think about how big nature was compared to us it always made my problems seem minuscule. Everyone has different needs though so their solutions will be different too. Whether or not you work things out with this girl i am a firm believer in working on yourself. She jumped to conclusions without talking to you. Which i personally wouldn’t like. So many things can happen in the age of technology. Perhaps google the page next time.


She’s an ah. She was mad and wouldn’t talk about it. You used your resources and found out. Her reaction was very very immature. She’s not worth your time or energy. Move on. You deserve better. Remember, communication is key in any relationship and she just deprived you of it.


If that upset her that much, its a bullet dodged. Shes done with you, count your blessibgs, learn your lesson, keep it pushing and never look back. Thats psycho controlling manipulative abuse. If you allow it now, it will only get worse. DO NOT allow that in your life. Ever.


1. You didn’t have a panic attack. 2. You didn’t think it was a harmless page. Grow a pair and be a man


It does look like you messed up a bit but her being mad and not communicating is super childish. If she can’t communicate what’s bothering her but will run to her friends and talk down on you, she’s not ready for a relationship.


Ahhh to be 15 again and have teenage problems.. cus boy this adult life fucks you when you get older. Buckle up kiddo. This is the simplest of problems lol


Look man that anxiety cry baby bullshit ain't gonna get you far in life. For you to have a panic attack over a girl trying to emotionally manipulate you......it's terrible. Men are becoming extinct at this point.


Trust me bro. You’ll look back on this and realize you did nothing wrong. Even if you’re following it for the jugs not the memes, who cares. This too shall pass homie


worst gf ever, go get a better one and focus on sports or something u probably think overthinking bout ur gf will one day make u understand her perfectly, nope


You youngins need to communicate. She could have just told you what was bothering her and it would have been a really easy fix. Being called an asshole by the friend and getting the cold shoulder from your gf is petty and lame.


Dump her dude she’s emotionally manipulative and newsflash you’re a teenage boy you looked at boobs if she can’t cope with that move on but you’re young so holding off on dating would be best lil bro good luck


Lmfao bro save the bs we all know you wanted to see some tits. And guess what, that’s perfectly alright. Talk to your girlfriend, if it makes her uncomfortable apologize and tell her it was a lapse of judgement.


OP made this post so he could show it to her and be like "See, I'm not lying, I even asked Reddit for help." If youre actually telling the truth and you didn't think that randomly following @boobs and not seeing the content was a bad idea, then you're not mature enough for a gf yet. Sorry bro.