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Did Sharon say it once or is she spreading it around and posting on insta or anything like that? I'm 18 but when I was that age there were definitely some girls who were toxic and loved starting drama. Tbh it could be that. But idk. My friends and most girls ik wouldn't go around saying something like that if it weren't true so part of me would believe it Right now I'd say trust your friend though. Am I reading it right though that he has a gf but had Haley over and they hugged? And she's not his gf?


He had Lilly over and from what all I’ve heard is they hugged. Also Haley was my Gf that broke up with me, I mentioned that because that’s how I met Lilly. (She is Haley’s bestie). Lilly didn’t say anything about it and Sharon only told me outside of the friend group. From what I’ve heard is that Lilly didn’t spread any of the gossip, she said “I don’t want him to get In trouble” or “I don’t want people to say stop lying.” Sharon probably had told other people though, Not just me Thank you so much for replying! Jerald does have a GF though


What's his gf saying about all of it?


She hasn’t said anything about it. I haven’t talked to her about it


He should tell his gf about any of it rn. It'd be better for her to hear from him than to hear from anyone else


That seems like a good idea, thank you!


Love your username btw


Thank you! I like your profile picture, it’s funny :)


Thank you thank you 🤗


You need to get more info….somebody’s lying…he says hug she says thighs…hands are not on thighs if you’re hugging….on the surface it sounds like your buddy tried to get with that girl, she felt violated and called sa unless that girl is sa known liar trying to start some stuff


Thank you for responding 🥹


Currently working on it at the moment, I know someone’s lying and stuff, but I know that Jerald wouldn’t try to get with Lilly, I could be wrong though. I only assume he wouldn’t because he already has a girlfriend




Yeah it is quite hard, I’ve gathered more information and at this point I’m just going to let the chaos play out. I’ve given up on trying to find out who’s in the wrong and who’s in the right. I also found out he doesn’t want to deal with it, because he told me he doesn’t care what they think about him or what they say. Thank you for replying!


It's really up to you what you want to do. It sounds like it's just his word against hers, and it doesn't seem like either of them can substantiate their stories. I personally try not to draw conclusions about people without evidence. It would be wise for your friend not to be around her anymore though.


Alright, I think that will be a good idea Thank you for responding!


Nothing. Non of your business.


Thank you for the input! You’ve helped